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a guest
Jul 23rd, 2017
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text 34.61 KB | None | 0 0
  1. UBOS
  2. bootm
  3. start
  4. 0x00000000
  5. 0 ^
  6. ` ^
  7. ` ^
  8. 0 ^
  9. 0 ^
  10. w,a
  11. jp5
  12. jHq
  13. kdz
  14. cc=
  15. n;^
  16. rqg
  17. 2u\
  18. |o/
  19. LhX
  20. =-f
  21. -=m
  22. Qkkbal
  23. bI-
  24. n4F
  25. 3_L
  26. .;\
  27. t9G
  28. >jm
  29. Zjz
  30. i]Wb
  31. q6l
  32. knv
  33. ?K6
  34. 6`z
  35. n1y
  36. o%6
  37. "/&
  38. owG
  39. kaE
  40. 9a&g
  41. MGiI
  42. wn>Jj
  43. #.zf
  44. +o*7
  45. #+3;CScs
  46. !1Aa
  47. &"8
  48. asix_rx_fixup
  49. ax88172_bind
  50. U-Boot 2010.03-00406-gbdcd914 (Oct 31 2015 - 14:05:36) for NEC NEmid
  51. sdhci_reset
  52. sdhci_spoof_card_detect
  53. sdhci_send_cmd
  54. sdhci_init
  55. sdhci_set_clock
  56. ahb_dma_memcpy
  57. 0123456789abcdef
  58. 0123456789ABCDEF
  59. ?456789:;<=
  60. !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123
  61. 0 0
  62. 0!0
  63. u-boot
  64. EHCI Host Controller
  65. ### ERROR ### Please RESET the board ###
  66. DRAM:
  67. baudrate
  68. Flash:
  69. ipaddr
  70. loadaddr
  71. bootfile
  72. Net:
  73. pc : [<%08lx>]
  74. lr : [<%08lx>]
  75. sp : %08lx ip : %08lx
  76. fp : %08lx
  77. r10: %08lx r9 : %08lx
  78. r8 : %08lx
  79. r7 : %08lx r6 : %08lx
  80. r5 : %08lx r4 : %08lx
  81. r3 : %08lx r2 : %08lx
  82. r1 : %08lx r0 : %08lx
  83. Flags: %c%c%c%c
  84. IRQs %s FIQs %s Mode %s%s
  85. Resetting CPU ...
  86. fast interrupt request
  87. not used
  88. data abort
  89. prefetch abort
  90. software interrupt
  91. undefined instruction
  92. USER_26
  93. FIQ_26
  94. IRQ_26
  95. SVC_26
  96. UK4_26
  97. UK5_26
  98. UK6_26
  99. UK7_26
  100. UK8_26
  101. UK9_26
  102. UK10_26
  103. UK11_26
  104. UK12_26
  105. UK13_26
  106. UK14_26
  107. UK15_26
  108. USER_32
  109. FIQ_32
  110. IRQ_32
  111. SVC_32
  112. UK4_32
  113. UK5_32
  114. UK6_32
  115. ABT_32
  116. UK8_32
  117. UK9_32
  118. UK10_32
  119. UND_32
  120. UK12_32
  121. UK13_32
  122. UK14_32
  123. SYS_32
  124. ethact
  125. ethrotate
  126. %pM
  127. ethaddr
  128. eth%daddr
  129. ethprime
  130. [PRIME]
  131. Warning: %s MAC addresses don't match:
  132. Address in SROM is %pM
  133. Address in environment is %pM
  134. none
  135. %d.%d.%d.%d
  136. bad length %d < %d
  137. invalid RARP header
  138. len bad %d < %d
  139. checksum bad
  140. ICMP Host Redirect to %pI4
  141. ## Warning: gatewayip needed but not set
  142. netretry
  143. yes
  144. once
  145. ARP Retry count exceeded; starting again
  146. gatewayip
  147. netmask
  148. serverip
  149. nvlan
  150. *** ERROR: `serverip' not set
  151. *** ERROR: `ipaddr' not set
  152. *** ERROR: No ethernet found.
  153. *** ERROR: `ethaddr' not set
  154. *** ERROR: `eth%daddr' not set
  155. Abort
  156. Bytes transferred = %ld (%lx hex)
  157. %lX
  158. filesize
  159. fileaddr
  160. RARP broadcast %d
  161. autoload
  162. Retry count exceeded; starting again
  163. octet
  164. %lu
  165. blksize%c%d%c
  166. File too large
  167. File has bad magic
  168. tftpblocksize
  169. tftptimeout
  170. TFTP timeout (%ld ms) too low, set minimum = 1000 ms
  171. %02lX%02lX%02lX%02lX.img
  172. *** Warning: no boot file name; using '%s'
  173. Using %s device
  174. TFTP from server %pI4; our IP address is %pI4
  175. ; sending through gateway %pI4
  176. Filename '%s'.
  177. Size is 0x%x Bytes =
  178. Load address: 0x%lx
  179. Loading: *
  180. blksize
  181. %lu MB received
  182. TFTP error: First block is not block 1 (%ld)
  183. Starting again
  184. done
  185. TFTP error: '%s' (%d)
  186. Not retrying...
  187. *** WARNING: %s is too long (%d - max: %d) - truncated
  188. BOOTP broadcast %d
  189. Host Name
  190. Root Path
  191. NIS Domain Name
  192. CFI conformant
  193. CFI: Unknown command set 0x%x
  194. %d erase regions found, only %d used
  195. ERROR: too many flash sectors
  196. Flash: S-Die
  197. ## Unknown FLASH on Bank %d - Size = 0x%08lx = %ld MB
  198. Flash %s timeout at address %lx data %lx
  199. Flash %s error at address %lx
  200. Command Sequence Error.
  201. Block Erase Error.
  202. Locking Error
  203. Block locked.
  204. Vpp Low Error.
  205. Error: Spansion LLD doesn't support non-word aligned flash address: 0x%08x
  206. Error:
  207. Error Spansion lld_memcpy():
  208. Sector locked
  209. Program error
  210. write to buffer
  211. buffer write
  212. missing or unknown FLASH type
  213. %s FLASH (%d x %d)
  214. Size: %ld kB in %d Sectors
  215. Size: %ld MB in %d Sectors
  216. Intel Prog Regions
  217. Intel Standard
  218. Intel Extended
  219. AMD Standard
  220. AMD Extended
  221. Unknown (%d)
  222. command set, Manufacturer ID: 0x%02X, Device ID: 0x%02X
  223. %04X
  224. Erase timeout: %ld ms, write timeout: %ld ms
  225. Buffer write timeout: %ld ms, buffer size: %d bytes
  226. Sector Start Addresses:
  227. %08lX %c %s
  228. Can't erase unknown flash type - aborted
  229. - no sectors to erase
  230. - Warning: %d protected sectors will not be erased!
