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Jan 21st, 2018
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  1. BlancLivesMatter: Trist
  2. BlancLivesMatter: just saying
  3. BlancLivesMatter: a shield
  4. BlancLivesMatter: was a much better buy lol
  5. BlancLivesMatter: buy
  6. BlancLivesMatter: dorans
  7. BlancLivesMatter: sell
  8. BlancLivesMatter: your cull
  9. BlancLivesMatter: if you dont sell cull we lose lane
  10. BlancLivesMatter: ok
  11. BlancLivesMatter: but
  12. BlancLivesMatter: dude
  13. BlancLivesMatter: why not buy shield???
  14. BlancLivesMatter: give me a valid reason
  15. BlancLivesMatter: and I will shut up
  16. BlancLivesMatter: ok
  17. BlancLivesMatter: lol
  18. BlancLivesMatter: 16 cs
  19. BlancLivesMatter: meanwhile
  20. BlancLivesMatter: buy
  21. BlancLivesMatter: a goddamn
  22. BlancLivesMatter: shield
  23. BlancLivesMatter: read
  24. BlancLivesMatter: what it does
  25. BlancLivesMatter: fix your internet before playing ranked Kayn
  26. BlancLivesMatter: nice popoff
  27. BlancLivesMatter: @talon
  28. BlancLivesMatter: we just gotta play slow af
  29. BlancLivesMatter: and around talon
  30. BlancLivesMatter: wtf
  31. BlancLivesMatter: do Red form
  32. BlancLivesMatter: red form is better here imo
  33. BlancLivesMatter: we need more tank
  34. BlancLivesMatter: cause clearly I'm oding an awful job
  35. BlancLivesMatter: ehhh early game was the prob
  36. BlancLivesMatter: no dude
  37. BlancLivesMatter: red form
  38. BlancLivesMatter: please
  39. BlancLivesMatter: blue form is very bad here
  40. BlancLivesMatter: dude kayn pl
  41. BlancLivesMatter: pls
  42. BlancLivesMatter: we need another tank
  43. BlancLivesMatter: pluis
  44. BlancLivesMatter: your w
  45. BlancLivesMatter: takes off her ult
  46. BlancLivesMatter: ok
  47. BlancLivesMatter: but
  48. BlancLivesMatter: like
  49. BlancLivesMatter: even talon
  50. BlancLivesMatter: agrees
  51. BlancLivesMatter: Red vs Blue kayn
  52. BlancLivesMatter: for this game
  53. BlancLivesMatter: so arrogant
  54. BlancLivesMatter: we don't really have an adc rn
  55. BlancLivesMatter: you've only been bot lane ALL game with 109 cs
  56. BlancLivesMatter: Trist
  57. BlancLivesMatter: I'm not just
  58. BlancLivesMatter: adc's bitch
  59. BlancLivesMatter: once tower is gone
  60. BlancLivesMatter: Supp is the teams support
  61. BlancLivesMatter: im sorry
  62. BlancLivesMatter: that 20 mins in
  63. BlancLivesMatter: You kept pushin g
  64. BlancLivesMatter: one lane
  65. BlancLivesMatter: mb
  66. BlancLivesMatter: wtf
  67. BlancLivesMatter: how is that toxic?
  68. BlancLivesMatter: I'm not being toxic dude
  69. BlancLivesMatter: I'm simply defending myself
  70. BlancLivesMatter: lol
  71. BlancLivesMatter: aight
  72. BlancLivesMatter: finna int
  73. BlancLivesMatter: its toxic to defend yourself
  74. BlancLivesMatter: btw
  75. BlancLivesMatter: Talon
  76. BlancLivesMatter: was the first one to sayh
  77. BlancLivesMatter: this trist
  78. BlancLivesMatter: soooo
  79. BlancLivesMatter: lol
  80. BlancLivesMatter: scroll uip
  81. BlancLivesMatter: and tell me
  82. BlancLivesMatter: muting all
  83. BlancLivesMatter: Trist don't every go into adc again
  84. BlancLivesMatter: she doesnt know how to cs lmao
  85. BlancLivesMatter: lol now yes
  86. BlancLivesMatter: I am
  87. BlancLivesMatter: LOL
  88. BlancLivesMatter: lw
  89. BlancLivesMatter: ?
  90. BlancLivesMatter: last whisper nvm lol
  91. BlancLivesMatter: ...
  92. BlancLivesMatter: toxic
  93. BlancLivesMatter: toxic
  94. BlancLivesMatter: toxic
  95. BlancLivesMatter: omg
  96. BlancLivesMatter: toxic
  97. BlancLivesMatter: pls stop
  98. BlancLivesMatter: Trist you don't need to tell me you're not an adc main lol
  99. BlancLivesMatter: go for it?
  100. BlancLivesMatter: what they just did was toxic?
  101. BlancLivesMatter: toxic
  102. BlancLivesMatter: Kayn stfu
  103. BlancLivesMatter: toxic
  104. BlancLivesMatter: what
  105. BlancLivesMatter: is the difference
  106. BlancLivesMatter: between
  107. BlancLivesMatter: me and you then
  108. BlancLivesMatter: ok
  109. BlancLivesMatter: but
  110. BlancLivesMatter: how is that not toxic?
  111. BlancLivesMatter: ugh
  112. BlancLivesMatter: Kayn
  113. BlancLivesMatter: wtf
  114. BlancLivesMatter: is your logic
  115. BlancLivesMatter: so how does
