
Crock the Second

Jul 4th, 2014
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  1. Name: Crock the Second/ Crock Ignitus Dile
  2. Age: 23
  4. Birth Option: Grandaeluxian Native
  6. Race: Human
  8. Physical Appearance: 5'11, Athletic Body Type, Crock the Second is the perfect model for the average Grandaeluxian cavalry soldier. Tied by Blond hair, Ridiculously beautiful, Blue eyes, etc etc gay fuck shit.
  10. Backstory: Crock Ignitus Dile started life as a son of a couple who had began a molding and pottery business, skilled in the art of engraved goblets and cups and that sort. While he was around two they were out on a family hike where they found two starved and lost Dwarves. Giving the dwarves a place to stay and feeding them led to a strong family bond between The Dile’s and the Dwarve’s which led to trading between the two families and a long line of success for the couple. During the next few years Crock excelled in his studies and learned the family trade quite well even going off to neighboring towns some times to sell his own wares so that he could have enough to start his own shop. Before he ever got this far however, he was drafted into the army where he proved to be a remarkable cavalier’s men fighting with the blade and shield on horseback. During this time he made few friends with the other men in his unit and on his second deployment he took a heavy wound to the leg giving him an almost permanent limp. He was able to complete his duty while on horseback, but when the time came for his unit to march to meet up with a larger unit he was not fit for the task. They sent him home where he returned to his parents injured and a bit more serious then when he was younger. Home stricken while his leg continued to heal he spent his free time practicing his swordsmanship and using the money he earned before he left for the army to purchase the stallion that he had rode within his unit for his personal use. Finding that he could walk barely with a cane he began to take interest in the family business as well as some magic after meeting a group of elves on a ride one day. They gifted him a flute to practice some earth magic and stuff and filled his mind with thoughts of ADVENTURE.
  12. Benefits:
  13. Natural warrior
  14. Natural affinity to monster-slaying and hunting.
  15. Largest of the humans.
  16. Second-most intelligent of the humans.
  17. Nigga can ride horses
  19. Penalties:
  20. Second-least magical of the humans.
  21. Nigga has a limp
  23. Feats:
  26. -Magical Elf Fucking Flute
  27. -Got my fucking war-horse steed
  28. -Large Rucksack (Holds food items, rope, etc)
  29. -Maps
  30. -Drawing pencils and pens
  31. -Fucking Notebooks of D000M
  32. -Family heirloms and shit
  33. -Money purse, nigga aint poor.
  34. -Hand-Axe for wood chopping and fucking yo daughter's bitch
  35. -Fucking Magic Walking Stick of greatness
  36. -Tobacco Pipe
  37. Armaments:
  38. Nigga rocks with his steel long-sword ya'know. Shit he used back in his cavalry days. Fucked some bitches with this shit.
  39. Nigga also had a fucking buckler yo. Iron buckler, painted the Dile crest on that shit, nigga's won't fuck with him
  40. Bitch Nigga also has some bows and arrows and shit. He's basically god
  41. Armour:
  42. Iron Chainmail, helm, greaves, guards etc.
  43. He has some horse armor he carries/
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