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Sep 23rd, 2019
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  1. ; Functions dealing with rendering and interacting with maps.
  3. CheckTriggers:: ; 211b
  4. ; Checks wCurrentMapTriggerPointer. If it's empty, returns -1 in a. Otherwise, returns the active trigger ID in a.
  5. push hl
  6. ld hl, wCurrentMapTriggerPointer
  7. ld a, [hli]
  8. ld h, [hl]
  9. ld l, a
  10. or h
  11. ld a, [hl]
  12. jr nz, .triggerexists
  13. ld a, -1
  15. .triggerexists
  16. pop hl
  17. ret
  18. ; 212a
  20. GetCurrentMapTrigger:: ; 212a
  21. ; Grabs the wram map trigger pointer for the current map and loads it into wCurrentMapTriggerPointer.
  22. ; If there are no triggers, both bytes of wCurrentMapTriggerPointer are wiped clean.
  23. ; Copy the current map group and number into bc. This is needed for GetMapTrigger.
  24. ld a, [wMapGroup]
  25. ld b, a
  26. ld a, [wMapNumber]
  27. ld c, a
  28. ; Blank out wCurrentMapTriggerPointer; this is the default scenario.
  29. xor a
  30. ld [wCurrentMapTriggerPointer], a
  31. ld [wCurrentMapTriggerPointer + 1], a
  32. call GetMapTrigger
  33. ret c ; The map is not in the trigger table
  34. ; Load the trigger table pointer from de into wCurrentMapTriggerPointer
  35. ld a, e
  36. ld [wCurrentMapTriggerPointer], a
  37. ld a, d
  38. ld [wCurrentMapTriggerPointer + 1], a
  39. xor a
  40. ret
  41. ; 2147
  43. GetMapTrigger::
  44. ; Searches the trigger table for the map group and number loaded in bc, and returns the wram pointer in de.
  45. ; If the map is not in the trigger table, returns carry.
  46. anonbankpush MapTriggers
  48. .Function:
  49. ld hl, MapTriggers
  50. ld de, 4
  51. jr .handleLoop
  52. .loop
  53. pop hl
  54. add hl, de
  55. .handleLoop
  56. push hl
  57. ld a, [hli] ; map group, or terminator
  58. cp -1
  59. jr z, .end ; the current map is not in the trigger table
  60. cp b
  61. jr nz, .loop ; map group did not match
  62. ld a, [hli] ; map number
  63. cp c
  64. jr nz, .loop ; map number did not match
  65. ld a, [hli]
  66. ld d, [hl]
  67. ld e, a
  68. jr .done
  69. .end
  70. scf
  71. .done
  72. pop hl
  73. ret
  75. LoadMapPart:: ; 217a
  76. farjp _LoadMapPart
  78. ReturnToMapFromSubmenu::
  80. ld [hMapEntryMethod], a
  81. farcall RunMapSetupScript
  82. xor a
  83. ld [hMapEntryMethod], a
  84. ret
  86. CheckWarpTile::
  87. call GetDestinationWarpNumber
  88. ret nc
  90. push bc
  91. farcall CheckDirectionalWarp
  92. pop bc
  93. ret nc
  95. call CopyWarpData
  96. scf
  97. ret
  99. WarpCheck::
  100. call GetDestinationWarpNumber
  101. ret nc
  102. jp CopyWarpData
  104. GetDestinationWarpNumber:: ; 2252
  105. farcall CheckWarpCollision
  106. ret nc
  108. ld a, [hROMBank]
  109. push af
  111. call SwitchToMapScriptHeaderBank
  112. call .GetDestinationWarpNumber
  114. pop de
  115. ld a, d
  116. rst Bankswitch
  117. ret
  118. ; 2266
  120. .GetDestinationWarpNumber: ; 2266
  121. ld a, [wPlayerStandingMapY]
  122. sub $4
  123. ld e, a
  124. ld a, [wPlayerStandingMapX]
  125. sub $4
  126. ld d, a
  127. ld a, [wCurrMapWarpCount]
  128. and a
  129. ret z
  131. ld c, a
  132. ld hl, wCurrMapWarpHeaderPointer
  133. ld a, [hli]
  134. ld h, [hl]
  135. ld l, a
  136. .loop
  137. push hl
  138. ld a, [hli]
  139. cp e
  140. jr nz, .next
  141. ld a, [hli]
  142. cp d
  143. jr nz, .next
  144. jr .found_warp
  146. .next
  147. pop hl
  148. ld a, 5
  149. add l
  150. ld l, a
  151. jr nc, .okay
  152. inc h
  154. .okay
  155. dec c
  156. jr nz, .loop
  157. xor a
  158. ret
  160. .found_warp
  161. pop hl
  162. inc hl
  163. inc hl
  165. ld a, [wCurrMapWarpCount]
  166. inc a
  167. sub c
  168. ld c, a
  169. scf
  170. ret
  172. CopyWarpData:: ; 22a7
  173. ld a, [hROMBank]
  174. push af
  176. call SwitchToMapScriptHeaderBank
  177. call .CopyWarpData
  179. pop af
  180. rst Bankswitch
  181. scf
  182. ret
  183. ; 22b4
  185. .CopyWarpData: ; 22b4
  186. push bc
  187. ld hl, wCurrMapWarpHeaderPointer
  188. ld a, [hli]
  189. ld h, [hl]
  190. ld l, a
  191. ld a, c
  192. dec a
  193. ld bc, 5 ; warp size
  194. rst AddNTimes
  195. ld bc, 2 ; warp number
  196. add hl, bc
  197. ld a, [hli]
  198. cp $ff
  199. jr nz, .skip
  200. ld hl, wBackupWarpNumber
  201. ld a, [hli]
  203. .skip
  204. pop bc
  205. ld [wNextWarp], a
  206. ld a, [hli]
  207. ld [wNextMapGroup], a
  208. ld a, [hli]
  209. ld [wNextMapNumber], a
  211. ld a, c
  212. ld [wPrevWarp], a
  213. ld a, [wMapGroup]
  214. ld [wPrevMapGroup], a
  215. ld a, [wMapNumber]
  216. ld [wPrevMapNumber], a
  217. scf
  218. ret
  219. ; 22ee
  221. CheckOutdoorMapOrPerm5::
  222. cp PERM_5
  223. ret z
  224. CheckOutdoorMap:: ; 22ee
  225. cp ROUTE
  226. ret z
  227. cp TOWN
  228. ret
  229. ; 22f4
  231. CheckIndoorMap:: ; 22f4
  232. cp INDOOR
  233. ret z
  234. cp CAVE
  235. ret z
  236. cp DUNGEON
  237. ret z
  238. cp GATE
  239. ret
  240. ; 2300
  242. LoadMapAttributes:: ; 2309
  243. call CopyMapHeaders
  244. call SwitchToMapScriptHeaderBank
  245. xor a ; FALSE
  246. jr ReadMapScripts
  247. ; 2317
  249. LoadMapAttributes_SkipPeople:: ; 2317
  250. call CopyMapHeaders
  251. call SwitchToMapScriptHeaderBank
  252. ld a, TRUE
  253. ; fallthrough
  254. ReadMapScripts:: ; 234f
  255. push af
  256. ld hl, wMapScriptHeaderPointer
  257. ld a, [hli]
  258. ld h, [hl]
  259. ld l, a
  260. call ReadMapTriggers
  261. call ReadMapCallbacks
  262. call ReadWarps
  263. call ReadCoordEvents
  264. call ReadSignposts
  265. pop af
  266. and a
  267. ret nz
  268. ; fallthrough
  269. ReadObjectEvents:: ; 241f
  270. push hl
  271. call ClearObjectStructs
  272. pop de
  273. ld hl, wMap1Object
  274. ld a, [de]
  275. inc de
  276. ld [wCurrentMapPersonEventCount], a
  277. ld a, e
  278. ld [wCurrentMapPersonEventHeaderPointer], a
  279. ld a, d
  280. ld [wCurrentMapPersonEventHeaderPointer + 1], a
  282. ld a, [wCurrentMapPersonEventCount]
  283. call CopyMapObjectHeaders
  285. ; get NUM_OBJECTS - 1 - [wCurrentMapPersonEventCount]
  286. ld a, [wCurrentMapPersonEventCount]
  287. ld c, a
  288. ld a, NUM_OBJECTS - 1
  289. sub c
  290. jr z, .skip
  291. jr c, .skip
  292. inc hl
  293. ; Fill the remaining sprite IDs and y coords with 0 and -1, respectively.
