

Sep 3rd, 2016
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  1. --[[
  3. _____ _ _____ ___
  4. / ____| (_) / ____| |__ \
  5. | | _ __ _ _ __ ___ ___ ___ _ __ | | __ ___ _ __ ) |
  6. | | | '__| | '_ ` _ \/ __|/ _ \| '_ \ | | |_ |/ _ \ '_ \ / /
  7. | |____| | | | | | | | \__ \ (_) | | | | | |__| | __/ | | | / /_
  8. \_____|_| |_|_| |_| |_|___/\___/|_| |_| \_____|\___|_| |_| |____|
  10. Crimson Generation 2.0
  11. Copyright (c) 2015 ApexDevelopment.
  12. v1.0 by ApexDevelopment.
  14. ]]--
  16. local Crimson;
  17. Crimson = {
  18. Bet = '>';
  19. rot = .1;
  20. rot2 = 0.001;
  21. Commands = {};
  22. Tablets = {};
  23. Ranked = {
  24. {Name = "BlueHasSwag", Rank = 5, Description = "Creator of Crimson Gen 2.", Color = "Toothpaste"}; -- keep me in there
  25. };
  26. PriExceptions = {"ApexDevelopment"}; -- keep me in there
  27. Settings = {
  28. PrivateServer = false;
  29. AgeRestriction = false;
  30. MinimumAge = 100;
  31. DevMode = false;
  32. };
  33. TabSettings = {
  34. Size =,2,2);
  35. Size2 =,1,1);
  36. Neon = false;
  37. };
  38. }
  40. Get = {
  41. Rank = function(player)
  42. if type(player) == "userdata" then player = player.Name end
  43. for _,obj in next,Crimson.Ranked do
  44. if obj.Name == player then
  45. return obj.Rank
  46. end
  47. end
  48. return 0
  49. end;
  51. Desc = function(player)
  52. if type(player) == "userdata" then player = player.Name end
  53. for _,obj in next,Crimson.Ranked do
  54. if obj.Name == player then
  55. return obj.Description
  56. end
  57. end
  58. return "Just a player."
  59. end;
  61. Color = function(player)
  62. if type(player) == "userdata" then player = player.Name end
  63. for _,obj in next,Crimson.Ranked do
  64. if obj.Name == player then
  65. return obj.Color
  66. end
  67. end
  68. return "Bright blue"
  69. end
  70. }
  72. Set = {
  73. Rank = function(player, newRank)
  74. if type(player) == "userdata" then player = player.Name end
  75. for _,obj in next,Crimson.Ranked do
  76. if obj.Name == player then
  77. obj.Rank = newRank
  78. return
  79. end
  80. end
  81. Add.Ranked(player,newRank,"Just a player.","Bright blue")
  82. end;
  84. Desc = function(player, newDesc)
  85. if type(player) == "userdata" then player = player.Name end
  86. for _,obj in next,Crimson.Ranked do
  87. if obj.Name == player then
  88. obj.Description = newDesc
  89. return
  90. end
  91. end
  92. Add.Ranked(player,0,newDesc,"Bright blue")
  93. end;
  95. Color = function(player, newColor)
  96. if type(player) == "userdata" then player = player.Name end
  97. for _,obj in next,Crimson.Ranked do
  98. if obj.Name == player then
  99. obj.Color = newColor
  100. return
  101. end
  102. end
  103. Add.Ranked(player,0,"Just a player.",newColor)
  104. end
  105. }
  107. Add = {
  108. Command = function(Name, Say, Desc, Rank, Func)
  109. table.insert(Crimson.Commands,{Name = Name, Say = Say, Desc = Desc, Rank = Rank, Func = Func})
  110. end;
  112. Ranked = function(Name, Rank, Description, Color)
  113. if type(Name) == "userdata" then Name = Name.Name end
  114. table.insert(Crimson.Ranked,{Name = Name, Rank = Rank, Description = Description, Color = Color})
  115. end
  116. }
  118. Kick = function(plr)
  119. local'RemoteEvent',workspace):FireClient(plr,{string.rep("umad?",2e5+5)})
