
Part 2: On the Job: Session 6

Apr 28th, 2013
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  1. [19:56] <Daroskt> *****Second Darkness*****
  2. [19:56] <Daroskt> ~~~Chapter 1: Shadow in the Sky~~~
  3. [19:56] <Daroskt> -Session 6-
  4. [20:02] <Daroskt> The demise of Larur has left an obvious emptiness in the position at the Gold Goblin, but Katarina will just have to do her best to fill that void, given her new promotion at Saul's designation. Even better, they had been offered full ownership of the Gold Goblin if they stayed on for a year working for him.
  5. [20:06] <Daroskt> When the weekend rolls around and Saul tallies the week's profits for the Gold Goblin, he is pleased to report to the party that they have once again remained quite profitable. True to his word, he pays them each the increased 25gp wage, and another 5gp on top of that as a bonus.
  6. [20:10] * Daroskt approaches Katarina at the Cashier's cage the following Monday. "So... how are you settling in to your new duties?"
  7. [20:11] * Raam_Pitfighter looks to Daroskt "I'm going out."
  8. [20:11] * Katarina smiles and shrugs. "Th-there alright... I am still a bit surprised, but... I-It isn't t-too bad..."
  9. [20:13] * Daroskt waves to Raam, "Alright. Don't need to tell me everything, I'm not your babysitter." He looks back to Katarina, "Good. I'm glad he didn't ask me to take the position, I'm terrible with numbers. And Raam probably can't count past ten. Still, his heart and courage are not to be doubted."
  10. [20:14] * Raam_Pitfighter heads out of the Gold Goblin in search of a Blacksmith so that he can get new armor.
  11. [20:14] * Katarina nods. "S-still... I-it has b-been nice. I-I'm surprised S-saul's b-been so... kind."
  12. [20:15] <Daroskt> The Wharf District of Riddleport is home to a lot of shipping trade, but for more expensive purchases, he could head to the Free-Coin district, which held the other three large gambling halls of the city, or back to the Leeward, which is where Smeed's Flat and the House of the Silken Veil had been.
  13. [20:17] * Daroskt nods, "I have been surprised as well, although I suspect his kindness only goes so far as we continue to provide good work for him. I'm not complaining though; I've never had the chance to hold down any kind of work before, and while I've no need of excessive lucre, it has been... nice."
  14. [20:18] * Raam_Pitfighter begins to head towards the Free-Coin District in search of some new armor.
  15. [20:19] * Katarina nods in agreement and sighs contentedly. This recent turn of events has been... nice. She's never experienced this kind of comfort. "Mhm..."
  16. [20:23] * Daroskt nods, then looks down at his own armour, "Perhaps I should have joined Raam in his search. I made this armour myself from hides on animals I hunted for food. I am forbidden to wear metal armour, but perhaps there is someone in this city who tailors hide that could craft me a better suit."
  17. [20:24] <Daroskt> As Raam makes his way through the streets, he takes a wrong turn into an alley, and finds himself faced by three large and rather vicious looking centipedes
  18. [20:24] <Daroskt> Though still small compared to the half-giant, these are very large bugs
  19. [20:25] * Katarina smiles and nods. "I c-could help you find a t-tailor, i-if you wanted..."
  20. [20:25] * Raam_Pitfighter looks to the Centipedes and smiles, "hmm Dinner."
  21. [20:26] * Daroskt nods and smiles, "Perhaps then when our work is done for today. Thank you." He heads back up into the rafters.
  22. [20:27] <Daroskt> Each of the three centipedes slither towards Raam in turn, each attempting to bite him with their poisonous jaws.
  23. [20:27] * Katarina keeps watch on the ground, trying her best at her new role.
  24. [20:28] <Daroskt> The first centipede doesn't manage to get a clean bite, but now it's companions have moved to either side, surrounding the larger prey.
  25. [20:30] <Daroskt> The second centipede scrapes uselessly against Raam's armour, but the third managed to take advantage of its position and land a bite. Its poisoning fangs sink in and deliver their dose
  26. [20:31] <Daroskt> Raam feels a bit sluggish with the poison slipping in
  27. [20:31] * Raam_Pitfighter looks to the first centipede that had tried to attack him and readys his sword for an attack, and his eyes go red with rage.