  231. - Error: Spansion lld_SectorEraseOp():
  232. Erase error
  233. erase
  234. done
  235. LLD Version: Release %s
  236. pci_hose_bus_to_phys: invalid hose
  237. pci_hose_bus_to_phys: invalid physical address
  238. pci_hose_phys_to_bus: invalid hose
  239. pci_hose_phys_to_bus: invalid physical address
  240. pci_bus_to_hose() failed
  241. [%5lu.%06lu]
  242. %-12s= 0x%08lX
  243. arch_number
  244. env_t
  245. boot_params
  246. DRAM bank
  247. -> start
  248. -> size
  249. (not set)
  250. %-12s= %s
  251. ip_addr = %pI4
  252. baudrate = %d bps
  253. bdinfo
  254. print Board Info structure
  255. ## Starting application at 0x%08lX ...
  256. ## Application terminated, rc = 0x%lX
  257. start application at address 'addr'
  258. reset
  259. Perform RESET of the CPU
  260. ## Transferring control to RTEMS (at address %08lx) ...
  261. bootargs
  262. ## Transferring control to NetBSD stage-2 loader (at address %08lx) ...
  263. ## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at %08lx ...
  264. Bad Magic Number
  265. Bad Header Checksum
  266. Verifying Checksum ...
  267. Bad Data CRC
  268. Unsupported Architecture 0x%x
  269. Wrong Image Type for %s command
  270. Wrong Image Format for %s command
  271. ERROR: can't get kernel image!
  272. ERROR: unknown image format type!
  273. Could not find kernel entry point!
  274. Ramdisk image is corrupt or invalid
  275. XIP %s ...
  276. Loading %s ...
  277. Uncompressing %s ...
  278. GUNZIP: uncompress, out-of-mem or overwrite error - must RESET board to recover
  279. Unimplemented compression type %d
  280. Trying to execute a command out of order
  281. cmdline subcommand not supported
  282. bdt subcommand not supported
  283. prep subcommand not supported
  284. WARNING: legacy format multi component image overwritten
  285. ERROR: new format image overwritten - must RESET the board to recover
  286. autostart
  287. ERROR: booting os '%s' (%d) is not supported
  288. loados
  289. cmdline
  290. bdt
  291. prep
  292. bootm
  293. boot application image from memory
  294. List of available devices:
  295. %-8s %08x %c%c%c
  296. coninfo
  297. print console devices and information
  298. echo
  299. echo args to console
  300. exit
  301. exit script
  302. usage: fatinfo <interface> <dev[:part]>
  303. ** Invalid boot device **
  304. ** Invalid boot device, use `dev[:part]' **
  305. ** Unable to use %s %d:%d for fatinfo **
  306. usage: fatls <interface> <dev[:part]> [directory]
  307. ** Unable to use %s %d:%d for fatls **
  308. No Fat FS detected
  309. usage: fatload <interface> <dev[:part]> <addr> <filename> [bytes]
  310. ** Unable to use %s %d:%d for fatload **
  311. ** Unable to read "%s" from %s %d:%d **
  312. %ld bytes read
  313. fatload
  314. load binary file from a dos filesystem
  315. fatls
  316. list files in a directory (default /)
  317. fatinfo
  318. print information about filesystem
  319. Error: end address (0x%08lx) not in flash!
  320. Error: end address not on sector boundary
  321. Error: end sector precedes start sector
  322. Error: start address not on sector boundary
  323. Error: cannot span across banks when they are mapped in reverse order
  324. Un-
  325. %sProtected %d sectors
  326. Error: start and/or end address not on sector boundary
  327. all
  328. %sProtect Flash Bank # %ld
  329. Bad sector specification
  330. %sProtect Flash Sectors %d-%d in Bank # %zu
  331. Only FLASH Banks # 1 ... # %d supported
  332. Bad address format
  333. Erased %d sectors
  334. Erase Flash Bank # %ld
  335. Erase Flash Sectors %d-%d in Bank # %zu
  336. Bank # %ld:
  337. flinfo
  338. print FLASH memory information
  339. erase FLASH memory
  340. protect
  341. enable or disable FLASH write protection
  342. help
  343. print command description/usage
  344. alias for 'help'
  345. CRC32 for %08lx ... %08lx ==> %08lx
  346. Base Address: 0x%08lx
  347. Tested %d iteration(s) with %lu errors.
  348. Pattern %08lX Writing...%12s
  349. Reading...
  350. Mem error @ 0x%08X: found %08lX, expected %08lX
  351. word at 0x%08lx (0x%08lx) != word at 0x%08lx (0x%08lx)
  352. halfword at 0x%08lx (0x%04x) != halfword at 0x%08lx (0x%04x)
  353. byte at 0x%08lx (0x%02x) != byte at 0x%08lx (0x%02x)
  354. byte
  355. halfword
  356. Total of %ld %s%s were the same
  357. Zero length ???
  358. Copy to Flash...
  359. %08lx:
  360. %08x
  361. %04x
  362. %02x
  363. ?
  364. memory display
  365. memory modify (auto-incrementing address)
  366. memory modify (constant address)
  367. memory write (fill)
  368. memory copy
  369. cmp
  370. memory compare
  371. crc32
  372. checksum calculation
  373. base
  374. print or set address offset
  375. loop
  376. infinite loop on address range
  377. mtest
  378. simple RAM read/write test
  379. %u. (%04hx) -- %s --
  380. (%04hx:%04hx) %u.
  381. 1000
  382. 100
  383. ???
