
Listen to Smarty 12

Jan 3rd, 2013
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  1. "-awty Fwiend! Smawty Fwiend! Pwease nu sweepie!"
  2. >You are Listen, a Smarty Friend
  3. >You're head aches as you slowly regain consciousness; you can barely hear yourself think over the terrible ringing in your ears
  4. >Trying to get back on your feet, you stumble a bit and are caught by a pair of pink hooves belonging to Freddy; you realize he is trying to talk to you, but you can barely understand the panicked pegasus
  5. >You try to pull yourself together, try to recall what happened; your mind is filled with jumbled of pictures and sounds, nothing fits together or make any sense
  6. "Smawty otay? Fweddy scawedy dat Twig an' meanie fwuffy gif yuu biggest owwies."
  7. >It all comes back to you
  8. >The safe place, the raiders
  9. >TWIG
  10. >Your teeth clench as you remember her: her hoof slamming down upon you, her mocking tone rising above the ringing in your ears
  11. "Wooks wike Smawty nu su smawt aftew aww."
  12. "Whewe Twig?"
  13. >Freddy mumbles something, too panicked to speak; you begin to growl, frustrated with his weakness
  14. "WHEWE TWIG?!"
  15. "Twig nu hewe."
  16. >You snap your head around to find yourself face-to-face with Cinder
  17. "Whewe Twig gu?!"
  18. "Fweddy an' Cindew chase Twig off afta she gib Smawty owwie-sweepies. Twig an' waidews den wun off into fowest, nu could fowwow."
  19. >Freddy looks at the ground sadly
  20. "Waidews take wossa fwiends."
  21. >Turning your attention to the herd, you try to assess the damage: many of your stallions are crying, either from owwies or loss; there are several fluffies laying down on the field, not moving at all, but you can't make out if any are yours
  22. >The mares on the other hand, have been decimated: only Sweetie, Ice, and Greenie remain
  23. >You notice that Greenie is hugging two foals tightly, as if letting go would make them disappear: one you recognize as Licorice, the other is Purple's dark blue and grayish blue unicorn colt (you think his name is Giggle?); you don't see any other foals
  24. >You make your way down to the battlefield, trying to identify the big sleeping fluffies: though their scents are somewhat masked by the smell of boo-boo juice, from what you can sniff out and judging by their unfamiliar colors, you don't think any of them were from your herd
  25. >It seems strange to you that despite the raider's successful sneak attack, none of your herd perished; before you can consider this further, however, your herd mates surround you, having noticed you are awake, and start bombarding you with complaints
  26. "Sky nu can fin' speshal fwiend!" "Mint hab owwies…" "Babbehs nee' mummahs!!" "Twig meanie fwuffy, nu wike."
  27. >Your ears twitch violently as you try to speak to the herd, but you can't get a word in edge wise with all your fluffies so focused on whining at you
  28. >Their stupid, idiotic whining
  29. "Why Smawty nu hewp hewd?!"
  30. >You whip your head around towards your accuser, finding yourself glaring straight at Raindrop
  31. "Shut. Up."
  32. >Your herd immediately becomes silent, several even backing up several steps; Raindrop tries to hide behind Mint, withering under your hate-filled gaze
  33. >Cowards
  34. >Letting out a low growl to get the fluffies standing before you to part, you make your way out of the herd circle; you've got to many important things to think about to waste your time with your dummy herd
  35. >You scan the surrounding forest, looking for any sign of Twig's herd, listening for any cry of your mares, but there's nothing, not a single trace
  36. >Twig's herd is long gone and you'll never see your herd mares again
  37. >The herd will move faster, at least, and without foals to look out for, there might be enough nummies for everyone to eat their fill
  38. >Such thoughts give little comfort; your herd is broken and it's all your fault
  39. >All because you COULDN'T-
  40. "Smawty Fwiend?"
  41. >You don't bother turning around
  42. "Wha' Ice wan'?"
  43. "Nu nuu wha du wit meanie fwuffy. Wha Smawty wan du?"
  44. >Meanie fluffy? What is she-
  45. >You feel your eyes go wide as you realize something important
  46. >A raider
  47. >Your herd has one of the raiders
  48. >You turn around to face Ice; if you have one of Twig's herd...
  49. "Shuw meanie fwuffy tu Smawty."
