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Feb 22nd, 2017
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  1. 1. what makes you unique: the hanged man.
  3. you, more so than many others in life, have a sharp intuition that helps you shift perspectives radically. no one has all the answers of courses, but you seem to find ease in digging underneath the surface to reach truths that many ppl are uncomfortable acknowledging. the image in this card here says that even if you find yourself hanging upside down in life - metaphorically - you have what it takes to see another perspective and readily let go of the old, and that's a skill not many have.
  5. 2. how to unlock magical powers: 9 of swords
  7. taking care of your overall mental health is very important if you want to develop a strong magical practice. see what you can do to feel more centered and grounded, as well as addressing certain traumas that make it difficult to open up to a more fulfilling spiritual engagement. also, be mindful of when you have excessive self-doubt because that can sabotage a magic practice that otherwise would work well for you.
  9. 3. how to unlock creativity: 7 of cups.
  11. the first word that came to mind when i saw this card here was "exploration." you might need to examine some limiting beliefs and assumptions that prevent you from exploring creativity within yourself. you also might want to look at creative outlets that you have either forgotten about or left behind on purpose, as that kind of expansion can help you gain a wider perspective that also helps you unblock your creativity and find inspiration more readily.
  13. 4. how to unlock compassion: 2 of pentacles
  15. while you are already very empathetic, it would help you to learn or at least re-examine the ways in which you can be more present to other people's emotions. self-care that helps you stay more emotionally balanced in general will help you hold more emotional space for ppl when needed.
  17. 5. how to unlock prosperity: queen of wands
  19. learning how to empower yourself and others (in ways that resist egoic comforts) will bring you prosperity in ways you may not be expecting. this seems like it has a lot to do with what you've said about your desire for connecting with fellow trans and queer folks. there is strength (and healing) in numbers.
  21. 6. how to unlock peace of mind: 4 of cups
  23. a sustained meditation practice can go a long way for you, but this card is also saying that you need to either focus on giving yourself more time for solitude (if possible) or re-examine the ways that you currently try to gather your thoughts. there's a tendency to over-intellectualize and overthink things.
  27. 7. when you are the happiest: ace of swords
  29. you seem to be the happiest when you are able to express yourself openly and boldly and learn through deep reflection. note that here in this spread i don't consider this card to say that you literally feel the happiest in this sense, it's more like a way of reminding you of an important to source of happiness in your life.
  31. 8. your hidden potentials: 5 of swords
  33. you have within you a potential for becoming a very powerful, bold person who is willing to go very far to protect yourself and others. this might be something that frightens you on some level, but this reading is saying that you should embrace the part of yourself that is defensive and courageous.
  35. hope you liked the reading! let me know if you need any clarification, and if you want a few more cards drawn for guidance/clarity.
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