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- Starting Klippy...
- Args: ['/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/', '/home/sasi/printer_data/config/printer.cfg', '-I', '/home/sasi/printer_data/comms/klippy.serial', '-l', '/home/sasi/printer_data/logs/klippy.log', '-a', '/home/sasi/printer_data/comms/klippy.sock']
- Git version: 'v0.12.0-418-g0114d72a6'
- Branch: master
- Remote: origin
- Tracked URL:
- CPU: 4 core ?
- Python: '3.11.2 (main, Nov 30 2024, 21:22:50) [GCC 12.2.0]'
- Start printer at Mon Jan 27 08:01:34 2025 (1737957694.7 222.3)
- ===== Config file =====
- [virtual_sdcard]
- path = ~/printer_data/gcodes
- on_error_gcode = CANCEL_PRINT
- [pause_resume]
- [display_status]
- [respond]
- [gcode_macro CANCEL_PRINT]
- description = Cancel the actual running print
- rename_existing = CANCEL_PRINT_BASE
- gcode =
- {% set client = printer['gcode_macro _CLIENT_VARIABLE']|default({}) %}
- {% set allow_park = client.park_at_cancel|default(false)|lower == 'true' %}
- {% set retract = client.cancel_retract|default(5.0)|abs %}
- {% set park_x = "" if (client.park_at_cancel_x|default(none) is none)
- else "X=" ~ client.park_at_cancel_x %}
- {% set park_y = "" if (client.park_at_cancel_y|default(none) is none)
- else "Y=" ~ client.park_at_cancel_y %}
- {% set custom_park = park_x|length > 0 or park_y|length > 0 %}
- {% if printer['gcode_macro RESUME'].restore_idle_timeout > 0 %}
- SET_IDLE_TIMEOUT TIMEOUT={printer['gcode_macro RESUME'].restore_idle_timeout}
- {% endif %}
- {% if (custom_park or not printer.pause_resume.is_paused) and allow_park %} _TOOLHEAD_PARK_PAUSE_CANCEL {park_x} {park_y} {% endif %}
- M106 S0
- {client.user_cancel_macro|default("")}
- [gcode_macro PAUSE]
- description = Pause the actual running print
- rename_existing = PAUSE_BASE
- gcode =
- {% set client = printer['gcode_macro _CLIENT_VARIABLE']|default({}) %}
- {% set idle_timeout = client.idle_timeout|default(0) %}
- {% set temp = printer[printer.toolhead.extruder].target if printer.toolhead.extruder != '' else 0 %}
- {% set restore = False if printer.toolhead.extruder == ''
- else True if params.RESTORE|default(1)|int == 1 else False %}
- SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=RESUME VARIABLE=last_extruder_temp VALUE="{{'restore': restore, 'temp': temp}}"
- {% if idle_timeout > 0 %}
- SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=RESUME VARIABLE=restore_idle_timeout VALUE={printer.configfile.settings.idle_timeout.timeout}
- {% endif %}
- {client.user_pause_macro|default("")}
- [gcode_macro RESUME]
- description = Resume the actual running print
- rename_existing = RESUME_BASE
- variable_last_extruder_temp = {'restore': False, 'temp': 0}
- variable_restore_idle_timeout = 0
- variable_idle_state = False
- gcode =
- {% set client = printer['gcode_macro _CLIENT_VARIABLE']|default({}) %}
- {% set velocity = printer.configfile.settings.pause_resume.recover_velocity %}
- {% set sp_move = client.speed_move|default(velocity) %}
- {% set runout_resume = True if client.runout_sensor|default("") == ""
- else True if not printer[client.runout_sensor].enabled
- else printer[client.runout_sensor].filament_detected %}
- {% set can_extrude = True if printer.toolhead.extruder == ''
- else printer[printer.toolhead.extruder].can_extrude %}
- {% set do_resume = False %}
- {% set prompt_txt = [] %}
- {% if printer.idle_timeout.state|upper == "IDLE" or idle_state %}
- {% if last_extruder_temp.restore %}
- RESPOND TYPE=echo MSG='{"Restoring \"%s\" temperature to %3.1f\u00B0C, this may take some time" % (printer.toolhead.extruder, last_extruder_temp.temp) }'
- M109 S{last_extruder_temp.temp}
- {% set do_resume = True %}
- {% elif can_extrude %}
- {% set do_resume = True %}
- {% else %}
- RESPOND TYPE=error MSG='{"Resume aborted !!! \"%s\" not hot enough, please heat up again and press RESUME" % printer.toolhead.extruder}'
- {% set _d = prompt_txt.append("\"%s\" not hot enough, please heat up again and press RESUME" % printer.toolhead.extruder) %}
- {% endif %}
- {% elif can_extrude %}
- {% set do_resume = True %}
- {% else %}
- RESPOND TYPE=error MSG='{"Resume aborted !!! \"%s\" not hot enough, please heat up again and press RESUME" % printer.toolhead.extruder}'
- {% set _d = prompt_txt.append("\"%s\" not hot enough, please heat up again and press RESUME" % printer.toolhead.extruder) %}
- {% endif %}
- {% if runout_resume %}
- {% if do_resume %}
- {% if restore_idle_timeout > 0 %} SET_IDLE_TIMEOUT TIMEOUT={restore_idle_timeout} {% endif %}
- {client.user_resume_macro|default("")}
- RESUME_BASE VELOCITY={params.VELOCITY|default(sp_move)}
- {% endif %}
- {% else %}
- RESPOND TYPE=error MSG='{"Resume aborted !!! \"%s\" detects no filament, please load filament and press RESUME" % (client.runout_sensor.split(" "))[1]}'
- {% set _d = prompt_txt.append("\"%s\" detects no filament, please load filament and press RESUME" % (client.runout_sensor.split(" "))[1]) %}
- {% endif %}
- {% if not (runout_resume and do_resume) %}
- RESPOND TYPE=command MSG="action:prompt_begin RESUME aborted !!!"
