
[AB/DL] Baby Blue, Part 2

Apr 3rd, 2019
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  1. ...which meant that I wasn't the only caretaker.
  3. After a somewhat lengthy walk, we ended up in a pharmacy of sorts. "Maheswaran's Medicine", it was called. Priyanka managed to convince Greg to loan some money for a startup, and it seemed to pay off much more than her former job as a doctor. Medicine and first aid were not the only things sold there, though...
  5. "Oh, hello!" A voice chirped. It was a Ruby, barely tall enough to look over the counter.
  7. "Hello! Where's your mommy? Blue here needs...the goods." I whispered.
  9. "Oh! Hang on, I'll be right back." She rushed to the backroom, and it was apparent that she wasn't wearing any pants. A droopy, heavy pair of pampers swung between her legs as she ran. Strangely enough, Blue pointed out that she was wearing a little pair of sneakers as well.
  11. "I thought you had to hide them..." Blue whispered to me.
  13. "Well...out in the streets, yes. But this is a safe spot. At least, the baby section is." I replied.
  15. As we waited patiently, we heard talking in the backroom.
  17. "Mommy, can you change me now?"
  19. "No, you can do a lot better than that. Those can hold a lot more, sweetie. You're not getting out of those diapers until they are perfectly full."
  21. "Yes, mommy..." She replied, as if she had heard it a million times before.
  23. "Now go to the back and fill it up while I deal with our friends here. Quickly, now." Priyanka said, in a stern yet motherly voice.
  25. From the backroom, out came the aforementioned mother, dressed in her usual doctor getup.
  27. "Good afternoon! And who is this big blue baby I see?" She cooed, messing the mophead's hair.
  29. "I'm Blue Pearl. Call me Blue." She bowed cordially, and Priyanka let out a chuckle.
  31. "My, polite. So, what brings you two here?"
  33. "Well, you see, Blue here is a heavy wetter." I said, patting her shortalls for emphasis. She flustered a deep indigo.
  35. "...and we just ran out of diapers thick enough for her."
  37. "What kind of thickness are we talking about?"
  39. "Quartz level. No, maybe more."
  41. "Oh dear. Well, I ought to assess the damage before you make your choice. Follow me, both of you." She said, opening the way to the back of the counter, and into the backroom.
  43. To Blue's surprise, it was a pastel warehouse of baby supplies; diapers, bottles, milk and pacifiers lined every shelf to the brim. In front of the door was a pediatrics station, complete with a bed, toys, and spare diapers of differing sizes. The doctor gestured Blue to stand next to the bed, and she followed suit.
  45. "Is it alright if I go ahead?" Priyanka asked me, and I nodded in return.
  47. "Now, Blue, in order for us to know what kind of diapers you'll need, I need to check yours. It'll be done before you know it, sweetie. Now, hold still for me..."
  49. Priyanka quickly unbuttoned the front straps, and Blue was left standing there, with an undone pair of shortalls and a very, very soggy pamper. She could only blush deeply.
  51. The doctor pulled down her shorts further, revealing the extent of the damage done. Her diaper drooped to her knees, the tapes holding on for dear life. From front to back, the entire garment was soaked in Blue's warm nectar, leaving no star nor spaceship undarkened.
  53. "Oh my. Blue, do you go all at once? Or a little bit over time?" She asked, her tone becoming more nurturing. Her hand was holding her spongy, heavy rear, being careful not to squish it against her privates.
  55. "Oh, um...both." The little pearl mewled.
  57. "Do you notice when you go potty?" Priyanka asked, pulling up her slipping pampers.
  59. "No...well, yes. The warmth. But that's all."
  61. "I see. I think these kind of diapers will do just fine. Just be sure to change her before they leak." She told me, as she brought out an adult-sized plastic potty.
  63. "Now, Blue, do you know what this is?"
  65. "" She was at a loss for words.
  67. "Well, this is a toilet. Well, for little ones like you, at least. I need you to sit down for a moment."
  69. The pearl obediently followed, squishing her damp derriere against the seat. She smiled, feeling the warmth wrap around her sensitive parts. Blue fidgeted in the potty, pressing her flower against the front of the plastic chair.
  70. Her pee was wrung out from the diaper, and droplets were heard pitter-pattering onto the plastic.
  72. "Now, Blue...I need you to empty yourself. Let it all out. Come on, don't be shy...I can't change you until you're done." Priyanka lovingly said, her palm tenderly rubbing Blue's exposed tummy.
  74. "O..kay." The pearl mewled. She began to strain, letting out high-pitched grunts of determination.
  76. "N-nf!" Blue mouthed, and a loud hissing was heard. A stream of pee quickly bypassed the padding, making a yellow trickle into the potty below. She could feel her pampers grow ever-warmer, and the pearl instinctively grabbed at her soggy, heavy plastic front.