  294. ld bc, OBJECT_LENGTH
  295. .loop
  296. ld [hl], 0
  297. inc hl
  298. ld [hl], -1
  299. dec hl
  300. add hl, bc
  301. dec a
  302. jr nz, .loop
  304. .skip
  305. ld h, d
  306. ld l, e
  307. ret
  308. ; 2457
  311. CopySecondMapHeader:: ; 235c
  312. ld de, wMapHeader
  313. ld c, 10 ; size of the second map header
  314. .loop
  315. ld a, [hli]
  316. ld [de], a
  317. inc de
  318. dec c
  319. jr nz, .loop
  320. ret
  321. ; 2368
  323. CopyMapHeaders:: ; 2326
  324. call PartiallyCopyMapHeader
  325. call SwitchToMapBank
  326. call GetSecondaryMapHeaderPointer
  327. call CopySecondMapHeader
  328. ; fallthrough
  329. GetMapConnections:: ; 2368
  330. ld a, $ff
  331. ld [wNorthConnectedMapGroup], a
  332. ld [wSouthConnectedMapGroup], a
  333. ld [wWestConnectedMapGroup], a
  334. ld [wEastConnectedMapGroup], a
  336. ld a, [wMapConnections]
  337. ld b, a
  339. bit NORTH_F, b
  340. jr z, .no_north
  341. ld de, wNorthMapConnection
  342. call GetMapConnection
  343. .no_north
  345. bit SOUTH_F, b
  346. jr z, .no_south
  347. ld de, wSouthMapConnection
  348. call GetMapConnection
  349. .no_south
  351. bit WEST_F, b
  352. jr z, .no_west
  353. ld de, wWestMapConnection
  354. call GetMapConnection
  355. .no_west
  357. bit EAST_F, b
  358. ret z
  359. ld de, wEastMapConnection
  360. ; fallthrough
  362. GetMapConnection:: ; 23a3
  363. ; Load map connection struct at hl into de.
  364. ld c, wSouthMapConnection - wNorthMapConnection
  365. .loop
  366. ld a, [hli]
  367. ld [de], a
  368. inc de
  369. dec c
  370. jr nz, .loop
  371. ret
  372. ; 23ac
  374. ReadMapTriggers:: ; 23ac
  375. ld a, [hli] ; trigger count
  376. ld c, a
  377. ld [wCurrMapTriggerCount], a ; current map trigger count
  378. ld a, l
  379. ld [wCurrMapTriggerHeaderPointer], a ; map trigger pointer
  380. ld a, h
  381. ld [wCurrMapTriggerHeaderPointer + 1], a
  382. ld a, c
  383. and a
  384. ret z
  386. ld bc, 2 ; size of a map trigger header entry
  387. rst AddNTimes
  388. ret
  389. ; 23c3
  391. ReadMapCallbacks:: ; 23c3
  392. ld a, [hli]
  393. ld c, a
  394. ld [wCurrMapCallbackCount], a
  395. ld a, l
  396. ld [wCurrMapCallbackHeaderPointer], a
  397. ld a, h
  398. ld [wCurrMapCallbackHeaderPointer + 1], a
  399. ld a, c
  400. and a
  401. ret z
  403. ld bc, 3
  404. rst AddNTimes
  405. ret
  406. ; 23da
  408. ReadWarps:: ; 23da
  409. ld a, [hli]
  410. ld c, a
  411. ld [wCurrMapWarpCount], a
  412. ld a, l
  413. ld [wCurrMapWarpHeaderPointer], a
  414. ld a, h
  415. ld [wCurrMapWarpHeaderPointer + 1], a
  416. ld a, c
  417. and a
  418. ret z
  419. ld bc, 5
  420. rst AddNTimes
  421. ret
  422. ; 23f1
  424. ReadCoordEvents:: ; 23f1
  425. ld a, [hli]
  426. ld c, a
  427. ld [wCurrentMapXYTriggerCount], a
  428. ld a, l
  429. ld [wCurrentMapXYTriggerHeaderPointer], a
  430. ld a, h
  431. ld [wCurrentMapXYTriggerHeaderPointer + 1], a
  433. ld a, c
  434. and a
  435. ret z
  437. ld bc, 5
  438. rst AddNTimes
  439. ret
  440. ; 2408
  442. ReadSignposts:: ; 2408
  443. ld a, [hli]
  444. ld c, a
  445. ld [wCurrentMapSignpostCount], a
  446. ld a, l
  447. ld [wCurrentMapSignpostHeaderPointer], a
  448. ld a, h
  449. ld [wCurrentMapSignpostHeaderPointer + 1], a
  451. ld a, c
  452. and a
  453. ret z
  455. ld bc, 5
  456. rst AddNTimes
  457. ret
  458. ; 241f
  460. CopyMapObjectHeaders:: ; 2457
  461. and a
  462. ret z
  464. ld c, a
  465. .loop
  466. push bc
  467. push hl
  468. ld a, $ff
  469. ld [hli], a
  470. ld b, MAPOBJECT_FLAG_HI - MAPOBJECT_SPRITE + 1 ; size of person_event
  471. .loop2
  472. ld a, [de]
  473. inc de
  474. ld [hli], a
  475. dec b
  476. jr nz, .loop2
  478. pop hl
  479. ld bc, OBJECT_LENGTH
  480. add hl, bc
  481. pop bc
  482. dec c
  483. jr nz, .loop
  484. ret
  485. ; 2471
  487. ClearObjectStructs:: ; 2471
  488. ld hl, wObject1Struct
  490. xor a
  491. jp ByteFill
  492. ; 248a
  494. RestoreFacingAfterWarp:: ; 248a
  495. call SwitchToMapScriptHeaderBank
  497. ld hl, wMapScriptHeaderPointer
  498. ld a, [hli]
  499. ld h, [hl]
  500. ld l, a
  502. ; get to the warp coords
  503. ld a, [hli] ; get map trigger count
  504. ld bc, 2 ; size of an entry in the map trigger table
  505. rst AddNTimes
  506. ld a, [hli] ; get callback count
  507. ld bc, 3 ; size of an entry in the callback table
  508. rst AddNTimes
  509. inc hl ; skip warp count
  510. ld a, [wWarpNumber]
  511. dec a
  512. ld bc, 5 ; size of an entry in the warps table
  513. rst AddNTimes
  515. ld a, [hli]
  516. ld [wYCoord], a
  517. ld a, [hli]
  518. ld [wXCoord], a
  519. ld a, [hli]
  520. cp -1
  521. jr nz, .skip
  523. ld a, [wPrevWarp]
  524. ld [wBackupWarpNumber], a
  525. ld a, [wPrevMapGroup]
  526. ld [wBackupMapGroup], a
  527. ld a, [wPrevMapNumber]
  528. ld [wBackupMapNumber], a
  530. .skip
  531. farjp GetCoordOfUpperLeftCorner
  532. ; 24ba
  534. LoadBlockData:: ; 24cd
  535. ld a, [hVBlank]
  536. push af
  537. ld a, 2
  538. ld [hVBlank], a
  539. ld hl, wOverworldMap
  540. ld bc, wOverworldMapEnd - wOverworldMap
  541. xor a
  542. call ByteFill
  543. call ChangeMap
  544. call FillMapConnections
  546. call RunMapCallback
  547. pop af
  548. ld [hVBlank], a
  549. ret
  551. ChangeMap:: ; 24e4
  552. ld a, [wMapBlockDataBank]
  553. ld b, a
  554. ld a, [wMapBlockDataPointer]
  555. ld l, a
  556. ld a, [wMapBlockDataPointer+1]
  557. ld h, a
  558. ld a, [wMapWidth]
  559. ld d, a
  560. ld a, [wMapHeight]
  561. ld e, a
  563. call RunFunctionInWRA6
  565. .Function:
  566. push de
  567. call FarDecompressAtB_D000
  568. pop de
  570. ld a, d
  571. ld [hConnectedMapWidth], a
  572. add $6
  573. ld [hConnectionStripLength], a
  574. ld hl, wOverworldMap
  576. ld c, a
  577. ld b, 0
  578. add hl, bc
  579. add hl, bc
  580. add hl, bc
  581. ld c, 3
  582. add hl, bc
  584. ld b, e
  585. ld de, wDecompressScratch
  586. .row
  587. push hl
  588. ld a, [hConnectedMapWidth]
  589. ld c, a
  590. .col
  591. ld a, [de]
  592. inc de
  593. ld [hli], a
  594. dec c
  595. jr nz, .col
  596. pop hl
  597. ld a, [hConnectionStripLength]
  598. add l