  116. BlancLivesMatter: Even you others can agree that logic is flawed
  117. BlancLivesMatter: It could
  118. BlancLivesMatter: easily
  119. BlancLivesMatter: calling me toxic
  120. BlancLivesMatter: for giving critisism
  121. BlancLivesMatter: tilts
  122. BlancLivesMatter: me
  123. BlancLivesMatter: and has made me go from badd supp to awful supp
  124. BlancLivesMatter: OK
  125. BlancLivesMatter: so why
  126. BlancLivesMatter: are you not toxic???
  127. BlancLivesMatter: You are telling me to shut the fuck up
  128. BlancLivesMatter: and saying I'm an asshole
  129. BlancLivesMatter: you're inting 2
  130. BlancLivesMatter: no one is gonna report 4 that?
  131. BlancLivesMatter: oko
  132. BlancLivesMatter: but
  133. BlancLivesMatter: I get to report you 3
  134. BlancLivesMatter: Talon all I'm arguing
  135. BlancLivesMatter: is
  136. BlancLivesMatter: if what i said was toxic
  137. BlancLivesMatter: then why is it what he said fine
  138. BlancLivesMatter: its over lmao
  139. BlancLivesMatter: This is
  140. BlancLivesMatter: fake happiness
  141. BlancLivesMatter: and it's tilting I want you to know
  142. BlancLivesMatter: it's cringe how clearly you're forcing the positive messages
  143. BlancLivesMatter: gg
  144. Game 2
  145. BlancLivesMatter: blrh
  146. BlancLivesMatter: bleh
  147. BlancLivesMatter: oh I get upgraded ie
  148. BlancLivesMatter: dope
  149. BlancLivesMatter: ornn support op
  150. BlancLivesMatter: Ornn
  151. BlancLivesMatter: when I tell you we're gonna all in
  152. BlancLivesMatter: you gotta trust me
  153. BlancLivesMatter: Ik Grags Ornn is worst champ rn
  154. BlancLivesMatter: dude
  155. BlancLivesMatter: we have
  156. BlancLivesMatter: no lane
  157. BlancLivesMatter: pressure
  158. BlancLivesMatter: cause of you
  159. BlancLivesMatter: ornn sup is garbage lol
  160. BlancLivesMatter: gg
  161. BlancLivesMatter: Honestly its gg
  162. BlancLivesMatter: This ornn is useless
  163. BlancLivesMatter: GG
  164. BlancLivesMatter: gj'
  165. BlancLivesMatter: ty for kill
  166. BlancLivesMatter: raka counters u lol
  167. BlancLivesMatter: ye
  168. BlancLivesMatter: no support
  169. BlancLivesMatter: DUDE
  170. BlancLivesMatter: Report ornn
  171. BlancLivesMatter: thanks
  172. BlancLivesMatter: Good gank Grags
  173. BlancLivesMatter: Why
  174. BlancLivesMatter: ornn
  175. BlancLivesMatter: stole
  176. BlancLivesMatter: a kill for no reason
  177. BlancLivesMatter: ask grags
  178. BlancLivesMatter: Grags just had a decent gank
  179. BlancLivesMatter: you're 0/3
  180. BlancLivesMatter: Ornn
  181. BlancLivesMatter: Wtf
  182. BlancLivesMatter: was that
  183. BlancLivesMatter: Hes so stupid
  184. BlancLivesMatter: this support
  185. BlancLivesMatter: I swear to god
  186. BlancLivesMatter: he has autism
  187. BlancLivesMatter: lol
  188. BlancLivesMatter: morde
  189. BlancLivesMatter: wtf happened to your lane
  190. BlancLivesMatter: ok
  191. BlancLivesMatter: untilt
  192. BlancLivesMatter: and chill
  193. BlancLivesMatter: thats cause
  194. BlancLivesMatter: this ornn
  195. BlancLivesMatter: has autism
  196. BlancLivesMatter: and its not like
  197. BlancLivesMatter: tilt is affecting my play
  198. BlancLivesMatter: if my tilt was making me play worse
  199. BlancLivesMatter: than fine
  200. BlancLivesMatter: I should untile
  201. BlancLivesMatter: no peel
  202. BlancLivesMatter: ggggggggggggggg
  203. BlancLivesMatter: YOUR NOT WORTH GOLD
  204. BlancLivesMatter: good
  205. BlancLivesMatter: you thought it was a trinket
  206. BlancLivesMatter: to ward
  207. BlancLivesMatter: Dude
  208. BlancLivesMatter: morde
  209. BlancLivesMatter: don't int
  210. BlancLivesMatter: gg
  211. BlancLivesMatter: really fed Garen
  212. BlancLivesMatter: Honestly This top laner is probably stoned lol
  213. BlancLivesMatter: ok
  214. BlancLivesMatter: but auto fill
  215. BlancLivesMatter: doesnt mean int
  216. BlancLivesMatter: if you KNOW your bad at a role
  217. BlancLivesMatter: then play safe as shit
  218. BlancLivesMatter: run
  219. BlancLivesMatter: hide
  220. BlancLivesMatter: dont fight
  221. BlancLivesMatter: you can lose lane
  222. BlancLivesMatter: aint nothing wrong with that
  223. BlancLivesMatter: GG
  224. BlancLivesMatter: ggwp all
  225. BlancLivesMatter: ggwp
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