
Knights of Rhimellot (Epilogue)

Mar 5th, 2021
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  1. Wow, it’s been a while since the last update for this. Sorry about that, I was short on a good way to wrap it up, but now it’s here.
  3. *****
  5. “W-what happened?” I asked, dazed and confused. My memories of the previous events were now just a blur. Somehow hearing me speak gave Katli more urge to hug me tighter.
  7. “We killed the beast!” She screamed. All of the patrons who hadn’t fled the building queued in on her. We were bombarded with questions like ‘The beast of the cave?’ ‘It’s dead?’ ’Is the mine safe to return to?’ The questions were answered by the rest of the group as she kept filling me in. “We were exiting the cave cause of a damn cave-in, and you busted your shit on a rock and passed out. I carried you here.” The memories of the battle came flooding back to me. I shot up in shock, ignoring the pain in my leg.
  9. “The owl mage! Is she fine?” The mage must have heard me, as she chimed in.
  11. “The name’s Avis, and I’m fine. Flew out of the beasts mouth just in time.” She pulled some small pieces of glowing metal out of a satchel. “I always carry these enchanted bombs in case of an emergency. Always pick them up from a magic store in Deepcrest.”
  13. Wait a minute...
  15. A magic store? In Deepcrest?
  17. “Wait... Taleba’s, wasn’t it? I know that place. We’ve been there before.” Katli shot me a puzzled look, but moved on from that quickly.
  19. “Yeah, I think that’s what the place is called.”
  21. “What about the others? Are they here?” I couldn’t make out the specific mamono in the crowd of people.
  23. “Everyone is fine... except for that Bicorn. We couldn’t find her.” The room fell silent at the news. Even though we hadn’t spoken a word to each other, it was still devastating to hear.
  25. “Damn shame.” Katli whispered. I bought my hand up to meet her face, but a voice came from the crowd.
  27. “I heard there was a leg injury?” The man was wearing dirty clothes and had silver, thinning hair. I raised my hand and he came over. He took one look and winced, not even needing to take off my pants. “Yep, shattered Tibia.” He looked over to Avis and asked her something I couldn’t make out. Whatever the answer was, he got pissed.
  29. “What’s wrong?”
  31. “Your friend there doesn’t have any ailments. Looks like I’ll have to go in rough.” He set a bag down next to me and pulled out a small knife.
  33. “Wait, now?”
  35. “Why, yes. It’d be too dangerous to have you move with that leg. We need to do it here.” He explained. Once he finished, the disgruntled bartender chimed in again.
  37. “Oh no! No one is taking up room in my tavern! It’s prime time of night for business!” Katli finally let go of me to lift him up in the air again.
  39. “Listen here, you snotty-faced heap of parrot droppings! Either you let my boyfriend get this surgery, or else I’ll fight you until you’re nothing but a pile of bones and broken dreams! Capiche?”
  41. Boyfriend? She’s never called me anything like that. The nicest thing she has said was my name. The threat got to the bartender as he shut up and left the building, everyone followed soon after. It was just Katli, the doctor, my fighting mates, and I. She wrapped herself around me yet again and began to sob into my chest.
  43. “Did you mean that, boyfriend?” There was more silence except for the doctor preparing to begin.
  45. “You know what I mean, dumbass.” There we go, now I know she’s normal.
  47. The rest of the day was a blur for me.
  49. ——————————
  51. It’s been a year since that fateful night. Avis continues to roam around the lands with the knight she took a fancy to. I haven’t kept in touch with the other knights from earlier, but I had settled down with Katli in Blackholde.
  53. The Cleesean cave was mined out, and the corpse of the beast was dismembered and turned into various potions, clothes, and food... ew.
  55. The mine was eventually reopened, allowing an influx of more gold and jewels to be circulated. As compensation, we were given enough to last for two lifetimes.
  57. Unfortunately... my leg had to be amputated from the knee down, bad nerve damage. Katli nearly killed the doctor, but I was able to hold her back. Much to her chagrin.
  59. We had settled down in a great, big cabin that was built for us. We had convinced people to let us keep a chunk of the beast’s horn as a trophy.
  61. Katli now spends her days as a freelance assassin, hunter, and explorer. It gets lonely sometimes when she’s gone for a while, but I manage it. Especially since we’re married now. I’m mostly bedridden because of my leg, but I’m learning to walk again, someone made me an artificial wooden one.
  63. We still get people from villages far and wide to come speak to us about our journey. It’s still refreshing.
  65. Looking back, I’m glad this happened. Although I’m missing my leg, I’ve made new friends, made a name for myself, and became a legend for slaying a ferocious beast.
  67. But easily the best part, was my wife.
  69. Oh, there she is now. Her baby bump has been growing, looks like I’ll be a father too.
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