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Monika Hypnosis Part 2

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Nov 15th, 2017
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  1. The walk back to Monika's house passes in what feels like a never-ending haze. At first I'm terrified that someone will see us, a thrall helpless in his mis-in Monika's arms, but soon it becomes clear that as far as everyone else is concerned, we're just another disgustingly cute couple on their way home from school. Monika leads me by the arm, and I follow, trying to gather my thoughts as my feet carry me forward automatically.
  3. "...Can't believe this is actually happening. What exactly did you...?"
  4. "Ahahaha~ Well..." Monika's sly look slips a bit, and for a moment she looks almost sheepish. "...You know me, Anon. When I'm trying something new sometimes I...get ahead of myself a little." Her smug grin returns. "So, we'll just have to find out together, won't we?" She gives my arm a gentle squeeze. "I'll try and walk you through it though, alright? So...the first trigger. When I say the word [[dearest]]..."
  6. Pleasure courses through my body, and I feel my face flush. I nearly stumble, but Monika supports me, holding me closer.
  8. "'re supposed to feel very, very least, I think that's how I phrased it." She gives me a knowing glance. "It looks like you're not complaining, at any rate. It won't put you back under, exactly, but if it works, it should make you More suggestible, more honest...oh, and while you're like that, you can't help but call me 'Mistress'. Does that sound about right?"
  9. "Y-yes. Mistress."
  10. "Ahahaha~ Good! Anyway, we're here. Would you like to come inside?"
  11. For a moment I try and compose my words, but it's already useless. "Yes, mistress."
  13. Monika takes my hand and leads me to her room. Still lost in a mental fog, I barely notice as she dims the lights and slips me out of my jacket, tossing it over a chair along with her own. "Let's take a seat on the bed, shall we?"
  14. "Y-yeah..."
  15. Sitting next to me, she leans in and runs a finger down my cheek. "Now...let's try out the next trigger...ok, [[honey]]?"
  16. In a flash, the sensation of her finger tracing its way down my face becomes...exponentially more intense. The feeling of her soft skin, even such a tiny absolute bliss. Helpless against this new assault, I take her hand and hold it to my face; the sensation is so wonderful that I'm worried I might faint. My grip weakens, and Monika takes to opportunity to run her hand down my neck. I let out a broken sigh. "Aa-aaaaaah..."
  17. Monika's eyes are practically glowing green at this point. "Ooh, looks like that one worked, too~ It's supposed to make you 'ten times more sensitive', but I wonder how that actually feels? I mean, it's not like you actually have a way to measure, right? Ahaha, sorry, you probably don't care about that right now, do you?"
  18. I can only manage a whimper in response.
  19. "Sorry, sorry~" She cups my head in her hands and draws me into a kiss.
  21. My mind spins, and everything else goes blank. There's nothing else in the entire world but her lips, and...and her...tongue...
  22. She breaks away. Somehow I'm laid out on the bed now, with Monika looming over me. Her expression is pure hunger.
  23. "Anon...I really didn't think I'd be enjoying this so much but...ah, you're just so cute..." She pulls the ribbon from her ponytail, and her hair falls in curtains around us. "Just like in the club room..."
  24. She's undoing her shirt, but...I barely even care, I just need her to touch me again...
  25. " were so adorable...lost in your trance. I couldn't help myself, I had to see just how far I could take you...god, this is so exciting..." Distantly, through my lust-induced haze, I see her lick her lips. "Ready for the last trigger?"
  26. "Yes..."
  27. "Oh? What, was that, [[dearest]]?" With the last word, she puts a finger to my lips. It feels as good as another kiss.
  28. "Yes, mistress!"
  29. "That's better." She straddles me, lowering herself until she's inches from her face. Even her quick, warm breaths are like the softest caress. What more can she do to me? I'm already putty in her hands.
  30. "Now...when I say this next one," her breathing is heavy, her body so, so, warm,"'re going to let go of every worry, every unneeded thought. Nothing left but me, and the pleasure we can give each other, alright? Just let go, nothing else matters, just me. Just your mistress."
  31. God, yes, please. I need this, need her, need Monika, need Mistress, need...w-why isn't she saying the trigger...?
  32. I open my eyes and find myself staring straight into hers. They're aflame with an almost...wicked light.
  33. "Beg for it, [[dearest]]"
  34. Shame was something I'd abandoned long ago, but the meaning of the word is completely lost as another wave of euphoria crashes over me.
  35. "Please mistress, please, you're so beautiful and...and perfect, please, take me deeper, I'm...I'm going crazy, I need you, please..."
  36. Monika grins as she draws close and whispers into my ear. "Ahaha~ I could just eat you up...[[darling]]"
  38. The universe collapses around us. Space and time cease to exist, there's only beautiful, perfect mistress, and...and my absolute need to please her. What clothing remains is quickly removed, and exquisite thighs press against me as I enter inside her. Mistress speaks, but I can't even process the words anymore, it's a siren's song, the most wonderful thing I've ever heard...still, her commands seep straight into my mind...I know that I'm not allowed to finish until she has, as if anything else was even possible! Mistress' pleasure is my pleasure, her bliss is my bliss...each caress of a soft, sublime curve, each kiss, is an offering to her absolute majesty. I want to be hers forever. Just hers. Just Mistress'. Just...
  40. What's left of the world folds in on itself. Only one thing exists, the knowledge that I have Pleased My Mistress. Slowly, the universe rebuilds itself, and I find myself in her arms.
  42. ...
  44. My legs still shake, even the next morning, but the drudgery of the school-day slowly brings me back to sobriety.
  45. Even the sight of Mis-of Monika at club is tempered by the presence of the others, and the easy way we all settle into our usual routines. Natsuki pulling a stack of manga out of her bag, Sayori scribbling down decoration ideas for the next poetry reading, and Yuri fixing the tea...although today's setup seems more elaborate than usual.
  46. "Um...I know there's been a bit of a bug going around lately, so I thought...I'd bring some things that are good for sore throats...would anyone like any lemon or [[honey]] in their tea?"
  48. A chill runs down my spine...then I relax. That's right, if M-if Monika's not the one to say it, then it isn't a trig-
  49. "Thanks, Yuri, I'd love some [[honey]] in mine!" Her face a mask of innocent, Monika rubs her foot along my leg under the desk. I look her in the eye and try to fix my expression into something stern, despite the mounting pleasure.
  50. "Ah...I'm glad, nothing's better than tea with honey this time of...A-anon? Are you alright?"
  52. fin.
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