  384. %2u,%2u = b%u%u speed selection = %s Mbps
  385. half
  386. full
  387. %2u = %5u duplex = %s
  388. IEEE 802.3
  389. IEEE 802.9 ISLAN-16T
  390. %2u-%2u = %5u selector = %s
  391. %2u-%2u = %u selector = %s
  392. %2u
  393. %2u-%2u
  394. = %5u %s
  395. HDX
  396. FDX
  397. PHY 0x%02X: OUI = 0x%04X, Model = 0x%02X, Rev = 0x%02X, %3dbase%s, %s
  398. Error reading from the PHY addr=%02x reg=%02x
  399. addr=%02x reg=%02x data=
  400. %04X
  401. Error writing to the PHY addr=%02x reg=%02x
  402. The MII dump command only formats the standard MII registers, 0-5.
  403. PHY control register
  404. PHY status register
  405. PHY ID 1 register
  406. PHY ID 2 register
  407. Autonegotiation advertisement register
  408. Autonegotiation partner abilities register
  409. loopback
  410. speed selection
  411. A/N enable
  412. power-down
  413. isolate
  414. restart A/N
  415. collision test enable
  416. (reserved)
  417. 100BASE-T4 able
  418. 100BASE-X full duplex able
  419. 100BASE-X half duplex able
  420. 10 Mbps full duplex able
  421. 10 Mbps half duplex able
  422. 100BASE-T2 full duplex able
  423. 100BASE-T2 half duplex able
  424. extended status
  425. MF preamble suppression
  426. A/N complete
  427. remote fault
  428. A/N able
  429. link status
  430. jabber detect
  431. extended capabilities
  432. OUI portion
  433. manufacturer part number
  434. manufacturer rev. number
  435. next page able
  436. reserved
  437. asymmetric pause
  438. pause enable
  439. 100BASE-TX full duplex able
  440. 100BASE-TX able
  441. 10BASE-T full duplex able
  442. 10BASE-T able
  443. xxx to do
  444. acknowledge
  445. asymmetric pause able
  446. 100BASE-X full duplex able
  447. 10BASE-T full duplex able
  448. 10BASE-T able
  449. mii
  450. MII utility commands
  451. sleep
  452. delay execution for some time
  453. hostname
  454. rootpath
  455. dnsip
  456. domain
  457. Automatic boot of image at addr 0x%08lX ...
  458. bootp
  459. boot image via network using BOOTP/TFTP protocol
  460. tftpboot
  461. boot image via network using TFTP protocol
  462. rarpboot
  463. boot image via network using RARP/TFTP protocol
  464. ## Error: illegal character '=' in variable name "%s"
  465. stdin
  466. stdout
  467. stderr
  468. Can't delete "%s"
  469. ## Baudrate %d bps not supported
  470. ## Switch baudrate to %d bps and press ENTER ...
  471. ## Error: environment overflow, "%s" deleted
  472. setenv
  473. Saving Environment to %s...
  474. startusb
  475. usb start; setenv startusb echo 'USB started'
  476. Environment size: %d/%ld bytes
  477. ## Error: "%s" not defined
  478. saveenv
  479. save environment variables to persistent storage
  480. printenv
  481. print environment variables
  482. set environment variables
  483. run
  484. run commands in an environment variable
  485. Mass storage controller
  486. Build before PCI Rev2.0
  487. Network controller
  488. Display controller
  489. Multimedia device
  490. Memory controller
  491. Bridge device
  492. Simple comm. controller
  493. Base system peripheral
  494. Input device
  495. Docking station
  496. Processor
  497. Serial bus controller
  498. Intelligent controller
  499. Satellite controller
  500. Cryptographic device
  501. DSP
  502. Does not fit any class
  503. vendor ID = 0x%.4x
  504. device ID = 0x%.4x
  505. command register = 0x%.4x
  506. status register = 0x%.4x
  507. revision ID = 0x%.2x
  508. class code = 0x%.2x (%s)
  509. sub class code = 0x%.2x
  510. programming interface = 0x%.2x
  511. cache line = 0x%.2x
  512. latency time = 0x%.2x
  513. header type = 0x%.2x
  514. BIST = 0x%.2x
  515. base address 0 = 0x%.8x
  516. base address 1 = 0x%.8x
  517. base address 2 = 0x%.8x
  518. base address 3 = 0x%.8x
  519. base address 4 = 0x%.8x
  520. base address 5 = 0x%.8x
  521. cardBus CIS pointer = 0x%.8x
  522. sub system vendor ID = 0x%.4x
  523. sub system ID = 0x%.4x
  524. expansion ROM base address = 0x%.8x
  525. interrupt line = 0x%.2x
  526. interrupt pin = 0x%.2x
  527. min Grant = 0x%.2x
  528. max Latency = 0x%.2x
  529. primary bus number = 0x%.2x
  530. secondary bus number = 0x%.2x
  531. subordinate bus number = 0x%.2x
  532. secondary latency timer = 0x%.2x
  533. IO base = 0x%.2x
  534. IO limit = 0x%.2x
  535. secondary status = 0x%.4x
  536. memory base = 0x%.4x
  537. memory limit = 0x%.4x
  538. prefetch memory base = 0x%.4x
  539. prefetch memory limit = 0x%.4x
  540. prefetch memory base upper = 0x%.8x
  541. prefetch memory limit upper = 0x%.8x
  542. IO base upper 16 bits = 0x%.4x
  543. IO limit upper 16 bits = 0x%.4x
  544. bridge control = 0x%.4x
  545. capabilities = 0x%.2x
  546. CardBus number = 0x%.2x
  547. CardBus latency timer = 0x%.2x
  548. CardBus memory base 0 = 0x%.8x
  549. CardBus memory limit 0 = 0x%.8x
  550. CardBus memory base 1 = 0x%.8x
  551. CardBus memory limit 1 = 0x%.8x
  552. CardBus IO base 0 = 0x%.4x
  553. CardBus IO base high 0 = 0x%.4x
  554. CardBus IO limit 0 = 0x%.4x
  555. CardBus IO limit high 0 = 0x%.4x
  556. CardBus IO base 1 = 0x%.4x
  557. CardBus IO base high 1 = 0x%.4x
  558. CardBus IO limit 1 = 0x%.4x
  559. CardBus IO limit high 1 = 0x%.4x
  560. subvendor ID = 0x%.4x
  561. subdevice ID = 0x%.4x
  562. PC Card 16bit base address = 0x%.8x
  563. unknown header
  564. 0x%.4x 0x%.4x %-23s 0x%.2x
  565. Scanning PCI devices on bus %d
  566. BusDevFun VendorId DeviceId Device Class Sub-Class
  567. _____________________________________________________________
  568. %02x.%02x.%02x
  569. Found PCI device %02x.%02x.%02x:
  570. pci
  571. list and access PCI Configuration Space
  572. Bad magic number
  573. Bad header crc
  574. Bad data crc
  575. Bad image type
  576. Empty Script
  577. Wrong image format for "source" command
  578. ## Executing script at %08lx
  579. source
  580. run script from memory
  581. -eq
  582. -ne
  583. -lt
  584. -le
  585. -gt
  586. -ge
  587. minimal test like /bin/sh
  588. false
  589. do nothing, unsuccessfully
  590. true
  591. do nothing, successfully
  592. read root CA certificate from nor flash
  593. %s %s%s
  594. -----BEGIN sha256WithRSAEncryption
  595. -----BEGIN SHA256
  596. -----END sha256WithRSAEncryption
  597. -----END SHA256
  598. Encrypted MD5 size exceeds buffer size
  599. Invalid base64 char in sha256 %d
  600. Invalid base64/size in sha256 %d
  601. load manifest file failed...