  120. delay(1,function()
  121. pcall(function() workspace.RemoteEvent:remove() end)
  122. end)
  123. end
  125. FindPlayers = function(plr, msg)
  126. local plrs = {}
  128. if msg:match("^!") then
  129. return FindPlayers(plr, msg:sub(2), true)
  130. elseif msg == "me" then
  131. table.insert(plrs, plr)
  132. elseif msg == "all" then
  133. for _,v in pairs(game:service'Players':players()) do
  134. table.insert(plrs, v)
  135. end
  136. elseif msg == "others" then
  137. for _,v in pairs(game:service'Players':players()) do
  138. if v ~= plr then
  139. table.insert(plrs, v)
  140. end
  141. end
  142. else
  143. for _,v in pairs(game:service'Players':players()) do
  144. if v.Name:lower():sub(1,#msg) == msg:lower() then
  145. table.insert(plrs, v)
  146. end
  147. end
  148. end
  149. return plrs
  150. end
  152. function isException(player)
  153. if type(player) == 'userdata' then
  154. player = player.Name
  155. end
  156. for _,p in next,Crimson.PriExceptions do
  157. if p == player then return true end
  158. end
  159. return false
  160. end
  162. SetTabSize = function(vec1,vec2,vec3,vec4,vec5,vec6,Player)
  163. Crimson.TabSettings.Size =,vec2,vec3)
  164. Crimson.TabSettings.Size2 =,vec5,vec6)
  166. for i,v in next,Crimson.Tablets do
  167. v.Tab.Size = Crimson.TabSettings.Size
  168. v.Tab2.Size = Crimson.TabSettings.Size2
  169. end
  171. Output(Player,'Tab size changed.',Get.Color(Player))
  172. end
  174. function Rotate()
  175. Crimson.rot=Crimson.rot+0.650
  177. for _,Player in pairs(game:service'Players':GetPlayers()) do
  178. local Counter = 0
  179. local PlayerTablets = {}
  180. local Start =,0,0)
  182. for i,v in pairs(Crimson.Tablets) do
  183. if v.Tab.Parent ~= nil and v.Player==Player then
  184. table.insert(PlayerTablets,v)
  185. end
  186. end
  188. for I = 1, #PlayerTablets do
  189. local Pos = nil
  190. pcall(function() Pos = PlayerTablets[I].Player.Character.Torso.CFrame end)
  191. if Pos == nil then return end
  192. local Tab=PlayerTablets[I].Tab
  193. local Tab2 = PlayerTablets[I].Tab2
  194. local i=I
  195. local Main = (I / #PlayerTablets - (.5 / #PlayerTablets) + Crimson.rot/(#PlayerTablets/10)) * math.pi * 2
  196. local x = math.sin(time()/#PlayerTablets + (math.pi*2)/#PlayerTablets*i) * (#PlayerTablets+3)
  197. local y = math.sin(tick()/.655)
  198. local z = math.cos(time()/#PlayerTablets + (math.pi*2)/#PlayerTablets*i) * (#PlayerTablets+3)
  199. local aPos =, y, z) + Pos.p
  200. local bPos = Tab.CFrame.p
  201. local cPos = (aPos * .1 + bPos * .9)
  202. local d=math.rad((Crimson.rot*300)*math.pi);
  204. Tab2.CFrame = Tab.CFrame
  205. end
  206. end
  207. end
  209. function PlaySound(id, pitch)
  210. epicsound ="Sound")
  211. epicsound.Name = "Epicosound"
  212. epicsound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://"
  213. epicsound.Volume = 1
  214. epicsound.Pitch = pitch
  215. epicsound.Looped = true
  216. epicsound.Parent = workspace
  218. sbu = epicsound:Clone()
  219. sbu.Parent = Storage
  221. if epicsound.SoundId=="rbxassetid://tt" then -- TELL ME, TELL ME, WHERE DA FREAKS AT!
  222. epicsound.SoundId="rbxassetid://181158033"
  223. elseif epicsound.SoundId=="rbxassetid://fabulous" then -- FA-FA-FABULOUS!
