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Feb 5th, 2023
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  1. 2023-02-05T08:50:00.612974Z INFO spotify_player::state: General configurations: AppConfig { theme: "oxide", client_id: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", copy_command: Command { command: "xclip", args: ["-sel", "c"] }, proxy: None, ap_port: None, app_refresh_duration_in_ms: 30, playback_refresh_duration_in_ms: 0, track_table_item_max_len: 32, play_icon: "▶", pause_icon: "⏸", playback_window_width: 6, default_device: "spotify-player", device: DeviceConfig { name: "spotify-player", device_type: "speaker", volume: 65, bitrate: 320, audio_cache: false } }
  2. 2023-02-05T08:50:00.613578Z INFO spotify_player::state: Theme configurations: ThemeConfig { themes: [Theme { name: "default", palette: Palette { background: None, foreground: None, black: Color { color: Black }, blue: Color { color: LightBlue }, cyan: Color { color: LightCyan }, green: Color { color: LightGreen }, magenta: Color { color: LightMagenta }, red: Color { color: LightRed }, white: Color { color: Gray }, yellow: Color { color: LightYellow }, bright_black: Color { color: DarkGray }, bright_white: Color { color: White }, bright_red: Color { color: Red }, bright_magenta: Color { color: Magenta }, bright_green: Color { color: Green }, bright_cyan: Color { color: Cyan }, bright_blue: Color { color: Blue }, bright_yellow: Color { color: Yellow } }, component_style: ComponentStyle { block_title: None, border: None, playback_track: None, playback_album: None, playback_metadata: None, playback_progress_bar: None, current_playing: None, page_desc: None, table_header: None, selection: None } }, Theme { name: "oxide", palette: Palette { background: Some(Color { color: Rgb(35, 35, 35) }), foreground: Some(Color { color: Rgb(192, 197, 206) }), black: Color { color: Rgb(35, 35, 35) }, blue: Color { color: Rgb(102, 153, 204) }, cyan: Color { color: Rgb(95, 179, 179) }, green: Color { color: Rgb(166, 188, 153) }, magenta: Color { color: Rgb(197, 148, 197) }, red: Color { color: Rgb(229, 115, 115) }, white: Color { color: Rgb(192, 197, 206) }, yellow: Color { color: Rgb(250, 200, 99) }, bright_black: Color { color: Rgb(92, 92, 92) }, bright_white: Color { color: Rgb(243, 244, 245) }, bright_red: Color { color: Rgb(229, 115, 115) }, bright_magenta: Color { color: Rgb(197, 148, 197) }, bright_green: Color { color: Rgb(166, 188, 153) }, bright_cyan: Color { color: Rgb(95, 179, 179) }, bright_blue: Color { color: Rgb(102, 153, 204) }, bright_yellow: Color { color: Rgb(250, 200, 99) } }, component_style: ComponentStyle { block_title: Some(Style { fg: Some(Green), bg: None, modifiers: [] }), border: None, playback_track: Some(Style { fg: Some(Cyan), bg: None, modifiers: [Bold] }), playback_album: Some(Style { fg: Some(Yellow), bg: None, modifiers: [] }), playback_metadata: Some(Style { fg: Some(BrightBlack), bg: None, modifiers: [] }), playback_progress_bar: Some(Style { fg: Some(Green), bg: Some(BrightBlack), modifiers: [Italic] }), current_playing: Some(Style { fg: Some(Green), bg: None, modifiers: [Bold] }), page_desc: Some(Style { fg: Some(Cyan), bg: None, modifiers: [Bold] }), table_header: Some(Style { fg: Some(Yellow), bg: None, modifiers: [] }), selection: Some(Style { fg: Some(Yellow), bg: Some(BrightBlack), modifiers: [] }) } }] }
  3. 2023-02-05T08:50:00.613709Z WARN spotify_player::config::keymap: Failed to open the keymap config file (path="/home/pin/.config/spotify-player/keymap.toml"): No such file or directory (os error 2). Use the default configurations instead
  4. 2023-02-05T08:50:00.613921Z INFO spotify_player::state: Keymap configurations: KeymapConfig { keymaps: [Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('n'))] }, command: NextTrack }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('p'))] }, command: PreviousTrack }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('.'))] }, command: PlayRandom }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char(' '))] }, command: ResumePause }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [Ctrl(Char('r'))] }, command: Repeat }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [Ctrl(Char('s'))] }, command: Shuffle }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('+'))] }, command: VolumeUp }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('-'))] }, command: VolumeDown }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('>'))] }, command: SeekForward }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('<'))] }, command: SeekBackward }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Enter)] }, command: ChooseSelected }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('r'))] }, command: RefreshPlayback }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('/'))] }, command: Search }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('z'))] }, command: Queue }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [Ctrl(Char(' '))] }, command: ShowActionsOnSelectedItem }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('g')), None(Char('a'))] }, command: ShowActionsOnSelectedItem }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('a'))] }, command: ShowActionsOnCurrentTrack }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('R'))] }, command: RestartIntegratedClient }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Tab)] }, command: FocusNextWindow }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(BackTab)] }, command: FocusPreviousWindow }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('T'))] }, command: SwitchTheme }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('D'))] }, command: SwitchDevice }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('u')), None(Char('p'))] }, command: BrowseUserPlaylists }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('u')), None(Char('a'))] }, command: BrowseUserFollowedArtists }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('u')), None(Char('A'))] }, command: BrowseUserSavedAlbums }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('g')), None(Char(' '))] }, command: CurrentlyPlayingContextPage }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('g')), None(Char('t'))] }, command: TopTrackPage }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('g')), None(Char('r'))] }, command: RecentlyPlayedTrackPage }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('g')), None(Char('y'))] }, command: LikedTrackPage }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('g')), None(Char('l'))] }, command: LibraryPage }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('g')), None(Char('s'))] }, command: SearchPage }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('g')), None(Char('b'))] }, command: BrowsePage }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Backspace)] }, command: PreviousPage }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [Ctrl(Char('q'))] }, command: PreviousPage }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('?'))] }, command: OpenCommandHelp }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [Ctrl(Char('h'))] }, command: OpenCommandHelp }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('q'))] }, command: Quit }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [Ctrl(Char('c'))] }, command: Quit }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Esc)] }, command: ClosePopup }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('j'))] }, command: SelectNextOrScrollDown }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [Ctrl(Char('n'))] }, command: SelectNextOrScrollDown }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Down)] }, command: SelectNextOrScrollDown }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('k'))] }, command: SelectPreviousOrScrollUp }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [Ctrl(Char('p'))] }, command: SelectPreviousOrScrollUp }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Up)] }, command: SelectPreviousOrScrollUp }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('s')), None(Char('t'))] }, command: SortTrackByTitle }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('s')), None(Char('a'))] }, command: SortTrackByArtists }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('s')), None(Char('A'))] }, command: SortTrackByAlbum }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('s')), None(Char('d'))] }, command: SortTrackByDuration }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('s')), None(Char('D'))] }, command: SortTrackByAddedDate }, Keymap { key_sequence: KeySequence { keys: [None(Char('s')), None(Char('r'))] }, command: ReverseTrackOrder }] }
  5. 2023-02-05T08:50:01.580083Z INFO spotify_player::auth: Use the cached credentials
  6. 2023-02-05T08:50:01.706782Z INFO spotify_player::token: Getting new authentication token...
  7. 2023-02-05T08:50:02.138817Z INFO spotify_player::token: Got new token: Token { access_token: "BQC_-dA5RNuhBFuPA2VVXEJ7E-vyg21Uz9640_pc_ql8ZQ16PeI_6mzZsEhxrkoAsRBzGLxJr9bDtWqToRD0zSS4gvgEChxDcZg6PjBg5Aw0wykYVlngyKf3fqiDcyR42bSSWjamX13TvepnVWhfyoAwLNXc-F-tcpmlEBGk6brx6zlFlmwkHywNGe2qiv5XJk7D27yHAO797yc8WwWT3CjYSUUwI9SGeUuQ8gWOTrX18zDFderQ3wWDgmtjX-yPObA4-KutTXngUo10VaDGqwd_6at29zNRHbfSJqNdz2M", expires_in: Duration { secs: 3600, nanos: 0 }, expires_at: Some(2023-02-05T09:50:02.138811042Z), refresh_token: None, scopes: {} }
  8. 2023-02-05T08:50:02.138950Z INFO spotify_player::streaming: Application's connect configurations: ConnectConfig { name: "spotify-player", device_type: Speaker, initial_volume: Some(42598), has_volume_ctrl: true, autoplay: false }
  9. 2023-02-05T08:50:02.139049Z INFO spotify_player::streaming: Initializing a new integrated player with device_id=705fe199-3941-4143-bdd3-a82bfbd9d7f6
  10. 2023-02-05T08:50:02.139198Z INFO spotify_player::streaming: Starting an integrated Spotify player using librespot's spirc protocol
  11. 2023-02-05T08:50:02.181611Z INFO spotify_player::streaming: Got an event from the integrated player: VolumeSet { volume: 42598 }
  12. 2023-02-05T08:50:02.396166Z INFO spotify_player: No playback found on startup, trying to connect to an available device...
