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a guest
Jan 21st, 2019
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  1. remote: ..................................................
  2. remote: [package cffi-features]..
  3. remote: ; file: /app/tmp/cache/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/cffi_0.20.0/toolchain/bundle.lisp
  5. remote: ; ((UIOP/OS:OS-UNIX-P) "o")
  6. remote: ;
  7. remote: ; caught ERROR:
  8. remote: ; illegal function call
  9. remote:
  10. remote: ; ((UIOP/OS:OS-WINDOWS-P)
  11. remote: ; (IF (UIOP/OS:FEATUREP '(:OR :MINGW32 :MINGW64))
  12. remote: ; "o"
  13. remote: ; "obj"))
  14. remote: ;
  15. remote: ; caught ERROR:
  16. remote: ; illegal function call
  17. remote:
  18. remote: ; ((UIOP/OS:OS-UNIX-P) "a")
  19. remote: ;
  20. remote: ; caught ERROR:
  21. remote: ; illegal function call
  22. remote:
  23. remote: ; ((UIOP/OS:OS-WINDOWS-P)
  24. remote: ; (IF (UIOP/OS:FEATUREP '(:OR :MINGW32 :MINGW64))
  25. remote: ; "a"
  26. remote: ; "lib"))
  27. remote: ;
  28. remote: ; caught ERROR:
  29. remote: ; illegal function call
  30. remote:
  31. remote: ; ((UIOP/OS:OS-MACOSX-P) "dylib")
  32. remote: ;
  33. remote: ; caught ERROR:
  34. remote: ; illegal function call
  35. remote:
  36. remote: ; ((UIOP/OS:OS-UNIX-P) "so")
  37. remote: ;
  38. remote: ; caught ERROR:
  39. remote: ; illegal function call
  40. remote:
  41. remote: ; ((UIOP/OS:OS-WINDOWS-P) "dll")
  42. remote: ;
  43. remote: ; caught ERROR:
  44. remote: ; illegal function call
  45. remote:
  46. remote: ; ((UIOP/OS:OS-UNIX-P) NIL)
  47. remote: ;
  48. remote: ; caught ERROR:
  49. remote: ; illegal function call
  50. remote:
  51. remote: ; ((UIOP/OS:OS-WINDOWS-P) "exe")
  52. remote: ;
  53. remote: ; caught ERROR:
  54. remote: ; illegal function call
  55. remote:
  56. remote: ; file: /app/tmp/cache/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/cffi_0.20.0/toolchain/bundle.lisp
  57. remote: ; in: DEFUN BUNDLE-PATHNAME-TYPE
  58. remote: ; ((UIOP/OS:OS-UNIX-P) "o")
  59. remote: ;
  60. remote: ; caught ERROR:
  61. remote: ; illegal function call
  62. remote:
  63. remote: ; ((UIOP/OS:OS-WINDOWS-P)
  64. remote: ; (IF (UIOP/OS:FEATUREP '(:OR :MINGW32 :MINGW64))
  65. remote: ; "o"
  66. remote: ; "obj"))
  67. remote: ;
  68. remote: ; caught ERROR:
  69. remote: ; illegal function call
  70. remote:
  71. remote: ; ((UIOP/OS:OS-UNIX-P) "a")
  72. remote: ;
  73. remote: ; caught ERROR:
  74. remote: ; illegal function call
  75. remote:
  76. remote: ; ((UIOP/OS:OS-WINDOWS-P)
  77. remote: ; (IF (UIOP/OS:FEATUREP '(:OR :MINGW32 :MINGW64))
  78. remote: ; "a"
  79. remote: ; "lib"))
  80. remote: ;
  81. remote: ; caught ERROR:
  82. remote: ; illegal function call
  83. remote:
  84. remote: ; ((UIOP/OS:OS-MACOSX-P) "dylib")
  85. remote: ;
  86. remote: ; caught ERROR:
  87. remote: ; illegal function call
  88. remote:
  89. remote: ; ((UIOP/OS:OS-UNIX-P) "so")
  90. remote: ;
  91. remote: ; caught ERROR:
  92. remote: ; illegal function call
  93. remote:
  94. remote: ; ((UIOP/OS:OS-WINDOWS-P) "dll")
  95. remote: ;
  96. remote: ; caught ERROR:
  97. remote: ; illegal function call
  98. remote:
  99. remote: ; ((UIOP/OS:OS-UNIX-P) NIL)
  100. remote: ;
  101. remote: ; caught ERROR:
  102. remote: ; illegal function call
  103. remote:
  104. remote: ; ((UIOP/OS:OS-WINDOWS-P) "exe")
  105. remote: ;
  106. remote: ; caught ERROR:
  107. remote: ; illegal function call
