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Oct 19th, 2017
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  1. Ionn's Character sheet for Coryn's Trials
  3. Ability Scores:
  4. STR: 14 (+2)
  5. DEX: 20 (+5)
  6. CON: 14 (+2)
  7. INT: 14 (+2)
  8. WIS: 18 (+4)
  9. CHA: 11 (+0)
  11. Saves
  12. Str: +8
  13. Dex: +11
  14. Con: +2
  15. Int: +2
  16. Wis: +4
  17. Cha: + 0
  19. Attack Roll : +11
  21. HP: 145
  25. 1 turn cast time : +5 to attack rolls (Canceled if damage is taken before cast is completed)
  27. Windburst: Direct hit deals damage according to the ruleset of the event. Has a chance of doing an extra 1% damage on the next turn with a coinflip. The wind currents created by the ability enhance evasion by +1 for the party for one turn. Similarly, when the attack hits the currents also have the potential of stalling Coryn based on a DC18 dex save throw on his part.
  29. Aimed Shot: Using this ability foregoes your current turn and the attack is launched the next turn. Direct hit deals damage according to the ruleset of the event. Can potentially do up to 2% extra damage using a coinflip (Tails 1, heads 2)
  31. Instant Casts
  33. Marked Shot: "Two consecutive attacks"(REWORK? Coinflip on sucsessful (BASIC?) attack?) must be landed in order to use this ability. Damage is set to the ruleset of the event. The next time Aimed shot is used it's extra damage modifier is multiplied by 2.
  39. Disengage: Can be used to bolster evades by +2 or be used to bolster break free saving throws by +2. Cooldown: 3 turns
  41. Aspect of the Turtle: The battlegrounds of the Reaper's trial has warped the aspect's capabilities. Rather than last a single turn the ability now extends over 3 turns (18 seconds). When used in the trial Ionn's center of gravity is bolstered and gives her increased stability against knockdown. Any time she might go prone from an attack she is allowed to roll a saving throw DC15 to maintain her footing. The healing effects of the aspect have also been warped. It is capable of healing 5% health per turn using a 5 sided die during the duration. Cooldown 6 turns. (Cannot be active while Cheetah Aspect is active.)
  43. (REACTION)Aspect of the Cheetah: The aspect of the Cheetah has similarly been warped by the battlegrounds. The aspect now gives Ionn enhanced reactive focus and enhances evade and attack chances by +3 for the current and following turn. Cooldown 6 turns (Cannot be active while the Turtle Aspect is active)
  47. (FREE ACTION)Tracking: Ionn focuses and heightens her senses allowing her to maintain her targets in her sights with greater efficiency. While this takes up a turn she is given a +3 on her next attack roll and a +2 on perception rolls on the turn it is active. Cooldown 3 turns
  49. Binding Arrow: Coryn's long history of battle has enabled him to consider various possibilities in regards to what his enemies might employ against him. As a result he is capable of destroying the binding arrow on a Dex save of DC18 on his part. Should the attack anchor itself he is stunned for the next turn. Cooldown: 6 turns
  51. Trueshot: Taken as a free action Ionn allows herself the ability to strike twice in rapid succession for this turn however the extreme focus leaves her equally vulnerable. All incoming damage taken on this turn and the next is increased by 50%. Cooldown 6 turns.
  53. MKII Gyroscopic Stabilizer: Representing the Pinnacle of Ionn's Engineering endeavors. Theses gauntlets, once engaged Help her to steady her aim even when under fire ,taking damage no longer interrupts the cast of Aimed shot, and even provide immunity to knock down effects while engaged. To activate Ionn must successfully hit with aimed shot and roll higher than 10 on a save.
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