  602. Manifest data buffer size limit reached...
  603. Failed parsing manifest file: %s
  604. Failed to get manifest info...
  605. .smd
  606. Failed to read smd file: %s
  607. SMD data buffer size limit reached...
  608. -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
  609. -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  610. Certificate size:%d exceeds buffer size:%d
  611. cert parse error: %d
  612. verify against root CA fail: res %d, flags %d
  613. found debug certificate
  614. issuer mismatch: %s
  615. subject mismatch: %s
  616. rsa key length: size mismatch: %d
  617. v3 basic_constraints_is_cacert: mismatch: %d
  618. v3 basic_constraints_max_pathlen mismatch: %d
  619. v3 key_usage_digital_signature mismatch: %d
  620. v3 key_usage_non_repudiation mismatch: %d
  621. v3 key_usage_key_encipherment mismatch: %d
  622. v3 key_usage_data_encipherment mismatch: %d
  623. v3 key_usage_key_agreement mismatch: %d
  624. v3 key_usage_key_cert_sign mismatch: %d
  625. v3 key_usage_crl_sign mismatch: %d
  626. v3 key_usage_encipher_only mismatch: %d
  627. v3 key_usage_decipher_only mismatch: %d
  628. v3 ext_key_usage_code_signing mismatch: %d
  629. Verifying manifest file %s/%s
  630. Certificate verification failed...
  631. Failed to allocate memory
  633. Failed to get manifest md5 info %d
  634. Could not decode base64 %d
  635. mnf and calculated diverge
  636. manifest sha256 OK
  637. manifest rsa signature OK
  638. SW PN
  639. Failed to get SW PN %d
  640. %s's MD in .mnf != MD in .smd
  641. %s rsa fail, rsa_pkcs1_verify returned %d
  642. %s: rsa signature ok
  643. .bin
  644. Failed to read file %s
  645. fail, smd and calculated diverge
  646. sha256 matches for %s
  647. startguestos
  648. setrtosaddr
  649. Initing fat device %d
  650. Invalid device %d
  651. Unable to use fat device
  652. No parent dir
  653. Could not allocate memory
  654. .mnf
  655. No files
  656. Verifying root CA
  657. Verification failed for %s...
  658. Selected manifest file for update:%s
  659. Directory/Manifest error ignoring device %d
  660. No valid manifest file found
  661. ***USB recovery download FAILED, stopping ***
  662. Error code:%d
  663. Root CA verify error...
  664. perform a recovery update
  665. O=GM, OU=GM NA INFOTAINMENT, CN=GM Code Signature CA
  666. O=GM, OU=GM NA INFOTAINMENT, CN=GM Code Signature Server
  667. Audio
  668. See Interface
  669. Communication
  670. Human Interface
  671. Printer
  672. Mass Storage
  673. Hub
  674. CDC Data
  675. Vendor specific
  676. Out
  677. - Endpoint %d %s
  678. Control
  679. Isochronous
  680. Interrupt
  681. MaxPacket %d
  682. Interval %dms
  683. Human Interface, Subclass:
  684. None
  685. Boot
  686. Keyboard
  687. Mouse
  688. Mass Storage,
  689. RBC
  690. SFF-8020i (ATAPI)
  691. QIC-157 (Tape)
  692. UFI
  693. SFF-8070
  694. Transp. SCSI
  695. Command/Bulk
  696. Command/Bulk/Int
  697. Bulk only
  698. bootdevice
  699. ** No boot device **
  700. ** Device %d not available
  701. storage device not initialized. Use usb scan
  702. U-Boot
  703. Raw
  704. error reading partinfo...try to boot raw
  705. PPCBoot
  706. ** Invalid partition type "%.32s" (expect "U-Boot")
  707. Loading from USB device %d, partition %d: Name: %.32s Type: %.32s
  708. ** Bad Header Checksum **
  709. ** Unknown image type
  710. ** Read error on %d:%d
  711. %d
  712. 480 Mb/s
  713. 12 Mb/s
  714. 1.5 Mb/s
  715. %s (%s, %dmA)
  716. %s %s %s %s
  717. %d: %s, USB Revision %x.%x
  718. - %s %s %s
  719. - Class:
  720. - Class: (from Interface) %s
  721. - PacketSize: %d Configurations: %d
  722. - Vendor: 0x%04x Product 0x%04x Version %d.%d
  723. String: "%s"
  724. Interface: %d
  725. - Alternate Setting %d, Endpoints: %d
  726. - Class
  727. -
  728. Configuration: %d
  729. Bus Powered
  730. Self Powered
  731. Remote Wakeup
  732. - Interfaces: %d %s%s%dmA
  733. (Re)start USB...
  734. stop
  735. stopping USB..
  736. USB is stopped. Please issue 'usb start' first.
  737. tree
  738. Device Tree:
  739. inf
  740. config for device %d
  741. *** NO Device avaiable ***
  742. stor
  743. part
  744. no USB devices available
  745. read
  746. no current device selected
  747. USB read: device %d block # %ld, count %ld ...
  748. ERROR
  749. %ld blocks read: %s
  750. USB write: device %d block # %ld, count %ld ...
  751. %ld blocks write: %s
  752. USB device %d:
  753. unknown device
  754. Device %d:
  755. ... is now current device
  756. USB sub-system
  757. usbboot
  758. boot from USB device
  759. print monitor version
  760. ## Copying part %d from legacy image at %08lx ...
  761. Must specify load address for %s command with compressed image
  762. Bad Image Part
  763. Invalid image type for imxtract
  764. Loading part %d ...
  765. Uncompressing part %d ...
  766. GUNZIP ERROR - image not loaded
  767. %8lx
  768. imxtract
  769. extract a part of a multi-image
  770. %s - %s
  771. NEMID #
  772. %-*s- %s
  773. Unknown command '%s' - try 'help' without arguments for list of all known commands
  774. In:
  775. No input devices available!
  776. Out:
  777. No output devices available!
  778. Err:
  779. No error devices available!
  780. *** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment
  781. Erasing Flash...
  782. Writing to Flash...
  783. Flash
  784. Timeout writing to Flash
  785. Flash not Erased
  786. Can't write to protected Flash sectors
  787. Outside available Flash
  788. Start and/or end address not on sector boundary
  789. Unknown Vendor of Flash
  790. Unknown Type of Flash
  791. General Flash Programming Error
  792. %s[%d] FIXME: rc=%d
  793. flash.c
  794. syntax error
  795. %s=%s
  796. ** Abort
  798. 0.01
  799. ERROR : memory not allocated
  800. %s: readonly variable
  801. *?[\
  802. ERROR: There is a global environment variable with the same name.
  803. IFS
  804. \$'"
  805. ;&|#
  806. ;$&|
  807. exit not allowed from main input shell.
