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a guest
Jun 30th, 2017
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  1. (22:56) samsabear@gmail.: Dan you fucking dick.
  2. You haven't a clue do you?
  3. Benji didn't make me quit
  4. (22:56) samsabear@gmail.: It was you, you fucking cunt
  5. You don't care about anyone
  6. (22:56) Dan//: Calm down dude your 14
  7. (22:56) samsabear@gmail.: Even though you own the forum
  8. Nah mate, shows how much you know
  9. You just don't give 2 shits
  10. (22:57) Dan//: I do my best to help everyone
  11. (22:57) samsabear@gmail.: Haha, yeah...
  12. (22:57) Dan//: You were highly inactive
  13. as a moderator
  14. (22:57) samsabear@gmail.: Bubi Benii
  15. WHAT LOL
  16. I was probs the most active at the time
  17. (22:57) Dan//: Dude you left because of activity
  18. (22:58) samsabear@gmail.: I left because of you not caring.
  19. (22:58) Dan//: I'm not going to get into an argument if you want to leave then just go
  20. (22:58) samsabear@gmail.: I knew straight away you just didn't care
  21. So I left
  22. (22:58) samsabear@gmail.: Oh and btw, I've left bm already.
  23. (22:58) Dan//: okay then
  24. (22:58) samsabear@gmail.: check new posts.
  25. (22:58) Dan//: our conversation is over
  26. (22:59) samsabear@gmail.: Just don't ruin the site anymore.
  27. It's gone to shot already.
  28. (22:59) Dan//: Okay can you explain to me how that is.
  29. (22:59) Dan//: The sites growing, more hits more posts daily more users
  30. (22:59) samsabear@gmail.: That's what you think.
  31. (22:59) Dan//: More updates etc  It's only the staff that let me down, you seem to think when staff go inactive
  32. It's all my fault
  33. I can't keep replacing staff
  34. (23:00) Dan//: You left so your a prime example dude
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