
Bad stuff

May 30th, 2017
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  1. Covet: Cadence was in the Cheer gym where she'd been for the last couple of hours, just working on everything that they were going to need. Finalizing their rental car and their hotel accomodations. She had been on the phone and was not just getting off as she saw Kelsey come in, "Hey Kels, I dvr'd your interview thing, and watched it this morning. Good Shit, get stretched out. // Kelsey smiled and set her bag down, nodding her head, "Thanks, Cadence. It was super sureal to watch last night." She sat down on the mats and started getting stretched out.
  2. Alexithymiaa: -Steph walked down the hall with her gym bag slung over her shoulder, looking tired as hell because her Mondays were hectic. She dragged herself into the cheer gym and dropped her bag onto the floor, walking over to the mats to take a seat and begin getting stretched out without a word to anyone.-
  3. Tsaaq: Hayley walked into the gym and sipped from her bottle of water as she waved at everyone. "Hey guys." She greeted in an unethusiastic tone. She pulled down her shorts a bit and went over to the mat so she could start stretching.
  4. Covet: "We're leaving wednesday morning to get there. Staying in a hotel Wednesday night then we'll be driving back Thursday morning, so make sure to pack something for overnight. The awards ceremony is going to be at like Eight pm on Wednesday. We're in the small group division so we don't have as much expected out of us, but there's still thirteen other small groups we're going up against." Cadence said trying to explain the plan this week for them. // Kelsey listened and waved at Steph and Haylely as they both came in, "Hi guys, I've been practicing so I don't have another basketball flub. I was too distracted watching the game."
  5. Alexithymiaa: -Steph leaned forward on the mat with her legs straddled out on either side of her, her elbows propped in front of her against the floor with her head resting in her hands as she listened to Cadence's instructions for their competition, giving a quick head nod to Kelsey.-
  6. Tsaaq: Hayley lazily scooted over to Kelsey so she could give her a comforting pat. "So..." She trailed off. "I have to get a ride or something?" She asked, stretching her arms then leaning forwad.
  7. Tsaaq: ((*forward.))
  8. Covet: "No We've got a rental car. It's some midclass SUV thing. I'll come by and pick everyone up at Six am. So be ready or your asses are getting left behind." She said then shook her head, "But not really, I'll just come in and wake your ass up and it won't be pleasant." Cadence finished up her emails for this trip and set her phone aside while she stretched out herself // Kelsey laughed, "I'll be up by then. I'm up by five am every morning anyways."
  9. Alexithymiaa: "Same." She remarked, fallling back into silence as she sat up and pulled her legs in, pushing down on her knees until they touched the floor.-
  10. Tsaaq: Her face fell as she looked between the other females. "Whaaa..." She trailed off because she definitely didn't want to be awake at five in the morning. "Okay... I'll." Hayley paused then shrugged. "I'll be up." She muttered unconvincingly. "Totally."
  11. Covet: "I know.. I'm going to hate it too. But for those of us not driving we can sleep, so it won't be too bad. We'll have plenty of room too." Cadence said having made sure they weren't going to be cramped because they didn't need that many personalities packed tight like sardines. That was an explosion waitng to happen. // Kelsey shook her head, "I don't mind driving that early if you want to sleep. I can keep myself occupied with the radio, so long as I have directions." She said standing up so she could stretch her back out, the last thing she had to do do.
  12. Alexithymiaa: (Yeah I cant see this being a pleasant car ride at all.)
  13. Alexithymiaa: -Steph listened back and forth, her mind immediately trying to figure out how she can fit in her running with enough time to come back and shower before Cadence came to pick her up to leave. Pushing up to her feet, she walked over to her bag to grab her phone, sitting back down on the mat to math a little bit. "I can drive too. I don't mind."-
  14. Tsaaq: Hayley darted her eyes a moment. "I'll set my ten alarms or something. And I'll sleep in the car." She said, making a point not to offer to drive.