  599. ld l, a
  600. jr nc, .okay
  601. inc h
  602. .okay
  603. dec b
  604. jr nz, .row
  605. ret
  606. ; 2524
  608. DecompressConnectionMap:
  609. ld a, [rSVBK]
  610. push af
  611. ld a, BANK(wDecompressScratch)
  612. ld [rSVBK], a
  613. push de
  614. push bc
  615. ld de, wDecompressScratch
  616. call Decompress
  617. pop bc
  618. pop de
  619. pop af
  620. ld [rSVBK], a
  621. ret
  623. FillMapConnections:: ; 2524
  625. ; North
  626. ld a, [wNorthConnectedMapGroup]
  627. cp $ff
  628. jr z, .South
  629. ld b, a
  630. ld a, [wNorthConnectedMapNumber]
  631. ld c, a
  632. call GetAnyMapBlockdataBankPointer
  633. call DecompressConnectionMap
  635. ld a, [wNorthConnectionStripPointer]
  636. ld l, a
  637. ld a, [wNorthConnectionStripPointer + 1]
  638. ld h, a
  640. ld a, [wNorthConnectionStripLocation]
  641. ld e, a
  642. ld a, [wNorthConnectionStripLocation + 1]
  643. ld d, a
  644. ld a, [wNorthConnectionStripLength]
  645. ld [hConnectionStripLength], a
  646. ld a, [wNorthConnectedMapWidth]
  647. ld [hConnectedMapWidth], a
  648. call FillNorthConnectionStrip
  650. .South
  651. ld a, [wSouthConnectedMapGroup]
  652. cp $ff
  653. jr z, .West
  654. ld b, a
  655. ld a, [wSouthConnectedMapNumber]
  656. ld c, a
  657. call GetAnyMapBlockdataBankPointer
  658. call DecompressConnectionMap
  660. ld a, [wSouthConnectionStripPointer]
  661. ld l, a
  662. ld a, [wSouthConnectionStripPointer + 1]
  663. ld h, a
  664. ld a, [wSouthConnectionStripLocation]
  665. ld e, a
  666. ld a, [wSouthConnectionStripLocation + 1]
  667. ld d, a
  668. ld a, [wSouthConnectionStripLength]
  669. ld [hConnectionStripLength], a
  670. ld a, [wSouthConnectedMapWidth]
  671. ld [hConnectedMapWidth], a
  672. call FillSouthConnectionStrip
  674. .West
  675. ld a, [wWestConnectedMapGroup]
  676. cp $ff
  677. jr z, .East
  678. ld b, a
  679. ld a, [wWestConnectedMapNumber]
  680. ld c, a
  681. call GetAnyMapBlockdataBankPointer
  682. call DecompressConnectionMap
  684. ld a, [wWestConnectionStripPointer]
  685. ld l, a
  686. ld a, [wWestConnectionStripPointer + 1]
  687. ld h, a
  688. ld a, [wWestConnectionStripLocation]
  689. ld e, a
  690. ld a, [wWestConnectionStripLocation + 1]
  691. ld d, a
  692. ld a, [wWestConnectionStripLength]
  693. ld b, a
  694. ld a, [wWestConnectedMapWidth]
  695. ld [hConnectionStripLength], a
  696. call FillWestConnectionStrip
  698. .East
  699. ld a, [wEastConnectedMapGroup]
  700. cp $ff
  701. ret z
  702. ld b, a
  703. ld a, [wEastConnectedMapNumber]
  704. ld c, a
  705. call GetAnyMapBlockdataBankPointer
  706. call DecompressConnectionMap
  708. ld a, [wEastConnectionStripPointer]
  709. ld l, a
  710. ld a, [wEastConnectionStripPointer + 1]
  711. ld h, a
  712. ld a, [wEastConnectionStripLocation]
  713. ld e, a
  714. ld a, [wEastConnectionStripLocation + 1]
  715. ld d, a
  716. ld a, [wEastConnectionStripLength]
  717. ld b, a
  718. ld a, [wEastConnectedMapWidth]
  719. ld [hConnectionStripLength], a
  721. ; fallthrough
  722. FillWestConnectionStrip::
  723. FillEastConnectionStrip:: ; 25f6
  724. ld a, [wMapWidth]
  725. add 6
  726. ld [hConnectedMapWidth], a
  728. ld a, [rSVBK]
  729. push af
  730. ld a, BANK(wDecompressScratch)
  731. ld [rSVBK], a
  732. .loop
  733. push de
  735. push hl
  736. ld a, [hli]
  737. ld [de], a
  738. inc de
  739. ld a, [hli]
  740. ld [de], a
  741. inc de
  742. ld a, [hli]
  743. ld [de], a
  744. inc de
  745. pop hl
  747. ld a, [hConnectionStripLength]
  748. ld e, a
  749. ld d, 0
  750. add hl, de
  751. pop de
  753. ld a, [hConnectedMapWidth]
  754. add e
  755. ld e, a
  756. jr nc, .okay
  757. inc d
  758. .okay
  759. dec b
  760. jr nz, .loop
  761. pop af
  762. ld [rSVBK], a
  763. ret
  764. ; 261b
  766. FillNorthConnectionStrip::
  767. FillSouthConnectionStrip:: ; 25d3
  768. ld a, [wMapWidth]
  769. add 6
  770. ld [hMapWidthPlus6], a
  771. ld a, [rSVBK]
  772. push af
  773. ld a, BANK(wDecompressScratch)
  774. ld [rSVBK], a
  776. ld c, 3
  777. .y
  778. push de
  780. push hl
  781. ld a, [hConnectionStripLength]
  782. ld b, a
  783. .x
  784. ld a, [hli]
  785. ld [de], a
  786. inc de
  787. dec b
  788. jr nz, .x
  789. pop hl
  791. ld a, [hConnectedMapWidth]
  792. ld e, a
  793. ld d, 0
  794. add hl, de
  795. pop de
  797. ld a, [hMapWidthPlus6]
  798. add e
  799. ld e, a
  800. jr nc, .okay
  801. inc d
  802. .okay
  803. dec c
  804. jr nz, .y
  805. pop af
  806. ld [rSVBK], a
  807. ret
  808. ; 25f6
  810. LoadMapStatus:: ; 261b
  811. ld [wMapStatus], a
  812. ret
  813. ; 261f
  815. CallScript:: ; 261f
  816. ; Call a script at a:hl.
  818. ld [wScriptBank], a
  819. ld a, l
  820. ld [wScriptPos], a
  821. ld a, h
  822. ld [wScriptPos + 1], a
  825. ld [wScriptRunning], a
  827. scf
  828. ret
  829. ; 2631
  831. CallMapScript:: ; 2631
  832. ; Call a script at hl in the current bank if there isn't already a script running
  833. ld a, [wScriptRunning]
  834. and a
  835. ret nz
  836. ld a, [wMapScriptHeaderBank]
  837. jr CallScript
  838. ; 263b
  840. RunMapCallback:: ; 263b
  841. ; Will run the first callback found in the map header with execution index equal to a.
  842. ld b, a
  843. ld a, [hROMBank]
  844. push af
  845. call SwitchToMapScriptHeaderBank
  846. call .FindCallback
  847. jr nc, .done
  849. ld a, [wMapScriptHeaderBank]
  850. ld b, a
  851. ld d, h
  852. ld e, l
  853. call ExecuteCallbackScript
  855. .done
  856. pop af
  857. rst Bankswitch
  858. ret
  859. ; 2653
  861. .FindCallback: ; 2653
  862. ld a, [wCurrMapCallbackCount]
  863. ld c, a
  864. and a
  865. ret z
  866. ld hl, wCurrMapCallbackHeaderPointer
  867. ld a, [hli]
  868. ld h, [hl]
  869. ld l, a
  870. or h
  871. ret z
  872. ld de, 3
  873. .loop
  874. ld a, [hl]
  875. cp b
  876. jr z, .found
  877. add hl, de
  878. dec c
  879. jr nz, .loop
  880. xor a
  881. ret
  883. .found
  884. inc hl
  885. ld a, [hli]
  886. ld h, [hl]
  887. ld l, a
  888. scf
  889. ret
  890. ; 2674
  892. ExecuteCallbackScript:: ; 2674
  893. ; Do map callback de and return to script bank b.