- {% for element in prompt_txt %}
- RESPOND TYPE=command MSG='{"action:prompt_text %s" % element}'
- {% endfor %}
- RESPOND TYPE=command MSG="action:prompt_footer_button Ok|RESPOND TYPE=command MSG=action:prompt_end|info"
- RESPOND TYPE=command MSG="action:prompt_show"
- {% endif %}
- [gcode_macro SET_PAUSE_NEXT_LAYER]
- description = Enable a pause if the next layer is reached
- gcode =
- {% set pause_next_layer = printer['gcode_macro SET_PRINT_STATS_INFO'].pause_next_layer %}
- {% set ENABLE = params.ENABLE|default(1)|int != 0 %}
- {% set MACRO = params.MACRO|default(, True) %}
- [gcode_macro SET_PAUSE_AT_LAYER]
- description = Enable/disable a pause if a given layer number is reached
- gcode =
- {% set pause_at_layer = printer['gcode_macro SET_PRINT_STATS_INFO'].pause_at_layer %}
- {% set ENABLE = params.ENABLE|int != 0 if params.ENABLE is defined
- else params.LAYER is defined %}
- {% set LAYER = params.LAYER|default(pause_at_layer.layer)|int %}
- {% set MACRO = params.MACRO|default(, True) %}
- [gcode_macro SET_PRINT_STATS_INFO]
- rename_existing = SET_PRINT_STATS_INFO_BASE
- description = Overwrite, to get pause_next_layer and pause_at_layer feature
- variable_pause_next_layer = { 'enable': False, 'call': "PAUSE" }
- variable_pause_at_layer = { 'enable': False, 'layer': 0, 'call': "PAUSE" }
- gcode =
- {% if pause_next_layer.enable %}
- RESPOND TYPE=echo MSG='{"%s, forced by pause_next_layer" %}'
- {}
- {% elif pause_at_layer.enable and params.CURRENT_LAYER is defined and params.CURRENT_LAYER|int == pause_at_layer.layer %}
- RESPOND TYPE=echo MSG='{"%s, forced by pause_at_layer [%d]" % (, pause_at_layer.layer)}'
- {}
- {% endif %}
- description = Helper: park toolhead used in PAUSE and CANCEL_PRINT
- gcode =
- {% set client = printer['gcode_macro _CLIENT_VARIABLE']|default({}) %}
- {% set velocity = printer.configfile.settings.pause_resume.recover_velocity %}
- {% set use_custom = client.use_custom_pos|default(false)|lower == 'true' %}
- {% set custom_park_x = client.custom_park_x|default(0.0) %}
- {% set custom_park_y = client.custom_park_y|default(0.0) %}
- {% set park_dz = client.custom_park_dz|default(2.0)|abs %}
- {% set sp_hop = client.speed_hop|default(15) * 60 %}
- {% set sp_move = client.speed_move|default(velocity) * 60 %}
- {% set origin = printer.gcode_move.homing_origin %}
- {% set act = printer.gcode_move.gcode_position %}
- {% set max = printer.toolhead.axis_maximum %}
- {% set cone = printer.toolhead.cone_start_z|default(max.z) %}
- {% set round_bed = True if printer.configfile.settings.printer.kinematics is in ['delta','polar','rotary_delta','winch']
- else False %}
- {% set z_min = params.Z_MIN|default(0)|float %}
- {% set z_park = [[(act.z + park_dz), z_min]|max, (max.z - origin.z)]|min %}
- {% set x_park = params.X if params.X is defined
- else custom_park_x if use_custom
- else 0.0 if round_bed
- else (max.x - 5.0) %}
- {% set y_park = params.Y if params.Y is defined
- else custom_park_y if use_custom
- else (max.y - 5.0) if round_bed and z_park < cone
- else 0.0 if round_bed
- else (max.y - 5.0) %}
- {% if "xyz" in printer.toolhead.homed_axes %}
- G90
- G1 Z{z_park} F{sp_hop}
- G1 X{x_park} Y{y_park} F{sp_move}
- {% if not printer.gcode_move.absolute_coordinates %} G91 {% endif %}
- {% else %}
- RESPOND TYPE=echo MSG='Printer not homed'
- {% endif %}
- [gcode_macro _CLIENT_EXTRUDE]
- description = Extrudes, if the extruder is hot enough
- gcode =
- {% set client = printer['gcode_macro _CLIENT_VARIABLE']|default({}) %}
- {% set use_fw_retract = (client.use_fw_retract|default(false)|lower == 'true') and (printer.firmware_retraction is defined) %}
- {% set length = params.LENGTH|default(client.unretract)|default(1.0)|float %}
- {% set speed = params.SPEED|default(client.speed_unretract)|default(35) %}
- {% set absolute_extrude = printer.gcode_move.absolute_extrude %}
- {% if printer.toolhead.extruder != '' %}
- {% if printer[printer.toolhead.extruder].can_extrude %}
- {% if use_fw_retract %}
- {% if length < 0 %}
- G10
- {% else %}
- G11
- {% endif %}
- {% else %}
- M83
- G1 E{length} F{(speed|float|abs) * 60}
- {% if absolute_extrude %}
- M82
- {% endif %}
- {% endif %}
- {% else %}
- RESPOND TYPE=echo MSG='{"\"%s\" not hot enough" % printer.toolhead.extruder}'
- {% endif %}
- {% endif %}
- [gcode_macro _CLIENT_RETRACT]
- description = Retracts, if the extruder is hot enough
- gcode =
- {% set client = printer['gcode_macro _CLIENT_VARIABLE']|default({}) %}
- {% set length = params.LENGTH|default(client.retract)|default(1.0)|float %}
- {% set speed = params.SPEED|default(client.speed_retract)|default(35) %}
- _CLIENT_EXTRUDE LENGTH=-{length|float|abs} SPEED={speed|float|abs}
- [gcode_macro _CLIENT_LINEAR_MOVE]
- description = Linear move with save and restore of the gcode state
- gcode =
- {% set x_move = "X" ~ params.X if params.X is defined else "" %}
- {% set y_move = "Y" ~ params.Y if params.Y is defined else "" %}
- {% set z_move = "Z" ~ params.Z if params.Z is defined else "" %}
- {% set e_move = "E" ~ params.E if params.E is defined else "" %}
- {% set rate = "F" ~ params.F if params.F is defined else "" %}
- {% set ABSOLUTE = params.ABSOLUTE | default(0) | int != 0 %}
- {% set ABSOLUTE_E = params.ABSOLUTE_E | default(0) | int != 0 %}
- SAVE_GCODE_STATE NAME=_client_movement
- {% if x_move or y_move or z_move %}
- G9{ 0 if ABSOLUTE else 1 }
- {% endif %}
- {% if e_move %}
- M8{ 2 if ABSOLUTE_E else 3 }
- {% endif %}
- G1 { x_move } { y_move } { z_move } { e_move } { rate }
- RESTORE_GCODE_STATE NAME=_client_movement
- [gcode_macro PRINT_START]
- gcode =
- {% set bed_temp = params.BED | default(60) | float %}
- {% set extruder_temp = params.EXTRUDER | default(220) | float %}
- M190 S{bed_temp}
- M104 S150
- G28
- M104 S{extruder_temp}
- G0 X1 Y1 Z1 F5000
- M109 S{extruder_temp}
- [gcode_macro PRINT_END]
- gcode =
- G91
- G1 E-2 F2700
- G1 E-2 Z0.2 F2400
- G0 X5 Y5 F3000
- G0 Z10
- G90
- G0 X0 Y220
- M106 S0
- M104 S0
- M140 S0
- M84
- [gcode_macro LINE_PURGE]
- gcode =
- G92 E0
- G1 Z2 F3000
- G1 X1 Y20 Z0.4 F5000
- G1 X1 Y145 Z0.4 E15 F1500
- G1 X1.3 Y145 Z0.4 F5000
- G1 X1.3 Y20 Z0.4 E30 F1500
- G92 E0
- G1 E-1 F1800
- G0 Z2 F3000
- G1 E0 F1800
- [gcode_macro ADAPTIVE_LINE_PURGE]
- variable_purge_height = 0.8
- variable_tip_distance = 4
- variable_purge_margin = 10
- variable_purge_amount = 20
- variable_flow_rate = 12
- gcode =
- {% set travel_speed = printer.toolhead.max_velocity * 60 %}
- {% set cross_section = printer.configfile.settings.extruder.max_extrude_cross_section | float %}
- {% set RETRACT = 'G10' if printer.firmware_retraction is defined else 'G1 E-0.5 F2100' %}
- {% set UNRETRACT = 'G11' if printer.firmware_retraction is defined else 'G1 E0.5 F2100' %}
- {% set all_points = printer.exclude_object.objects | map(attribute='polygon') | sum(start=[]) %}
- {% set x_min = (all_points | map(attribute=0) | min | default(0)) %}
- {% set x_max = (all_points | map(attribute=0) | max | default(0)) %}
- {% set y_min = (all_points | map(attribute=1) | min | default(0)) %}
- {% set y_max = (all_points | map(attribute=1) | max | default(0)) %}
- {% set x_center = ([((x_max + x_min) / 2) - (purge_amount / 2), 0] | max) %}
- {% set y_center = ([((y_max + y_min) / 2) - (purge_amount / 2), 0] | max) %}
- {% set x_origin = ([x_min - purge_margin, 0] | max) %}
- {% set y_origin = ([y_min - purge_margin, 0] | max) %}
- {% set purge_move_speed = (flow_rate / 5.0) * 60 | float %}
- {% if cross_section < 5 %}
- {action_respond_info("[Extruder] max_extrude_cross_section is insufficient for purge. Set it to 5 or greater. Purge skipped.")}
- {% else %}
- SAVE_GCODE_STATE NAME=prepurge_state
