
Worm: Queen 18.8

Jun 28th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. The two who were facing me were both men, both bigger and tougher than they might have been as humans, one fat, the other tall and broad-shouldered and narrow-waisted to the point of being a caricature.
  3. [...]
  5. Ducking low, I felt a sharp pain in my side. I grunted in pain and barked out a cough. The cough made me need to cough more, which only helped inform them of my position.
  7. The coughing fit took the strength out of me at a time when I needed to move most. Swimging blindly, the fat one struck me across the face. My mask absorbed the worst of the impact, and I stuck my knife out in his general direction, sticking it into the general area of his chest, hitting bone rather than anything substantial.
  9. “Bugs fucking hurt,” he growled, apparently oblivious to the pain of the knife wound. “Stop it!”
  11. He swung again, but I managed to get out of the way.
  13. —Worm: Queen 18.8
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