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a guest
Mar 13th, 2018
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  1. #include <streamer>
  2. #include <foreach>
  3. #include <zcmd>
  4. new TaxiDuty[MAX_PLAYERS];
  5. new RTaxi[MAX_PLAYERS];
  6. new taxicashh[MAX_PLAYERS];
  7. new changed[MAX_PLAYERS];
  8. new ontaxitimr[MAX_PLAYERS];
  9. new DutyCashh[MAX_PLAYERS];
  10. CMD:calltaxi(playerid, params[])
  11. {
  12. new msg[143];
  13. if (IsPlayerFighting(playerid) && !AdminCheck(playerid, 2)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, ERRORCOLOR, "You must wait 15 seconds before teleporting after being shot or shooting someone.");
  14. if(Drivers == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, ERRORCOLOR, "no currently taxi drivers on town , please wait a little.");
  15. SetPlayerSpecialAction(playerid,SPECIAL_ACTION_USECELLPHONE);
  16. SetPlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 9, 330, 6);
  17. RTaxi[playerid] = 1;
  18. SetTimerEx("message1", 1200, false, "i", playerid);
  19. format(msg, sizeof(msg), "{FF3636}%s{FF3636} requested a taxi driver at his place", Name[playerid]);
  20. timingout = SetTimerEx("timedout", 15000, false, "i", playerid);
  21. foreach(new i : Character)
  22. {
  23. if(TaxiDuty[i] == 1) SendClientMessage(i, ERRORCOLOR, msg);
  24. }
  25. return 1;
  26. }
  27. CMD:cancelcall(playerid, params[])
  28. {
  29. new msg[56];
  30. RTaxi[playerid] = 0;
  31. KillTimer(timingout);
  32. SetPlayerSpecialAction(playerid, SPECIAL_ACTION_STOPUSECELLPHONE);
  33. RemovePlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 9);
  34. foreach(new i : Character)
  35. {
  36. if(TaxiDuty[i] == 1) format(msg, sizeof(msg)," %s has canceled his taxi drive request"); SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, msg);
  37. }
  38. return 1;
  39. }
  40. public OnPlayerStateChange(playerid, newstate, oldstate)
  41. {
  42. if (newstate == PLAYER_STATE_PASSENGER)
  43. {
  44. if(GetVehicleModel(vehicleid) == 420 || GetVehicleModel(vehicleid) == 438)
  45. {
  46. intaxitir[playerid] = true;
  47. ontaxitimr[playerid] = SetTimerEx("Gettincash", 60000, true, "i", playerid);
  48. }
  49. }
  50. if (intaxitir[playerid] && newstate != PLAYER_STATE_PASSENGER)
  51. {
  52. intaxitir[playerid] = false;
  53. KillTimer(ontaxitimr[playerid]);
  54. }
  55. if (newstate == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER)
  56. {
  57. new msg5[125];
  58. if(GetVehicleModel(vehicleid) == 420 || GetVehicleModel(vehicleid) == 438)
  59. {
  60. format(msg5, sizeof(msg5), "%s is now a taxi driver", Name[playerid]);
  61. SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFB26FF, msg5);
  62. TaxiDuty[playerid] = 1;
  63. Drivers += 1;
  64. DutyCashh[playerid] = SetTimerEx("DutyCash", 300000, true, "i", playerid);
  65. SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x6FF7E1FF, "Please change the taxi earning amount or you are counted as a free driver !. (via /taxicash)");
  66. pambocolor[playerid] = GetPlayerColor(playerid);
  67. SetPlayerColor(playerid, 0xFFFF00FF);
  68. }
  69. }
  70. if (TaxiDuty[playerid] == 1 && GetPlayerState(playerid) != PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER)
  71. {
  72. format(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s is now off taxi duty{FFFF00}", Name[playerid]);
  73. SendClientMessageToAll(0xED2881FF, msg);
  74. Drivers -= 1;
  75. TaxiDuty[playerid] = 0;
  76. taxicashh[playerid] = 0;
  77. SetPlayerColor(playerid, pcolor[playerid]);
  78. KillTimer(DutyCashh[playerid]);
  79. }
  80. }
  81. forward DutyCash(playerid);
  82. public DutyCash(playerid)
  83. {
  84. GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 5000);
  85. SendClientMessage(playerid,0x6FF7E1FF, "You have taken 5000$ for being on taxi duty.");
  86. return 1;
  87. }
  88. forward Gettincash(playerid);
  89. public Gettincash(playerid)
  90. {
  91. new msg4[163];
  92. new vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
  93. new driverid = GetVehicleDriverID(vehicleid);
  94. GivePlayerMoney(driverid, taxicashh[driverid]);
  95. format(msg4 ,sizeof(msg4), "You are with the driver %s", Name[driverid]);
  96. SendClientMessage(playerid, ERRORCOLOR, msg4);
  97. format(msg4, sizeof(msg4), "You Have paid %d for the driver %s", taxicashh[driverid], Name[driverid]);
  98. SendClientMessage(driverid, ERRORCOLOR, msg4);
  99. SetPlayerMoney(playerid, GetPlayerMoney(playerid) - taxicashh[driverid]);
  100. format(msg4, sizeof(msg4), "You have taken %d for 1 min passed", taxicashh[driverid]);
  101. SendClientMessage(driverid, ERRORCOLOR, msg4);
  102. return 1;
  103. }
  104. CMD:taxicash(playerid, params[])
  105. {
  106. new money, str[57];
  107. if(changed[playerid] == 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, ERRORCOLOR, "You may only change your taxi fare once every 10 seconds.");
  108. if(sscanf(params, "i", money)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, ERRORCOLOR, "Usage: /taxicash [amount]");
  109. if(money > 1000 || money < 500) return SendClientMessage(playerid, ERRORCOLOR, "Usage: /taxicash [500-1000]");
  110. taxicashh[playerid] = money;
  111. changed[playerid] = 1;
  112. format(str, sizeof(str), "%s has changed his taxi fare to %d", Name[playerid], money);
  113. SetTimerEx("changecooldown", 10000, false, "i", playerid);
  114. SendClientMessageToAll(0x195E00FF, str);
  115. return 1;
  116. }
  117. CMD:acceptdrive(playerid, params[])
  118. {
  119. new id, str[678];
  120. if(sscanf(params,"i", id)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, ERRORCOLOR, "Usage: /acceptdrive [playerid]");
  121. if(RTaxi[id] != 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, ERRORCOLOR, "This player didn't request any taxi driver");
  122. if(!IsPlayerConnected(id)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, ERRORCOLOR, "invaild player");
  123. format(str, sizeof(str), "Taxi Driver %s: Alright sir, i got your location and i'll be there in a few mintues.", Name[playerid]);
  124. SendClientMessage(id, 0xFFFF00FF, str);
  125. SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFF00FF, str);
  126. RTaxi[playerid] = 0;
  127. SetPlayerSpecialAction(id, SPECIAL_ACTION_STOPUSECELLPHONE);
  128. RemovePlayerAttachedObject(id, 9);
  129. KillTimer(timingout);
  130. return 1;
  131. }
  132. forward timedout(playerid);
  133. public timedout(playerid)
  134. {
  135. RTaxi[playerid] = 0;
  136. SetPlayerSpecialAction(playerid, SPECIAL_ACTION_STOPUSECELLPHONE);
  137. RemovePlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 9);
  138. SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0084FF, "The signal had been timed out due to non-responde");
  139. return 1;
  140. }
  141. forward changecooldown(playerid);
  142. public changecooldown(playerid)
  143. {
  144. changed[playerid] = 0;
  145. return 1;
  146. }
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