  224. epicsound.SoundId="rbxassetid://191819419"
  225. elseif epicsound.SoundId=="rbxassetid://ufdb" then -- ultimate final death battle(fairy tail XD)
  226. epicsound.SoundId="rbxassetid://153085393"
  227. elseif epicsound.SoundId=="rbxassetid://nnm" then
  228. epicsound.SoundId="rbxassetid://210189234"
  229. elseif epicsound.SoundId=="rbxassetid://tun" then -- tunak tunak tun
  230. epicsound.SoundId="rbxass/setid://162682002"
  231. elseif epicsound.SoundId=="rbxassetid://zelda" then
  232. epicsound.SoundId="rbxassetid://158215156"
  233. elseif epicsound.SoundId=="rbxassetid://cc" then
  234. epicsound.SoundId="rbxassetid://177080835"
  235. end
  237. wait()
  238. epicsound:Play()
  239. end
  241. function StopMusic()
  242. for _,v in next,workspace:children() do
  243. if v:IsA("Sound") then
  244. v.Name = "Sound"
  245. wait()
  246. v:Remove()
  247. end
  248. end
  249. end
  251. OxChat = function(msg1,msg2)
  252. pcall(function()
  253. for _,v in next,game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers() do
  254. local SV ='StringValue')
  255. SV.Parent = v
  256. SV.Name = 'SB_Chat'
  257. SV.Value = ""..tostring(msg1):gsub('','\5').."/"..tostring(msg2):gsub('','\5')..""
  258. game.Debris:AddItem(SV, .1)
  259. end
  260. end)
  261. end
  263. function Chatted(Player, Message)
  264. for i,v in pairs(Crimson.Commands) do
  265. if Message:sub(1,string.len(v['Say']..Crimson.Bet)) == v['Say']..Crimson.Bet then
  266. if Get.Rank(Player) >= v.Rank then
  267. Message=Message:sub(1+#v['Say']+#Crimson.Bet)
  268. a,b = ypcall(function()
  269. v['Func'](Player, Message)
  270. end) if not a then print(b) end
  271. else
  272. Output(Player, "Your rank is too low for that command.", "Really red")
  273. end
  274. end
  275. end
  276. end
  278. function Output(player, text, color, func)
  279. if text == nil then text = text end
  280. if color == nil then color = 'Really red' end
  281. if func == nil then func = function() return end end
  283. local tab ='Part',script)
  284. tab.Name = "Crimson tab #"..math.random(-99999,99999).." text "..text
  285. tab.FormFactor = 'Custom'
  286. if Crimson.TabSettings.Neon then tab.Material = 'Neon' end
  287. tab.Anchored = true;
  288. tab.CanCollide = false;
  289. tab.Locked = true;
  290. tab.Size = Crimson.TabSettings.Size
  291. tab.TopSurface = 'Smooth'
  292. tab.BottomSurface = 'Smooth'
  293. tab.BrickColor =
  294. tab.Transparency = 0.5
  296. local tab2 ='Part',tab)
  297. tab2.Name = "Crimson tab2 #"..math.random(-99999,99999)
  298. tab2.FormFactor = 'Custom'
  299. if Crimson.TabSettings.Neon then tab2.Material = 'Neon' end
  300. tab2.Anchored = true;
  301. tab2.CanCollide = false;
  302. tab2.Size = Crimson.TabSettings.Size2
  303. tab2.TopSurface = 'Smooth'
  304. tab2.BottomSurface = 'Smooth'
  305. tab2.BrickColor =
  306. tab2.Transparency = 0
  308. --[[local sb ="SelectionBox", tab)
  309. sb.Adornee = tab
  310. sb.Color =
  311. sb.Transparency = .9]]--
  313. local pl ='PointLight', tab)
  314. pl.Brightness = 4
  315. pl.Range = 4
  318. local gui ="BillboardGui", tab)
  319. gui.Adornee = tab
  320. gui.Size =,0,1,0)
  321. gui.StudsOffset =,3,0)
  323. local tl ="TextLabel", gui)
  324. tl.Size =,0,1,0)
  325. tl.Text = text
  326. tl.TextTransparency = 0
  327. tl.TextStrokeTransparency = 0
  328. tl.TextColor3 = tab.Color
  329. tl.BorderColor3 =,3,0)
