
Celestia and DealerAnon Pt. 21

Nov 30th, 2014
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  1. >So, Celestia is on the loose and you have to find her before she snitches
  2. >You'll have to either leave the bar early or somehow convince Ty and Santiago to join
  3. >Asking some of the vagrants around should give a good start
  4. >After that, just ask around until you find her
  5. >And if you find her, you'll have to apologize and offer her a place to stay
  6. >After that, you're free to party with your friends
  7. >Case closed
  8. >You laugh quietly at your optimism, not entirely convinced it isn't just the alcohol thinking
  9. >On the other hand, it's better than nothing
  10. >But the absolutely first step of your plan is resting in your hand
  11. >You pocket the baggie and open the fridge
  12. >Retrieving two beers, you waltz back to the living room
  13. ''Ty, I'm gonna take a leak. Everything good with Santiago?''
  14. >''Yeah, yeah. Don't keep me waiting.''
  15. >Ty waves a hand dismissively and as if on cue, you walk back to the stairs with the beer in your hand
  17. >Cutting out a small line on the blue porcelain of the bathroom sink, you notice your hands are shaking
  18. >Maybe with good reason
  19. >You know that once you snort this, you might go back to your old ways
  20. >Back when you still got high on stuff you were meant to sell off
  21. >Before that Rain Catcher kid overdosed
  22. >Moving the end of the rolled-up bill closer to the small pile on the sink, you find yourself thinking
  23. >Is this really what you should do?
  24. >Can you kick the habit again?
  25. >Is this the same shit that killed Catcher?
  26. >Yes, yes and probably
  27. >As you inhale sharply, you feel the familiar numbness in your upper throat spreading again
  28. >Oh fuck yes
  29. >You inhale greedily until there's nothing left on the sink
  30. >You briefly consider licking the sink for leftovers, but quickly decide against it
  31. >You're not in that deep
  32. >Yet
  33. >You are shaken from your thoughts by the familiar head rush coming on
  34. >You close your eyes, lean back, and savor the warmth
  35. >Fuck yes
  37. ''Hey Ty, what's Santiago say?''
  38. >He grins in response and turns toward you
  39. >''He says he's fine with it, G. He's actually going to Donny's Liquor now. Asked if we'd go and meet him.''
  40. >You give Ty a wide grin
  41. >Where would you be without him?
  42. ''Alright bro, let's grab some beers and bounce!''
  44. >Walking through the falling snow, smelling fresh, mouth washed, cocaine pounding in your brain, you feel better than ever before
  45. >Tapping on your telephone, you put on a song from the MP3 player
  47. >Walking with a confident swagger, feeling the reassuring weight of the gun in your pocket, you pass by vagrants and addicts
  48. >Fuck them all, they can feel free to try anything
  49. >''Damn Anon, I ain't seen you this happy in a long time.''
  50. >Ty is walking beside you with his hood pulled up, giving you a wide grin
  51. >You answer with one of your own and thump his shoulder
  52. ''Yeah, everything's just kinda coming back to me now, you know? You're a great friend, you know that?''
  53. >Ty laughs and punches your shoulder
  54. >''Shiieet nigga, right back at you. Right back at you.''
  55. >He hands you a beer from the half-empty case and cracks open his own
  56. >''So, you still wanna go after that Celly chick?''
  57. ''Yeah bro, I gotta do it, you know? I mean, we go way back. I don't leave friends in deep shit, you know?''
  58. >''Yeah bro, I know, I know. I still don't think it's a good idea, though, but I'll back you up every step of the way.''
  59. ''Yeah, I know, man. And I fucking appreciate it. Really.''
  60. >He chuckles and sips his beer, following your example
  61. >''I know you do man, I know you do. So where you gonna start?''
  62. >You shrug briefly and continue emptying your beer
  63. ''Maybe those guys over there?''
  64. >You point at a group of hobos huddling around a trashcan fire
  65. >''Alright bro, I got your back. I'll just text Santiago, tell him we'll be at the store soon.''
  67. >You sigh in frustration and take a long pull from your brew
  68. >This turned out to be much harder than you thought it would
  69. >You were now almost at the liquor store, and none of the people you asked had seen her in over an hour, at least
  70. >Checking in the alleys yielded no more results, and Ty was starting to get skittish
  71. >Also, you could really do with another line
  72. >The urge to snort more was rearing its ugly head again
  73. >Luckily, you still have a lot left in the baggie, but you need a believable excuse to go do more
  74. >Something tells you Ty wouldn't be nearly as supportive if you told him you were back on the coke
  76. >''Anon, Santiago's getting really impatient. You wanna go, man?''
  77. >You stare into the darkness of yet another alley
  78. >Apart from the trash and rats there was literally nothing
  79. >You sigh heavily and rub your forehead
  80. >The previous half hour had been anything but a good start
  81. >Maybe you should just head over to Santiago's instead
  82. ''Alright. I'm right behind you.''
  83. >You both take off towards the liquor store, Ty blowing into his frozen hands
  84. >''Finally, man. I'm fucking freezing.''
  85. ''Yeah.''
  86. >Your voice sounds hollow again, betraying the way you feel
  87. >Maybe Ty was right
  88. >Maybe she had found somebody else to stay with
  89. >You shake your head to clear your thoughts
  90. >No time to get bogged down with what-ifs
  91. >Eyes on the prize, Anon
  92. >''Hey bro, what's up? You're being a bit quiet again.''
  93. >You give Ty your best encouraging grin
  94. ''Yeah, I'm okay. Finding her's just a lot harder than I thought it would be.''
  95. >''I don't want to be the asshole that says 'I told you so', but, wellโ€ฆ''
  96. ''Yeah Ty, I know.''
  97. >''I'm just saying, man. I mean, if she's really that smart, she sure as shit ain't gonna be outside in this weather. My guess is, she's either found somebody who'll take her in, or found a place to squat until the snow and shit clears up.''
  98. ''Yeah. Hope so.''
  99. >You light up a cigarette, possibly the fifth since you came outside
  100. >The hot smoke combined with the freezing air enters your lungs, leaving a stinging sensation
  101. >You walk in silence for a while, admiring the falling snow covering the almost pure white streets
  102. ''Hey, Ty?''
  103. >''What's up, bro?''
  104. ''I know this sounds stupid, but, well, could you help me look for her tomorrow?''
  105. >Ty sighs quietly and throws his empty can at the nearest dumpster
  106. >''Yeah, bro. I can.''
  107. >You crack a grin and blow a large cloud of bluish smoke
  108. ''Thanks, bro. I knew I could count on you.''
  109. >Ty gives you a weak grin in response and pats your back
  110. >''Yeah. That's me.''
  111. >With the silence in place between you two, you let your gaze wander the streets
  112. >Winter was definitely the most beautiful thing to happen to this dump
  113. >With the cascading snowflakes glimmering in the yellow halos cast by the street lamps, the place looked dreamlike
  114. >The almost empty, white-covered streets gave an almost dreamlike quality, the calm silence broken only by the crunching of snow under your feet
  115. >For some reason, you always found solace in moments like this
  116. >The cold, the falling snow, the dark, and the quiet made everything seem so different
  117. >It made everything seem so peaceful
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