  808. <INTERRUPT>
  809. Unknown command '%s' - try 'help' or use 'run' command
  810. Unknown command '%s' - try 'help'
  811. showvar
  812. print local hushshell variables
  813. then
  814. elif
  815. else
  816. for
  817. while
  818. until
  819. done
  820. Unknown OS
  821. Unknown Architecture
  822. Unknown Image
  823. Unknown Compression
  824. %d Bytes =
  825. %sImage Name: %.*s
  826. %sImage Type:
  827. %s %s %s (%s)
  828. %sData Size:
  829. %sLoad Address: %08x
  830. %sEntry Point: %08x
  831. %sContents:
  832. %s Image %d:
  833. %s Offset = 0x%08lx
  834. bootm_low
  835. bootm_size
  836. ## Loading init Ramdisk from Legacy Image at %08lx ...
  837. No Linux %s Ramdisk Image
  838. Wrong Ramdisk Image Format
  839. ## Loading init Ramdisk from multi component Legacy Image at %08lx ...
  840. uncompressed
  841. bzip2
  842. bzip2 compressed
  843. gzip
  844. gzip compressed
  845. lzma
  846. lzma compressed
  847. lzo
  848. lzo compressed
  849. Invalid Image
  850. Filesystem Image
  851. firmware
  852. Firmware
  853. kernel
  854. Kernel Image
  855. multi
  856. Multi-File Image
  857. ramdisk
  858. RAMDisk Image
  859. Script
  860. standalone
  861. Standalone Program
  862. flat_dt
  863. Flat Device Tree
  864. kwbimage
  865. Kirkwood Boot Image
  866. imximage
  867. Freescale i.MX Boot Image
  868. Invalid ARCH
  869. alpha
  870. Alpha
  871. arm
  872. ARM
  873. Intel x86
  874. ia64
  875. IA64
  876. m68k
  877. M68K
  878. microblaze
  879. MicroBlaze
  880. mips
  881. MIPS
  882. mips64
  883. MIPS 64 Bit
  884. nios
  885. NIOS
  886. nios2
  887. NIOS II
  888. powerpc
  889. PowerPC
  890. ppc
  891. s390
  892. IBM S390
  893. SuperH
  894. sparc
  895. SPARC
  896. sparc64
  897. SPARC 64 Bit
  898. blackfin
  899. Blackfin
  900. avr32
  901. AVR32
  902. Invalid OS
  903. linux
  904. Linux
  905. netbsd
  906. NetBSD
  907. rtems
  908. RTEMS
  909. u-boot
  910. RbcmRTOS
  911. ** Too many args (max. %d) **
  912. ## Command too long!
  913. bootdelay
  914. bootcmd
  915. Hit any key to stop autoboot: %2d
  916. %2d
  917. MII devices:
  918. '%s'
  919. Current device: '%s'
  920. NULL device name!
  921. No such device: %s
  922. PHY duplex
  923. PHY AN duplex
  924. read failed, assuming half duplex
  925. PHY speed
  926. PHY AN speed
  927. read failed, assuming 10BASE-T
  928. PHY reset timed out
  929. miiphy_register: non unique device name '%s'
  930. miiphy_register: cannot allocate memory for '%s'
  931. serial
  932. ERROR: USB_MAX_HUB (%d) reached
  933. ERROR, too many USB Devices, max=%d
  935. selecting invalid interface %d
  936. unable to get descriptor, error %lX
  937. config descriptor too short (expected %i, got %i)
  938. port %d: disabling due to over-current
  939. cannot reset port %i!?
  940. Couldn't reset port %i
  941. USB device not accepting new address (error=%lX)
  942. unable to get device descriptor (error=%d)
  943. USB device descriptor short read (expected %i, got %i)
  944. failed to set default configuration len %d, status %lX
  945. usb_new_device:cannot locate device's port.
  946. No USB Device found
  947. %d USB Device(s) found
  948. USB:
  949. scanning bus for devices...
  950. Error, couldn't init Lowlevel part
  951. error in inquiry
  952. Device NOT ready
  953. Request Sense returned %02X %02X %02X
  955. USB Storage Transport unknown / not yet implemented
  956. Sorry, protocol %d not yet supported.
  957. Did not get interrupt on CBI
  958. cmd 0x%02X returned 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X (NOT READY)
  959. cmd 0x%02X returned 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X
  960. usbstortimeout
  961. scanning bus for storage devices...
  962. max USB Storage Device reached: %d stopping
  963. %d Storage Device(s) found
  964. No storage devices, perhaps not 'usb start'ed..?
  965. Board: NEmid based %s board
  966. Board ID: 0x%04X (#%i)
  967. (C) 2009-2014 Robert Bosch Car Multimedia, CM-AI/PJ-CF32, Dirk Behme
  968. CPU: MPCore at %u MHz
  969. U-Boot #%i (env @ 0x%08X)
  970. dualosoff
  971. start of RTOS only available in single os environment !!!
  972. Starting RTOS @ 0x%x with Board ID 0x%x, product os 0x%x, extmem 0x%x
  973. Starting guest OS ...
  974. ttyS%d
  975. linuxmem
  976. lpj
  977. 1929216
  978. 1994752
  979. resetcounteroff
  980. *** Failed boot attempts overrun. Wait for watchdog. ***
  981. Download switch set.
  982. Download flash magic set.
  983. Download by ethernet with dhcp.
  984. RAM Download magic set.
  985. Failed boot attempts expired.
  986. Entering dhcp fab download
  987. run usbdhcprecover
  988. Entering recovery download
  989. run usbrecover
  990. rootdev2
  991. rootdev
  992. set the RAM entry address for the RTOS (autoselected based on the board ID)
  993. start guest OS on CPU #2
  994. startsingleRTOS
  995. start RTOS as single os from flash
  996. Reset Counter cleared
  997. PRAM cleared
  998. Reset Counter has the value %d
  999. ERRMEM : unknown
  1001. RTOS : unknown
  1002. RTOS : callstack (%d) = %08lx (%s)
  1003. RTOS : ASSERT with condition %s
  1004. RTOS : mem at 0x%08lx
  1005. --> 0x%08lx
  1006. 0x%08lx
  1007. --> ??????????
  1008. ??????????