- G92 E0
- G0 F{travel_speed}
- G90
- G0 X{x_center if y_origin > 0 else x_origin} Y{y_origin if y_origin > 0 else y_center}
- G0 Z{purge_height}
- M83
- G1 E{tip_distance} F{purge_move_speed}
- {% if y_origin > 0 %}
- G1 X{x_center + purge_amount} E{purge_amount} F{purge_move_speed}
- G0 X{x_center + purge_amount + 10} F{travel_speed}
- {% else %}
- G1 Y{y_center + purge_amount} E{purge_amount} F{purge_move_speed}
- G0 Y{y_center + purge_amount + 10} F{travel_speed}
- {% endif %}
- G0 Z{purge_height * 2} F{travel_speed}
- G92 E0
- M82
- {% endif %}
- [gcode_macro LOAD_FILAMENT]
- variable_load_distance = 40
- variable_purge_distance = 30
- gcode =
- {% set load_speed = params.LOAD_SPEED | default(1500) | float %}
- {% set purge_speed = params.PURGE_SPEED | default(300) | float %}
- {% set min_temp = params.MIN_TEMP | default(220) | float %}
- {% set turn_off_extruder = params.TURN_OFF_EXTRUDER | default(1) | int %}
- {% if printer.extruder.temperature < min_temp %}
- M109 S{min_temp}
- {% endif %}
- G91
- G92 E0
- G1 E{load_distance} F{load_speed}
- G1 E{purge_distance} F{purge_speed}
- {% if turn_off_extruder %}
- M104 S0
- {% endif %}
- M118 Filament Loaded
- [gcode_macro UNLOAD_FILAMENT]
- variable_unload_distance = 80
- variable_purge_distance = 20
- gcode =
- {% set unload_speed = params.UNLOAD_SPEED | default(1500) | float %}
- {% set purge_speed = params.PURGE_SPEED | default(300) | float %}
- {% set min_temp = params.MIN_TEMP | default(220) | float %}
- {% set turn_off_extruder = params.TURN_OFF_EXTRUDER | default(1) | int %}
- SAVE_GCODE_STATE NAME=unload_state
- {% if printer.extruder.temperature < min_temp %}
- M109 S{min_temp}
- {% endif %}
- G91
- G92 E0
- G1 E{purge_distance} F{purge_speed}
- G1 E-{unload_distance} F{unload_speed}
- {% if turn_off_extruder %}
- M104 S0
- {% endif %}
- M118 Filament Unloaded
- [gcode_macro BEEP]
- gcode =
- {% set duration = params.P | default(100) | float %}
- SET_PIN PIN=beeper VALUE=1
- G4 P{duration}
- SET_PIN PIN=beeper VALUE=0
- [gcode_macro OFF]
- gcode =
- M84
- M107
- [gcode_macro PID_EXTRUDER]
- gcode =
- {% set target = params.TARGET | default(220) | float %}
- [gcode_macro PID_BED]
- gcode =
- {% set target = params.TARGET | default(60) | float %}
- PID_CALIBRATE HEATER=heater_bed TARGET={target}
- [gcode_macro M109]
- rename_existing = M99109
- gcode =
- {% set s = params.S | float %}
- M104 {% for p in params %} {'%s%s' % (p, params[p])} {% endfor %}
- {% if s != 0 %}
- {% endif %}
- [gcode_macro M190]
- rename_existing = M99190
- gcode =
- {% set s = params.S | float %}
- M140 {% for p in params %} {'%s%s' % (p, params[p])} {% endfor %}
- {% if s != 0 %}
- {% endif %}
- [mcu]
- baud = 115200
- serial = /dev/serial/by-id/usb-1a86_USB_Serial-if00-port0
- restart_method = command
- [temperature_sensor mcu_temp]
- sensor_type = temperature_mcu
- min_temp = 0
- max_temp = 100
- [temperature_sensor raspberry_pi]
- sensor_type = temperature_host
- min_temp = 10
- max_temp = 100
- [printer]
- kinematics = cartesian
- max_velocity = 250
- max_accel = 2500
- minimum_cruise_ratio = 0.5
- square_corner_velocity = 5.0
- max_z_velocity = 100
- max_z_accel = 500
- [stepper_x]
- step_pin = PC2
- dir_pin = !PB9
- enable_pin = !PC3
- microsteps = 16
- rotation_distance = 40
- endstop_pin = !PA5
- position_endstop = -6
- position_min = -6
- position_max = 230
- homing_speed = 60
- [tmc2209 stepper_x]
- uart_pin = PB12
- run_current = 0.6
- sense_resistor = 0.150
- stealthchop_threshold = 0
- interpolate = True
- [stepper_y]
- step_pin = PB8
- dir_pin = PB7
- enable_pin = !PC3
- microsteps = 16
- rotation_distance = 40
- endstop_pin = !PA6
- position_endstop = -14
- position_min = -14
- position_max = 225
- homing_speed = 60
- [tmc2209 stepper_y]
- uart_pin = PB13
- run_current = 0.6
- sense_resistor = 0.150
- stealthchop_threshold = 0
- interpolate = True
- [stepper_z]
- step_pin = PB6
- dir_pin = !PB5
- enable_pin = !PC3
- microsteps = 16
- rotation_distance = 8
- endstop_pin = probe:z_virtual_endstop
- position_min = -3
- position_max = 250
- homing_speed = 5
- second_homing_speed = 1
- homing_retract_dist = 2.5
- [tmc2209 stepper_z]
- uart_pin = PB14
- run_current = 0.8
- sense_resistor = 0.150
- stealthchop_threshold = 0
- interpolate = True
- [extruder]
- step_pin = PB4
- dir_pin = PB3
- enable_pin = !PC3
- microsteps = 16
- rotation_distance = 7.663
- nozzle_diameter = 0.400
- filament_diameter = 1.750
- max_extrude_cross_section = 5
- max_extrude_only_distance = 500
- pressure_advance = 0.04
- heater_pin = PA1
- sensor_type = EPCOS 100K B57560G104F
- sensor_pin = PC5
- control = pid
- pid_kp = 27.142
- pid_ki = 1.371
- pid_kd = 134.351
- min_temp = 0
- max_temp = 260
- [heater_bed]
- heater_pin = PB2
- sensor_type = EPCOS 100K B57560G104F
- sensor_pin = PC4
- control = pid
- pid_kp = 66.371
- pid_ki = 0.846
- pid_kd = 1301.702
- min_temp = 0
- max_temp = 100
- [bed_mesh]
- speed = 150
- mesh_min = 10,10
- mesh_max = 206,210.5
- probe_count = 5, 5
- algorithm = bicubic
- [bltouch]
- sensor_pin = ^PC14
- control_pin = PC13
- stow_on_each_sample = False
- probe_with_touch_mode = True
- x_offset = -24.0
- y_offset = -14.5
- z_offset = 0
- speed = 5
- samples = 2
- [heater_fan hotend_fan]
- pin = PC1
- [fan]
- pin = PA0
- [idle_timeout]
- gcode =
- timeout = 600
- [safe_z_home]
- home_xy_position = 139, 127
- speed = 60
- z_hop = 10
- z_hop_speed = 5
- [output_pin beeper]
- pin = PB0
- [gcode_arcs]
- [exclude_object]
- =======================
- Extruder max_extrude_ratio=2.078758
- mcu 'mcu': Starting serial connect
- webhooks client 548029372560: New connection
- webhooks client 548029372560: Client info {'program': 'Moonraker', 'version': 'v0.9.3-19-gd4d2074'}
- Unable to issue reset command on MCU 'mcu'
- webhooks client 548029372560: Disconnected
- Restarting printer
- Start printer at Mon Jan 27 08:01:41 2025 (1737957701.3 228.9)
- ===== Config file =====
- [virtual_sdcard]
- path = ~/printer_data/gcodes
- on_error_gcode = CANCEL_PRINT
- [pause_resume]
- [display_status]
- [respond]
- [gcode_macro CANCEL_PRINT]
- description = Cancel the actual running print
- rename_existing = CANCEL_PRINT_BASE
- gcode =
- {% set client = printer['gcode_macro _CLIENT_VARIABLE']|default({}) %}
- {% set allow_park = client.park_at_cancel|default(false)|lower == 'true' %}
- {% set retract = client.cancel_retract|default(5.0)|abs %}
- {% set park_x = "" if (client.park_at_cancel_x|default(none) is none)
- else "X=" ~ client.park_at_cancel_x %}
- {% set park_y = "" if (client.park_at_cancel_y|default(none) is none)
- else "Y=" ~ client.park_at_cancel_y %}
- {% set custom_park = park_x|length > 0 or park_y|length > 0 %}
- {% if printer['gcode_macro RESUME'].restore_idle_timeout > 0 %}
- SET_IDLE_TIMEOUT TIMEOUT={printer['gcode_macro RESUME'].restore_idle_timeout}
- {% endif %}
- {% if (custom_park or not printer.pause_resume.is_paused) and allow_park %} _TOOLHEAD_PARK_PAUSE_CANCEL {park_x} {park_y} {% endif %}
- M106 S0
- {client.user_cancel_macro|default("")}
- [gcode_macro PAUSE]
- description = Pause the actual running print
- rename_existing = PAUSE_BASE
- gcode =
- {% set client = printer['gcode_macro _CLIENT_VARIABLE']|default({}) %}
- {% set idle_timeout = client.idle_timeout|default(0) %}
- {% set temp = printer[printer.toolhead.extruder].target if printer.toolhead.extruder != '' else 0 %}
- {% set restore = False if printer.toolhead.extruder == ''
- else True if params.RESTORE|default(1)|int == 1 else False %}
- SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=RESUME VARIABLE=last_extruder_temp VALUE="{{'restore': restore, 'temp': temp}}"
- {% if idle_timeout > 0 %}
- SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=RESUME VARIABLE=restore_idle_timeout VALUE={printer.configfile.settings.idle_timeout.timeout}
- {% endif %}
- {client.user_pause_macro|default("")}
- [gcode_macro RESUME]
- description = Resume the actual running print
- rename_existing = RESUME_BASE
- variable_last_extruder_temp = {'restore': False, 'temp': 0}
- variable_restore_idle_timeout = 0
- variable_idle_state = False
- gcode =
- {% set client = printer['gcode_macro _CLIENT_VARIABLE']|default({}) %}
- {% set velocity = printer.configfile.settings.pause_resume.recover_velocity %}
- {% set sp_move = client.speed_move|default(velocity) %}
- {% set runout_resume = True if client.runout_sensor|default("") == ""
- else True if not printer[client.runout_sensor].enabled
- else printer[client.runout_sensor].filament_detected %}
- {% set can_extrude = True if printer.toolhead.extruder == ''
- else printer[printer.toolhead.extruder].can_extrude %}
- {% set do_resume = False %}
- {% set prompt_txt = [] %}
- {% if printer.idle_timeout.state|upper == "IDLE" or idle_state %}
- {% if last_extruder_temp.restore %}
- RESPOND TYPE=echo MSG='{"Restoring \"%s\" temperature to %3.1f\u00B0C, this may take some time" % (printer.toolhead.extruder, last_extruder_temp.temp) }'
- M109 S{last_extruder_temp.temp}
- {% set do_resume = True %}
- {% elif can_extrude %}
- {% set do_resume = True %}
- {% else %}
- RESPOND TYPE=error MSG='{"Resume aborted !!! \"%s\" not hot enough, please heat up again and press RESUME" % printer.toolhead.extruder}'
- {% set _d = prompt_txt.append("\"%s\" not hot enough, please heat up again and press RESUME" % printer.toolhead.extruder) %}
- {% endif %}
- {% elif can_extrude %}
- {% set do_resume = True %}
- {% else %}
- RESPOND TYPE=error MSG='{"Resume aborted !!! \"%s\" not hot enough, please heat up again and press RESUME" % printer.toolhead.extruder}'
- {% set _d = prompt_txt.append("\"%s\" not hot enough, please heat up again and press RESUME" % printer.toolhead.extruder) %}
- {% endif %}
- {% if runout_resume %}
- {% if do_resume %}
- {% if restore_idle_timeout > 0 %} SET_IDLE_TIMEOUT TIMEOUT={restore_idle_timeout} {% endif %}
- {client.user_resume_macro|default("")}
- RESUME_BASE VELOCITY={params.VELOCITY|default(sp_move)}
- {% endif %}
- {% else %}
- RESPOND TYPE=error MSG='{"Resume aborted !!! \"%s\" detects no filament, please load filament and press RESUME" % (client.runout_sensor.split(" "))[1]}'
- {% set _d = prompt_txt.append("\"%s\" detects no filament, please load filament and press RESUME" % (client.runout_sensor.split(" "))[1]) %}
- {% endif %}
- {% if not (runout_resume and do_resume) %}
- RESPOND TYPE=command MSG="action:prompt_begin RESUME aborted !!!"
- {% for element in prompt_txt %}
- RESPOND TYPE=command MSG='{"action:prompt_text %s" % element}'
- {% endfor %}
- RESPOND TYPE=command MSG="action:prompt_footer_button Ok|RESPOND TYPE=command MSG=action:prompt_end|info"
- RESPOND TYPE=command MSG="action:prompt_show"
- {% endif %}
- [gcode_macro SET_PAUSE_NEXT_LAYER]
- description = Enable a pause if the next layer is reached
- gcode =
- {% set pause_next_layer = printer['gcode_macro SET_PRINT_STATS_INFO'].pause_next_layer %}
- {% set ENABLE = params.ENABLE|default(1)|int != 0 %}
- {% set MACRO = params.MACRO|default(, True) %}
- [gcode_macro SET_PAUSE_AT_LAYER]
- description = Enable/disable a pause if a given layer number is reached
- gcode =
- {% set pause_at_layer = printer['gcode_macro SET_PRINT_STATS_INFO'].pause_at_layer %}
- {% set ENABLE = params.ENABLE|int != 0 if params.ENABLE is defined
- else params.LAYER is defined %}
- {% set LAYER = params.LAYER|default(pause_at_layer.layer)|int %}
- {% set MACRO = params.MACRO|default(, True) %}
- [gcode_macro SET_PRINT_STATS_INFO]
- rename_existing = SET_PRINT_STATS_INFO_BASE
- description = Overwrite, to get pause_next_layer and pause_at_layer feature
- variable_pause_next_layer = { 'enable': False, 'call': "PAUSE" }
- variable_pause_at_layer = { 'enable': False, 'layer': 0, 'call': "PAUSE" }
- gcode =
- {% if pause_next_layer.enable %}
- RESPOND TYPE=echo MSG='{"%s, forced by pause_next_layer" %}'
- {}
- {% elif pause_at_layer.enable and params.CURRENT_LAYER is defined and params.CURRENT_LAYER|int == pause_at_layer.layer %}
- RESPOND TYPE=echo MSG='{"%s, forced by pause_at_layer [%d]" % (, pause_at_layer.layer)}'
- {}
- {% endif %}
- description = Helper: park toolhead used in PAUSE and CANCEL_PRINT
- gcode =
- {% set client = printer['gcode_macro _CLIENT_VARIABLE']|default({}) %}
- {% set velocity = printer.configfile.settings.pause_resume.recover_velocity %}
- {% set use_custom = client.use_custom_pos|default(false)|lower == 'true' %}
- {% set custom_park_x = client.custom_park_x|default(0.0) %}
- {% set custom_park_y = client.custom_park_y|default(0.0) %}
- {% set park_dz = client.custom_park_dz|default(2.0)|abs %}
- {% set sp_hop = client.speed_hop|default(15) * 60 %}
- {% set sp_move = client.speed_move|default(velocity) * 60 %}
- {% set origin = printer.gcode_move.homing_origin %}
- {% set act = printer.gcode_move.gcode_position %}
- {% set max = printer.toolhead.axis_maximum %}
- {% set cone = printer.toolhead.cone_start_z|default(max.z) %}
- {% set round_bed = True if printer.configfile.settings.printer.kinematics is in ['delta','polar','rotary_delta','winch']
- else False %}
- {% set z_min = params.Z_MIN|default(0)|float %}
- {% set z_park = [[(act.z + park_dz), z_min]|max, (max.z - origin.z)]|min %}
- {% set x_park = params.X if params.X is defined
- else custom_park_x if use_custom
- else 0.0 if round_bed
- else (max.x - 5.0) %}
- {% set y_park = params.Y if params.Y is defined
- else custom_park_y if use_custom
- else (max.y - 5.0) if round_bed and z_park < cone
- else 0.0 if round_bed
- else (max.y - 5.0) %}
- {% if "xyz" in printer.toolhead.homed_axes %}
- G90
- G1 Z{z_park} F{sp_hop}
- G1 X{x_park} Y{y_park} F{sp_move}
- {% if not printer.gcode_move.absolute_coordinates %} G91 {% endif %}
- {% else %}
- RESPOND TYPE=echo MSG='Printer not homed'
- {% endif %}
- [gcode_macro _CLIENT_EXTRUDE]
- description = Extrudes, if the extruder is hot enough
- gcode =
- {% set client = printer['gcode_macro _CLIENT_VARIABLE']|default({}) %}
- {% set use_fw_retract = (client.use_fw_retract|default(false)|lower == 'true') and (printer.firmware_retraction is defined) %}
- {% set length = params.LENGTH|default(client.unretract)|default(1.0)|float %}
- {% set speed = params.SPEED|default(client.speed_unretract)|default(35) %}
- {% set absolute_extrude = printer.gcode_move.absolute_extrude %}
- {% if printer.toolhead.extruder != '' %}
- {% if printer[printer.toolhead.extruder].can_extrude %}
- {% if use_fw_retract %}
- {% if length < 0 %}
- G10
- {% else %}
- G11
- {% endif %}
- {% else %}
- M83
- G1 E{length} F{(speed|float|abs) * 60}
- {% if absolute_extrude %}
- M82
- {% endif %}
- {% endif %}
- {% else %}
- RESPOND TYPE=echo MSG='{"\"%s\" not hot enough" % printer.toolhead.extruder}'
- {% endif %}
- {% endif %}
- [gcode_macro _CLIENT_RETRACT]
- description = Retracts, if the extruder is hot enough
- gcode =
- {% set client = printer['gcode_macro _CLIENT_VARIABLE']|default({}) %}
- {% set length = params.LENGTH|default(client.retract)|default(1.0)|float %}
- {% set speed = params.SPEED|default(client.speed_retract)|default(35) %}
- _CLIENT_EXTRUDE LENGTH=-{length|float|abs} SPEED={speed|float|abs}
- [gcode_macro _CLIENT_LINEAR_MOVE]
- description = Linear move with save and restore of the gcode state
- gcode =
- {% set x_move = "X" ~ params.X if params.X is defined else "" %}
- {% set y_move = "Y" ~ params.Y if params.Y is defined else "" %}
