
Tzeentch and his realm

Oct 30th, 2023
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  1. "Just as Tzeentch manifests and appears in many different guises, many of them fluid and shifting, so too, the realm of the Changer of Ways constantly adapts to its master’s whims, desires, moods, and, of course, the demands of his Thousand and One Plots. Observers human, xenos, and daemon perceive and interpret this territory in a wide variety of ways. In fact, some scholars and a few of the more coherent first-hand witnesses who have survived contact with Tzeentch’s realm have suggested that neither mortal nor daemon, save perhaps the most powerful Lords of Change, can grasp the true nature of Tzeentch’s shifting realm. Most who visit the domain of the Great Mutator quickly go mad; those of exceptionally strong mind and strong will can perhaps interpret but one facet of the often crystalline landscape that, like Tzeentch himself, has an infinite number of faces. Many commentators suggest that the mind can only perceive this world of warp energy wrought into something resembling solid form through symbols or metaphors—images created by the mind of the iron-willed in an attempt to make sense of pure Chaos and constant change. In fact, many commentators rely on paradoxical metaphors even to describe the process of perceiving Tzeentch’s realm itself: sculpting with fog, describing a dream as it occurs, singing silently, painting with mist, and the like. The Great Ocean is a sea of madness and insanity, and his realm is the concentrated essence of such things given form."
  2. - Black Crusade - Tome of Fate
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