  894. farcall CallCallback
  895. ld a, [wScriptMode]
  896. push af
  897. ld hl, wScriptFlags
  898. ld a, [hl]
  899. push af
  900. set 1, [hl]
  901. farcall EnableScriptMode
  902. farcall ScriptEvents
  903. pop af
  904. ld [wScriptFlags], a
  905. pop af
  906. ld [wScriptMode], a
  907. ret
  908. ; 269a
  910. MapTextbox:: ; 269a
  911. ld a, [hROMBank]
  912. push af
  914. ld a, b
  915. rst Bankswitch
  917. push hl
  918. call SpeechTextBox
  919. call SafeUpdateSprites
  920. ld a, 1
  921. ld [hOAMUpdate], a
  922. call ApplyTilemap
  923. pop hl
  924. call PrintTextBoxText
  925. xor a
  926. ld [hOAMUpdate], a
  928. pop af
  929. rst Bankswitch
  930. ret
  931. ; 26b7
  933. Call_a_de:: ; 26b7
  934. ; Call a:de.
  936. ld [hBuffer], a
  937. ld a, [hROMBank]
  938. push af
  939. ld a, [hBuffer]
  940. rst Bankswitch
  942. call .de
  944. pop af
  945. rst Bankswitch
  946. ret
  948. .de
  949. push de
  950. ret
  951. ; 26c7
  953. GetMovementData:: ; 26c7
  954. ; Initialize the movement data for person c at b:hl
  955. ld a, [hROMBank]
  956. push af
  957. ld a, b
  958. rst Bankswitch
  960. ld a, c
  961. call LoadMovementDataPointer
  963. pop hl
  964. ld a, h
  965. rst Bankswitch
  966. ret
  967. ; 26d4
  969. GetScriptByte:: ; 0x26d4
  970. ; Return byte at wScriptBank:wScriptPos in a.
  972. push hl
  973. push bc
  974. ld a, [hROMBank]
  975. push af
  976. ld a, [wScriptBank]
  977. rst Bankswitch
  979. ld hl, wScriptPos
  980. ld c, [hl]
  981. inc hl
  982. ld b, [hl]
  984. ld a, [bc]
  986. inc bc
  987. ld [hl], b
  988. dec hl
  989. ld [hl], c
  991. ld b, a
  992. pop af
  993. rst Bankswitch
  994. ld a, b
  995. pop bc
  996. pop hl
  997. ret
  998. ; 0x26ef
  1000. ObjectEvent:: ; 0x26ef
  1001. jumptextfaceplayer ObjectEventText
  1002. ; 0x26f2
  1004. ObjectEventText::
  1005. text_jump _ObjectEventText
  1006. db "@"
  1007. ; 0x26f7
  1009. EndEvent::
  1010. end
  1012. CheckObjectMask:: ; 2707
  1013. ld a, [hMapObjectIndexBuffer]
  1014. ld e, a
  1015. ld d, $0
  1016. ld hl, wObjectMasks
  1017. add hl, de
  1018. ld a, [hl]
  1019. ret
  1020. ; 2712
  1022. MaskObject:: ; 2712
  1023. ld a, [hMapObjectIndexBuffer]
  1024. ld e, a
  1025. ld d, $0
  1026. ld hl, wObjectMasks
  1027. add hl, de
  1028. ld [hl], -1 ; , masked
  1029. ret
  1030. ; 271e
  1032. UnmaskObject:: ; 271e
  1033. ld a, [hMapObjectIndexBuffer]
  1034. ld e, a
  1035. ld d, $0
  1036. ld hl, wObjectMasks
  1037. add hl, de
  1038. ld [hl], 0 ; unmasked
  1039. ret
  1040. ; 272a
  1042. ScrollMapDown:: ; 272a
  1043. hlcoord 0, 0
  1044. ld de, wBGMapBuffer
  1045. call BackupBGMapRow
  1046. hlcoord 0, 0, wAttrMap
  1047. ld de, wBGMapPalBuffer
  1048. call BackupBGMapRow
  1049. ld a, [wBGMapAnchor]
  1050. ld e, a
  1051. ld a, [wBGMapAnchor + 1]
  1052. ld d, a
  1053. call UpdateBGMapRow
  1054. ld a, $1
  1055. ld [hBGMapUpdate], a
  1056. ret
  1057. ; 2748
  1059. ScrollMapUp:: ; 2748
  1060. hlcoord 0, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 2
  1061. ld de, wBGMapBuffer
  1062. call BackupBGMapRow
  1063. hlcoord 0, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 2, wAttrMap
  1064. ld de, wBGMapPalBuffer
  1065. call BackupBGMapRow
  1066. ld a, [wBGMapAnchor]
  1067. ld l, a
  1068. ld a, [wBGMapAnchor + 1]
  1069. ld h, a
  1070. ld bc, $0200
  1071. add hl, bc
  1072. ; cap d at VBGMap1 / $100
  1073. ld a, h
  1074. and %00000011
  1075. or VBGMap0 / $100
  1076. ld e, l
  1077. ld d, a
  1078. call UpdateBGMapRow
  1079. ld a, $1
  1080. ld [hBGMapUpdate], a
  1081. ret
  1082. ; 2771
  1084. ScrollMapRight:: ; 2771
  1085. hlcoord 0, 0
  1086. ld de, wBGMapBuffer
  1087. call BackupBGMapColumn
  1088. hlcoord 0, 0, wAttrMap
  1089. ld de, wBGMapPalBuffer
  1090. call BackupBGMapColumn
  1091. ld a, [wBGMapAnchor]
  1092. ld e, a
  1093. ld a, [wBGMapAnchor + 1]
  1094. ld d, a
  1095. call UpdateBGMapColumn
  1096. ld a, $1
  1097. ld [hBGMapUpdate], a
  1098. ret
  1099. ; 278f
  1101. ScrollMapLeft:: ; 278f
  1102. hlcoord SCREEN_WIDTH - 2, 0
  1103. ld de, wBGMapBuffer
  1104. call BackupBGMapColumn
  1105. hlcoord SCREEN_WIDTH - 2, 0, wAttrMap
  1106. ld de, wBGMapPalBuffer
  1107. call BackupBGMapColumn
  1108. ld a, [wBGMapAnchor]
  1109. ld e, a
  1110. and %11100000
  1111. ld b, a
  1112. ld a, e
  1113. add SCREEN_HEIGHT
  1114. and %00011111
  1115. or b
  1116. ld e, a
  1117. ld a, [wBGMapAnchor + 1]
  1118. ld d, a
  1119. call UpdateBGMapColumn
  1120. ld a, $1
  1121. ld [hBGMapUpdate], a
  1122. ret
  1123. ; 27b7
  1125. BackupBGMapRow:: ; 27b7
  1126. ld c, 2 * SCREEN_WIDTH
  1127. .loop
  1128. ld a, [hli]
  1129. ld [de], a
  1130. inc de
  1131. dec c
  1132. jr nz, .loop
  1133. ret
  1134. ; 27c0
  1136. BackupBGMapColumn:: ; 27c0
  1137. ld c, SCREEN_HEIGHT
  1138. .loop
  1139. ld a, [hli]
  1140. ld [de], a
  1141. inc de
  1142. ld a, [hl]
  1143. ld [de], a
  1144. inc de
  1145. ld a, SCREEN_WIDTH - 1
  1146. add l
  1147. ld l, a
  1148. jr nc, .skip
  1149. inc h
  1151. .skip
  1152. dec c
  1153. jr nz, .loop
  1154. ret
  1155. ; 27d3
  1157. UpdateBGMapRow:: ; 27d3
  1158. ld hl, wBGMapBufferPtrs
  1159. push de
  1160. call .iteration
  1161. pop de
  1162. ld a, $20
  1163. add e
  1164. ld e, a
  1166. .iteration
  1167. ld c, 10
  1168. .loop
  1169. ld a, e
  1170. ld [hli], a
  1171. ld a, d
  1172. ld [hli], a
  1173. ld a, e
  1174. inc a
  1175. inc a
  1176. and $1f
  1177. ld b, a
  1178. ld a, e
  1179. and $e0
  1180. or b
  1181. ld e, a
  1182. dec c
  1183. jr nz, .loop
  1184. ld a, SCREEN_WIDTH
  1185. ld [hBGMapTileCount], a
  1186. ret
  1187. ; 27f8
  1189. UpdateBGMapColumn:: ; 27f8
  1190. ld hl, wBGMapBufferPtrs
  1191. ld c, SCREEN_HEIGHT
  1192. .loop
  1193. ld a, e
  1194. ld [hli], a
  1195. ld a, d
  1196. ld [hli], a
  1197. ld a, $20
  1198. add e
  1199. ld e, a
  1200. jr nc, .skip
  1201. inc d
  1202. ; cap d at VBGMap1 / $100
  1203. ld a, d
  1204. and $3
  1205. or VBGMap0 / $100
  1206. ld d, a
  1208. .skip
  1209. dec c
  1210. jr nz, .loop
  1211. ld a, SCREEN_HEIGHT
  1212. ld [hBGMapTileCount], a
  1213. ret
  1214. ; 2816
  1216. LoadTileset:: ; 2821
  1217. ld hl, wTilesetGFXAddress
  1218. ld a, [hli]
  1219. ld h, [hl]
  1220. ld l, a
  1221. ld a, [wTilesetGFXBank]
  1222. ld [hTilesetGFXBank], a
  1224. ld a, BANK(wDecompressScratch)
  1225. ld [rSVBK], a
  1227. ld a, [hTilesetGFXBank]