  13. 2023-02-05T08:50:02.461950Z INFO client_request{request=GetUserFollowedArtists}: spotify_player::client: successfully handled the client request, took: 65ms
  14. 2023-02-05T08:50:02.593815Z INFO client_request{request=GetCurrentUser}: spotify_player::client: successfully handled the client request, took: 196ms
  15. 2023-02-05T08:50:02.747275Z INFO client_request{request=GetUserSavedAlbums}: spotify_player::client: successfully handled the client request, took: 350ms
  16. 2023-02-05T08:50:02.844968Z INFO client_request{request=GetUserSavedTracks}: spotify_player::client: successfully handled the client request, took: 448ms
  17. 2023-02-05T08:50:02.859842Z INFO client_request{request=GetUserPlaylists}: spotify_player::client: successfully handled the client request, took: 463ms
  18. 2023-02-05T08:50:02.887968Z INFO client_request{request=GetCurrentPlayback}: spotify_player::client: successfully handled the client request, took: 491ms
  19. 2023-02-05T08:50:03.493548Z INFO client_request{request=ConnectDevice(None)}: spotify_player::client: Available devices: [Device { id: Some("705fe199-3941-4143-bdd3-a82bfbd9d7f6"), is_active: false, is_private_session: false, is_restricted: false, name: "spotify-player", _type: Speaker, volume_percent: Some(65) }]
  20. 2023-02-05T08:50:03.493600Z INFO client_request{request=ConnectDevice(None)}: spotify_player::client: Trying to connect to device (id=705fe199-3941-4143-bdd3-a82bfbd9d7f6)
  21. 2023-02-05T08:50:03.664484Z INFO spotify_player::streaming: Got an event from the integrated player: Started { play_request_id: 0, track_id: SpotifyId { id: 334851779240452015360524340586809237223, audio_type: Track }, position_ms: 243069 }
  22. 2023-02-05T08:50:03.664759Z INFO spotify_player::streaming: Got an event from the integrated player: Loading { play_request_id: 0, track_id: SpotifyId { id: 334851779240452015360524340586809237223, audio_type: Track }, position_ms: 243069 }
  23. 2023-02-05T08:50:03.677250Z INFO client_request{request=ConnectDevice(None)}: spotify_player::client: Connection succeeded (device_id=705fe199-3941-4143-bdd3-a82bfbd9d7f6)!
  24. 2023-02-05T08:50:03.677281Z INFO client_request{request=ConnectDevice(None)}: spotify_player::client: successfully handled the client request, took: 1280ms
  25. 2023-02-05T08:50:03.744629Z INFO client_request{request=GetCurrentPlayback}: spotify_player::client: successfully handled the client request, took: 80ms
  26. 2023-02-05T08:50:03.752915Z INFO client_request{request=GetCurrentPlayback}: spotify_player::client: successfully handled the client request, took: 88ms
  27. 2023-02-05T08:50:04.838416Z INFO spotify_player::streaming: Got an event from the integrated player: Paused { play_request_id: 0, track_id: SpotifyId { id: 334851779240452015360524340586809237223, audio_type: Track }, position_ms: 243068, duration_ms: 418466 }
  28. 2023-02-05T08:50:04.910911Z INFO client_request{request=GetCurrentPlayback}: spotify_player::client: successfully handled the client request, took: 72ms
  29. 2023-02-05T08:50:06.632185Z INFO client_request{request=Player(ResumePause)}: spotify_player::client: successfully handled the client request, took: 103ms
  30. 2023-02-05T08:50:06.638641Z INFO spotify_player::streaming: Got an event from the integrated player: VolumeSet { volume: 42598 }
  31. 2023-02-05T08:50:06.638678Z INFO spotify_player::streaming: Got an event from the integrated player: Playing { play_request_id: 0, track_id: SpotifyId { id: 334851779240452015360524340586809237223, audio_type: Track }, position_ms: 243068, duration_ms: 418466 }
  32. 2023-02-05T08:50:06.639238Z INFO spotify_player::streaming: Got an event from the integrated player: Playing { play_request_id: 0, track_id: SpotifyId { id: 334851779240452015360524340586809237223, audio_type: Track }, position_ms: 243068, duration_ms: 418466 }
  33. 2023-02-05T08:50:06.735622Z INFO client_request{request=GetCurrentPlayback}: spotify_player::client: successfully handled the client request, took: 96ms
  34. 2023-02-05T08:50:06.740451Z INFO client_request{request=GetCurrentPlayback}: spotify_player::client: successfully handled the client request, took: 101ms
  35. 2023-02-05T08:50:06.743466Z INFO client_request{request=GetCurrentPlayback}: spotify_player::client: successfully handled the client request, took: 104ms
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