- {% set z_move = "Z" ~ params.Z if params.Z is defined else "" %}
- {% set e_move = "E" ~ params.E if params.E is defined else "" %}
- {% set rate = "F" ~ params.F if params.F is defined else "" %}
- {% set ABSOLUTE = params.ABSOLUTE | default(0) | int != 0 %}
- {% set ABSOLUTE_E = params.ABSOLUTE_E | default(0) | int != 0 %}
- SAVE_GCODE_STATE NAME=_client_movement
- {% if x_move or y_move or z_move %}
- G9{ 0 if ABSOLUTE else 1 }
- {% endif %}
- {% if e_move %}
- M8{ 2 if ABSOLUTE_E else 3 }
- {% endif %}
- G1 { x_move } { y_move } { z_move } { e_move } { rate }
- RESTORE_GCODE_STATE NAME=_client_movement
- [gcode_macro PRINT_START]
- gcode =
- {% set bed_temp = params.BED | default(60) | float %}
- {% set extruder_temp = params.EXTRUDER | default(220) | float %}
- M190 S{bed_temp}
- M104 S150
- G28
- M104 S{extruder_temp}
- G0 X1 Y1 Z1 F5000
- M109 S{extruder_temp}
- [gcode_macro PRINT_END]
- gcode =
- G91
- G1 E-2 F2700
- G1 E-2 Z0.2 F2400
- G0 X5 Y5 F3000
- G0 Z10
- G90
- G0 X0 Y220
- M106 S0
- M104 S0
- M140 S0
- M84
- [gcode_macro LINE_PURGE]
- gcode =
- G92 E0
- G1 Z2 F3000
- G1 X1 Y20 Z0.4 F5000
- G1 X1 Y145 Z0.4 E15 F1500
- G1 X1.3 Y145 Z0.4 F5000
- G1 X1.3 Y20 Z0.4 E30 F1500
- G92 E0
- G1 E-1 F1800
- G0 Z2 F3000
- G1 E0 F1800
- [gcode_macro ADAPTIVE_LINE_PURGE]
- variable_purge_height = 0.8
- variable_tip_distance = 4
- variable_purge_margin = 10
- variable_purge_amount = 20
- variable_flow_rate = 12
- gcode =
- {% set travel_speed = printer.toolhead.max_velocity * 60 %}
- {% set cross_section = printer.configfile.settings.extruder.max_extrude_cross_section | float %}
- {% set RETRACT = 'G10' if printer.firmware_retraction is defined else 'G1 E-0.5 F2100' %}
- {% set UNRETRACT = 'G11' if printer.firmware_retraction is defined else 'G1 E0.5 F2100' %}
- {% set all_points = printer.exclude_object.objects | map(attribute='polygon') | sum(start=[]) %}
- {% set x_min = (all_points | map(attribute=0) | min | default(0)) %}
- {% set x_max = (all_points | map(attribute=0) | max | default(0)) %}
- {% set y_min = (all_points | map(attribute=1) | min | default(0)) %}
- {% set y_max = (all_points | map(attribute=1) | max | default(0)) %}
- {% set x_center = ([((x_max + x_min) / 2) - (purge_amount / 2), 0] | max) %}
- {% set y_center = ([((y_max + y_min) / 2) - (purge_amount / 2), 0] | max) %}
- {% set x_origin = ([x_min - purge_margin, 0] | max) %}
- {% set y_origin = ([y_min - purge_margin, 0] | max) %}
- {% set purge_move_speed = (flow_rate / 5.0) * 60 | float %}
- {% if cross_section < 5 %}
- {action_respond_info("[Extruder] max_extrude_cross_section is insufficient for purge. Set it to 5 or greater. Purge skipped.")}
- {% else %}
- SAVE_GCODE_STATE NAME=prepurge_state
- G92 E0
- G0 F{travel_speed}
- G90
- G0 X{x_center if y_origin > 0 else x_origin} Y{y_origin if y_origin > 0 else y_center}
- G0 Z{purge_height}
- M83
- G1 E{tip_distance} F{purge_move_speed}
- {% if y_origin > 0 %}
- G1 X{x_center + purge_amount} E{purge_amount} F{purge_move_speed}
- G0 X{x_center + purge_amount + 10} F{travel_speed}
- {% else %}
- G1 Y{y_center + purge_amount} E{purge_amount} F{purge_move_speed}
- G0 Y{y_center + purge_amount + 10} F{travel_speed}
- {% endif %}
- G0 Z{purge_height * 2} F{travel_speed}
- G92 E0
- M82
- {% endif %}
- [gcode_macro LOAD_FILAMENT]
- variable_load_distance = 40
- variable_purge_distance = 30
- gcode =
- {% set load_speed = params.LOAD_SPEED | default(1500) | float %}
- {% set purge_speed = params.PURGE_SPEED | default(300) | float %}
- {% set min_temp = params.MIN_TEMP | default(220) | float %}
- {% set turn_off_extruder = params.TURN_OFF_EXTRUDER | default(1) | int %}
- {% if printer.extruder.temperature < min_temp %}
- M109 S{min_temp}
- {% endif %}
- G91
- G92 E0
- G1 E{load_distance} F{load_speed}
- G1 E{purge_distance} F{purge_speed}
- {% if turn_off_extruder %}
- M104 S0
- {% endif %}
- M118 Filament Loaded
- [gcode_macro UNLOAD_FILAMENT]
- variable_unload_distance = 80
- variable_purge_distance = 20
- gcode =
- {% set unload_speed = params.UNLOAD_SPEED | default(1500) | float %}
- {% set purge_speed = params.PURGE_SPEED | default(300) | float %}
- {% set min_temp = params.MIN_TEMP | default(220) | float %}
- {% set turn_off_extruder = params.TURN_OFF_EXTRUDER | default(1) | int %}
- SAVE_GCODE_STATE NAME=unload_state
- {% if printer.extruder.temperature < min_temp %}
- M109 S{min_temp}
- {% endif %}
- G91
- G92 E0
- G1 E{purge_distance} F{purge_speed}
- G1 E-{unload_distance} F{unload_speed}
- {% if turn_off_extruder %}
- M104 S0
- {% endif %}
- M118 Filament Unloaded
- [gcode_macro BEEP]
- gcode =
- {% set duration = params.P | default(100) | float %}
- SET_PIN PIN=beeper VALUE=1
- G4 P{duration}
- SET_PIN PIN=beeper VALUE=0
- [gcode_macro OFF]
- gcode =
- M84
- M107
- [gcode_macro PID_EXTRUDER]
- gcode =
- {% set target = params.TARGET | default(220) | float %}
- [gcode_macro PID_BED]
- gcode =
- {% set target = params.TARGET | default(60) | float %}
- PID_CALIBRATE HEATER=heater_bed TARGET={target}
- [gcode_macro M109]
- rename_existing = M99109
- gcode =
- {% set s = params.S | float %}
- M104 {% for p in params %} {'%s%s' % (p, params[p])} {% endfor %}
- {% if s != 0 %}
- {% endif %}
- [gcode_macro M190]
- rename_existing = M99190
- gcode =
- {% set s = params.S | float %}
- M140 {% for p in params %} {'%s%s' % (p, params[p])} {% endfor %}
- {% if s != 0 %}
- {% endif %}
- [mcu]
- baud = 115200
- serial = /dev/serial/by-id/usb-1a86_USB_Serial-if00-port0
- restart_method = command
- [temperature_sensor mcu_temp]
- sensor_type = temperature_mcu
- min_temp = 0
- max_temp = 100
- [temperature_sensor raspberry_pi]
- sensor_type = temperature_host
- min_temp = 10
- max_temp = 100
- [printer]
- kinematics = cartesian
- max_velocity = 250
- max_accel = 2500
- minimum_cruise_ratio = 0.5
- square_corner_velocity = 5.0
- max_z_velocity = 100
- max_z_accel = 500
- [stepper_x]
- step_pin = PC2
- dir_pin = !PB9
- enable_pin = !PC3
- microsteps = 16
- rotation_distance = 40
- endstop_pin = !PA5
- position_endstop = -6
- position_min = -6
- position_max = 230
- homing_speed = 60
- [tmc2209 stepper_x]
- uart_pin = PB12
- run_current = 0.6
- sense_resistor = 0.150
- stealthchop_threshold = 0
- interpolate = True
- [stepper_y]
- step_pin = PB8
- dir_pin = PB7
- enable_pin = !PC3
- microsteps = 16
- rotation_distance = 40
- endstop_pin = !PA6
- position_endstop = -14
- position_min = -14
- position_max = 225
- homing_speed = 60
- [tmc2209 stepper_y]
- uart_pin = PB13
- run_current = 0.6
- sense_resistor = 0.150
- stealthchop_threshold = 0
- interpolate = True
- [stepper_z]
- step_pin = PB6
- dir_pin = !PB5
- enable_pin = !PC3
- microsteps = 16
- rotation_distance = 8
- endstop_pin = probe:z_virtual_endstop
- position_min = -3
- position_max = 250
- homing_speed = 5
- second_homing_speed = 1
- homing_retract_dist = 2.5
- [tmc2209 stepper_z]
- uart_pin = PB14
- run_current = 0.8
- sense_resistor = 0.150
- stealthchop_threshold = 0
- interpolate = True
- [extruder]
- step_pin = PB4
- dir_pin = PB3
- enable_pin = !PC3
- microsteps = 16
- rotation_distance = 7.663
- nozzle_diameter = 0.400
- filament_diameter = 1.750
- max_extrude_cross_section = 5
- max_extrude_only_distance = 500
- pressure_advance = 0.04
- heater_pin = PA1
- sensor_type = EPCOS 100K B57560G104F
- sensor_pin = PC5
- control = pid
- pid_kp = 27.142
- pid_ki = 1.371
- pid_kd = 134.351
- min_temp = 0
- max_temp = 260
- [heater_bed]
- heater_pin = PB2
- sensor_type = EPCOS 100K B57560G104F
- sensor_pin = PC4
- control = pid
- pid_kp = 66.371
- pid_ki = 0.846
- pid_kd = 1301.702
- min_temp = 0
- max_temp = 100
- [bed_mesh]