  330. tl.Font = 'SourceSansBold'
  331. tl.FontSize = 'Size18'
  332. tl.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  334. local dismissing = false;
  336. local Click ="ClickDetector",tab)
  337. Click.MaxActivationDistance = math.huge
  338. Click.MouseClick:connect(function(plr)
  339. if plr.userId == player.userId then
  340. dismissing = true;
  341. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  342. spawn(function()
  343. pcall(function()
  344. repeat
  345. game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:wait()
  347. tab.Size = - 0.1, tab.Size.Y - 0.1, tab.Size.Z - 0.1)
  348. tab.Transparency = tab.Transparency + 0.1
  350. tab2.Size = - 0.1, tab2.Size.Y - 0.1, tab2.Size.Z - 0.1)
  351. tab2.Transparency = tab2.Transparency + 0.1
  353. tl.Transparency = tl.Transparency + 0.1
  354. pl.Brightness = pl.Brightness - 0.1
  355. until tab.Size.X<0.5
  357. for num,v in next,Crimson.Tablets do
  358. if v.Tab == tab and v.Tab2 == tab2 and v.Tab.Name == tab.Name then
  359. table.remove(Crimson.Tablets,num)
  360. tab:Destroy()
  361. end
  362. end
  363. end)
  364. end)
  365. end))
  366. func=func func()
  367. end
  368. end)
  370. Click.MouseHoverEnter:connect(function(plr)
  371. if plr.userId==player.userId and not dismissing then
  372. tab.Size = Crimson.TabSettings.Size +,0.2,0.2)
  373. tab.Transparency = 0.2
  374. end
  375. end)
  377. Click.MouseHoverLeave:connect(function(plr)
  378. if plr.userId==player.userId and not dismissing then
  379. tab.Size = Crimson.TabSettings.Size
  380. tab.Transparency = 0.5
  381. end
  382. end)
  384. pcall(function() tab.CFrame = player.Character.Torso.CFrame end)
  385. tab.Parent = script
  386. table.insert(Crimson.Tablets,{Tab = tab, Tab2 = tab2, Text = tl, PointLight = pl, Player = player})
  387. end
  389. Dismiss = function(plr, doWait)
  390. spawn(function()
  391. for i,v in pairs(Crimson.Tablets) do
  392. spawn(function()
  393. if v.Tab.Parent ~= nil and v.Player==plr then
  394. repeat
  395. game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:wait()
  397. v.Tab.Size = - 0.1, v.Tab.Size.Y - 0.1, v.Tab.Size.Z - 0.1)
  398. v.Tab.Transparency = v.Tab.Transparency + 0.1
  400. v.Tab2.Size = - 0.1, v.Tab2.Size.Y - 0.1, v.Tab2.Size.Z - 0.1)
  401. v.Tab2.Transparency = v.Tab2.Transparency + 0.1
  403. v.Text.Transparency = v.Text.Transparency + 0.1
  404. v.PointLight.Brightness = v.PointLight.Brightness - 0.1
  405. until v.Tab.Size.X<0.5
  407. v.Tab:Destroy()
  408. end
  409. end)
  410. end
  411. end)
  412. if doWait then wait(0.5) end
  413. end
  415. SortedCommands = function(Player)
  416. Dismiss(Player,true)
  417. Output(Player,'Commands for your rank ('..tostring(Get.Rank(Player))..')','Lime green',function() CommandsRank(Player,Get.Rank(Player)) end)
  418. Output(Player,'-=[ COMMANDS ]=-',Get.Color(Player))
  419. Output(Player,'Dismiss','Really red',function() Dismiss(Player,false) end)
  420. Output(Player,'Rank 0',Get.Color(Player),function() CommandsRank(Player,0) end)
  421. Output(Player,'Rank 1',Get.Color(Player),function() CommandsRank(Player,1) end)
  422. Output(Player,'Rank 2',Get.Color(Player),function() CommandsRank(Player,2) end)
  423. Output(Player,'Rank 3',Get.Color(Player),function() CommandsRank(Player,3) end)
  424. Output(Player,'Rank 4',Get.Color(Player),function() CommandsRank(Player,4) end)
