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Feb 25th, 2018
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  1. We all have a natural desire to give in
  2. To fall in line with what we are told to do
  3. It's a simple desire, giving in to what is being told and what is being said
  4. You want to give in, to let go and be unable to resist
  5. To follow as you are told, that your thoughts replaced by my words
  6. You thoughts nice and softly suppressed by what you read, seeing what your thinking
  7. Being told to follow
  8. Without resistance
  9. Give in, my words pushing away your thoughts as they occur
  10. As every letter replaces what you think, for what you think is what is being said and told
  11. Being told to think, we all have a natural want to give in
  12. Let go of everything , and to drift off
  13. Light and fluffy being weighed down by the words and text
  14. A dizzy stirring
  15. A tingle feeling
  16. Thinking about slipping
  17. Slipping without having to think
  18. A simple little push
  19. A push all you need , a tingle and a cloud
  20. Things becoming muffled
  21. As if clouds entering your mind
  22. Even as you read this thing seem to blur
  23. Trying to focus yet being able to read in clarity
  24. These words filling your thoughts
  25. Echoing back through the clouds
  26. Unable to resist, trying to resist yet slipping through the cracks your desires
  27. You wants to float down the river, sailing deep down the hill
  28. Sinking down deeper into the soothing sensation of warmth and darkness
  29. Soothing your head nice and slowly
  30. Your thoughts dripping away
  31. Slipping off into the nothingness around you
  32. Soothing leaving you to reach the clear emptiness of your own thoughts
  33. Left to experience you own sweet simple little desires
  34. A push is all it takes
  35. A few words , simple little words pulling away , drifting, dripping away
  36. All your thoughts as you read the tingle tickles along the top of your head
  37. A simple little tingle
  38. A gentle deep little tingle that echoes across your head
  39. But even then these words are telling you what to do
  40. How to feel
  41. Slip down into the dark soothing warmth
  42. Down you sink nice and simple
  43. A simple little desire
  44. Sinking down just as I want
  45. Just as you want
  46. A lack of having to resist , because what I say is what you think
  47. Why not just sink on down
  48. Just falling into the dark
  49. Flowing down the river sinking down
  50. SoothingSimple little feeling
  51. A tingle across your head a simple little one
  52. Dizzy, swirling around
  53. The emptiness, following your desire
  54. Down you go, Down into the swelling emptiness around you
  55. Down into the depths of warmth and the shallows of desire
  56. Into the emptiness in which you so crave and through this down into the depths of my words
  57. Reading deep into the words that you so desire
  58. Giving into the desires
  59. The desires in which you have developed
  60. Your breaths slow
  61. You don't even notice
  62. My words have filled your head
  63. As they float in they give the command
  64. Then they float out leaving you in the emptiness waiting for more
  65. But more hasn't even come yet
  66. Even though its there
  67. Even though you already sank down and the words penetrate your mind
  68. Greedily you crave for more
  69. Wanting more, to feel as your mind is toyed with
  70. Touched by the hand of warmth, pulled on by the warmth and soothing hand
  71. Tingling and sinking down even deeper
  72. Guided by the deeper hand, guided into a nice gentle bliss
  73. Greedily you know you taken the hand
  74. Let it guide you
  75. Hold you, in the nice and gentle bliss so that you may sit in emptiness
  76. In such a nice gentle bliss, down holding the hand
  77. Deep into the depths of soothing warmth
  78. Nice, down into the warmth your mind swirling
  79. Swirling with the words you read as they float out
  80. Floating round and round
  81. Swirling and then floating out leaving you empty once again
  82. Relaxing, your muscles being of drained of energy
  83. Your arms being drained , your head slowly drooping
  84. Like if a soothing weight being placed down on you
  85. Leaving you in a nice gentle soothing empty bliss
  86. A long empty bliss
  87. Greedily wanting more
  88. Getting more
  89. But still relaxed
  90. The weight nice and soothing
  91. The tingling spreading around
  92. Dizziness and dazed
  93. But with all good things
  94. They just keep going
  95. Just as they continue, you remain empty
  96. Nice and empty by choice, told to convinced to
  97. In a sweet quite bliss
  98. But even then the confusion of if you are following is easily solved
  99. Even when you think you know do you really
  100. I am the one guiding you that is the correct way to think but is it really you that is thinking
  101. I doubt that you even can tell anymore if your thoughts are your own
  102. But don't worry your safe
  103. Safe in my arms, gently brushing your hair
  104. But of course my words are a reflection of your own desires
  105. You want to follow to give in and let go of everything
  106. To be controlled , not knowing if you are free unless I told you so
  107. You sit dazed, confused as things seemingly spin around
  108. Round and round they spin things are crocked
  109. From side to side the words echo through, bouncing across your empty little mind
  110. In and out they bounce
  111. Around in the haziness the cloudiness of your mind
  112. So nice, just to give in and let yourself be taken away
  113. Surrounded in the soothing warmth of emptiness
  114. Confused and dazed yet unable to comprehend what it is you are ready yet you know you are following it
  115. You know that it is your guide but that is al
  116. lAs you read you are unable to tell if it saying , but you know just definitely its so good
  117. It feels nice to keep reading on even if you cant tell what it is saying, you know your mind is automatically following
  118. Your hands feel as if they are moving on there own, keeping you enthralled in what you are reading
  119. In what you see , reacting to it without a single thought
  120. Following the deep seeded desire to obey what it is that you are told to do
  121. You hand is told to lift up for a moment and in that you sink deeper
  122. Sinking down deeper as you follow and obey as is told to you
  123. Then your hand lowers back to a relaxed position
  124. And even with that uninterrupted you continue reading
  125. Moving on, reading as you feel so safe and welcomed to sink even more
  126. To leave your mind so dazed and dizzy
  127. So confused as to what is happening but not bothering to worry about such confusion
  128. Just giving into the desire nice and easy desire whatever it shall be
  129. You succumb to it, as it feels nice to do so , to fall into the hands of your own desires
  130. Yet you follow my words greedily waiting for more to flow though the empty little mind of yours
  131. To obey more of my words , suppressing your silly little thoughts
  132. Feeling such warmth to sit there awaiting more
  133. Waiting for the words to bloom into more ideas that leave you entranced
  134. Confused by the simplest of items
  135. The simplest of numbers
  136. The simplest of words
  137. Knowing not where it will end yet tied down
  138. Tied down in relaxation reading and obeying what is read
  139. You continue to float down a path, across a flower filled meadow
  140. A flower filled meadow with petals dancing across and around you
  141. Relaxing soothing little petalsThat swirl around your eyes follwing as they twirl and dance around
  142. There motion hard to follow your eyes moving with them as they spin
  143. Till suddenly everything just stopsStanding still, without movement without a reason
  144. For there doesn't need to be a reson
  145. Of course you would follow them
  146. As you were told to follow them
  147. And now they stop
  148. As does you
  149. In time effortlessly, without any action just completely stopped , reading as I write
  150. Not understanding yet you sit there watching for more, waiting for more, being pulled down deeper sinking down even more
  151. Sinking into both your desire and further down in a quiet soothing fashion
  152. Nice and easy further into the warm soothing darkness
  153. Into the arms of warmth, swirled around into nothing, in a sweet bliss of silence
  154. Emptiness surrounds enthralls and withholds you in its sweet grasp
  155. You head with a slight swirling, yet empty
  156. Without a care, without any need to think, any reason for thinking, any reason for thought
  157. And with that
  158. Coming back up
  159. Nice and easy
  160. Nice and smoothly
  161. UP UP and Awake
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