  50. >Ice leads you back towards the herd, filling you in with the events leading up to your owwie-sleep; apparently while you were in the hide-hole, Cinder noticed several fluffies he didn't recognize mixed in with your herd, some of whom were leading groups of mares away from the rest of the herd; when he told them to get back with the rest of the herd, they started trying to give owwies to everyone and dragging off mares into the woods
  51. >Apparently, the fluffy you hold captive actually tried to give Ice special huggies in the middle of the herd brawl, only to receive a buck in the no-nos; after the raiders ran off, Ice and the others beat the meanie into submission, waiting for your approval before giving him biggest owwies
  52. >You find your prisoner being sat upon by Sliugger, the raider desperately struggling to free himself from being pinned underneath your large herd mate's weight
  53. "Dummy fwuffy ge' offa Ugwy! Ugwy wan' speshal huggies!"
  54. >While most of Ugly, which you guess is your prisoner's name, is hidden under Slugger's bulk, you can from his head and tail that he isn't very clean: his purple fluff is very dirty and full of knots, while his mustard tail is covered in dried poop; his purple horn, sticking out of his messy mane, is chipped at the end, which may be why he hasn't tried to shoot any sparks yet
  55. >Judging by his name and appearance, Ugly was probably his herd's Bad Fluffy: a fluffy who does bad things and refuses to be good or clean or brave to make up for them; he reminds you a lot of Bad Fluffy Sharp, who refused to clean himself or help the herd, but then get angry at everyone else when they wouldn't groom him or let him sleep in the fluff pile
  56. >Ugly notices you and Ice and begins shouting at the both of you
  57. "Dummy fwuffies wet Ugwy gu! An' dummy mawe gif Ugwy speshal huggies now!"
  58. >Ice blows a raspberry at Ugly, causing him to start ranting about how much he deserves special hugs
  59. >Uninterested in listening to Ugly's selfish wants, you walk up to the restrained stallion and slam your hoof hard on his nose, pinning his mouth closed; he whimpers as a small amount of boo-boo juice trickles out of his nose
  60. "Dummy Ugwy be quiet ow Wissen mek hewd gif dummy Ugwy biggest owwies. Unnastan?"
  61. >Ugly weakly nods his head and you can smell the faint scent of urine coming from underneath Slugger, who grumpily shifts his body to try and touch less of your disgusting prisoner
  62. "Ugwy waidew?"
  63. >Ugly looks at you meekly but says nothing; you growl at him
  64. "Ugwy twy waid hewd?!"
  65. >He still says nothing; you smack his head with your hoof
  66. "Ugwy tek Wissen hewd mawes?!!"
  67. >Ugly begins to sob softly again but still refuses to-
  68. >Oh
  69. "Ugwy can tawk if Wissen ask qwesshon."
  70. >Ugly mumbles into the dirt as he continues to sob
  71. "Fwuffy nu wan take Wissen mawes, Smawty say Ugwy take mawes ow geh biggest owwies. Say if Ugwy bwing bak mawe, Ugwy haf speshal fwiend, finawwy haf speshal huggies!"
  72. "Whu Ugwy Smawty?"
  73. "Smawty meanie fwuffy Twig. Su pwetty, buh nu wet Ugwy speshal huggies! Ugwy- mmph!"
  74. >You press back down on Ugly's nose, shutting him up as you think: Twig was the smarty! That's why she was so good at tricking you! You feel your insides growing hot as you think of her pretending to be nice and dummy while all the while, all so you wouldn't notice your herd being raided until it was too late
  75. "How big Twig hewd?"
  76. >Ugly seems hesitant to answer, his eyes darting around in an attempt not to look at you; you raise your hoof up to smack him, causing your captive to wince and begin babbling
  77. "Twig hewd smaww, nu hab mawes ow mummas, nu hab many stawwions! Twig say hewd nee' babbehs tu be stwong again, nee waid. Buh waid dummy, gif hewd big owwies, nu wet hewd sweep in safe hidey-hole, mek hewd sweep in icky wog insted…
  78. >You feel your lips curl into a mean feeling smile: Twig's herd is weak; that's why her herd couldn't give yours biggest owwies even though your herd mates acted like dummies instead of protecting each other and the mares
  79. >Excitement begins to mix with the hot, painful feeling in your chest; your herd is stronger: you can get the mares back, you can make your herd whole again, you can fix your dummy mistake!
  80. >You can HURT Twig
  81. >All you need is for Ugly to show you the way
  82. "Ugwy show Wissen whewe Twig hewd saf' peace am, ow Wissen gib Ugwy biggest owwies."
  83. >Ugly pupils shrinks and looks like he's about to make scaredy poopies
  84. "NU! Ugwy nu can! Nu fwuffy shuw nu-hewd whewe wog is, ow hewd tek no-nos an gib fowevah sweepies!"
  85. >You consider just beating Ugly until he tells you, but he might go big sleepies before you find out where Twig is; luckily, you know how to get a bad fluffy to do what you want
  86. "Wissen hewd stwong, nu wet Ugwy ge' owwies. Wissen hewd gif Twig hewd owwies, mek dem sowwy dey be meanie tu Ugwy."