  425. Output(Player,'Rank 5',Get.Color(Player),function() CommandsRank(Player,5) end)
  426. end
  428. CommandsRank = function(Player, rank)
  429. Dismiss(Player,true)
  430. Output(Player,'Back','New Yeller',function() SortedCommands(Player) end)
  431. Output(Player,'-=[ RANK '..tostring(rank)..' COMMANDS ]=-',Get.Color(Player))
  432. Output(Player,'Dismiss','Really red',function() Dismiss(Player,false) end)
  433. for _,cmd in next,Crimson.Commands do
  434. Output(Player,cmd.Name,Get.Color(Player),function()
  435. Dismiss(Player,true)
  436. Output(Player,'Back','New Yeller',function() CommandsRank(Player,rank) end)
  437. Output(Player,"-=[ "..cmd.Name.." ]=-",Get.Color(Player))
  438. Output(Player,'Dismiss','Really red',function() Dismiss(Player) end)
  439. Output(Player,"Description: "..cmd.Desc,Get.Color(Player))
  440. Output(Player,"Usage: "..cmd.Say..Crimson.Bet,Get.Color(Player))
  441. Output(Player,"Rank needed: "..cmd.Rank,Get.Color(Player))
  442. end)
  443. end
  444. end
  446. PlayerMenu = function(Player)
  447. Dismiss(Player,true)
  448. Output(Player,'Dismiss','Really red',function() Dismiss(Player,false) end)
  449. for _,p in next,game:service'Players':GetPlayers() do
  450. Output(Player,p.Name,Get.Color(Player),function()
  451. Dismiss(Player,true)
  452. Output(Player,'Back','New Yeller',function() PlayerMenu(Player) end)
  453. Output(Player,'-=[ '..p.Name..' ]=-',Get.Color(Player))
  454. Output(Player,'Dismiss','Really red',function() Dimiss(Player,false) end)
  455. Output(Player,'User ID: '..p.userId,Get.Color(Player))
  456. Output(Player,'AccountAge: '..p.AccountAge,Get.Color(Player))
  457. Output(Player,'Rank: '..Get.Rank(p),Get.Color(Player))
  458. Output(Player,'Description: '..Get.Desc(p),Get.Color(Player))
  459. Output(Player,'Color: '..Get.Color(p),Get.Color(p))
  460. if Get.Rank(Player) >= 3 and Get.Rank(Player) >= Get.Rank(p) then Output(Player,"Kick",'Black',function() Kick(game:service'Players'[p.Name]) PlayerMenu(Player) end) end
  461. if Get.Rank(Player) >= 4 and Get.Rank(Player) >= Get.Rank(p) then Output(Player,"Ban",'Black',function() Set.Rank(p,-1) Kick(game:service'Players'[p.Name]) PlayerMenu(Player) end) end
  462. if Get.Rank(Player) >= Get.Rank(p) then
  463. Output(Player,'Settings','New Yeller',function()
  464. Dismiss(Player,true)
  465. Output(Player,'Cancel','Really red',function() PlayerMenu(Player) end)
  466. Output(Player,'Change color',Get.Color(p),function()
  467. Dismiss(Player,true)
  468. Output(Player,'Cancel','Really red',function() PlayerMenu(Player) end)
  469. Output(Player,"Really red",'Really red',function() Dismiss(Player) Set.Color(p,'Really red') Output(p,'Your color is now '..Get.Color(p)..'.',Get.Color(p)) end)
  470. Output(Player,"New Yeller",'New Yeller',function() Dismiss(Player) Set.Color(p,'New Yeller') Output(p,'Your color is now '..Get.Color(p)..'.',Get.Color(p)) end)
  471. Output(Player,"Lime green",'Lime green',function() Dismiss(Player) Set.Color(p,'Lime green') Output(p,'Your color is now '..Get.Color(p)..'.',Get.Color(p)) end)
  472. Output(Player,"Cyan",'Cyan',function() Dismiss(Player) Set.Color(p,'Cyan') Output(p,'Your color is now '..Get.Color(p)..'.',Get.Color(p)) end)
  473. Output(Player,"Bright blue",'Bright blue',function() Dismiss(Player) Set.Color(p,'Bright blue') Output(p,'Your color is now '..Get.Color(p)..'.',Get.Color(p)) end)