  28. [20:32] <Daroskt> Raam's swing can't seem to land cleanly on the slippery bugs.
  29. [20:32] <Daroskt> Althoguh they look plenty squishy.
  30. [20:37] <Daroskt> The other two centipedes, sensing a touch of weakness in their prey after their companion's bite, lunge in
  31. [20:38] <Daroskt> However, the first two are once again brought up short by Raam's armour. The third one lands a second lucky bite, going back for more.
  32. [20:39] <Daroskt> In spite of the additional dose, the poison doesn't seem to have any further effect on the bulky half-giant.
  33. [20:40] * Raam_Pitfighter after the two attacks on him with him doing nothing to them, he gets madder and madder, and looks to yet again the one that bit him and readys an attack.
  34. [20:42] <Daroskt> Raam's rage splatter's the first of the monstrous centipedes, but the other two hardly seem to notice
  35. [20:42] <Daroskt> Once again, coming at him from either side, the two centipedes aim to subdue their prey.
  36. [20:44] <Daroskt> This time, both of them manage to latch on and sink their poisonous bites into him.
  37. [20:45] <Daroskt> In spite of the number of bites, the poison just isn't getting through to Raam
  38. [20:46] * Raam_Pitfighter looks at both of them but can only focus his attacks on one of them at a time and readys his sword for hopefully another deadly blow.
  39. [20:48] <Daroskt> Raam slices cleanly through another of them... lengthwise. Onely one remains, but it plans on finishing the job, not really being clever enough to know better
  40. [20:48] <Daroskt> However, without the distraction of it's comrades, Raam is free to nimbly avoid the single remaining bug
  41. [20:49] * Raam_Pitfighter "YOUR TURN" looks to the sky and screams as loud as he can while looking to the bloody stains in the alley and thinking that the third centipede will know the same fate in a few seconds.
  42. [20:52] <Daroskt> *SPLAT* goes the last centipede
  43. [20:53] * Raam_Pitfighter calms himself out of the rage he went into from that battle.
  44. [20:54] <Daroskt> -Combat Over-
  45. [20:55] * Raam_Pitfighter looks again for a blacksmith.
  46. [20:55] <Daroskt> Raam gains a bonus Experience Reward. 3 CR 1/2; 195 Exp
  47. [20:57] <Daroskt> Raam is able to purchase his new set of armour without further complications
  48. [20:58] <Daroskt> Raam is now in posession of a much more well-crafted breastplate.
  49. [21:01] * Raam_Pitfighter begins to walk back to the Gold Goblin.
  50. [21:03] <Daroskt> Raam gets back without any other trouble, but when Daroskt sees him...
  51. [21:03] * Daroskt frowns at Raam, "What have you gotten yourself into now?"
  52. [21:03] * Raam_Pitfighter looks to Daroskt with a smile, "Dinner."
  53. [21:04] * Katarina raises an eyebrow at Raam.
  54. [21:04] * Daroskt shakes his head and lays his hand on Raam with a groan, "You're lucky I kept some extra prepared after last time."
  55. [21:03] <Daroskt> Raam gets back without any other trouble, but when Daroskt sees him...
  56. [21:03] * Daroskt frowns at Raam, "What have you gotten yourself into now?"
  57. [21:03] == Katarina [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
  58. [21:03] * Raam_Pitfighter looks to Daroskt with a smile, "Dinner."
  59. [21:04] * Katarina_ raises an eyebrow at Raam.
  60. [21:04] == Katarina_ has changed nick to Katarina
  61. [21:04] -NickServ- This nickname is registered. Please choose a different nickname, or identify via /msg NickServ identify <password>.
  62. [21:04] -NickServ- You have 30 seconds to identify to your nickname before it is changed.
  63. [21:04] * Daroskt shakes his head and lays his hand on Raam with a groan, "You're lucky I kept some extra prepared after last time."
  64. [21:04] -NickServ- You are now identified for Aqu.
  65. [21:05] * Raam_Pitfighter bows to Daroskt "Thank you."
  66. [21:07] * Daroskt looks to Raam, "Any other... troubles?"
  67. [21:07] * Raam_Pitfighter "I got some new armor, but I wouldn't call that troubles."
  68. [21:08] * Daroskt rolls his eyes, "Just try not to get bloodied up so bad the next time you go shopping, alright?"