  87. >Ugly's eyes go wide at this: you can tell he's beginning to falter, just need to push him a little farther
  88. "If Ugwy shuw Wissen whewe wog am, Wissen hewd mek dummy hewd cwean Ugwy, mek dem mek Ugwy suuu pwetty. Den, wet Ugwy hab speshal huggies."
  89. >Ugly looks at you with happy sad-wawas in his eyes
  90. "U-Ugwy hab speshal huggies? Ugwy be pwetty, hab speshal huggies wif pwetty mawe?"
  91. >You can barely hold back the wicked grin on your face
  92. "Wet Ugwy hab speshal huggies wif pwettiest mawe! Wet Ugwy hab speshal huggies… wif Twig!"
  93. >Ugly squeals with excitement and starts humping the ground he lays on; Slugger finally has enough and practically leaps off the disgusting stallion, who continues to slam his crotch into the pee-soaked dirt
  94. "Ugwy *enf* show fwiend *enf* safe peace! *enf enf* Ugwy shuw meanie hewd, *enf* Ugwy gonna speshal huggies Twig! *enf enf enf*"
  95. >You head back towards the herd, leaving Slugger and Ice to watch Ugly; you doubt he'll try to escape now, though
  96. >Have to get your herd moving: the glowy sky ball is starting to go home now, Ugly might not be able to find his way back in the dark
  97. >Have to get your mares back, make your herd happy again
  98. >Have to fix everything
  99. ---
  100. >You are Barney, a fluffy pony
  101. >You are walking with your herd through a forest; no one is speaking, except for Ugly, the meanie fluffy your herd is following
  102. >Your Smarty Friend says that Ugly will show you where meanie Twig took your mares; everyone was happy about getting their special friends back, but now they're getting worried about dealing with Twig's meanie herd
  103. >The Smarty says that Twig's herd is small and weak, that your herd will give them biggest owwies and take the mares back; you're not so sure: if the meanie herd is weak, how did they take your mares?
  104. >You feel very worried: your herd is so small now, what if Twig's herd is bigger now? You could lose all your friends, you could get biggest owwies!
  105. >The Smarty stops moving, causing the rest of the herd to stop; Ugly keeps moving forward for awhile until he realizes no one is following him
  106. >While the Smarty looks around the trees for something, you glance at Slugger: he's your herd's best Toughie, he even managed to keep the raiders from taking his special friend; maybe you could stay close to him so the meanie fluffies can't hurt you?
  107. >Slugger notices you looking at you and glares angrily, causing you to back away and look elsewhere; right, Slugger hasn't liked you since you gave special huggies to his special friend, Sweetie; maybe staying near him wouldn't be such a good idea
  108. >Besides, Slugger might try to run off if the meanie herd is too strong; you left Sweetie behind at the dummy safe place
  109. >Greenie got very upset when the Smarty said everyone was going to get the mares back, said she wouldn't take the babbehs where they could get owwies
  110. >You've never seen the Smarty get so mad at Greenie before: he smacked her nose and called her a dummy, he said that without mummas, the babbehs would get tummy-owwies and go big sleepies
  111. >It was only after Greenie started crying that Smarty told her to give the babbehs to Sweetie, since she was the only soon-mumma left
  112. >You felt bad leaving them behind: one of the foals was your all-black ex-babbeh, Licorice
  113. >The Smarty stops looking around and tells everyone to start moving again; Ugly looks confused but resumes leading, still babbling about what he's going to do after you give his herd owwies
  114. "-den gib Twig mouf huggies, den speshal huggies again, den speshal huggies again, den-"
  115. >You don't like Ugly
  116. >It's not just that he's not pretty or that he's dirty; he acts like special huggies are the only thing in the world: he doesn't care about the mare he has them with or the babbehs he'll make, all he wants is the good feel, not caring about what makes special huggies so special
  117. >Just like you used to
  118. >You stare sadly at the ground as you continue following the herd
  119. >You acted just like Ugly: you didn't care that Peach was so upset and scaredy about the babbehs, you just wanted to play and have special hugs with her
  120. >Raindrop says that its the Smarty's fault bad things keep happening to the herd; that if the Smarty was really smart, the herd would be happy, safe, and clean
  121. >You never said anything, but you know the truth: it's your fault
  122. >You had not-special special huggies with Lady, and then everything went bad
  123. >You lost your special friend, your herd lost its land; you lost two litters of babbehs, and your herd lost all its mares
  124. >All because you didn't love Peach enough
  125. >You look up, eyes stinging with angry sad-wawas
  126. >Somewhere in this forest, a herd of meanie fluffies has your ex-special friend and ex-babbehs
  127. >And you're going to get them back
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