  108. remote: ......While evaluating the form starting at line 6, column 0
  109. remote: of #P"/app/tmp/cache/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/static-vectors-v1.8.3/static-vectors.asd":
  110. remote: While evaluating the form starting at line 15, column 0
  111. remote: of #P"/tmp/build_72438715bb5efb11183c31dfc3962b2b/heroku-setup.lisp":
  112. remote: While evaluating the form starting at line 63, column 0
  113. remote: of #P"/app/tmp/buildpacks/0e17a64ceeee87a94b63cf58be44f8e2f45ebe4a718fcce68fed19cb321e7f13d8435f8f82466d832e8be3dbdc35bab7b6cdc63faeccb887cc1bd8896caf3a4a/setup/compile.lisp":
  114. remote:
  115. remote: debugger invoked on a LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR in thread #<THREAD "main thread" RUNNING {1002D801A3}>: Error while trying to load definition for system static-vectors from pathname /app/tmp/cache/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/static-vectors-v1.8.3/static-vectors.asd: COMPILE-FILE-ERROR while compiling #<CL-SOURCE-FILE "cffi-toolchain" "toolchain" "bundle">
  116. remote:
  117. remote: Type HELP for debugger help, or (SB-EXT:EXIT) to exit from SBCL.
  118. remote:
  119. remote: restarts (invokable by number or by possibly-abbreviated name):
  120. remote: 0: [RETRY ] Retry compiling #<CL-SOURCE-FILE "cffi-toolchain" "toolchain" "bundle">.
  121. remote: 1: [ACCEPT ] Continue, treating compiling #<CL-SOURCE-FILE "cffi-toolchain" "toolchain" "bundle"> as having been successful.
  122. remote: 2: [RETRY ] Retry EVAL of current toplevel form.
  123. remote: 3: [CONTINUE ] Ignore error and continue loading file "/app/tmp/cache/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/static-vectors-v1.8.3/static-vectors.asd".
  124. remote: 4: [ABORT ] Abort loading file "/app/tmp/cache/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/static-vectors-v1.8.3/static-vectors.asd".
  125. remote: 5: Retry ASDF operation.
  126. remote: 6: [CLEAR-CONFIGURATION-AND-RETRY] Retry ASDF operation after resetting the configuration.
  127. remote: 7: Give up on "example"
  128. remote: 8: Retry EVAL of current toplevel form.
  129. remote: 9: Ignore error and continue loading file "/tmp/build_72438715bb5efb11183c31dfc3962b2b/heroku-setup.lisp".
  130. remote: 10: Abort loading file "/tmp/build_72438715bb5efb11183c31dfc3962b2b/heroku-setup.lisp".
  131. remote: 11: Retry EVAL of current toplevel form.
  132. remote: 12: Ignore error and continue loading file "/app/tmp/buildpacks/0e17a64ceeee87a94b63cf58be44f8e2f45ebe4a718fcce68fed19cb321e7f13d8435f8f82466d832e8be3dbdc35bab7b6cdc63faeccb887cc1bd8896caf3a4a/setup/compile.lisp".
  133. remote: 13: Abort loading file "/app/tmp/buildpacks/0e17a64ceeee87a94b63cf58be44f8e2f45ebe4a718fcce68fed19cb321e7f13d8435f8f82466d832e8be3dbdc35bab7b6cdc63faeccb887cc1bd8896caf3a4a/setup/compile.lisp".
  134. remote: 14: Ignore runtime option --load "/app/tmp/buildpacks/0e17a64ceeee87a94b63cf58be44f8e2f45ebe4a718fcce68fed19cb321e7f13d8435f8f82466d832e8be3dbdc35bab7b6cdc63faeccb887cc1bd8896caf3a4a/setup/compile.lisp".
  135. remote: 15: Skip rest of --eval and --load options.
  136. remote: 16: Skip to toplevel READ/EVAL/PRINT loop.
  137. remote: 17: [EXIT ] Exit SBCL (calling #'EXIT, killing the process).
  138. remote:
  140. remote: 0] ;
  141. remote: ; compilation unit aborted
  142. remote: ; caught 2 fatal ERROR conditions
  143. remote: ; caught 18 ERROR conditions
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