  15. Covet: "Sounds good. Thanks Kels.. and Steph. You're a life saver for those of us who don't do mornings. I'll make sure you have directions for your phones." Cadence said getting up herself, "So tonight I want to run over everything, from start to finish. Make sure it's as clean as we can get it." She told them doing her best to keep her shit together tonight. // Kelsey nodded and moved to her normal spot on the mats for their routines, " I think I'm crisp and clean now. I'm pretty sure I am." She said second guessing herself.
  16. Alexithymiaa: "Full out stunts, jumps, and gymnastics too?" She asked, not lifting her eyes from her phone or getting up from the mat to move into position at all.-
  17. Tsaaq: She stood up on the mat once she was done with her stretching and prepared for the routines, putting her hands on her hips. "Alright, got it." She said quietly.
  18. Covet: "Yep. I want to see what our whole competition piece is going to be from start to finish." Cadence said getting into place. " Today... Steph." She said with a little more of an authoritative tone to her voice. // Kelsey nodded going over how everything came together, "Okay. So Cheer routine, Stunt layouts, then Dance section of the routine right?" She asked double checking. // Cadence nodded, putting her fingers to the bridge of her nose, " Yes... exactly that"
  19. Alexithymiaa: (The fact that Kelsey had to ask if what alarms me.)
  20. Alexithymiaa: -She slowly lifted her eyes from her phone when Cadence called her out, moving painfully slow as she climbed to her feet. "Just sorting my shit out so I can be on time for Wednesday. That's important, isn't it?" She asked with way too much edge to her fucking voice considering Cadence just wanted to practice their shit.-
  21. Tsaaq: hayley nodded her head with understanding before raising an eyebrow at Kelsey. She cleared her throat and went back to attempting to focus. She shook her head and looked between Cadence and Steph as they went back and forth.
  22. Covet: "Yeah.. and it could wait until after practice too." She said as she got into the position and called out for the first routine, "Ready..."Shout GO!, Shout Fight!, Shout Win it all tonight! We're the hawks, feathers in the stands, let us hear your voice, c'mon clap your hands." She clapped her hands and went through the motions of the first part of the cheer routine. Her motions were so clean and snappy they were almost violent until she stepped back to do their first stunt layout. Throwing her body through the motions as she flipped across the floor, I was trying to look something specific up but I'm taking forever as is so put motions in here. // Kelsey followed along doing her best and only falling a little behind but nothing that she didn't pick back up later. She knew she was going to have to bust her ass on this over the next day to make sure she was set for this competition.
  23. Alexithymiaa: -She rolled her eyes and dropped her phone down onto the front table before taking her sweet ass time to walk back to the routine, missing the first few counts, but jumping in easily. She clapped her hands in perfect sync with the girls, stepping out to do her portion of the gymnastics tumbling. Taking a running start, she threw her hands out in front of her, tumbling over into a series of back handsprings. The edges of her vision clouded with darkness and her head whirled, losing her equilibrium to send her sprawling out flat on the mat, breathing heavily.-
  24. Tsaaq: Hayley went into the routine and remained in sync with the other girls, since she had it all down pact by now. There was no way she would feel like she wasn't secure in it now. She started with her own running start then stopped while watching Steph fall on the floor and shit. "Holy shit." She exclaimed before running over to Steph. "Hey, you okay? You need some water or something?"
  25. Covet: Cadence set her jaw as she watched Steph intentionally slack off and then fuck up on her tumbling. "Okay Bitch I fucking get it. You don't care for me... or the fucking team... You're better than us we get it.. you don't have to intentionally go out of your way to make practice any more miserable than I already make it." Cadence said turning around folding her arms to glare at her. // Kelsey frowned and made her way over to Steph, "Uh... Steph?" She asked nervous because this was kind of a big deal to her after her conversation with Bryan last night.