  69. [21:09] * Katarina nods in agreement, though isn't sure how he could possibly get that bloodied from simple shopping...
  70. [21:10] * Raam_Pitfighter "hahaha, should have seen my enemy then. No amount of healing will save them now."
  71. [21:12] * Daroskt shrugs, "So you got mugged, then did your usual thing. Fair enough, that's how things work in this town."
  72. [21:15] * Raam_Pitfighter moves over to get up on the catwalk so that he can watch over the shop.
  73. [21:16] <Daroskt> Work at the Gold Goblin goes on as per usual for the rest of the day. The following day is normal enough as well, allowing Daroskt and Katarina to do some shopping of their own after their shifts
  74. [21:19] <Daroskt> The following day however, about a week after the death of Lymas Smeed, Saul approaches the party at the end of their shift, looking pleased.
  75. [21:20] * Katarina smiles back at Saul, waving her hand lightly.
  76. [21:20] * Raam_Pitfighter looks to Saul with no emotions showing.
  77. [21:22] * Daroskt nods to Saul, expecting his presence to mean he had a job for them.
  78. [21:23] <Daroskt> Saul smiles, "Well, I have some good news, and a job for the three of you."
  79. [21:23] * Raam_Pitfighter mutters under his voice, "better not be a job of a messanger, or ill have to kill the man receiving our message."
  80. [21:24] * Katarina shakes her head at Raam and frowns.
  81. [21:25] * Raam_Pitfighter looks to Katarina and smiles wickedly.
  82. [21:25] * Raam_Pitfighter "Don't doubt me girl."
  83. [21:26] * Katarina just shakes her head, looking back to Saul.
  84. [21:26] <Daroskt> Saul shakes his head, "No, I need you to retrieve something for me. You see, I've just been notified that a shipment of rare liquor I ordered has come in. I had been hoping to recieve it in time for the tournament a few weeks back, but it was delayed by storms."
  85. [21:27] * Raam_Pitfighter "Why us?"
  86. [21:29] <Daroskt> Saul taps his cane, "Because once word gets out that there's a shipment of rare liquor in port, it's highly likely other people will take interest. This is good stuff, and I'd wager any of the other crimelords would be interested in claiming it for themselves."
  87. [21:30] * Katarina nods. "S-so... y-you're expecting a-a fight?"
  88. [21:30] * Raam_Pitfighter still wanting to hear more about this situation presses the issue more, "If you have had rare liquor before and this threat that you speak of was still there, then who would you normally send to get it?"
  89. [21:34] <Daroskt> Saul nods, "If you don't get there first, then yes. The liquor is held abord the frigate -Foamrunner-. You are welcome to take the bouncers if you think you need help."
  90. [21:34] * Raam_Pitfighter "Bouncers? bah, the only thing we need is me."
  91. [21:35] <Daroskt> Saul nods, "As you wish, but I would appreciate haste on your part."
  92. [21:35] * Katarina nudges Daroskt. "L-lead th-the way. I'm still n-not f-familiar with this c-city."
  93. [21:37] * Daroskt nods, "Alright then." He looks to Katarina, "No doubt a prize like that liquor would be a boon to this establishment, perhaps as much as the relief of Saul's debt to Smeed as a result of his death."
  94. [21:38] * Katarina nods, ready to head out.
  95. [21:38] * Raam_Pitfighter nods as well, always ready to put blood on his sword.
  96. [21:39] * Daroskt looks to Raam, "Any further objections?"
  97. [21:39] * Raam_Pitfighter "Other than you asking more questions and wasting our time when we could be putting my sword through our enemies? no."
  98. [21:41] * Daroskt nods, "Good." He then sweeps his cloak and steps out of the Gold Goblin. "Fortunately, we are not far from the wharf, so we will likely arrive first."
  99. [21:43] * Raam_Pitfighter follows Daroskt.
  100. [21:43] * Katarina nods, readying herself by pulling out her bow as she follows.
  101. [21:43] * Daroskt keeps his Scimitar sheathed for now
  102. [21:46] <Daroskt> The Gold Goblin is indeed close to the wharf, and by making haste, it does not take them long to reach the port at which the Foamrunner is moored. However, someone has beaten them to the punch.
  103. [21:46] <Daroskt> -End Session-
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