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Jul 15th, 2020
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  1. Star Citizen Leaks -
  3. Star Citizen Patch 3.10.0l
  5. Alpha Patch 3.10.0l has been released to Evocati, and is now available to test! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.10.0-PTU.5639290.
  7. It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\PTU.
  9. Database Reset: NO
  10. Long Term Persistence: Enabled
  12. The current build is under NDA
  13. Please monitor etf-megachat in spectrum for updates and testing instructions.
  15. USER.cfg settings:
  16. r_displaySessionInfo = 1
  18. Note: This patch does not contain all of the intended features, which will be added iteratively to the notes as they become available. Additionally, some features may be implemented in a partial state and as such are not ready for testing. When those features reach a playable state they will be detailed on the notes and added to the "Testing Focus". Please issue council all issues related to those in testing focus and in general gameplay.
  22. Testing Focus
  23. Ship flight in and out of atmosphere
  24. Updated building blocks ship UI for all flyable ships.
  25. High speed combat changes
  26. Turret gameplay
  27. Origin M50 Improvements
  28. Electron FPS Weapons and Electron Damage
  29. Body Dragging
  30. Citizen Trading App
  31. Greycat Industrial ROC Mining Vehicle
  32. New Targeting Method
  33. Delivery Mission Improvements
  35. We are currently investigating a scanning issue when mining fractured rocks/minerals and if you are able to reproduce this with video/descriptions added onto this IC report that would be most appreciated!
  36. IC Link:
  41. Known Issues
  42. Attempting to perform an orbital QT to Levski from orbit will instead direct the player to Origin at Orbital QT speed.
  43. Players are not able to join friends PU instance from the main menu
  44. All 3D icons in personal inventory don't appear correctly when in the PIT
  45. Landing gear will take multiple presses of the keybind to activate.
  46. When leaving an Exit Spline in some Large Ships, the Ships will not re-enter the Spline correctly and fall towards the Planet without returning control to the Player
  47. Security scans won't recognize the drugs on board a players ship during the Drug Production run missions
  48. The Ship Hologram / 3D Model will take over 20 seconds to load the first time the Player views one in VMA or the Arena Commander Menus
  49. The Area18 nav marker will appear at the central plaza, not the spaceport.
  50. Legally landed ships may be impounded
  51. Multi-Tool in Klescher Prison Commissary does not come with a OreBit mining attachment
  52. If the player exits to menu/disconnects/crashes during the prison load screen transition their load-out will not be changed
  53. Player may get stuck on a loading screen when leaving prison or respawning
  54. Player may get stuck on a prison loading screen if sent back to prison a second time without clearing their crime stat
  55. When going into ADS and crouching / prone you will be unable to see through the optics scope on the Arrowhead or P6-LR
  56. Freelook does not always work properly in turrets
  57. Turrets ignore power setting
  58. Players may fall out of turrets and clip through geometry when exiting them with the female model (Workaround: Avoid choosing the female model for now)
  59. Turret projectiles and fixed weapon fire is slightly desynced so hits may appear to not register but do
  60. Exiting a remote turret from the pilot seat will activate freelook for the pilot. Press Z to deactivate freelook to continue normally
  61. Player will be unable to control the movement of Super Hornet using mouse Controls after Exiting the Remote Turret using Interaction Mode
  65. Bug Fixes
  66. Targeting lead/lag pips should no longer be missing.
  67. Player's client should no longer crash when targeting other ships.
  68. Headlights on the Greycat ROC should no longer be excessively bright when in use.
  69. Authorized Execution Warrant missions from Hurston should no longer award the player with a Homicide crimestat.
  70. After the first wave of enemies the patrol beacon should now consistently move to the next patrol area during a patrol mission.
  71. Players should no longer be spammed with Unauthorized Interdiction crimes when using a QED jammer and another player is actively attempting to QT away from them.
  72. Anvil Terrapin should no longer be missing the front left engine.
  73. Retaliator should no longer spawn in with damage present on the right rear thruster.
  74. VOIP Audio should no longer be very quiet and low quality regardless of distance to other players in proximity and party chats.
  75. Fixed an issue that was causing static trains to appear in Area18.
  76. Fixed an LOD issue on NPC undercut style hair that was making it look patchy from certain distances.
  77. The mobiGlas should now go to the correct tab when receiving a mission from mission givers.
  78. Miles Eckhart should now correctly play dialogue lines after accepting his Appointment mission and encountering him for the first time.
  82. Technical
  83. Fixed 1 Client crash
  84. Fixed 3 Server crashes
  85. Fixed a backend services crash
  87. Star Citizen Leaks -
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