- speed = 150
- mesh_min = 10,10
- mesh_max = 206,210.5
- probe_count = 5, 5
- algorithm = bicubic
- [bltouch]
- sensor_pin = ^PC14
- control_pin = PC13
- stow_on_each_sample = False
- probe_with_touch_mode = True
- x_offset = -24.0
- y_offset = -14.5
- z_offset = 0
- speed = 5
- samples = 2
- [heater_fan hotend_fan]
- pin = PC1
- [fan]
- pin = PA0
- [idle_timeout]
- gcode =
- timeout = 600
- [safe_z_home]
- home_xy_position = 139, 127
- speed = 60
- z_hop = 10
- z_hop_speed = 5
- [output_pin beeper]
- pin = PB0
- [gcode_arcs]
- [exclude_object]
- =======================
- Extruder max_extrude_ratio=2.078758
- mcu 'mcu': Starting serial connect
- webhooks client 547808712080: New connection
- webhooks client 547808712080: Client info {'program': 'Moonraker', 'version': 'v0.9.3-19-gd4d2074'}
- mcu 'mcu': Timeout on connect
- mcu 'mcu': Wait for identify_response
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 68, in _get_identify_data
- params = self.send_with_response(msg, 'identify_response')
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 262, in send_with_response
- return src.get_response([cmd], self.default_cmd_queue)
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 319, in get_response
- self.serial.raw_send_wait_ack(cmds[-1], minclock, reqclock,
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 254, in raw_send_wait_ack
- self._error("Serial connection closed")
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 61, in _error
- raise error(self.warn_prefix + (msg % params))
- serialhdl.error: mcu 'mcu': Serial connection closed
- mcu 'mcu': Timeout on connect
- mcu 'mcu': Wait for identify_response
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 68, in _get_identify_data
- params = self.send_with_response(msg, 'identify_response')
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 262, in send_with_response
- return src.get_response([cmd], self.default_cmd_queue)
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 319, in get_response
- self.serial.raw_send_wait_ack(cmds[-1], minclock, reqclock,
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 254, in raw_send_wait_ack
- self._error("Serial connection closed")
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 61, in _error
- raise error(self.warn_prefix + (msg % params))
- serialhdl.error: mcu 'mcu': Serial connection closed
- mcu 'mcu': Timeout on connect
- mcu 'mcu': Wait for identify_response
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 68, in _get_identify_data
- params = self.send_with_response(msg, 'identify_response')
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 262, in send_with_response
- return src.get_response([cmd], self.default_cmd_queue)
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 319, in get_response
- self.serial.raw_send_wait_ack(cmds[-1], minclock, reqclock,
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 254, in raw_send_wait_ack
- self._error("Serial connection closed")
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 61, in _error
- raise error(self.warn_prefix + (msg % params))
- serialhdl.error: mcu 'mcu': Serial connection closed
- mcu 'mcu': Timeout on connect
- mcu 'mcu': Wait for identify_response
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 68, in _get_identify_data
- params = self.send_with_response(msg, 'identify_response')
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 262, in send_with_response
- return src.get_response([cmd], self.default_cmd_queue)
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 319, in get_response
- self.serial.raw_send_wait_ack(cmds[-1], minclock, reqclock,
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 254, in raw_send_wait_ack
- self._error("Serial connection closed")
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 61, in _error
- raise error(self.warn_prefix + (msg % params))
- serialhdl.error: mcu 'mcu': Serial connection closed
- mcu 'mcu': Timeout on connect
- mcu 'mcu': Wait for identify_response
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 68, in _get_identify_data
- params = self.send_with_response(msg, 'identify_response')
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 262, in send_with_response
- return src.get_response([cmd], self.default_cmd_queue)
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 319, in get_response
- self.serial.raw_send_wait_ack(cmds[-1], minclock, reqclock,
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 254, in raw_send_wait_ack
- self._error("Serial connection closed")
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 61, in _error
- raise error(self.warn_prefix + (msg % params))
- serialhdl.error: mcu 'mcu': Serial connection closed
- mcu 'mcu': Timeout on connect
- mcu 'mcu': Wait for identify_response
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 68, in _get_identify_data
- params = self.send_with_response(msg, 'identify_response')
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 262, in send_with_response
- return src.get_response([cmd], self.default_cmd_queue)
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 319, in get_response
- self.serial.raw_send_wait_ack(cmds[-1], minclock, reqclock,
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 254, in raw_send_wait_ack
- self._error("Serial connection closed")
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 61, in _error
- raise error(self.warn_prefix + (msg % params))
- serialhdl.error: mcu 'mcu': Serial connection closed
- mcu 'mcu': Timeout on connect
- mcu 'mcu': Wait for identify_response
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 68, in _get_identify_data
- params = self.send_with_response(msg, 'identify_response')
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 262, in send_with_response
- return src.get_response([cmd], self.default_cmd_queue)
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 319, in get_response
- self.serial.raw_send_wait_ack(cmds[-1], minclock, reqclock,
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 254, in raw_send_wait_ack
- self._error("Serial connection closed")
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 61, in _error
- raise error(self.warn_prefix + (msg % params))
- serialhdl.error: mcu 'mcu': Serial connection closed
- mcu 'mcu': Timeout on connect
- mcu 'mcu': Wait for identify_response
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 68, in _get_identify_data
- params = self.send_with_response(msg, 'identify_response')
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 262, in send_with_response
- return src.get_response([cmd], self.default_cmd_queue)
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 319, in get_response
- self.serial.raw_send_wait_ack(cmds[-1], minclock, reqclock,
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 254, in raw_send_wait_ack
- self._error("Serial connection closed")
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 61, in _error
- raise error(self.warn_prefix + (msg % params))
- serialhdl.error: mcu 'mcu': Serial connection closed
- mcu 'mcu': Timeout on connect
- mcu 'mcu': Wait for identify_response
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 68, in _get_identify_data
- params = self.send_with_response(msg, 'identify_response')
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 262, in send_with_response
- return src.get_response([cmd], self.default_cmd_queue)
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 319, in get_response
- self.serial.raw_send_wait_ack(cmds[-1], minclock, reqclock,
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 254, in raw_send_wait_ack