  1009. RTOS : irq %ld (%s)
  1010. RTOS : task %ld (%s)
  1011. RTOS : DataFaultStatus=%08lx, InstrFaultStatus=%08lx
  1012. RTOS : DataFaultAddr = %08lx, FCSE_PID = %08lx
  1013. RTOS : ContextID=%08lx
  1014. RTOS : cpsr=%08lx,CP15Ctrl=%08lx,CP15AuxCtrl=%08lx
  1015. RTOS : CP15AccessCtrl = %08lx
  1016. RTOS : TLB0 = %08lx, TLB1 = %08lx
  1017. RTOS : TLBCTRL = %08lx, DOMAIN_CTRL = %08lx
  1018. RTOS : r8 =%08lx,r9 =%08lx,r10=%08lx,r11=%08lx
  1019. RTOS : r12=%08lx,sp =%08lx,lr =%08lx,pc =%08lx
  1020. RTOS : r0 =%08lx,r1 =%08lx,r2 =%08lx,r3 =%08lx
  1021. RTOS : r4 =%08lx,r5 =%08lx,r6 =%08lx,r7 =%08lx
  1022. RTOS : exception at vector %d, cpu #%d
  1023. Error Memory magic is invalid
  1024. !!!! ERROR in compare stream structure !!!!
  1025. !!! cannot interpret data !!!!
  1026. ErrMem :spinlock was hold during reset,
  1027. ErrMem :error memory content killed !!!
  1028. Error Memory : %d Linux and %d RTOS entries
  1029. RTOS : task %s, line %ld, file:
  1030. RTOS : "%s"
  1031. USER :
  1032. KERN :
  1033. em_trace
  1034. display error memory entries in PRAM
  1035. ERROR: sdhci%u: Reset never completed /at %s:%d:%s()
  1036. sdhci.c
  1037. ERROR: sdhci%u: spoof of card detect failed /at %s:%d:%s()
  1038. ERROR: sdhci%u: Controller never released inhibit bit(s).
  1039. /at %s:%d:%s()
  1040. ERROR: sdhci%u: CMD%u FAILED (%i).
  1041. /at %s:%d:%s()
  1042. ERROR: sdhci%u: Reset failed /at %s:%d:%s()
  1043. ERROR: sdhci%u: Unknown controller version (%d) /at %s:%d:%s()
  1044. ERROR: sdhci%u: Hardware doesn't specify base clk freq /at %s:%d:%s()
  1045. ERROR: sdhci%u: Base clock frequency too low /at %s:%d:%s()
  1046. ERROR: sdhci%u: Hardware doesn't specify timeout clk freq /at %s:%d:%s()
  1047. ERROR: sdhci%u: Hardware doesn't report any support voltages /at %s:%d:%s()
  1048. ERROR: sdhci%u: Internal clock never stabilised /at %s:%d:%s()
  1049. ERROR: sdhci%u: Clock set failed /at %s:%d:%s()
  1050. ERROR: sdhci%u: MMC CMD0 failed /at %s:%d:%s()
  1051. ERROR: sdhci%u: MMC CMD1 failed /at %s:%d:%s()
  1052. ERROR: sdhci%u: Min frequency is higher than 400kHz /at %s:%d:%s()
  1053. %s: ERROR: c%d, length is zero!
  1054. %s: WARNING: c%d d0x%x s0x%x, invalid channel or memory address! Using memmove_wd instead
  1055. %s: ERROR: dma failure
  1056. dmaverify
  1057. %s: ERROR: dma did not copy correctly
  1058. %s: dma copied correctly
  1059. Zitte 512MB
  1060. 406M
  1061. Demonstrator
  1062. MRS G3
  1063. GMNG A1
  1064. GMNG B0
  1065. GMNG DSB13 512M
  1066. GMNG DSB13 1G
  1067. 768M
  1068. GMNG DSB21 (512M)
  1069. GMNG DSB22 (1G)
  1070. GMNG DSB23 (512M)
  1071. GMNG DSB24 (1G)
  1072. GMNG DSB25 (512M)
  1073. GMNG DSB26 (1G)
  1074. GM 100B (Color US, 512M)
  1075. GM 100C (Color EU, 512M)
  1076. GM 100D (NAV US, 1G)
  1077. GM 100E (NAV EU, 1G)
  1078. GM 100F (NAV US, 512M)
  1079. GM 1010 (Color US, 512M)
  1080. GM 1011 (Color EU, 512M)
  1081. GM 1012 (NAV US, 1G)
  1082. GM 1013 (NAV China, 1G)
  1083. GM 1014 (NAV US, 1G)
  1084. GM 1015 (Color US, 512M)
  1085. GM 1016 (NAV CH, 1G)
  1086. GM 1017 (Color US, 512M)
  1087. GM 1018 (NAV US, 1G)
  1088. GM 1019 (NAV CH, 1G)
  1089. GM 101A (Color CH, 512M)
  1090. ICM MCA A-Sample (512M)
  1091. ICM MCA B-Sample (1G)
  1092. LCN2kai PreCSB0 Sample (1G)
  1093. LCN2kai CSB0 Sample (1G)
  1094. LCN2kai DSB1 Sample (1G)
  1095. LCN2kai TSB1 Sample (1G)
  1096. LCN2kai TSB3 Sample (1G)
  1097. LCN2kai TSB4 Sample (1G)
  1098. LCN2kai EVO Sample (1G)
  1099. ITG5 A Sample
  1100. Zitte 256MB
  1101. 128M
  1102. Zitte SubTriton
  1103. %2ld
  1104. .%ld
  1105. %cB%s
  1106. 1.2.3
  1107. Error: inflateInit2() returned %d
  1108. Error: inflate() returned %d
  1109. Error: Bad gzipped data
  1110. Error: gunzip out of data in header
  1111. <NULL>
  1112. (null)
  1113. invalid distance too far back
  1114. invalid distance code
  1115. invalid literal/length code
  1116. incorrect header check
  1117. unknown compression method
  1118. invalid window size
  1119. unknown header flags set
  1120. header crc mismatch
  1121. invalid block type
  1122. invalid stored block lengths
  1123. too many length or distance symbols
  1124. invalid code lengths set
  1125. invalid bit length repeat
  1126. invalid literal/lengths set
  1127. invalid distances set
  1128. incorrect data check
  1129. incorrect length check
  1130. need dictionary
  1131. stream end
  1132. file error
  1133. stream error
  1134. data error
  1135. insufficient memory
  1136. buffer error
  1137. incompatible version
  1138. CN=
  1139. ST=
  1140. OU=
  1141. 0x%02X=
  1142. emailAddress=
  1143. ??=
  1144. %sCRL version : %d
  1145. %sissuer name :
  1146. %sthis update : %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d
  1147. %snext update : %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d
  1148. %sRevoked certificates:
  1149. %sserial number:
  1150. %02X%s
  1151. revocation date: %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d
  1152. %ssigned using : RSA+
  1153. MD2
  1154. MD4
  1155. MD5
  1156. SHA1
  1157. SHA224
  1158. SHA384
  1159. SHA512
  1160. %scert. version : %d
  1161. %sserial number :
  1162. %ssubject name :
  1163. %sissued on : %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d
  1164. %sexpires on : %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d
  1165. %sRSA key size : %d bits
  1166. -----BEGIN X509 CRL-----
  1167. -----END X509 CRL-----
  1168. -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
  1169. -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
  1170. Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED
  1171. Using RTOS Board ID 0x%x
  1172. Starting RBCM RTOS kernel ...
  1173. machid
  1174. Using machid 0x%x from environment
  1175. Starting kernel ...
  1176. resetting ...
