
Analytical Affection: Side A

Jul 9th, 2015
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  1. IT'S ME! Shiny Goldie, ready to start the night with some SCIENCE! and flair in Maintenance. But what about the subject?
  3. "Hey there buddy! How-why-yeah? That's great! Oh I know I know, you're just as excited as I am for today's SCIENCE!, right?"
  5. He doesn't respond. He never does. But that's okay. Research subjects like him give me all the data I require. His will is unnecessary. My subject is a security guard, though I've forgotten which. In an effort to try something different this time, I had decided to work together with Bonnie in the rabbot's experiments. Usually I don't involve myself this early, but, hey, what's a little variety? I've got a good feeling about this run anyways. But I'm digressing. Back to the point, this bit of unfortunate circumstance the guard's found himself. Y'see, Bonnie had been running these experiments all by itself for a good while. The good rabbot had SCIENCE!'d forty guards! 40 of 'em! That's as many as four tens. But then the business bear found out. And that's terrible. He shut it down, all of it. What a waste of research and development. 'course, I knew that was going to happen sooner or later. It always does. So I stepped in, for a different change of pace. We've had to be sneaky about it though. First thing I had to do was add a hidden storage closet to Maintenance. It wasn't hard, just some spatial extensions. Like that old horror movie cliché of a haunted house with a hallway that suddenly gets longer. Well that's some real ghost shit, so that's what I did. More or less anyways. While there was no difficulty in the act, choosing the right one took some thinking. I'm supposed to be a spooky ghost after all. Can't go pulling stuff above my tier, would draw attention. And I ain't no attention whore. Ah. I'm digressing again.
  7. Convincing Bonnie to continue its research was easy enough. I do believe the rabbot is predisposed to working with me. Sure, it puts up a front about it from time to time, but it ends up by my side in the end. It's a nice constant. One I can count on. Look at me, just pacing back and forth talking to myself. I'm usually better focused than that. Perhaps its a side effect of the parasites I'm letting run rampant inside me. Honestly, using me to traverse the thresholds of so many worlds? They didn't even ask. But then, they do think quite much of themselves. Those fleshy caricatures who think themselves so far above the humans they're harvesting. Still, it has provided me with much information on those worlds. Despite that, I don't think I'd have allowed it were it not for one of them (one that strangely reminded me of the rabbot) having such a strong interest in SCIENCE! to the point that it seemed to fuel every choice they made. If nothing else about the parasites, I could at least admire that. Besides, there's a small chance they could run into Fritz on one of their expeditions. I'd very much love to see how that would turn out. What was I doing? Oh right. I take off my hat with a flourish and place it on a hook, before facing the security guard.
  9. "Oh yes! SCIENCE! Well, let's get started shall we?" I say as I remove my suit's head casing, placing it on the desk. "I wish Bonnie would lend me the lab coat though, as you ARE kind of a bleeder." Next is the torso and arms. Finally, the legs. "But that's fine. I don't mind doing it naked. The ideas flow more freely this way anyways." my grin widens as the guard has begun uncontrollably shaking. It seems he will never get used to my shadowy form. Or maybe... "Hey, I'm curious, are you afraid of me, or just what's to come?" I ask, but he doesn't respond. I guess I expect too much sometimes from a securely bound and gagged guard. With a securely attached envelope. Ah yes, Bonnie's note. That's how we've been working together, since both of us in here at once might attract Freddy. Plucking it, I tear it open and start reading it out loud. "A-hem. [Sir, I wish to run some tests on the subject's “nervous system”. Unfortunately, I fear the severity of my tests may cause the unit to shutdown as too much data runs along it. Please do whatever you can to allow me to proceed.] Well! This is certainly exciting! Sounds like I need to sever the connection your nervous system has to your brain and spine. While keeping you alive! The rabbot certainly doesn't think small, that's for sure! Lovely." I exclaim with a chuckle. Oh neat. The guard can still scream. Fascinating what sparks the mind to act.
  11. Well that was messy. But I think I got it. I think. I'm not actually certain right now. The guard doesn't appear to be conscious by any stretch of the term at least. He may not come to until Bonnie's turn. Well I'm sure he's fine. At least, his vitals are still going. Good enough. Plus, I had to work some magic for this one, but I don't think this is too outside the realm of possibility. Still, I suppose I'll just keep a closer eye on those keeping an eye on the place and see how they react. Judging by the screams I can hear from elsewhere, it sounds like Freddy bagged tonight's guard. On that note, I hurriedly wheel off the guard into the hidden closet and then start putting on my suit. I wouldn't want the guard being shoved into it. Hmmmm. Or would I? Even I've never thought about what would happen if someone put on my suit while I'm using it. That just gave me an idea for my next note to Bonnie. The question remains being would the rabbot be into it. It hasn't really responded to any of the innuendos I've had in my notes, though it also hasn't told me to stop yet. Regardless, what if it says no? It's a fairly personal act for a robot, so I would understand. On the other hand, I really want to know. Would forcing Bonnie inside me be rape?
  13. The note written and placed, I close the hidden door. I had decided I'd just ask the rabbot to work with me directly on the next experiment. Something like this would be better asked face to face, and I'll just wing it from there. The sounds of tonight's guard start getting closer. He must be still struggling. What a champ. Guess I should get going before I'm discovered. So I'll leave the Maintenance room the same way I came in. With a pop. Ha. Tonight guard's eyes will probably make the same sound.
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