
Full opinion on weed

Dec 21st, 2017
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  1. I began to try weed back in late October. It was nice, it made me feel a lot better and helped me to relax. But, it has made me relax to much. Like people always say, it brings out your true alternate motives. As a known lazy fucker this made me very VERY lazy. And that is the base problem laziness. My main hobby for the past 4 years has been speedrunning. And even though I honestly hate it and take breaks from it all the time, it's still what I do. As I've said many times i have a horrible reaction time and weed make it just that much worse. So while high speedrunning and pretty much video games as a whole are out of the picture. Which also means streaming is out of the picture. Another thing is dumb af anime. I would prefer to not watch a show the first time while high. It creates a bastardized experience where everything is either taken out of context or just plain stupid. (This applies to pretty much all visual media but this is just a good example because it is something a frequently watch) So what this means is if I'm going to watch it high it has to be a re-watch. That's fine but at that point id much rather do something else. Another thing is weight. Now as a previously know big boy (tm), I eat bad enough as it is, but munchies are a different story. However though, it actually doesn't get me that bad to start with. If I just don't start and I won't have any problems. But my brother, not to blame him, gets it pretty bad, so once he gets started eating I get get started and its all down hill from there. It so bad to where I've gained 25 lb. in not even 2 months. Also regarding my brother, It has pretty much ruined our relationship. Another thing is depression. I have struggled with it for a while so I though that maybe weed would help. It didn't really, even when high. But when sober it definitely made it worse. So with all this, I am quitting, for now at least. Considering that this literally is keeping me from making money (streaming) and that it drains my money from buying it, that enough should be enough to quit. But with everything else added on I think it's time to stop. Even if it's temporarily or a still smoke occasionally, I need to get it out of my routine.
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