  1228. ld de, wDecompressScratch
  1229. call FarDecompress
  1231. ld hl, wDecompressScratch
  1232. ld de, VTiles2
  1233. ld bc, $7f tiles
  1234. rst CopyBytes
  1236. ld a, $1
  1237. ld [rVBK], a
  1239. ld hl, wDecompressScratch + $80 tiles
  1240. ld de, VTiles5
  1241. ld bc, $80 tiles
  1242. rst CopyBytes
  1244. ld a, $1
  1245. ld [rSVBK], a
  1247. ld hl, wTilesetGFX2Address
  1248. ld a, [hli]
  1249. and a
  1250. jr z, .no_gfx2
  1251. ld h, [hl]
  1252. ld l, a
  1254. ld a, BANK(wDecompressScratch)
  1255. ld [rSVBK], a
  1257. ld a, [hTilesetGFXBank]
  1258. ld de, wDecompressScratch
  1259. call FarDecompress
  1261. ld hl, wDecompressScratch
  1262. ld de, VTiles4
  1263. ld bc, $80 tiles
  1264. rst CopyBytes
  1266. .no_gfx2
  1267. xor a
  1268. ld [rVBK], a
  1270. inc a
  1271. ld [rSVBK], a
  1273. ld a, [wTileset]
  1274. cp TILESET_GLINT
  1275. jr z, .load_roof
  1277. jr z, .load_roof
  1278. jr .skip_roof
  1280. .load_roof
  1281. farcall LoadMapGroupRoof
  1283. .skip_roof
  1284. xor a
  1285. ld [hTileAnimFrame], a
  1286. ret
  1287. ; 2879
  1289. BufferScreen:: ; 2879
  1290. ld hl, wOverworldMapAnchor
  1291. ld a, [hli]
  1292. ld h, [hl]
  1293. ld l, a
  1294. ld de, wScreenSave
  1295. lb bc, $6, $5
  1296. .row
  1297. push bc
  1298. push hl
  1299. .col
  1300. ld a, [hli]
  1301. ld [de], a
  1302. inc de
  1303. dec b
  1304. jr nz, .col
  1305. pop hl
  1306. ld a, [wMapWidth]
  1307. add $6
  1308. ld c, a
  1309. ld b, $0
  1310. add hl, bc
  1311. pop bc
  1312. dec c
  1313. jr nz, .row
  1314. ret
  1315. ; 289d
  1317. SaveScreen:: ; 289d
  1318. ld hl, wOverworldMapAnchor
  1319. ld a, [hli]
  1320. ld h, [hl]
  1321. ld l, a
  1322. ld de, wScreenSave
  1323. ld a, [wMapWidth]
  1324. add 6
  1325. ld [hMapObjectIndexBuffer], a
  1326. ld a, [wPlayerStepDirection]
  1327. and a
  1328. jr z, .down
  1329. cp UP
  1330. jr z, .up
  1331. cp LEFT
  1332. jr z, .left
  1333. cp RIGHT
  1334. jr z, .right
  1335. ret
  1337. .up
  1338. ld de, wScreenSave + 6
  1339. ld a, [hMapObjectIndexBuffer]
  1340. ld c, a
  1341. ld b, $0
  1342. add hl, bc
  1343. jr .vertical
  1345. .down
  1346. ld de, wScreenSave
  1347. .vertical
  1348. lb bc, 6, 4
  1349. jr SaveScreen_LoadNeighbor
  1351. .left
  1352. ld de, wScreenSave + 1
  1353. inc hl
  1354. jr .horizontal
  1356. .right
  1357. ld de, wScreenSave
  1358. .horizontal
  1359. lb bc, 5, 5
  1360. jr SaveScreen_LoadNeighbor
  1362. LoadNeighboringBlockData:: ; 28e3
  1363. ld hl, wOverworldMapAnchor
  1364. ld a, [hli]
  1365. ld h, [hl]
  1366. ld l, a
  1367. ld a, [wMapWidth]
  1368. add 6
  1369. ld [hConnectionStripLength], a
  1370. ld de, wScreenSave
  1371. lb bc, 6, 5
  1373. SaveScreen_LoadNeighbor:: ; 28f7
  1374. .row
  1375. push bc
  1376. push hl
  1377. push de
  1378. .col
  1379. ld a, [de]
  1380. inc de
  1381. ld [hli], a
  1382. dec b
  1383. jr nz, .col
  1384. pop de
  1385. ld a, e
  1386. add 6
  1387. ld e, a
  1388. jr nc, .okay
  1389. inc d
  1391. .okay
  1392. pop hl
  1393. ld a, [hConnectionStripLength]
  1394. ld c, a
  1395. ld b, 0
  1396. add hl, bc
  1397. pop bc
  1398. dec c
  1399. jr nz, .row
  1400. ret
  1401. ; 2914
  1403. GetMovementPermissions:: ; 2914
  1404. xor a
  1405. ld [wTilePermissions], a
  1406. call .LeftRight
  1407. call .UpDown
  1408. ; get coords of current tile
  1409. ld a, [wPlayerStandingMapX]
  1410. ld d, a
  1411. ld a, [wPlayerStandingMapY]
  1412. ld e, a
  1413. call GetCoordTile
  1414. ld [wPlayerStandingTile], a
  1415. call .CheckHiNybble
  1416. ret nz
  1418. ld a, [wPlayerStandingTile]
  1419. and 7
  1420. ld hl, .MovementPermissionsData
  1421. add l
  1422. ld l, a
  1423. ld a, 0 ; not xor a; preserve carry flag
  1424. adc h
  1425. ld h, a
  1426. ld a, [hl]
  1427. ld hl, wTilePermissions
  1428. or [hl]
  1429. ld [hl], a
  1430. ret
  1431. ; 2945
  1433. .MovementPermissionsData: ; 2945
  1434. db 1 << DOWN
  1435. db 1 << UP
  1436. db 1 << LEFT
  1437. db 1 << RIGHT
  1438. db (1 << DOWN) | (1 << RIGHT)
  1439. db (1 << UP) | (1 << RIGHT)
  1440. db (1 << DOWN) | (1 << LEFT)
  1441. db (1 << UP) | (1 << LEFT)
  1442. ; 294d
  1444. .UpDown:
  1445. ld a, [wPlayerStandingMapX]
  1446. ld d, a
  1447. ld a, [wPlayerStandingMapY]
  1448. ld e, a
  1450. push de
  1451. inc e
  1452. call GetCoordTile
  1453. ld [wTileDown], a
  1454. call .Down
  1456. pop de
  1457. dec e
  1458. call GetCoordTile
  1459. ld [wTileUp], a
  1460. jp .Up
  1461. ; 296c
  1463. .LeftRight:
  1464. ld a, [wPlayerStandingMapX]
  1465. ld d, a
  1466. ld a, [wPlayerStandingMapY]
  1467. ld e, a
  1469. push de
  1470. dec d
  1471. call GetCoordTile
  1472. ld [wTileLeft], a
  1473. call .Left
  1475. pop de
  1476. inc d
  1477. call GetCoordTile
  1478. ld [wTileRight], a
  1479. jp .Right
  1480. ; 298b
  1482. .Down:
  1483. call .CheckHiNybble
  1484. ret nz
  1485. ld a, [wTileDown]
  1486. and 7
  1487. cp $2
  1488. jr z, .ok_down
  1489. cp $6
  1490. jr z, .ok_down
  1491. cp $7
  1492. ret nz
  1494. .ok_down
  1495. ld a, [wTilePermissions]
  1496. or FACE_DOWN
  1497. ld [wTilePermissions], a
  1498. ret
  1499. ; 29a8
  1501. .Up:
  1502. call .CheckHiNybble
  1503. ret nz
  1504. ld a, [wTileUp]
  1505. and 7
  1506. cp $3
  1507. jr z, .ok_up
  1508. cp $4
  1509. jr z, .ok_up
  1510. cp $5
  1511. ret nz
  1513. .ok_up
  1514. ld a, [wTilePermissions]
  1515. or FACE_UP
  1516. ld [wTilePermissions], a
  1517. ret
  1518. ; 29c5
  1520. .Right:
  1521. call .CheckHiNybble
  1522. ret nz
  1523. ld a, [wTileRight]
  1524. and 7
  1525. cp $1
  1526. jr z, .ok_right
  1527. cp $5
  1528. jr z, .ok_right
  1529. cp $7
  1530. ret nz
  1532. .ok_right
  1533. ld a, [wTilePermissions]
  1534. or FACE_RIGHT
  1535. ld [wTilePermissions], a
  1536. ret
  1537. ; 29e2
  1539. .Left:
  1540. call .CheckHiNybble
  1541. ret nz
  1542. ld a, [wTileLeft]
  1543. and 7
  1544. cp $0
  1545. jr z, .ok_left
  1546. cp $4
  1547. jr z, .ok_left
  1548. cp $6
  1549. ret nz
  1551. .ok_left
  1552. ld a, [wTilePermissions]
  1553. or FACE_LEFT
  1554. ld [wTilePermissions], a
  1555. ret
  1556. ; 29ff
  1558. .CheckHiNybble:
  1559. and $f0
  1560. cp $b0
  1561. ret z
  1562. cp $c0
  1563. ret
  1564. ; 2a07
  1566. GetFacingTileCoord:: ; 2a07
  1567. ; Return map coordinates in (d, e) and tile id in a
  1568. ; of the tile the player is facing.