  78. Priyanka was about to scold her for doing so, but I stopped her.
  80. "It's alright, doc. It calms her down." She replied with a nod of understanding.
  82. Up and down, Blue's hand dragged the mass of soaked padding all over her nether regions, spreading the warmth as she peed unknowingly. It was like watching a baker knead dough.
  84. "A-ah...ahh..." Blue calmed down suddenly, and stopped. The pee continued to puddle inside the plastic. She blushed a deep indigo, seeing Priyanka standing in front of her.
  86. "Oh! I'm so sorry! I--"
  88. "'s okay, Blue." The doctor interjected. She placed a paci in her mouth with one hand, while untaping the pearl's pamper with the other.
  90. "Your secret's safe with me." And with that phrase, Blue's gemhood was exposed to the fragrant, cool air of the pharmacy.
  92. "O-oh! It's cold..." The pearl stammered, covering her warm lips with her palm.
  94. "Aw, hold on, now. Let's get you changed."
  96. Priyanka lifted her off of the potty, leaving a leaky, undone diaper drenched in nectar. She laid the pearl on the changing mat, and her rear left a sizable damp stain on the white cloth. Noticing this, Blue covered her eyes with her hair, ashamed of the mess she made.
  98. "It's okay, it's okay." I cooed, trying to calm her down as the doctor lifted her legs. I held her hand as Priyanka wiped her down, and applied powder before slipping her into a new, fresh pamper. I picked her up, and put her shortalls back on. She seemed to be happier, now that nothing waterlogged her movement. Although she was wearing thick diapers, she didn't mind.
  100. As I was dressing up Blue, Doc grabbed a large pack of pampers, and placed it in an unmarked paper bag.
  102. "This one's on the house. You'll need it." She handed me the large bag, and smiled.
  104. "Thanks, doc. Oh, we gotta get going. It's almost lunch. See you around." I said, holding Blue's hand.
  106. "Have a nice day. You too, Blue." She grinned, and the pearl smiled back.
  108. She waddled alongside me, sucking on her binky as she remained in a state of bliss. As we were about to exit through the back door, a particularly stinky Ruby from blocked our path. A pair of plump, fully loaded pampers hung between her tiny, chubby legs. Her face had the expression of relief and satisfaction, as she looked up at us.
  110. “Oh, hi! Uh...I fink I’m lost.” She had a careless, smug grin on her face. The little warrior rubbed her gut, which seemed to be bloated.
  112. “Your mommy’s just around the backroom--” I was cut off at the sound of a loud fart, coming from the tiny gem.
  114. She strained with all her might, as the seat of her diaper expanded into a balloon of pure stink. Blue simply giggled in amusement, subtly rubbing the front of her fresh pampers as she watched. Something told me that she enjoyed this on a different level, but that was okay. She was happy, after all.
  116. “Ahh…” The Ruby sat down in her mess, a loud squish echoing down the hall. I couldn’t help but notice that her padding was so thick and filled up, that even when sat down upon, it retained its round, mushy shape. It was almost as if she was on top of a bean bag chair.
  118. “All done! Uppies? Pwease?” She reached out, puppy-dog eyes gazing at me.
  120. “Aww, what a little stinker.” I cooed, picking her up with my free hand, wrapping my arm around her tiny chest. The Ruby giggled blissfully as she held onto me, acting like a little hug-monster.
  122. “Am I a good stinkew?”
  124. Before I could reply, Blue’s hands reached into the Ruby’s warm, mushy bottom, giving it a good, hefty massage. The crimson tyke blushed, and squirmed in joy as her fellow little enjoyed the mess with her.
  126. “Yeah. I think you’re the best.” The Pearl said, her voice still soft and timid.
  128. “Hihi! Fanks.” The Ruby replied, as Blue’s hands went away from her pampers, which sagged down once more.
  130. One long change later, Priyanka and I allowed the two to play with each other in the backroom’s nursery, as we talked outside the store. I had nothing else to do, and it was a lunch break, anyways.
  132. “So, what brought you here, anyways?” Priyanka asked me, taking sips of her coffee.
  134. “ know, I used to be a daycare worker. It was honest work, raising kids and making sure they don’t get into any trouble. Their parents seemed to be willing to pay me extra, too. Though, seemed so--meaningless. It’s not like those kids are gonna remember me when they’re older. I’m just there to do what their parents are supposed to do. Nothing more, nothing less. So, I guess...I’d like to make a real difference in the lives of these gems. I mean, they’ve just gotten out of a quadruple dictatorship. Might as well help them cope with this change, I guess.”
  136. “My sentiments are yours. Although, I did do things like this even before the gems started to baby out.”