- self._error("Serial connection closed")
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 61, in _error
- raise error(self.warn_prefix + (msg % params))
- serialhdl.error: mcu 'mcu': Serial connection closed
- mcu 'mcu': Timeout on connect
- mcu 'mcu': Wait for identify_response
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 68, in _get_identify_data
- params = self.send_with_response(msg, 'identify_response')
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 262, in send_with_response
- return src.get_response([cmd], self.default_cmd_queue)
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 319, in get_response
- self.serial.raw_send_wait_ack(cmds[-1], minclock, reqclock,
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 254, in raw_send_wait_ack
- self._error("Serial connection closed")
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 61, in _error
- raise error(self.warn_prefix + (msg % params))
- serialhdl.error: mcu 'mcu': Serial connection closed
- mcu 'mcu': Timeout on connect
- mcu 'mcu': Wait for identify_response
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 68, in _get_identify_data
- params = self.send_with_response(msg, 'identify_response')
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 262, in send_with_response
- return src.get_response([cmd], self.default_cmd_queue)
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 319, in get_response
- self.serial.raw_send_wait_ack(cmds[-1], minclock, reqclock,
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 254, in raw_send_wait_ack
- self._error("Serial connection closed")
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 61, in _error
- raise error(self.warn_prefix + (msg % params))
- serialhdl.error: mcu 'mcu': Serial connection closed
- mcu 'mcu': Timeout on connect
- mcu 'mcu': Wait for identify_response
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 68, in _get_identify_data
- params = self.send_with_response(msg, 'identify_response')
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 262, in send_with_response
- return src.get_response([cmd], self.default_cmd_queue)
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 319, in get_response
- self.serial.raw_send_wait_ack(cmds[-1], minclock, reqclock,
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 254, in raw_send_wait_ack
- self._error("Serial connection closed")
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 61, in _error
- raise error(self.warn_prefix + (msg % params))
- serialhdl.error: mcu 'mcu': Serial connection closed
- mcu 'mcu': Timeout on connect
- mcu 'mcu': Wait for identify_response
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 68, in _get_identify_data
- params = self.send_with_response(msg, 'identify_response')
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 262, in send_with_response
- return src.get_response([cmd], self.default_cmd_queue)
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 319, in get_response
- self.serial.raw_send_wait_ack(cmds[-1], minclock, reqclock,
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 254, in raw_send_wait_ack
- self._error("Serial connection closed")
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 61, in _error
- raise error(self.warn_prefix + (msg % params))
- serialhdl.error: mcu 'mcu': Serial connection closed
- mcu 'mcu': Timeout on connect
- mcu 'mcu': Wait for identify_response
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 68, in _get_identify_data
- params = self.send_with_response(msg, 'identify_response')
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 262, in send_with_response
- return src.get_response([cmd], self.default_cmd_queue)
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 319, in get_response
- self.serial.raw_send_wait_ack(cmds[-1], minclock, reqclock,
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 254, in raw_send_wait_ack
- self._error("Serial connection closed")
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 61, in _error
- raise error(self.warn_prefix + (msg % params))
- serialhdl.error: mcu 'mcu': Serial connection closed
- mcu 'mcu': Timeout on connect
- mcu 'mcu': Wait for identify_response
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 68, in _get_identify_data
- params = self.send_with_response(msg, 'identify_response')
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 262, in send_with_response
- return src.get_response([cmd], self.default_cmd_queue)
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 319, in get_response
- self.serial.raw_send_wait_ack(cmds[-1], minclock, reqclock,
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 254, in raw_send_wait_ack
- self._error("Serial connection closed")
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 61, in _error
- raise error(self.warn_prefix + (msg % params))
- serialhdl.error: mcu 'mcu': Serial connection closed
- mcu 'mcu': Timeout on connect
- mcu 'mcu': Wait for identify_response
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 68, in _get_identify_data
- params = self.send_with_response(msg, 'identify_response')
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 262, in send_with_response
- return src.get_response([cmd], self.default_cmd_queue)
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 319, in get_response
- self.serial.raw_send_wait_ack(cmds[-1], minclock, reqclock,
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 254, in raw_send_wait_ack
- self._error("Serial connection closed")
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 61, in _error
- raise error(self.warn_prefix + (msg % params))
- serialhdl.error: mcu 'mcu': Serial connection closed
- mcu 'mcu': Timeout on connect
- mcu 'mcu': Wait for identify_response
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 68, in _get_identify_data
- params = self.send_with_response(msg, 'identify_response')
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 262, in send_with_response
- return src.get_response([cmd], self.default_cmd_queue)
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 319, in get_response
- self.serial.raw_send_wait_ack(cmds[-1], minclock, reqclock,
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 254, in raw_send_wait_ack
- self._error("Serial connection closed")
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 61, in _error
- raise error(self.warn_prefix + (msg % params))
- serialhdl.error: mcu 'mcu': Serial connection closed
- mcu 'mcu': Timeout on connect
- MCU error during connect
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 793, in _mcu_identify
- self._serial.connect_uart(self._serialport, self._baud, rts)
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 183, in connect_uart
- self._error("Unable to connect")
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 61, in _error
- raise error(self.warn_prefix + (msg % params))
- serialhdl.error: mcu 'mcu': Unable to connect
- During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 131, in _connect
- self.send_event("klippy:mcu_identify")
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 223, in send_event
- return [cb(*params) for cb in self.event_handlers.get(event, [])]
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 223, in <listcomp>
- return [cb(*params) for cb in self.event_handlers.get(event, [])]
- ^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 798, in _mcu_identify
- raise error(str(e))
- mcu.error: mcu 'mcu': Unable to connect
- mcu 'mcu': Unable to connect
- Once the underlying issue is corrected, use the
- "FIRMWARE_RESTART" command to reset the firmware, reload the
- config, and restart the host software.