  1570. ld a, [wPlayerDirection]
  1571. and %1100
  1572. srl a
  1573. srl a
  1574. ld l, a
  1575. ld h, 0
  1576. add hl, hl
  1577. add hl, hl
  1578. ld de, .Directions
  1579. add hl, de
  1581. ld d, [hl]
  1582. inc hl
  1583. ld e, [hl]
  1584. inc hl
  1586. ld a, [hli]
  1587. ld h, [hl]
  1588. ld l, a
  1590. ld a, [wPlayerStandingMapX]
  1591. add d
  1592. ld d, a
  1593. ld a, [wPlayerStandingMapY]
  1594. add e
  1595. ld e, a
  1596. ld a, [hl]
  1597. ret
  1599. .Directions:
  1600. ; x, y
  1601. db 0, 1
  1602. dw wTileDown
  1603. db 0, -1
  1604. dw wTileUp
  1605. db -1, 0
  1606. dw wTileLeft
  1607. db 1, 0
  1608. dw wTileRight
  1609. ; 2a3c
  1611. GetCoordTile:: ; 2a3c
  1612. ; Get the collision byte for tile d, e
  1613. call GetBlockLocation
  1614. ld a, [hl]
  1615. and a
  1616. jr z, .nope
  1617. ld l, a
  1618. ld h, $0
  1619. add hl, hl
  1620. add hl, hl
  1621. ld a, [wTilesetCollisionAddress]
  1622. ld c, a
  1623. ld a, [wTilesetCollisionAddress + 1]
  1624. ld b, a
  1625. add hl, bc
  1626. rr d
  1627. jr nc, .nocarry
  1628. inc hl
  1630. .nocarry
  1631. rr e
  1632. jr nc, .nocarry2
  1633. inc hl
  1634. inc hl
  1636. .nocarry2
  1637. ld a, [wTilesetCollisionBank]
  1638. jp GetFarByte
  1640. .nope
  1641. ld a, -1
  1642. ret
  1643. ; 2a66
  1645. GetBlockLocation:: ; 2a66
  1646. ld a, [wMapWidth]
  1647. add 6
  1648. ld c, a
  1649. ld b, 0
  1650. ld hl, wOverworldMap + 1
  1651. add hl, bc
  1652. ld a, e
  1653. srl a
  1654. jr z, .nope
  1655. and a
  1656. .loop
  1657. srl a
  1658. jr nc, .ok
  1659. add hl, bc
  1661. .ok
  1662. sla c
  1663. rl b
  1664. and a
  1665. jr nz, .loop
  1667. .nope
  1668. ld c, d
  1669. srl c
  1670. ld b, 0
  1671. add hl, bc
  1672. ret
  1673. ; 2a8b
  1675. CheckFacingSign:: ; 2a8b
  1676. call GetFacingTileCoord
  1677. ; Load facing into b.
  1678. ld b, a
  1679. ; Convert the coordinates at de to within-boundaries coordinates.
  1680. ld a, d
  1681. sub 4
  1682. ld d, a
  1683. ld a, e
  1684. sub 4
  1685. ld e, a
  1686. ; If there are no signposts, we don't need to be here.
  1687. ld a, [wCurrentMapSignpostCount]
  1688. and a
  1689. ret z
  1691. ld c, a
  1692. ld a, [hROMBank]
  1693. push af
  1694. call SwitchToMapScriptHeaderBank
  1695. call CheckIfFacingTileCoordIsSign
  1696. pop hl
  1697. ld a, h
  1698. rst Bankswitch
  1699. ret
  1700. ; 2aaa
  1702. CheckIfFacingTileCoordIsSign:: ; 2aaa
  1703. ; Checks to see if you are facing a signpost. If so, copies it into wEngineBuffer1 and sets carry.
  1704. ld hl, wCurrentMapSignpostHeaderPointer
  1705. ld a, [hli]
  1706. ld h, [hl]
  1707. ld l, a
  1708. .loop
  1709. push hl
  1710. ld a, [hli]
  1711. cp e
  1712. jr nz, .next
  1713. ld a, [hli]
  1714. cp d
  1715. jr nz, .next
  1716. jr .copysign
  1718. .next
  1719. pop hl
  1720. ld a, 5 ; signpost event length
  1721. add l
  1722. ld l, a
  1723. jr nc, .nocarry
  1724. inc h
  1726. .nocarry
  1727. dec c
  1728. jr nz, .loop
  1729. xor a
  1730. ret
  1732. .copysign
  1733. pop hl
  1734. ld de, wCurSignpostYCoord
  1735. ld bc, 5 ; signpost event length
  1736. rst CopyBytes
  1737. scf
  1738. ret
  1739. ; 2ad4
  1741. CheckCurrentMapXYTriggers:: ; 2ad4
  1742. ; If there are no xy triggers, we don't need to be here.
  1743. ld a, [wCurrentMapXYTriggerCount]
  1744. and a
  1745. ret z
  1746. ; Copy the trigger count into c.
  1747. ld c, a
  1748. ld a, [hROMBank]
  1749. push af
  1750. call SwitchToMapScriptHeaderBank
  1751. call .TriggerCheck
  1752. pop hl
  1753. ld a, h
  1754. rst Bankswitch
  1755. ret
  1757. .TriggerCheck:
  1758. ; Checks to see if you are standing on an xy-trigger. If yes, copies the trigger to wEngineBuffer1 and sets carry.
  1759. ld hl, wCurrentMapXYTriggerHeaderPointer
  1760. ld a, [hli]
  1761. ld h, [hl]
  1762. ld l, a
  1763. ; Load the active trigger ID into b
  1764. call CheckTriggers
  1765. ld b, a
  1766. ; Load your current coordinates into de. This will be used to check if your position is in the xy-trigger table for the current map.
