
Cip. Jucaresti at CCPS Party Conference

Nov 9th, 2013
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  1. I must start my speech with the mention that, as the human part of Juclandia has no political parties, as the system is based on a non-partisan direct democracy, and that me, as monarch, am barred from being politically involved, I am here in my capacity as representative of both the Juclandian Left (in regards to the human part) and of the Communist Party of Juclandia (in regards to the non-human part). I cannot, however, claim representation for the Socialist Christian-Democratic Party as well, as I could not be able to get an approval of such representation from the human citizen responsible with the party.
  3. On the 1st of January 2013, Juclandia has got her first Prime Minister coming from a Communist Party, after a coalition was successfully formed with the Socialists and the Liberals. Teddy Populescu, a young and promising politician, also serving as First Secretary of the Communist Party, has managed to form one of the most stable governments in Juclandia's post-republican history. With a political platform called 'the Juclandian Road to Socialism', the Coalition has started to reform the economic and political system of Juclandia step by step, from their very first day of becoming the country's government. Many reforms and improvements have taken place since then, but before I present them, let me swiftly present Juclandia's cultural background, and its influence on the economic, social and political systems.
  5. Culturally, the Juclandian people undoubtedly are tolerant, permissive and prone to co-operation and collectivism, while also being extremely religious. In Juclandia, religion plays a very important part, and the Juclandian Orthodox Church has great influence in the state's affairs. However, our view on Orthodoxy is different from that of the mainstream. Usually, people who claim to adhere to a religion do barely apply the religion's 'theoria' into 'praxis'. They stick to empirical points of view, and sometimes completely ignore the values which they claim to adhere to. This is not the case in Juclandia, however. Our religious values of humility, selflessness, mutual aid, hard work and unstopped progress form the 'theoria' that built our country in the past few years. From the point of view of Juclandian traditional moral values, we can say that we are extremely traditionalistic and we are fundamentally attached to the morality that our culture promotes. However, do not get a wrong image: our morality differs from what the 'mainstream' may consider moral. There are many things which are morally acceptable here, while in the world it's widely considered immoral. However, this applies the other way around as well: the Juclandian people (humans included, obviously) consider things such as greed and individualism absolutely immoral, and such things may be punished with social ostracism. And these things have direct influence on our politics and economy.
  7. This is why in Juclandia, from an economic aspect, all parties, even those that in Juclandia are considered to be on the right wing of the political spectrum, may be considered socialist in the 'mainstream' point of view. No party advocates here private individual ownership based on greed and the exploitation of others. Thanks to our selflessness and collectivist way of behaviour, people are prone to co-operation instead of competition. As such, Juclandia has never been 'capitalist' if one would consider the mainstream definition. However, our market has always been considered a market free from state interference, to a certain degree. And this is where the main clash stands: the role of the state in the economy, rather than capitalism vs. socialism. Such thing as the latter may not even be possible in Juclandia, as greed and individualism are considered immoral. One would wonder, then, why has the Coalition decided to name their platform 'the Juclandian Road to Socialism', if there already is socialism in Juclandia?
  9. The answer is simple: in Juclandia, the definition of socialism is different from the mainstream one. As I have mentioned before, the economic debate is focused on the role of the state in the economy. And in Juclandia, to achieve socialism means to diminish or eliminate the role of the state in the economy.
  11. As these aspects have been sorted out, let me get back to our government's achievments in regards to the advancement of the 'Juclandian Road to Socialism' platform. Right from January 2013, when the government was installed in office, Juclandia has seen a lot of reforms, ranging from social to political and economic. In the first months, the Constitution was ammended and new political powers were given to the Presidency and the Government, while a clear separation of duties has been made between the houses of the Great National Assembly, the Council of State and the Assembly of Deputies. The next two important reforms have been the adoption of a new Statute of the Juclandian Orthodox Church, which clarified the Church's role in Juclandian society, and the adoption of a Civil Union Act, which implemented some formal 'marriage' contracts between any two citizens. During the summer, the Great National Assembly adopted a new Law on Administrative Divisions, which gave more powers to the local governments, and for the first time since 2001, Juclandia also got a Law on National Decorations. As the autumn began, our government completely changed focus to economy, and since then we have been working on formalising the economy and getting all state companies on track. As the state sector currently comprises most of Juclandia's economic activity, the government of Teddy Populescu is planning to give most of those companies and to the workers' co-operatives by January 2014. In the human part of Juclandia, economy has also developed in the agriculture and services sectors. The Agricultural Co-operatives of Juclandia, located in Lenia and Grădinari, have been reformed and completely based on workers' democratic management, while the services sector is made of self-employed people.
  13. As these reforms are being made, Juclandia is turning, step by step, to a socialist country by the Juclandian cultural definition (in contrast to the mainstream different definitions). However, as clear impact on the Juclandian human part's non-partisan democracy can be seen in Juclandia's legislation: no mention of socialism (or any other ideology) is made in the Constitution, nor in any of the laws. All citizens are seen as equal, regardless of their attributes or world views and ideas. This is also a result of our cultural customs, which bases decision-making on consensus and the integration of all different groups of people, with different political, economic and social views, in constrast to the mainstream way of making decision by a majority vote, or even worse, decision making being based on a tiny group of people, usually referred to as 'the elite'.
  15. In the end, I may say that there is no doubt that Juclandia is a pragmatic, consensus-based nation. And while this means that politically, we cannot say that we are a socialist nation by mainstream definition, we surely are, culturally, a nation built upon values promoted in the mainstream as socialist ones.
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