  26. Alexithymiaa: -She pushed up to her feet slowly, sweeping her hair out of her face. "I'm fine." She spoke calmly to Hayley and Kelsey before spinning around to direct her attention at Cadence. "Excuse you? I don't have anything against the team. And I'm not intentionally fucking up. I'm sorry I can't be fucking perfect all the time like you, okay? I'll work on it." She let out a huff and stormed across the mat, walking over to her gym bag to grab her water from inside it, taking a sip.-
  27. Tsaaq: She lifted her hands and took a few steps back as Steph got up. "Oh, okay." She whispered then turned to Kelsey with a puzzled expression. Hayley pursed her lips and crossed her arms over her hcest.
  28. Tsaaq: ((chest*))
  29. Covet: "I'm not asking for perfect. Okay I am.. I'm just asking for a little bit of fucking respect. I want us to do good and if you're just going to take your sweet ass time being involved, that effects all of us. Course there's a few things you're doing that effect all of us. No big surprise there." She snapped at Steph. // Kelsey frowned, "Maybe this is something we should work out during not practice hours. We shouldn't be fighting right before a competition like this." She said trying to be reasonable with the group, looking at Hayley, because this shit was bananas.
  30. Alexithymiaa: (Now Im singing.)
  31. Covet: [R-E-S-P-E-C-T!]
  32. Alexithymiaa: -She threw her hands up in the air, tossing her water bottle down into her bag. "I'm sorry, I could have sworn I just heard you call me selfish. Which is really hilarious because despite how much of a piece of shit you are, I still show up and actually listen to you. So rest assured, I've been more than accomodating to your shit Cadence. Just because you can't have it exactly the way you want, exactly when you want it doesn't mean things are out of control or bad. It just means you don't get to play power tyrant over your peers. Get over yourself."-
  33. Tsaaq: Hayley's eyes widened as she attempted to escape, backing away slowly as Cadence and Steph laid into each other.
  34. Covet: "You listen to me on your terms. I say get in line everyone snaps to, except for you, you take a lackadasical approach. As a cheer captain..and this being a cheer squad, I think I have every right to have this one thing exactly on point how it should be, especially for a competition piece that if I remember right.. you were the one who suggested we should go to. You think I want to be a cheertator? No.. I really don't. But I'm not going to let you and your entitled ass walk all over what I do, just because you have an issue with me. Stop making the rest of the team suffer, Stephanie." // Kelsey walked over to Hayley and watched as they got into it again, "Well we might be going to a competition on Wednesday." She mumbled to Hayley, "Do you want to just go over this together since they're fighting? We don't have to let them impact what we need to do."
  35. Alexithymiaa: "No one is suffering, but you. You're the one making this into a big thing because I fucking fell. And you're basically accusing me of intentionally fucking up. Why? To ruin things for you? Don't give yourself that much credit. I'd never intentionally embarrass myself at competition just to get back at you. It doesn't take that much effort to get under your skin and I sure as shit wouldn't waste my time on it." She picked up her bag, swinging it over her shoulder. "I'll see you on Wednesday at six." She snapped at her, turning to shove the gym doors open, stepping out into the hallway to gasp for air because she was all worked up and shit.-
  36. Tsaaq: Hayley bit the inside of her cheek and turned to Kelsey. "Yeah we can practice tomorrow or something if you want to?" She offered. "Or a little right now... If you're driving me and all. We'd be going to Bliss and Eli's place though."
  37. Covet: "You took your sweet ass time to even get in formation. Not just that you fell.. Yeah.. be on fucking point.. be awake.. and how about you eat some god damn breakfast before we get on the fucking road." She called out then looked at Kelsey and Hayley. " I'll see you guys on wednesday morning too." It was more angry mumbling than yelling when it came to the two of them. // Kelsey nodded her head, "Of course I'm driving you. But tomorrow would work out perfect for me. We can meet here or at the dorms like we did before?" She asked her going to her bag because she just wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible.
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