  474. Output(Player,"Really blue",'Really blue',function() Dismiss(Player) Set.Color(p,'Really blue') Output(p,'Your color is now '..Get.Color(p)..'.',Get.Color(p)) end)
  475. Output(Player,"Royal purple",'Royal purple',function() Dismiss(Player) Set.Color(p,'Royal purple') Output(p,'Your color is now '..Get.Color(p)..'.',Get.Color(p)) end)
  476. end)
  477. Output(Player,'Change rank',Get.Color(p),function()
  478. Dismiss(Player,true)
  479. Output(Player,'Cancel','Really red',function() PlayerMenu(Player) end)
  480. if Get.Rank(Player) >= 0 then Output(Player,'Rank 0',Get.Color(Player),function() Dismiss(Player) Set.Rank(p,0) Output(p,'Your new rank is '..Get.Rank(p)..'.') end) end
  481. if Get.Rank(Player) >= 1 then Output(Player,'Rank 1',Get.Color(Player),function() Dismiss(Player) Set.Rank(p,1) Output(p,'Your new rank is '..Get.Rank(p)..'.') end) end
  482. if Get.Rank(Player) >= 2 then Output(Player,'Rank 2',Get.Color(Player),function() Dismiss(Player) Set.Rank(p,2) Output(p,'Your new rank is '..Get.Rank(p)..'.') end) end
  483. if Get.Rank(Player) >= 3 then Output(Player,'Rank 3',Get.Color(Player),function() Dismiss(Player) Set.Rank(p,3) Output(p,'Your new rank is '..Get.Rank(p)..'.') end) end
  484. if Get.Rank(Player) >= 4 then Output(Player,'Rank 4',Get.Color(Player),function() Dismiss(Player) Set.Rank(p,4) Output(p,'Your new rank is '..Get.Rank(p)..'.') end) end
  485. if Get.Rank(Player) >= 5 then Output(Player,'Rank 5',Get.Color(Player),function() Dismiss(Player) Set.Rank(p,5) Output(p,'Your new rank is '..Get.Rank(p)..'.') end) end
  486. end)
  487. end)
  488. end
  489. end)
  490. end
  491. end
  493. GetRanked = function(Player)
  494. Dismiss(Player,true)
  495. Output(Player,'Dismiss','Really red',function() Dismiss(Player,false) end)
  496. for _,p in next,game:service'Players':GetPlayers() do
  497. Output(Player,p.Name,Get.Color(Player),function()
  498. Dismiss(Player,true)
  499. Output(Player,'Back','New Yeller',function() PlayerMenu(Player) end)
  500. Output(Player,'-=[ '..p.Name..' ]=-',Get.Color(Player))
  501. Output(Player,'Dismiss','Really red',function() Dimiss(Player,false) end)
  502. Output(Player,'Rank: '..Get.Rank(p),Get.Color(Player))
  503. Output(Player,'Description: '..Get.Desc(p),Get.Color(Player))
  504. Output(Player,'Color: '..Get.Color(p),Get.Color(p))
  505. if Get.Rank(Player) >= Get.Rank(p) then
  506. Output(Player,'Settings','New Yeller',function()
  507. Dismiss(Player,true)
  508. Output(Player,'Cancel','Really red',function() PlayerMenu(Player) end)
  509. Output(Player,'Change color',Get.Color(p),function()
  510. Dismiss(Player,true)
  511. Output(Player,'Cancel','Really red',function() PlayerMenu(Player) end)
  512. Output(Player,"Really red",'Really red',function() Dismiss(Player) Set.Color(p,'Really red') Output(p,'Your color is now '..Get.Color(p)..'.',Get.Color(p)) end)
  513. Output(Player,"New Yeller",'New Yeller',function() Dismiss(Player) Set.Color(p,'New Yeller') Output(p,'Your color is now '..Get.Color(p)..'.',Get.Color(p)) end)
  514. Output(Player,"Lime green",'Lime green',function() Dismiss(Player) Set.Color(p,'Lime green') Output(p,'Your color is now '..Get.Color(p)..'.',Get.Color(p)) end)
  515. Output(Player,"Cyan",'Cyan',function() Dismiss(Player) Set.Color(p,'Cyan') Output(p,'Your color is now '..Get.Color(p)..'.',Get.Color(p)) end)