  1177. Error reading cluster
  1178. Invalid FAT entry
  1179. FAT32
  1180. FAT12
  1181. FAT16
  1182. %s%c
  1183. %8ld %s%c
  1184. %d file(s), %d dir(s)
  1185. No current device
  1186. Interface:
  1187. IDE
  1188. SATA
  1189. ATAPI
  1190. USB
  1191. DOC
  1192. MMC
  1193. Unknown
  1194. Device %d:
  1195. No valid FAT fs found
  1196. Partition %d: Filesystem: %s "%s"
  1197. reading %s
  1198. ** Can't read from device %d **
  1199. FAT
  1200. FAT32
  1201. ** Partition %d not valid on device %d **
  1202. Partition Map for
  1203. UNKNOWN
  1204. device %d -- Partition Type: %s
  1205. DOS
  1206. ## Unknown partition table
  1207. (%d:%d) Vendor: %s Prod.: %s Rev: %s
  1208. Model: %s Firm: %s Ser#: %s
  1209. Vendor: %s Rev: %s Prod: %s
  1210. device type DOC
  1211. device type unknown
  1212. Unhandled device type: %i
  1213. Type:
  1214. Removable
  1215. Hard Disk
  1216. CD ROM
  1217. Optical Device
  1218. Tape
  1219. # %02X #
  1220. Capacity: %ld.%ld MB = %ld.%ld GB (%ld x %ld)
  1221. Capacity: not available
  1222. ** Can't allocate buffer **
  1223. ** Can't read partition table on %d:%d **
  1224. bad MBR sector signature 0x%02x%02x
  1225. hd%c%d
  1226. sd%c%d
  1227. usbd%c%d
  1228. docd%c%d
  1229. xx%c%d
  1230. Extd
  1231. %5d
  1232. %10d
  1233. %10d
  1234. %2x%s
  1235. 1
  1236. 0
  1237. %10ld
  1238. %2x
  1239. Partition Start Sector Num Sectors Type
  1240. ASIX Ethernet device found
  1241. %s: bad header length
  1242. %s: bad RX length %d
  1243. %s: bad packet length %d
  1244. Error reading PHYID register: %02x
  1245. Error reading RX_CTL register: %02x
  1246. Failed to enable software MII access
  1247. Failed to enable hardware MII access
  1248. Failed to send software reset: %02x
  1249. Failed to write Medium Mode to 0x%04x: %02x
  1250. Failed to write RX_CTL mode to 0x%04x: %02x
  1251. Failed to write GPIO value 0x%04x: %02x
  1252. Error reading Medium Status register: %02x
  1253. %s: can not get EPs
  1254. ASIX AX8817x USB 2.0 Ethernet
  1255. Netgear FA-120 USB Ethernet
  1256. DLink DUB-E100 USB Ethernet
  1257. Hawking UF200 USB Ethernet
  1258. ASIX AX88772 USB 2.0 Ethernet
  1259. asix
  1260. open reset fail (%d)
  1261. %s: Autonegotiation failed. status: 0x%04x
  1262. %s: Autonegotiation timeout
  1263. Half
  1264. Full
  1265. %s: Link is up - %d/%s
  1266. %s: failed to read
  1267. EHCI fail timeout STD_ASS set
  1268. EHCI fail timeout STD_ASS reset
  1269. EHCI fail to reset
  1270. Register %x NbrPorts %d
  1271. USB EHCI %x.%02x
  1272. The request port(%d) is not configured
  1273. port(%d) reset error
  1274. EHCI host controller not found
  1275. raise: Signal # %d caught
  1276. R1*
  1277. ye(
  1278. bootargs=reset
  1279. bootcmd=run setbootargs; if bootm start 0x40920000; then setrtosaddr; bootm loados; startguestos; fi; bootm
  1280. bootdelay=0
  1281. baudrate=115200
  1282. loadaddr=0x40220000
  1283. usbstortimeout=5
  1284. verify=no
  1285. cores=2
  1286. ipaddr=
  1287. serverip=
  1288. rootdev2=mmcblk0p2 ro
  1289. rootdev=mmcblk0p1 ro
  1290. uboot=u-boot.bin
  1291. linux=uImage
  1292. dualos=triton_dualos.bin.uimage
  1293. dualosmin=triton_min_dualos.bin.uimage
  1294. rfd=rfd_file.bin
  1295. ramdisk=uInitramfs
  1296. xtargs=quiet ohci-hcd.distrust_firmware=0
  1297. norfsfld=norfs_filled.bin
  1298. norfsmpt=norfs_empty.bin
  1299. panic=1
  1300. panic_on_oops=1
  1301. nfsroot=/opt/bosch/y/di_projects/generated/target_rootfs
  1302. nfsboot=setenv rootdev nfs rw nfsroot=${serverip}:${nfsroot} ip=${ipaddr};saveenv;reset
  1303. bootchart=setenv xtargs ${xtargs} initcall_debug printk.time=y init=/sbin/bootchartd;saveenv; reset
  1304. startusb=usb start; setenv startusb echo 'USB started'
  1305. setfatload=setenv loader fatload usb 0:1 0x80000000 ${loadfile}
  1306. setftpload=setenv loader tftp 0x80000000 ${loadfile}
  1307. setnorloader=echo 'no loader defined'
  1308. flshb=if run loader; then protect off 0x40020000 +${filesize};erase 0x40020000 +${filesize};cp.b 0x80000000 0x40020000 ${filesize};protect off 0x40160000 +${filesize};erase 0x40160000 +${filesize};cp.b 0x80000000 0x40160000 ${filesize};fi
  1309. flshkrnl=if run loader; then erase 0x40220000 +${filesize};cp.b 0x80000000 0x40220000 ${filesize};fi
  1310. flshdls=if run loader; then erase 0x40920000 +${filesize};cp.b 0x80000000 0x40920000 ${filesize};fi
  1311. flshdls2=if run loader; then erase 0x41020000 +${filesize};cp.b 0x80000000 0x41020000 ${filesize};fi
  1312. flshdlsmin=if run loader; then erase 0x40920000 +${filesize};cp.b 0x80000000 0x40920000 ${filesize};fi
  1313. flshrfd=if run loader; then erase 0x40B20000 +${filesize};cp.b 0x80000000 0x40B20000 ${filesize};fi
  1314. flshffs=if run loader; then erase 0x41940000 +${filesize};cp.b 0x80000000 0x41940000 ${filesize};fi
