

Feb 18th, 2018
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  1. Branding is one of the most important aspects of any business, large or small, retail or B2B. An effective brand strategy gives a major edge in increasingly competitive markets. But what exactly does "branding" mean? How does it affect a small business like ours?
  2. The foundation of our brand is our logo. our website, packaging and promotional materials--all of which should integrate our logo--communicate our brand.
  3. our brand is our promise to our customer.
  4. ===Defining our Brand==
  5. What is our company's mission?
  6. What are the benefits and features of our products or services?
  7. What do our customers and prospects already think of our company?
  8. What qualities do we want them to associate with our company?
  9. steps
  10. Get a great logo. ...
  11. good color
  12. Write down your brand messaging. ...
  13. Integrate your brand. ...
  14. Create a "voice" for your company that reflects your brand. ...
  15. Develop a tagline. ...
  16. Design templates and create brand standards for your marketing materials. ...
  17. Be true to your brand. ...
  18. Be consistent.
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