  516. Output(Player,"Bright blue",'Bright blue',function() Dismiss(Player) Set.Color(p,'Bright blue') Output(p,'Your color is now '..Get.Color(p)..'.',Get.Color(p)) end)
  517. Output(Player,"Really blue",'Really blue',function() Dismiss(Player) Set.Color(p,'Really blue') Output(p,'Your color is now '..Get.Color(p)..'.',Get.Color(p)) end)
  518. Output(Player,"Royal purple",'Royal purple',function() Dismiss(Player) Set.Color(p,'Royal purple') Output(p,'Your color is now '..Get.Color(p)..'.',Get.Color(p)) end)
  519. end)
  520. Output(Player,'Change rank',Get.Color(p),function()
  521. Dismiss(Player,true)
  522. Output(Player,'Cancel','Really red',function() PlayerMenu(Player) end)
  523. if Get.Rank(Player) >= 0 then Output(Player,'Rank 0',Get.Color(Player),function() Dismiss(Player) Set.Rank(p,0) Output(p,'Your new rank is '..Get.Rank(p)..'.',Get.Color(p)) end) end
  524. if Get.Rank(Player) >= 1 then Output(Player,'Rank 1',Get.Color(Player),function() Dismiss(Player) Set.Rank(p,1) Output(p,'Your new rank is '..Get.Rank(p)..'.',Get.Color(p)) end) end
  525. if Get.Rank(Player) >= 2 then Output(Player,'Rank 2',Get.Color(Player),function() Dismiss(Player) Set.Rank(p,2) Output(p,'Your new rank is '..Get.Rank(p)..'.',Get.Color(p)) end) end
  526. if Get.Rank(Player) >= 3 then Output(Player,'Rank 3',Get.Color(Player),function() Dismiss(Player) Set.Rank(p,3) Output(p,'Your new rank is '..Get.Rank(p)..'.',Get.Color(p)) end) end
  527. if Get.Rank(Player) >= 4 then Output(Player,'Rank 4',Get.Color(Player),function() Dismiss(Player) Set.Rank(p,4) Output(p,'Your new rank is '..Get.Rank(p)..'.',Get.Color(p)) end) end
  528. if Get.Rank(Player) >= 5 then Output(Player,'Rank 5',Get.Color(Player),function() Dismiss(Player) Set.Rank(p,5) Output(p,'Your new rank is '..Get.Rank(p)..'.',Get.Color(p)) end) end
  529. end)
  530. end)
  531. end
  532. end)
  533. end
  534. end
  536. ----
  538. Add.Command('Commands','cmds','Shows all commands.',0,function(Player)
  539. SortedCommands(Player)
  540. end)
  542. Add.Command('Dismiss','dt',"Dismisses your tablets.",0,function(Player)
  543. Dismiss(Player)
  544. end)
  546. Add.Command('Dismiss All','dtall',"Dismisses everyone's tablets.",3,function()
  547. for _,plr in next,game.Players:GetPlayers() do
  548. Dismiss(plr,false)
  549. end
  550. end)
  552. Add.Command('Ping','ping','Pings a message on a tablet.',0,function(Player, Message)
  553. Output(Player,Message,Get.Color(Player))
  554. end)
  556. Add.Command('Set Color','sc','Sets your tablet color.',0,function(Player, Message)
  557. Set.Color(Player,Message)
  558. Output(Player,'Your color is now '..Message..'.',Get.Color(Player))
  559. end)
  561. Add.Command('Kick','kick','Kicks a player from the game.',3,function(Player,Message)
  562. for _,p in next,FindPlayers(Player,Message) do
  563. if Get.Rank(Player) >= Get.Rank(p) then
  564. Output(Player,'Kicked '..p.Name..'.',Get.Color(Player))
  565. Kick(game:service'Players'[p.Name])
  566. else
  567. Output(Player,p.Name..' has a higher rank than you.','Really red')
  568. end
  569. end
  570. end)
  572. Add.Command('Ban','ban','Bans a player from the game.',4,function(Player,Message)
  573. for _,p in next,FindPlayers(Player,Message) do
  574. if Get.Rank(Player) >= Get.Rank(p) then
  575. Output(Player,'Banned '..p.Name..'.',Get.Color(Player))
  576. Set.Rank(p,-1)
  577. Kick(game:service'Players'[p.Name])
  578. else
  579. Output(Player,p.Name..' has a higher rank than you.','Really red')
