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Feb 18th, 2020
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  1. Did you get any insight into the many focal planes were being used in the device you wore? If so how many focal planes
  2. How do you feel about the competition; specifically, the HoloLens 2 and meta 2?
  3. Some people have asked whether ML is developing a virtual assistant, like Siri or Clippie. Do you have any response to them? Ray Kurzweil says that human-level computer intelligence will arrive around 2029; do you agree?
  4. Do you know any specs? If so, are you under NDA to not share any? If not Please could you let us know what some of the specs are?
  5. Some bloggers, especially the skeptics at The Register, have made allegations that magic leap is running a huge scam. Do you have anything you’d like to say to them, or to your followers?
  6. Ernest Cline says the following: “Ready Player One could be the first movie that incorporates some of this virtual reality technology into the film going experience. Magic Leap could play a role in the way the movie is presented. It’s not a head-mounted display, but it alters the light that already goes into your eye and makes the room around you more like a holodeck. That’s fascinating to me because that could allow film viewers to wear clear glasses like 3D glasses, but they could allow the action in the movie to spill out beyond the edges of the rectangular movie screen.” Is the quote still accurate in saying that what you are producing is not a head mounted display? Would you have any knowledge about this?
  7. Did the technology have any part in the production of the film? Or will it play a role in its presentation?
  8. Is the headset represented in the RPO (Ready Player One) trailer in any way inspired by ML?
  9. in regards to the USB-C, Is that Only for charging, and can I charge wirelessly, somehow?
  10. Will it function offline?
  11. Will there be free software at the Magic Shop, besides already existing apps in Today’s era? Key examples of free apps being Twitter, Facebook, YouTube SnapChat, Spotify, Soundcloud, Flipboard, & etc.
  12. Will it run Android apps in a window, or in an entirely new way, or both?
  13. How much do you expect people to use the totem controller?
  14. How necessary will the totem controller be? And will The glasses require you use it at most times?
  15. Will there be a Magic Leap store, like Apple Shops, Microsoft Centers? A way for people to buy in person, besides the consumer electronics stores that already exist?
  16. Is magic leap still operating in stealth mode?
  17. There was an old PDF, that I keep using images from in my medium and WordPress writing. Do you ever expect the form factor to get to the level of detail that was described in those pictures from that leak?
  18. Was there any object occlusion in the demos he was shown? how good was the object occlusion? do hands occlude objects?
  19. from what you’ve experienced by visiting the company, and what Rony’s told you, what can we expect to happen for the launch event?
  20. How do you feel about your personal contribution to ML?
  21. In your own perspective, how do you tie into Magic Leap?
  22. Is there any other type of project that Magic Leap will work on in the future when Mixed Reality is perfected? I saw somewhere that Graeme Devine said Magic Leap is a company that is here to help the world. Your comment?
  23. While you were visiting Magic Leap, Inc. did anything catch your eye that was of peculiarity and significantly odd more than the usability of the glasses? Such as rooms, and other places inside. If so, what?
  24. What was your demo like / What did you demo?
  25. True / False! I heard there was a zoo in Magic Leap HQ? True or False?
  26. Did Rony tell you any plans that you plan to report on at a later date? you don’t need to share them with us today. (such plans could include plans for joining OpenXR)
  27. did you get to photograph anything else while you were there?
  28. When do we see your next article?
  29. True / False! If someone asked you today if Magic Leap was indeed the future would you say it’s a true statement?
  30. Final question: What is magic leap, using your words?
  31. UPDATE From @Noah_A_S | Added questions 13 – 23 And altered 2
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