

Mar 3rd, 2019
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  1. on pick up:
  2. if the item's name is "AthleticStart":
  3. execute console command "/effect %player% clear"
  4. remove all ender pearls from player's inventory
  5. set player's health to player's max health
  6. set player's food level to 10
  7. set {%player%.BeforeGamemode} to player's gamemode
  8. set player's gamemode to adventure
  9. set {%player%.CheckPoint} to player's location
  10. set {%player%.challengeing} to the item's lore
  11. set {%player%.playing} to 1
  12. wait for 1 tick
  13. remove the item from player's inventory
  14. send player title "&c&l●●●" for 1 second
  15. wait for 1 second
  16. send player title "&c&l●●&a&l●" for 1 second
  17. wait for 1 second
  18. send player title "&c&l●&a&l●●" for 1 second
  19. wait for 1 second
  20. send player title "&a&l●●●" for 1 second
  21. set {%player%.StartTime} to now
  22. if the item's name is "AthleticCheckPoint":
  23. if {%player%.playing} is 1:
  24. set {%player%.between} to "%difference between now and {%player%.StartTime}%"
  25. replace all "seconds" and "second" with "秒" in {%player%.between}
  26. replace all "minutes" and "minute" with "分" in {%player%.between}
  27. replace all "hours" and "hour" with "時間" in {%player%.between}
  28. replace all "days" and "day" with "日" in {%player%.between}
  29. replace all "and" with "" in {%player%.between}
  30. replace all " " with "" in {%player%.between}
  31. broadcast "&6%player%が&r%the item's lore%&6を%{%player%.between}%で通過しました!"
  32. set {%player%.CheckPoint} to player's location
  33. set player's health to player's max health
  34. set player's food level to 10
  35. wait for 1 tick
  36. remove the item from player's inventory
  37. if the item's name is "AthleticGoal":
  38. if {%player%.playing} is 1:
  39. set {%player%.between} to "%difference between now and {%player%.StartTime}%"
  40. replace all "seconds" and "second" with "秒" in {%player%.between}
  41. replace all "minutes" and "minute" with "分" in {%player%.between}
  42. replace all "hours" and "hour" with "時間" in {%player%.between}
  43. replace all "days" and "day" with "日" in {%player%.between}
  44. replace all "and" with "" in {%player%.between}
  45. replace all " " with "" in {%player%.between}
  46. broadcast "&e%player%が&r%{%player%.challengeing}%&eを%{%player%.between}%でクリアしました!"
  47. send player title "&eGOAL!!" for 3 seconds
  48. set player's gamemode to {%player%.BeforeGamemode}
  49. set {%player%.playing} to 0
  50. set player's health to player's max health
  51. set player's food level to 10
  52. wait for 1 tick
  53. remove the item from player's inventory
  54. command /start <text>:
  55. trigger:
  56. set {name} to arg
  57. replace all "&" with "§" in {name}
  58. execute console command "/execute @p ~ ~ ~ /summon item ~ ~ ~ {Item:{id:""minecraft:heavy_weighted_pressure_plate"",Count:1b,tag:{display:{Name:""AthleticStart"",Lore:[""%{name}%""]}}}}"
  59. command /checkpoint <text>:
  60. trigger:
  61. set {name} to arg
  62. replace all "&" with "§" in {name}
  63. execute console command "/execute @p ~ ~ ~ /summon item ~ ~ ~ {Item:{id:""minecraft:lapis_block"",Count:1b,tag:{display:{Name:""AthleticCheckPoint"",Lore:[""%{name}%""]}}}}"
  64. command /goal:
  65. trigger:
  66. execute console command "/execute @p ~ ~ ~ /summon item ~ ~ ~ {Item:{id:""minecraft:light_weighted_pressure_plate"",Count:1b,tag:{display:{Name:""AthleticGoal""}}}}"
  67. on damage:
  68. if damage is caused by fall:
  69. if {%victim%.playing} is 1:
  70. teleport the victim to {%victim%.CheckPoint}
  71. command /cp:
  72. trigger:
  73. if {%player%.playing} is 1:
  74. teleport the player to {%player%.CheckPoint}
  75. on death:
  76. if {%victim%.playing} is 1:
  77. set player's health to player's max health
  78. set player's food level to 10
  79. teleport the player to {%player%.CheckPoint}
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