  1767. ld a, [wPlayerStandingMapX]
  1768. sub 4
  1769. ld d, a
  1770. ld a, [wPlayerStandingMapY]
  1771. sub 4
  1772. ld e, a
  1774. .loop
  1775. push hl
  1776. ld a, [hli]
  1777. cp b
  1778. jr z, .got_id
  1779. cp -1
  1780. jr nz, .next
  1782. .got_id
  1783. ld a, [hli]
  1784. cp e
  1785. jr nz, .next
  1786. ld a, [hli]
  1787. cp d
  1788. jr nz, .next
  1789. jr .copytrigger
  1791. .next
  1792. pop hl
  1793. ld a, $5 ; xy-trigger size
  1794. add l
  1795. ld l, a
  1796. jr nc, .nocarry
  1797. inc h
  1799. .nocarry
  1800. dec c
  1801. jr nz, .loop
  1802. xor a
  1803. ret
  1805. .copytrigger
  1806. pop hl
  1807. ld de, wCurCoordEventTriggerID
  1808. ld bc, 5 ; xy-trigger size
  1809. rst CopyBytes
  1810. scf
  1811. ret
  1812. ; 2b29
  1814. FadeToMenu:: ; 2b29
  1815. xor a
  1816. ld [hBGMapMode], a
  1817. call LoadStandardMenuDataHeader
  1818. farcall FadeOutPalettes
  1819. call ClearSprites
  1820. jp DisableSpriteUpdates
  1821. ; 2b3c
  1823. CloseSubmenu:: ; 2b3c
  1824. call ClearBGPalettes
  1825. call ReloadTilesetAndPalettes
  1826. call UpdateSprites
  1827. call ExitMenu
  1828. jr FinishExitMenu
  1829. ; 2b4d
  1831. ExitAllMenus:: ; 2b4d
  1832. call ClearBGPalettes
  1833. call ExitMenu
  1834. call ReloadTilesetAndPalettes
  1835. call UpdateSprites
  1836. FinishExitMenu:: ; 2b5c
  1837. ld b, CGB_MAPPALS
  1838. call GetCGBLayout
  1839. farcall LoadBlindingFlashPalette
  1840. call ApplyAttrAndTilemapInVBlank
  1841. farcall FadeInPalettes
  1842. jp EnableSpriteUpdates
  1843. ; 2b74
  1845. ReturnToMapWithSpeechTextbox:: ; 0x2b74
  1846. push af
  1847. ld a, $1
  1848. ld [wSpriteUpdatesEnabled], a
  1849. call ClearBGPalettes
  1850. call ClearSprites
  1851. call ReloadTilesetAndPalettes
  1852. hlcoord 0, 12
  1853. lb bc, 4, 18
  1854. call TextBox
  1855. ld hl, wVramState
  1856. set 0, [hl]
  1857. call UpdateSprites
  1858. call ApplyAttrAndTilemapInVBlank
  1859. ld b, CGB_MAPPALS
  1860. call GetCGBLayout
  1861. farcall LoadBlindingFlashPalette
  1862. call UpdateTimePals
  1863. call DelayFrame
  1864. ld a, $1
  1865. ld [hMapAnims], a
  1866. pop af
  1867. ret
  1868. ; 0x2bae
  1870. ReloadTilesetAndPalettes:: ; 2bae
  1871. call DisableLCD
  1872. call ClearSprites
  1873. farcall ReloadVisibleSprites
  1874. call LoadStandardFont
  1875. call LoadFontsExtra
  1876. ld a, [hROMBank]
  1877. push af
  1878. ld a, [wMapGroup]
  1879. ld b, a
  1880. ld a, [wMapNumber]
  1881. ld c, a
  1882. call SwitchToAnyMapBank
  1883. farcall UpdateTimeOfDayPal
  1884. call LoadMapPart
  1885. call LoadTileset
  1886. ld a, 9
  1887. call SkipMusic
  1888. pop af
  1889. rst Bankswitch
  1891. jp EnableLCD
  1892. ; 2be5
  1894. GetMapHeaderPointer:: ; 2be5
  1895. ld a, [wMapGroup]
  1896. ld b, a
  1897. ld a, [wMapNumber]
  1898. ld c, a
  1899. GetAnyMapHeaderPointer:: ; 0x2bed
  1900. ; Prior to calling this function, you must have switched banks so that
  1901. ; MapGroupPointers is visible.
  1903. ; inputs:
  1904. ; b = map group, c = map number
  1906. ; outputs:
  1907. ; hl points to the map header
  1908. push bc ; save map number for later
  1910. ; get pointer to map group
  1911. dec b
  1912. ld c, b
  1913. ld b, 0
  1914. ld hl, MapGroupPointers
  1915. add hl, bc
  1916. add hl, bc
  1918. ld a, [hli]
  1919. ld h, [hl]
  1920. ld l, a
  1921. pop bc ; restore map number
  1923. ; find the cth map header
  1924. dec c
  1925. ld b, 0
  1926. ld a, 9
  1927. rst AddNTimes
  1928. ret
  1929. ; 0x2c04
  1931. GetMapHeaderMember:: ; 0x2c04
  1932. ; Extract data from the current map's header.
  1934. ; inputs:
  1935. ; de = offset of desired data within the mapheader
  1937. ; outputs:
  1938. ; bc = data from the current map's header
  1939. ; (e.g., de = $0003 would return a pointer to the secondary map header)
  1941. ld a, [wMapGroup]
  1942. ld b, a
  1943. ld a, [wMapNumber]
  1944. ld c, a
  1945. GetAnyMapHeaderMember:: ; 0x2c0c
  1946. ; bankswitch
  1947. ld a, [hROMBank]
  1948. push af
  1949. ld a, BANK(MapGroupPointers)
  1950. rst Bankswitch
  1952. call GetAnyMapHeaderPointer
  1953. add hl, de
  1954. ld c, [hl]
  1955. inc hl
  1956. ld b, [hl]
  1958. ; bankswitch back
  1959. pop af
  1960. rst Bankswitch
  1961. ret
  1962. ; 0x2c1c
  1964. SwitchToMapBank:: ; 2c1c
  1965. ld a, [wMapGroup]
  1966. ld b, a
  1967. ld a, [wMapNumber]
  1968. ld c, a
  1969. SwitchToAnyMapBank:: ; 2c24
  1970. call GetAnyMapBank
  1971. rst Bankswitch
  1972. ret
  1973. ; 2c29
  1975. GetAnyMapBank:: ; 2c31
  1976. push hl
  1977. push de
  1978. ld de, 0
  1979. call GetAnyMapHeaderMember
  1980. ld a, c
  1981. pop de
  1982. pop hl
  1983. ret
  1984. ; 2c3d
  1986. PartiallyCopyMapHeader:: ; 2c3d
  1987. ; Copy second map header bank, tileset, permission, and second map header address
  1988. ; from the current map's map header.
  1989. ld a, [hROMBank]
  1990. push af
  1991. ld a, BANK(MapGroupPointers)
  1992. rst Bankswitch
  1994. call GetMapHeaderPointer
  1995. ld de, wSecondMapHeaderBank
  1996. ld bc, wMapHeader - wSecondMapHeaderBank
  1997. rst CopyBytes
  1999. pop af
  2000. rst Bankswitch
  2001. ret
  2002. ; 2c52
  2004. SwitchToMapScriptHeaderBank:: ; 2c52
  2005. ld a, [wMapScriptHeaderBank]
  2006. rst Bankswitch
  2007. ret
  2008. ; 2c57
  2010. GetAnyMapBlockdataBankPointer:: ; 2c5b
  2011. ; Return the blockdata bank for group b map c.
  2012. push de
  2013. push bc
  2015. push bc
  2016. ld de, 3 ; second map header pointer
  2017. call GetAnyMapHeaderMember
  2018. ld l, c
  2019. ld h, b
  2020. pop bc
  2022. push hl
  2023. ld de, 0 ; second map header bank
  2024. call GetAnyMapHeaderMember
  2025. pop hl
  2027. inc hl
  2028. inc hl
  2029. inc hl
  2030. ld a, c
  2031. rst Bankswitch
  2032. ld a, [hli]
  2033. ld c, a
  2034. ld a, [hli]
  2035. ld h, [hl]
  2036. ld l, a
  2037. ld a, c
  2038. rst Bankswitch
  2040. pop bc
  2041. pop de
  2042. ret
  2043. ; 2c7d
  2045. GetSecondaryMapHeaderPointer:: ; 0x2c7d
  2046. ; returns the current map's secondary map header pointer in hl.
