
Kitty Fight Pokemon

Dec 30th, 2015
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  1. __Hello, reader. I'm a Luxray, and if you know ANYTHING about me, it's that I love a good old ball. I especially had one ever since I was just a small Shinx. Then there's this one Pyroar who I knew ever since it was just a Litleo. Naturally, it would hunt me down, but we were still friends.__
  2. __We were horsing around one day, when our owner, Tracy, clapped her hands. That was our signal to stop. She wanted to tell us something.__ "Alright. Luxray and Pyroar, I got you a new ball! It follows you, and it shows that red dot you always wanted to follow."
  3. __Now this surprised me. The Pyroar liked the interests I liked. I sorta enjoyed that, but it tried to call dibs on it. I attacked it with a Bite! Tracy clapped her hands again.__ "Look, I want you to decide this without fighting." __She said, walking away.__
  4. __I wasn't gonna lose this ball. I need three balls. My oldest one, the one I got two years ago, and this new one! He already has so many! I saw him take the ball I got two years ago, and I growled at him. The Pyroar was intimidated, but didn't drop it.__
  5. __I Discharged the Pyroar, and it used Fire Blast! How dare it? And then, it grabbed my old ball. Now, I'd take the new one. But the Pyroar threatened me.__ "If you don't give me that ball, I will explode this one!" __He said.__ "No! Now gimme it!" __I said.__
  6. __It did something that made me cry: It popped the ball with its own teeth. I was mad and attacked his head with mine. We both fought, and in the end, we ended up getting half of each ball, making this fight useless.
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