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HWNDU Season 5

a guest
Apr 12th, 2017
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  1. Me and a few others have brainstormed ways to start looking for Shia.
  2. First off we start with some assumptions. We can't be for sure that he's not lying to us. We have to first verify he's in Finland. He claims he's in Lapland, but does that mean he can be in Sweden too? It's mind-gamey but it's shallow enough for an idiot like Shia to think it'll work. Also we can't assume that he rented from a public renter. He could be using a friend's hut or he could've built one specifically for this purpose.
  3. Probably the best way to go about this is to start looking at all the possible places he could have rented out publicly. We need someone or a group of people to start working on a spreadsheet which contains all the possible names of locations he could be, along with those locations' coordinates.
  4. The most informative information will be sunlight. Sunrises and sunsets can tell us how long the day is thus where he is in terms of latitude. Local weather patterns will also be useful when we narrow down the possibilities further. Also when it's high noon there will be less sunlight directly shining through lateral windows. No matter where you are in the house, the light in the house will drop when it's high noon. We can use this to pinpoint his longitude. We can at least verify that he's in Lappland using these techniques.
  5. Sunrises and sunsets are also very prolific and tend to show shadows of outside scenery. If he's in a forest we'll know because of the sunset.
  6. While the sunlight might be too exact to tell us exactly where he is in terms of exact coordinates, we can at least narrow it down using sunset/sunlight shadows, and trying to approximate high noon (since that is a more resolute phenomenon than length of day) Also if it's a public mokki then the place should be booked for the next month.
  7. If we can even narrow down the thousands of mokkis in Lappland to a hundred or two, we can start to generate areas of highest likelihood. At that point we can perhaps employ honking techniques and ground troops like we did in season 4.
  8. Some people were also talking about hijacking stream metadata. If you have any experience with networking or any skills that could be useful for this post in this thread or join the discord immediately. Even if we could hijack some phone signals or whatever from one of Shia's cohorts anything is a lead. Some people are considering launching a DDOS on his stream. It won't be very hard considering he's probably hosting it himself.
  9. We will of course need plenty of finanons. If any of you righteous motherfuckers are willing to contribute stay tuned we'll have jobs for you soon. We could possibly even crowdsource some funds for you to travel if you have nothing going on. You'll be the most important part of this.
  10. In fact anyone can contribute. The more we provoke Shia the more likely he is to make a slip and give us a lead. Tweet him, email him, call him, do anything that will drive him insane.
  11. Godspeed you glorious bastards.
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