  2047. push bc
  2048. push de
  2049. ld de, 3 ; secondary map header pointer (offset within header)
  2050. call GetMapHeaderMember
  2051. ld l, c
  2052. ld h, b
  2053. pop de
  2054. pop bc
  2055. ret
  2056. ; 2c8a
  2058. GetMapPermission:: ; 2c8a
  2059. push hl
  2060. push de
  2061. push bc
  2062. ld de, 2 ; permission
  2063. call GetMapHeaderMember
  2064. ld a, c
  2065. pop bc
  2066. pop de
  2067. pop hl
  2068. ret
  2069. ; 2c98
  2071. GetAnyMapPermission:: ; 2c99
  2072. push hl
  2073. push de
  2074. push bc
  2075. ld de, 2 ; permission
  2076. call GetAnyMapHeaderMember
  2077. ld a, c
  2078. pop bc
  2079. pop de
  2080. pop hl
  2081. ret
  2082. ; 2ca7
  2084. GetAnyMapTileset:: ; 2ca7
  2085. ld de, 1 ; tileset
  2086. call GetAnyMapHeaderMember
  2087. ld a, c
  2088. ret
  2089. ; 2caf
  2091. GetWorldMapLocation:: ; 0x2caf
  2092. eventflagcheck EVENT_ON_DODRIO_RANCH
  2093. jr z, .DodrioRanch
  2094. ; given a map group/id in bc, return its location on the Pokégear map.
  2095. push hl
  2096. push de
  2097. push bc
  2099. ld de, 5 ; landmark
  2100. call GetAnyMapHeaderMember
  2101. ld a, c
  2103. pop bc
  2104. pop de
  2105. pop hl
  2106. ret
  2107. ; 0x2cbd
  2109. .DodrioRanch:
  2110. ld a, DODRIO_RANCH
  2111. ld [wCurrentLandmark], a
  2112. ret
  2114. GetCurrentLandmark::
  2115. ld a, [wMapGroup]
  2116. ld b, a
  2117. ld a, [wMapNumber]
  2118. ld c, a
  2119. call GetWorldMapLocation
  2120. and a ; cp SPECIAL_MAP
  2121. ret nz
  2123. ; In a special map, get the backup map group / map id
  2124. GetBackupLandmark::
  2125. ld a, [wBackupMapGroup]
  2126. ld b, a
  2127. ld a, [wBackupMapNumber]
  2128. ld c, a
  2129. jp GetWorldMapLocation
  2131. RegionCheck::
  2132. ; Checks if the player is in Kanto or Johto.
  2133. ; If in Johto, returns 0 in e.
  2134. ; If in Kanto, returns 1 in e.
  2135. ; If on Shamouti Island, returns 2 in e.
  2136. call GetCurrentLandmark
  2137. ld e, ORANGE_REGION
  2139. ret nc
  2140. dec e ; KANTO_REGION
  2142. ret nc
  2143. dec e ; JOHTO_REGION
  2144. ret
  2146. GetMapHeaderMusic:: ; 2cbd
  2147. push hl
  2148. push bc
  2149. ld de, 6 ; music
  2150. call GetMapHeaderMember
  2151. ld a, c
  2153. jr z, .starglow
  2154. call Function8b342
  2155. ld e, c
  2156. ld d, 0
  2157. .done
  2158. pop bc
  2159. pop hl
  2160. ret
  2162. .starglow
  2163. ld a, [wSnareFlags]
  2165. jr z, .clearedstarglow
  2167. jr .done
  2169. .clearedstarglow
  2171. jr .done
  2172. ; 2cff
  2174. Function8b342: ; 8b342
  2175. call GetSecondaryMapHeaderPointer
  2176. ld d, h
  2177. ld e, l
  2178. ret
  2179. ; 8b35d
  2181. GetMapHeaderTimeOfDayNybble:: ; 2cff
  2182. call GetPhoneServiceTimeOfDayByte
  2183. and $f
  2184. ret
  2185. ; 2d05
  2187. GetMapHeaderPhoneServiceNybble:: ; 2d05
  2188. call GetPhoneServiceTimeOfDayByte
  2189. and $f0
  2190. swap a
  2191. ret
  2192. ; 2d0d
  2194. GetPhoneServiceTimeOfDayByte:: ; 2d0d
  2195. push hl
  2196. push bc
  2198. ld de, 7 ; phone service and time of day
  2199. call GetMapHeaderMember
  2200. ld a, c
  2202. pop bc
  2203. pop hl
  2204. ret
  2205. ; 2d19
  2207. GetFishingGroup:: ; 2d19
  2208. push de
  2209. push hl
  2210. push bc
  2212. ld de, 8 ; fishing group
  2213. call GetMapHeaderMember
  2214. ld a, c
  2216. pop bc
  2217. pop hl
  2218. pop de
  2219. ret
  2220. ; 2d27
  2222. LoadTilesetHeader:: ; 2d27
  2223. push hl
  2224. push bc
  2226. ld hl, Tilesets
  2227. ld bc, wTilesetHeaderEnd - wTilesetHeader
  2228. ld a, [wTileset]
  2229. dec a
  2230. rst AddNTimes
  2232. ld de, wTilesetHeader
  2233. ld bc, wTilesetHeaderEnd - wTilesetHeader
  2235. ld a, BANK(Tilesets)
  2236. call FarCopyBytes
  2238. pop bc
  2239. pop hl
  2240. ret
  2241. ; 2d43
  2243. GetOvercastIndex::
  2244. ; Some maps are overcast, depending on certain conditions
  2245. ; ld a, [wMapGroup]
  2247. ; jr z, .azalea_route_33
  2249. ; jr z, .lake_of_rage_route_43
  2251. ; jr z, .stormy_beach
  2252. ;.not_overcast:
  2253. ; xor a ; NOT_OVERCAST
  2254. ; ret
  2256. ;.azalea_route_33:
  2257. ; Azalea Town and Route 33
  2258. ; ld a, [wMapNumber]
  2259. ; cp MAP_AZALEA_TOWN
  2260. ; jr z, .azalea_town
  2261. ; cp MAP_ROUTE_33
  2262. ; jr nz, .not_overcast
  2263. ;.azalea_town
  2264. ; Not overcast until Slowpokes appear (Team Rocket beaten)
  2265. ; eventflagcheck EVENT_AZALEA_TOWN_SLOWPOKES
  2266. ; jr nz, .not_overcast
  2267. ; Overcast on Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday
  2268. ; call GetWeekday
  2269. ; cp MONDAY
  2270. ; jr z, .not_overcast
  2271. ; cp WEDNESDAY
  2272. ; jr z, .not_overcast
  2273. ; cp FRIDAY
  2274. ; jr z, .not_overcast
  2275. ; ld a, AZALEA_OVERCAST
  2276. ; ret
  2278. ;.lake_of_rage_route_43:
  2279. ; Lake of Rage and Route 43
  2280. ; ld a, [wMapNumber]
  2281. ; cp MAP_LAKE_OF_RAGE
  2282. ; jr z, .lake_of_rage
  2283. ; cp MAP_ROUTE_43
  2284. ; jr nz, .not_overcast
  2285. ;.lake_of_rage
  2286. ; Always overcast until civilians appear (Team Rocket beaten)
  2287. ; eventflagcheck EVENT_LAKE_OF_RAGE_CIVILIANS
  2288. ; jr nz, .overcast_lake_of_rage
  2289. ; Overcast on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
  2290. ; call GetWeekday
  2291. ; cp MONDAY
  2292. ; jr z, .overcast_lake_of_rage
  2293. ; cp WEDNESDAY
  2294. ; jr z, .overcast_lake_of_rage
  2295. ; cp FRIDAY
  2296. ; jr nz, .not_overcast
  2297. ;.overcast_lake_of_rage
  2298. ; ld a, LAKE_OF_RAGE_OVERCAST
  2299. ; ret
  2301. ;.stormy_beach:
  2302. ; Stormy Beach or Goldenrod City, Route 34, and ROute 34 Coast
  2303. ; ld a, [wMapNumber]
  2304. ; Stormy Beach is always overcast
  2305. ; cp MAP_STORMY_BEACH
  2306. ; jr z, .overcast_stormy_beach
  2307. ; cp MAP_ROUTE_34_COAST
  2308. ; jr z, .maybe_stormy_beach
  2309. ; cp MAP_ROUTE_34
  2310. ; jr z, .maybe_stormy_beach
  2312. ; jr nz, .not_overcast
  2313. ; Only overcast while Team Rocket is present
  2314. ;.maybe_stormy_beach
  2316. ; jr nz, .not_overcast
  2317. ;.overcast_stormy_beach
  2319. ret
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