  138. “Oh? What do you mean?”
  140. “Being a nurse gives a good amount of experience in caretaking. Even more so, when you raised a genius daughter who refused to use the toilet until she was seven. So, I began to browse and contact communities, adult babies.”
  142. “No kidding.”
  144. “Not at all. I saw them as freaks, at first, but really, they were just needy people. Some of them were wholesome, while others...well, I don’t like to talk about them. Anyways, they’d pay me more than my salary at the hospital, so I couldn’t turn it down. I mean, my husband is just a security guard. How much money can that provide? Not much.”
  146. “Seems like you’ve got a lot of it, though. I mean, you’ve bought a whole warehouse of supplies.”
  148. “Indeed. Greg was generous enough to lend me a small loan. And it seems that there won’t be a shortage of big babies any time soon, so I suppose it’s smooth sailing from here.”
  150. “Seems like it. I’m standing right in front of one now.” I pointed at the doctor’s pants, which had the plastic of a diaper sticking out of the front. A puffy bulge around her crotch was obvious, to those who looked long enough.
  152. “You--I didn’t think you’d notice!” She flustered, covering up her padding with her coat.
  154. “Calm down, Prinny. I can keep a secret.” I patted her shoulder affirmingly.
  156. “Alright. Just...don’t try anything with me. Unless you want to be banned from the only diaper store in Beach City…”
  158. “Okay, jeez. I’ll be quiet about it.” I raised my hands in surrender.
  160. “Speaking of quiet...the store seems to be silent. We should check on them.”
  162. “Agreed.”
  164. We walked back indoors, and were greeted by the sight of The Ruby pinning down Blue, her poofy, padded rear stuck in the former servant’s face. The Pearl appeared to be struggling, unable to push off the tyke’s surprisingly heavy form.
  166. “RUBY FACET-14X6 CUT 6XA! What are you doing?!” The nurse called out. Her tone was chilling to the bone; it reminded me of the times when my own mother would chew me out.
  168. The two gems froze in their place, and I heard a collective hissing coming from the other side of the room. It was the unmistakable sign of true, childish fear; soaked diapers.
  170. “I--I was jus’ playin’...” The little blockhead stammered, not realizing she was wetting her diaper in the Pearl’s face. A deep shade of indigo washed over her face, flustering in the pure warmth.
  172. Priyanka rushed towards the two, and picked up the tiny warrior. I followed suit, cradling Blue by her soggy bottom. In an instinct of fear and attachment, she wrapped her arms and legs around me, shaking from the rage that built in Mrs. Maheswaran.
  174. “Ruby, you cannot just--wrestle people! You could’ve hurt her! What do you say?”
  176. “I--I’m sowwy, Blue.” She looked at the mophead, with teary eyes.
  178. “It’s okay. I had fun.” The slender servant replied, in a caring and soft voice.
  180. “Prinny, calm down. No one got hurt. Give the kid a break.” I gestured to the still-trembling Ruby.
  182. The doctor sighed, and hugged the little gem.
  184. “Oh, don’t cry, little one. I get ahead of myself sometimes.” She cooed, gently patting the Ruby’s back.
  186. “O-okay. Um...can I play with Blue? I mean--never mind.”
  188. “No, it’s okay, Ruby. Go on. Just stay with Blue’s daddy, okay? I’ll just be here, if you need anything..” She let go of the crimson child, allowing her to toddle over to me.
  189. “Yay!” Blue exclaimed, her voice still shy and quiet. She let go of me, and bent down to pat her short friend’s head. In response, the little gem giggled, and gave Blue’s heavily-soaked bottom a firm squish, causing her to fluster and smile.
  191. Priyanka and I giggled at the silliness of the situation, removing some of the previous tension.
  193. “Well, you looked like you needed a break, anyway.” I said, placing the brown package of diapers under my arm.
  195. “Oh, before you go…” She grabbed the paper bag, and stuffed another, smaller pack of diapers inside.
  197. “...I wish you good luck.”
  199. As she said that, giggles came from both of the baby gems. Priyanka clipped a pacifier strap on Ruby’s shirt, and placed it between her lips. Almost instinctively, she began to suckle on it.
  201. “Thanks. See you around, Prinny. And don’t use up your whole supply, alright?” I quipped, causing the tiny tyke to snicker.
  203. “Hehe. Whatever you say, mister gem-sitter.” She grinned, nodding her head in reply.
  205. I walked into the store with a big, soaked baby gem, and I left with one more. I wondered; ‘What have I gotten myself into?’ As I realized that we were going to walk Ruby home without any pants on. Then again, she had the height of a tiny child, anyway. She didn’t seem too out of place.
  207. I just hoped that the following afternoon wouldn’t be too stressful…
  209. [To be continued in another story]
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