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a guest
Jul 11th, 2019
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  1. Cards in hand : Oviraptor + Lost world + Miscellaneousaurus/UCT/Foolish burrial (Turn 1)
  2. 1. Activate Lost world
  3. 2. Normal summon Oviraptor
  4. 3. Oviraptor effect, search UCT/Miscellaneousaurus
  5. 4. Lost world effect, special summon token on opponent field
  6. 5. Discard Miscellaneousaurus using his effect/Foolish burrial it
  7. 6. Oviraptor effect, destroy token, pop Petiteranodon from deck instead, using Lost world effect
  8. 7. Petiteranodon effect, special summon Giant rex
  9. 8. Link Reprodocus using Oviraptor + Giant rex
  10. 9. Bannish Miscellaneousaurus using his effect, special summon Aeolo jurrac under Reprodocus
  11. 10. Reprodocus effect, change Aeolo attribute to Earth
  12. 11. Bannish Giant rex + Petiteranodon to special summon UCT
  13. 12. special summon Giant rex using his effect
  14. 13. Synchro Naturia beast using Aeolo + Giant rex
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