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Candy and Her Bikini - backup

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Jul 11th, 2016
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  1. >”Come on Candy, keep up,” Shining called from in front of her, he turning around to trot backwards. “I want to see the waves.”
  2. >Cadence for her part was rather distracted, all her mental energy focused on keeping her great bulk moving. All four of her legs were spread wide to accommodate her belly, and every inch of her jiggled like crazy, from her immense dimpled ass, to her ‘chest’. Every step sent her belly jiggling against her overstuffed thighs, which in turn slid over each other, slowing her down to a crawl. Even with the short distance they’d walked from the carriage, Cadence was huffing and puffing, the heat of the sun belting down on her and making her feel like she was on fire. She could manage though, she knew it, she just had to keep putting one hoof in front of the other.
  3. >To make things easier, her horn glowed, while her telekinetic field enveloped her immense gut, reigning in the worst of the wobbling, and stopping it from hitting the ground with each bouncing step. But even then that solution wasn’t perfect.
  4. >The Princess of Love and her husband had decided to make it a special day. She’d awoken to breakfast in bed, along with an amazing gift. Shinny had presented her with a solid gold horn ring, along with a matching pair of hoop earrings. She’d squealed in delight when she’d gotten them.
  5. >A few hours later though, her mood wasn’t as bright. The horn ring was beautiful, but it was too tight, and every once and a while it disrupted her magic. Normally she would’ve taken it off, but she knew it would’ve broken Shinny’s heart for her to do that. So, she had to bear the annoyance of every few steps her ‘belly holding spell’ giving out, each time it flopping down and dragging through the sand, before she could re-establish the magic field. The crease her belly button hid in was filled with sand, and she’d left strange tracks behind her ,that at some time in the future a pony would stop to ponder what strange beast had left them.
  6. >As she finally reached her husband, he using the time waiting to set up their blanket, Cadence might’ve sighed if she wasn’t so short of breath. All around them ponies were frolicking and playing, enjoying the summer. The water wasn’t far off, and waves crashed down. A few ponies glanced Cadence’s way as she arrived, but most either ignored her, or were too distracted. The beach was an exclusive place, and strict laws were in place about non-judgement and giving other ponies their space.
  7. >Not bothering to ask, Cadence waddled right past Shining (or in actuality misjudged the distance separating them, and bumped one wobbling hip into him), and flopped down on the blanket. It’d been designed with Cadence’s immense bulk in mind, but even then she was dangerously close to overflowing it.
  8. >”Do… I… have… to… wear… this… silly… thing?” Cadence gasped out. She was referring to her swimsuit, an type of clothing extremely rare among ponies. The royal tailor had made it, and for some reason it consisted of a top and bottom, both pieces tiny and made to hug Cadence’s flab without mercy. The color scheme too was bizarre, but Cadence hadn’t had the heart to tell her tailor no, and so ultimately she’d worn it. With her telekinesis she tried to readjust her swimsuit bottoms, managing to pull it out from between her asscheeks for one fleeting moment, before it slipped in there again the moment she released it. Wearing it for some reason she felt more exposed than if she’d been naked. With it on, its distinctive colors drew attention, and invited ponies to stare at her mareish charms. That’s what it was really, and advertisement on the fact she wanted to be viewed as sexy.
  9. >Groaning in frustration Cadence reached up one fat ham of a hoof to wipe away the sweat from her brow. Her throat was as dry as a desert, and she felt exhausted already.
  10. >”You know what the doctor told you honey,” Shining said, bending down to plant a kiss on her lips. “You need to keep your chest flab under control.”
  11. >As if to illustrate a point he rested a hoof on her chest, right on the fat folds that filled the cups of her bikini. Chuckling to himself, Shinning gave it a little squish, before jiggling it up and down. “Minotaur sows wear them.”
  12. >”But it pinches,” Cadence whined, her jowls jiggling, “and I’m not a minotaur.” She fiddled with one of the bands of the bikini top, trying to adjust it into a more comfortable positional. All she managed to achieve was to make it even tighter, and hoisted the cups even higher to make her fat-boobs (as Shinning had called them) even more pronounced, managing to form some cleavage.
  13. >”Come on Candy, you’ll get used to it,” Shinning encouraged, wrapping his arms around as much of her as he could manage. “I think it looks good on you, and it’s only been a week.”
  14. >Cadence sighed and nodded, knowing Shining was right. The incident where her own flab had hit her in the face had been the last straw, and that wasn’t mentioning the amount of strain it put on her back with its wild and non-stop jiggling at even the smallest movements.
  15. >”I thought we agreed you weren’t going to call me Candy anymore,” Cadence said. She tried to hide it, but she was smirking. She was only teasing him, and she couldn’t deny the nickname was appropriate. She just wished he’d stop calling her that when they were out in public, and with other ponies.
  16. >”Oh no, please forgive me,” Shinning replied in mock horror, putting on the biggest puppy dog eyes Cadence had ever seen. “I didn’t mean to offend your beauty so.”
  17. >He peppered kisses all over her face, from her lips to her jowls and double chin. He was even bold enough to knead the side of her belly, not that Cadence was complaining. His hooves felt like electricity when he touched her, and it shook loose a little of the sand that’d gotten trapped in her folds.
  18. >”Allow me to offer an apology,” Shining said, pulling back. He reached into the picnic basket he’d brought with them, and presented it to her.
  19. >It was a tiny, like a marble, and on its surface was every color of the rainbow. At the mere sight of it Cadence’s mouth was watering, and she dragged herself forward a little, making the blanket bunch up under her. It was a type of candy, and the most delicious thing she’d ever eaten. She would’ve sold her soul to know how Shining made them, though she knew he’d never tell her. It was more fun that way anyway she supposed, because if she got them whenever she wanted, they wouldn’t be as special. Her belly growled out, begging for it.