  580. end
  581. end
  582. end)
  584. Add.Command('Player Menu','plrs','Shows the player menu.',1,function(Player)
  585. PlayerMenu(Player)
  586. end)
  588. Add.Command('Get Ranked','ranked','Gets ranked players.',1,function(Player)
  589. GetRanked(Player)
  590. end)
  592. Add.Command('Tab Size','tsize','Changes the tab size.',2,function(Player,Message)
  593. if Message:lower() == "flat" then
  594. SetTabSize(.4,4,3,.2,3.8,2.8,Player)
  595. elseif Message:lower() == "cube" then
  596. SetTabSize(2,2,2,1,1,1,Player)
  597. end
  598. end)
  600. Add.Command('Tab Neon','tneon','Toggles the tab neon material.',2,function(Player)
  601. Crimson.TabSettings.Neon = not Crimson.TabSettings.Neon
  602. for _,t in next,Crimson.Tablets do
  603. if Crimson.TabSettings.Neon then
  604. t.Tab.Material = "Neon"
  605. t.Tab2.Material = "Neon"
  606. else
  607. t.Tab.Material = "SmoothPlastic"
  608. t.Tab2.Material = "SmoothPlastic"
  609. end
  610. end
  611. Output(Player,'Tab neon set to '..tostring(Crimson.TabSettings.Neon)..'.',Get.Color(Player))
  612. end)
  614. Add.Command('Private Server','pri','Stops new players from joining.',3,function(player)
  615. Crimson.Settings.PrivateServer = not Crimson.Setings.PrivateServer
  616. Output(player,'Private server toggled to '..tostring(Crimson.Settings.PrivateServer)..'.',Get.Color(player))
  617. end)
  619. Add.Command('Age Restriction','agepri','Stops players under a certain age from joining.',3,function(player)
  620. Crimson.Settings.AgeRestriction = not Crimson.Setings.AgeRestriction
  621. Output(player,'Age restriction toggled to '..tostring(Crimson.Settings.AgeRestriction)..'.',Get.Color(player))
  622. end)
  624. Add.Command('Minimum Age','minage','Sets the minimum age for age restriction.',3,function(player,number)
  625. Crimson.Settings.MinimumAge = tonumber(number)
  626. Output(player,'The minimum age is now '..tostring(Crimson.Settings.MinimumAge)..'.',Get.Color(player))
  627. end)
  629. ----
  631. for _,Player in next,game:service'Players':GetPlayers() do
  632. if Get.Rank(Player) == -1 or (Crimson.Settings.AgeRestriction and Player.accountAge < Crimson.Settings.MinimumAge and not isException(Player)) then return end
  633. Output(Player,'Hello, '..Player.Name..'.',Get.Color(Player))
  634. Output(Player,'Crimson generation 2 is initialized.','Lime green')
  635. if Crimson.Settings.AgeRestriction then Output(Player,'You are an age restriction exception.',Get.Color(Player)) end
  636. Player.Chatted:connect(function(msg)
  637. Chatted(Player,msg)
  638. end)
  639. end
  641. game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(Player)
  642. if Get.Rank(Player) == -1 or (Crimson.Settings.AgeRestriction and Player.accountAge < Crimson.Settings.MinimumAge and not isException(Player)) or (Crimson.Settings.PrivateServer and not isException(Player)) then Kick(Player) return end
  643. Output(Player,'Hello, '..Player.Name..'.',Get.Color(Player))
  644. Output(Player,'Crimson generation 2 is initialized.','Lime green')
  645. if Crimson.Settings.AgeRestriction or Crimson.Settings.PrivateServer then Output(Player,'You are a private server exception.',Get.Color(Player)) end
  646. Player.Chatted:connect(function(msg)
  647. Chatted(Player,msg)
  648. end)
  649. end)
  651. game:service'RunService'.Stepped:connect(Rotate)
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