  1315. handle_norfs=erase 0x41940000 0x41afffff
  1316. norfs_default=setenv handle_norfs erase 0x41940000 0x41afffff
  1317. norfs_untouch=setenv handle_norfs echo norfs-untouched
  1318. norfs_empty=setenv handle_norfs run ffsmpt
  1319. norfs_filled=setenv handle_norfs run ffsfld
  1320. ffsmpt=echo 'ffsmpt';setenv loadfile ${norfsmpt};run setnorloader; run flshffs
  1321. ffsfld=echo 'ffsfld';setenv loadfile ${norfsfld};run setnorloader;run flshffs
  1322. bootup=echo 'bootup';run startusb;setenv loadfile ${uboot};run setfatload;run flshb
  1323. kernup=echo 'kernup';run startusb;setenv loadfile ${linux};run setfatload;run flshkrnl
  1324. dualosup=echo 'dualosup';run startusb;setenv loadfile ${dualos};run setfatload;run flshdls
  1325. dualosup2=echo 'dualosup2';run startusb;setenv loadfile ${dualos};run setfatload;run flshdls2
  1326. dualosminup=echo 'dualosminup';run startusb;setenv loadfile ${dualosmin};run setfatload;run flshdls
  1327. rfdup=echo 'rfdup';run startusb;setenv loadfile ${rfd};run setfatload;run flshrfd
  1328. tftpu=run startusb;setenv loadfile ${uboot};run setftpload;run flshb
  1329. tftpk=run startusb;setenv loadfile ${linux};run setftpload;run flshkrnl
  1330. tftpd=run startusb;setenv loadfile ${dualos};run setftpload;run flshdls
  1331. tftpd2=run startusb;setenv loadfile ${dualos};run setftpload;run flshdls2
  1332. tftpm=run startusb;setenv loadfile ${dualosmin};run setftpload;run flshdls
  1333. tftpr=run startusb;setenv loadfile ${rfd};run setftpload;run flshrfd
  1334. fatupdate=run clearenv;run bootup;run kernup;run dualosminup;run rfdup;setenv setnorloader ${setfatload};run handle_norfs
  1335. tftpupdate=run clearenv;run tftpu;run tftpk;run tftpm;run tftpr;setenv setnorloader ${setftpload};run handle_norfs
  1336. oldupdate=run fatupdate;setenv xtargs ${xtargs} update=fat;run usbrec1
  1337. fastupdate=setenv linux uImage-fastboot;run fatupdate;setenv xtargs ${xtargs} update=fat;setenv linux uImage;run usbrec1
  1338. fatld_uboot=run bootup
  1339. fatld_kernel=run kernup
  1340. fatld_dualosmid=run dualosup
  1341. fatld_dualosmid2=run dualosup2
  1342. fatld_dualosmin=run dualosminup
  1343. fatld_rfd=run rfdup
  1344. fatld_ffsmpt=run startusb;setenv setnorloader ${setfatload};run norfs_empty;run handle_norfs
  1345. fatld_ffsfld=run startusb;setenv setnorloader ${setfatload};run norfs_filled;run handle_norfs
  1346. fatld_ffskill=run norfs_default; run handle_norfs
  1347. tftp_uboot=run tftpu
  1348. tftp_kernel=run tftpk
  1349. tftp_dualosmid=run tftpd
  1350. tftp_dualosmid2=run tftpd2
  1351. tftp_dualosmin=run tftpm
  1352. tftp_rfd=run tftpr
  1353. tftp_ffsmpt=setenv setnorloader ${setftpload};run norfs_empty;run handle_norfs
  1354. tftp_ffsfld=setenv setnorloader ${setftpload};run norfs_filled;run handle_norfs
  1355. tftp_ffskill=run norfs_default; run handle_norfs
  1356. usbrecover=run setbootargs; update /
  1357. usbdhcprecover=setenv xtargs ${xtargs} update=fab_dhcp; run usbrecover
  1358. usbrec1=run startusb;run setbootargs;if fatload usb 0:1 0x85A00000 ${linux}; then setenv uid 0;elif fatload usb 1:1 0x85A00000 ${linux};then setenv uid 1; else run usbrecf; fi; run usbrec2
  1359. usbrec2=if fatload usb ${uid}:1 0x85000000 ${ramdisk};then if fatload usb ${uid}:1 0x82000000 ${dualos};then run usbrec3; fi; fi; run usbrecf
  1360. usbrec3=if bootm start 0x82000000; then setrtosaddr;if bootm loados; then startguestos;;bootm 0x85A00000 0x85000000; fi; fi; run usbrecf
  1361. usbrecf=echo *** USB recovery download FAIL, stopping ***
  1362. setbootargs=setenv bootargs console=${console},115200n8n mem=${linuxmem} maxcpus=${cores} root=/dev/${rootdev} rootwait lpj=${lpj} panic=${panic} panic_on_oops=${panic_on_oops} usbcore.rh_oc_handler=1 ${xtargs}
  1363. update=run clearbootconfig;run bootup;setenv bootcmd 'run fatupdate; run clearenv; setenv xtargs ${xtargs} update=fat;run setbootargs;run usbrec1';saveenv; reset
  1364. clearresetcounter=mw ffffff14 0
  1365. exitrecovery=setenv bootcmd ${bootcmd_default}; run clearresetcounter
  1366. clearbootconfig=erase 0x400e0000 +1
  1367. clearenv=protect off 0x40080000 +12288;erase 0x40080000 +12288;protect off 0x401C0000 +12288;erase 0x401C0000 +12288
  1368. mrpropper=run exitrecovery;run clearbootconfig;run clearenv
  1369. bootcmd_default=run setbootargs; if bootm start 0x40920000; then setrtosaddr; bootm loados; startguestos; fi; bootm
  1372. eee
  1373. s*e
  1374. eee
  1375. s*e
  1376. eex
  1377. eee
  1378. s*e
  1379. eee
  1380. s*e
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  1382. s*e
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  1394. s*x
  1395. eeee
  1396. e[x
  1397. eeex
  1398. eeeex
  1399. (((((
  1400. AAAAAA
  1401. BBBBBB
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