
Dresden files Ramblings

May 10th, 2017
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  1. Jump # 87 Dresden Files
  2. Starting Location: Winnipeg
  3. Age: 24
  4. Gender: Female
  5. Background: Wizard (100)
  6. Perks
  7. *Magic 101 (0)
  8. *The Sight (0)
  9. *Wizard Tricks (0)
  10. *Clued In (0)
  11. *Soul Source (300, Discount)
  12. *Unwholesome good looks (100)
  13. *Power to Burn (150, Discount)
  14. *Refined Spell caster (150, Discount)
  16. Equipment
  18. *Best Ale in Chicago (0)
  19. *Enchanted Duster (0)
  20. *Svartalf Apartments (200)
  21. *Wizard Lab (0)
  23. Drawbacks:
  24. *The Hex (0)
  25. *… and this time it wasn’t my fault (+100)
  28. *Sigh* well sometimes despite our best intentions everything just goes to hell. We had set up a little detective agency, It sort of doubled as a supernatural consultant thing. Most of my clients in fact were supernatural. Winnipeg was a tense place, there were a lot of supernatural factions in a cold war with each other.
  30. I was hired first to take care of some warlocks. Well I found them and Adam and Snowflame made quick work of them. I didn’t want to kill them but since they weren’t willing to give me much choice those two did it for me.
  32. That done I was doing pretty well and it looked like we were moving towards piece. The Norse God backed werewolf bikers and the faeries were planning to forge a peace treaty. I was called on to be a impartial third party in this and to serve as a mediator.
  34. Now I had stayed out of the greater war around the world up till this point but wouldn’t you know it the red court bastards picked that time to attack. Everyone was blaming everyone else. It was just a horrible mess. My companions and I had to fight our way out threw the chaos. Everyone blamed everyone else AND ME.
  36. I caught the Red Court pricks and their friends.. but by that time Winnipeg was in a full blown war. So I had to dare going to the stronghold of the Norse gods and the Fey despite them wanting to kill me. Manage to talk my way in and somehow arrange for a new meeting so we could halt the hostilities. Somehow I pulled it off but I am still not sure how.
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