  20. >”W-what flavour is it this time?” she whispered. Of the ten she’d had before, not one had ever been the same. The only thing in common was that they were delicious.
  21. >”Guess you’ll have to eat it and find out,” Shining said, slowly bringing it closer and closer to her awaiting maw, her tongue stretched out to try and reach it. She was tempted to, but she didn’t levitate it. From past experiences, exposure to magic ruined the taste.
  22. >”I think I need a little something more first,” Shining said, smirking.
  23. >Wetting her dry lips, Cadence’s hooves kicked at the sand. Finally she managed to force herself into a sitting position like a dog’s, her big belly spilling over her lap to rest on the blanket. It was funny, but in that position she was actually taller than Shining, her big fat ass acting like a booster cushion. It was crazy comfortable too, she bouncing up and down a little to hollow out a nice groove in the sand for it to rest in.
  24. >”W-what will it be,” she asked, voice quivering.
  25. >Shining laughed, giving her belly a little jiggle, it growling at him like a guard dog. Cadence murmured her appreciation.
  26. >”Hmm… let me think,” Shining said, tapping his chin. “I like Candy as a nickname.”
  27. >”Fine, done,” Cadence said, growing desperate. She needed that candy in her mouth, though as she tried to lean forward, her belly took up all the room, and she didn’t get very far.
  28. >”Nope, the time for Candy has gone,” Shining said, bringing the candy just a tiny bit closer, taunting her with how it was jjjuuuusssttt out of her reach. “I think Kandy suits better now, spelt with a K. Oh, and I get to call you that anytime.”
  29. >Cadence huffed, and puffed. With a groan she flopped onto her side, presenting her belly to Shining as her thick legs stretched back. Celestia help her, it was almost a hard decision, though not really. The pet name was kind of sexy, and she knew Shining was only teasing her with it. He’d never use it when the situation was too inappropriate.
  30. >Ffiiinnneee,” she huffed. “Kandy it is, but you have to lotion me up afterwards, and I get a favor whenever I want.”
  31. >”You’re twisting my arm, but okay Kandy,” Shining said, holding the candy just before her mouth.
  32. >Gently the newly christened Kandy ran her tongue up his hoof, nibbling it for just a moment, before she sucked the whole thing into her mouth. She let her tongue run freely over the soft pad of his hoof, before she sucked up the candy, and released his hoof with a pop. Eagerly she crunched it between her teeth.
  33. >Immediately flavors assaulted her tastebuds, and she moaned in ecstasy. It was icecream, ever flavor she could think of, all distinct somehow and never intermingling. Chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, honey, nut, blueberry, and so many more. She could feel the creamy treats slide down her throat, cooling her down and quenching her thirst. It was over all too soon, but she lay her head back with a blissful sigh, thrusting out her fat-boobs up into the air, and making them pooch out over the cups.
  34. >”Oh, that was… wow,” she said. “Thanks Shiny, I love you.”
  35. >”No problem Cadence,” he said. “Love you too.” He kissed the side of her belly, making her giggle. Slowly his kisses roamed higher, until they were just below the band of her bikini top.
  36. >”Hey Cadence, could I try something?” Shining asked, looking up at her.
  37. >She cocked her head as far as the blubber coating her neck would allow, making her extra chin even more prominent. “Oh, I’m fine with Kandy for now hon. What did you have in mind.”
  38. >He fidgeted, a light blush on his cheeks. “Well, I read about it, something minotaurs do. It’s called a motorboat.”
  39. >The word drew a blank for Cadence, though adventure was half the fun. “Not sure what that is hon, but go ahead, educate me.” With a burst of magic, she delivered a slap to her own titanic rump, making her bite back a yelp, but sending it wobbling in a suitably satisfactory manner.
  40. >”Thanks Cad—I mean Kandy,” Shining said. With a small amount of hesitation, he slowly pushed his muzzle forward. For her part Cadence looked at him with confusion, though she slowly caught on as he grew closer to her fat-boobs. Acting on a hunch, she took a deep a breath as he strained lungs could manage, thrusting them out even more, even managing to make the seams of her top creak as it struggled to hold back all the flab.
  41. >Summoning up his courage, Shining shoved his face deep between them. He was greeted with a feeling of cushy softness enveloping his head, the faint tang of sweat, and the beating of his wife’s heart. It was nice in there, as his chin rested against the band of the bikini, but his job wasn’t done. Without warning he blew a raspberry, and started to shake his head back and forth violently.
  42. >Until then Cadence had been looking down at him in confusion, that small thing a great effort as her neck flab tried to keep her head looking straight forward. Then, the motorboating started. She squealed, giggling like a schoolfilly as her sensitive flab was vibrated and shaken around. Not wanting it to stop she grabbed the back of her husband’s head, and held it down there. Rocking side to side, she finally managed to tip herself over onto her back, her magic levitating up Shiny so he rested on her belly as it stuck up into the air.
  43. >Finally Shining needed to breath, and so he stopped, looking up to stare at Cadence, his head still kept in between her fat-boobs. “Make out session?” he asked.
  44. >Cadence knew she should’ve said no. There were other ponies on the beach after all, but sitting there, the sun warming all her rolls of lard, and caught in the pleasant afterglow of Shining’s affection, she just couldn’t say no.
  45. >”Make out session,” she agreed, and their lips were pressed together almost immediately, tongues dancing.
  46. >All in all it’d been a pretty good day, and she hadn’t even gotten in the water yet. They didn’t call her ‘The Whale’ for nothing, but that would come later. Right then, Shining’s tongue was just far too interesting as it explored her mouth.
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