- Error configuring printer
- Build file /home/sasi/klipper/klippy/../.config(3687): Sun Jan 26 20:24:23 2025
- ========= Last MCU build config =========
- # CONFIG_MACH_AVR is not set
- # CONFIG_MACH_ATSAM is not set
- # CONFIG_MACH_ATSAMD is not set
- # CONFIG_MACH_LPC176X is not set
- # CONFIG_MACH_HC32F460 is not set
- # CONFIG_MACH_RPXXXX is not set
- # CONFIG_MACH_PRU is not set
- # CONFIG_MACH_AR100 is not set
- # CONFIG_MACH_LINUX is not set
- # CONFIG_MACH_SIMU is not set
- CONFIG_MCU="stm32f103xe"
- CONFIG_RAM_START=0x20000000
- # CONFIG_MACH_STM32F207 is not set
- # CONFIG_MACH_STM32F401 is not set
- # CONFIG_MACH_STM32F405 is not set
- # CONFIG_MACH_STM32F407 is not set
- # CONFIG_MACH_STM32F429 is not set
- # CONFIG_MACH_STM32F446 is not set
- # CONFIG_MACH_STM32F765 is not set
- # CONFIG_MACH_STM32F031 is not set
- # CONFIG_MACH_STM32F042 is not set
- # CONFIG_MACH_STM32F070 is not set
- # CONFIG_MACH_STM32F072 is not set
- # CONFIG_MACH_STM32G070 is not set
- # CONFIG_MACH_STM32G071 is not set
- # CONFIG_MACH_STM32G0B0 is not set
- # CONFIG_MACH_STM32G0B1 is not set
- # CONFIG_MACH_STM32G431 is not set
- # CONFIG_MACH_STM32G474 is not set
- # CONFIG_MACH_STM32H723 is not set
- # CONFIG_MACH_STM32H743 is not set
- # CONFIG_MACH_STM32H750 is not set
- # CONFIG_MACH_STM32L412 is not set
- # CONFIG_MACH_N32G452 is not set
- # CONFIG_MACH_N32G455 is not set
- # CONFIG_MACH_STM32F103x6 is not set
- # CONFIG_STM32F103GD_DISABLE_SWD is not set
- # CONFIG_STM32_FLASH_START_2000 is not set
- # CONFIG_STM32_FLASH_START_5000 is not set
- # CONFIG_STM32_FLASH_START_8000 is not set
- # CONFIG_STM32_FLASH_START_8800 is not set
- # CONFIG_STM32_FLASH_START_9000 is not set
- # CONFIG_STM32_FLASH_START_10000 is not set
- # CONFIG_STM32_FLASH_START_800 is not set
- # CONFIG_STM32_FLASH_START_1000 is not set
- # CONFIG_STM32_FLASH_START_4000 is not set
- # CONFIG_STM32_FLASH_START_0000 is not set
- # CONFIG_STM32_CLOCK_REF_12M is not set
- # CONFIG_STM32_CLOCK_REF_16M is not set
- # CONFIG_STM32_CLOCK_REF_20M is not set
- # CONFIG_STM32_CLOCK_REF_24M is not set
- # CONFIG_STM32_CLOCK_REF_25M is not set
- # CONFIG_STM32_USB_PA11_PA12 is not set
- # CONFIG_STM32_SERIAL_USART2 is not set
- # CONFIG_STM32_SERIAL_USART3 is not set
- # CONFIG_STM32_CANBUS_PA11_PA12 is not set
- # CONFIG_STM32_CANBUS_PA11_PB9 is not set
- # CONFIG_STM32_MMENU_CANBUS_PB8_PB9 is not set
- # CONFIG_STM32_MMENU_CANBUS_PD0_PD1 is not set
- =======================
- Build file /home/sasi/klipper/klippy/../out/klipper.dict(8423): Sun Jan 26 20:24:51 2025
- Last MCU build version: v0.12.0-418-g0114d72a6
- Last MCU build tools: gcc: (15:12.2.rel1-1) 12.2.1 20221205 binutils: (2.40-2+18+b1) 2.40
- Last MCU build config: ADC_MAX=4095 BUS_PINS_i2c1=PB6,PB7 BUS_PINS_i2c1a=PB8,PB9 BUS_PINS_i2c2=PB10,PB11 BUS_PINS_spi1=PA6,PA7,PA5 BUS_PINS_spi1a=PB4,PB5,PB3 BUS_PINS_spi2=PB14,PB15,PB13 BUS_PINS_spi3=PB4,PB5,PB3 CLOCK_FREQ=72000000 MCU=stm32f103xe PWM_MAX=255 RECEIVE_WINDOW=192 RESERVE_PINS_serial=PA10,PA9 SERIAL_BAUD=115200 STATS_SUMSQ_BASE=256 STEPPER_BOTH_EDGE=1
- Build file /home/sasi/klipper/klippy/../out/klipper.elf(987408): Sun Jan 26 20:24:55 2025
- mcu 'mcu': Wait for identify_response
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 68, in _get_identify_data
- params = self.send_with_response(msg, 'identify_response')
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 262, in send_with_response
- return src.get_response([cmd], self.default_cmd_queue)
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 319, in get_response
- self.serial.raw_send_wait_ack(cmds[-1], minclock, reqclock,
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 254, in raw_send_wait_ack
- self._error("Serial connection closed")
- File "/home/sasi/klipper/klippy/", line 61, in _error
- raise error(self.warn_prefix + (msg % params))
- serialhdl.error: mcu 'mcu': Serial connection closed
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