
Celestia and DealerAnon Pt. 13

Nov 26th, 2014
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  1. >You now realize that she is close enough to kiss
  2. >And that her breath smells fantastic, a mixture of mint and flowers
  3. >And that you haven't brushed your teeth yet
  4. >Crap
  5. ''Magic, huh? Ain't that some shit.''
  6. >''Yep. Something about demons, magic, princesses, the works.''
  7. ''Sounds like something straight out a fairytale.''
  8. >She laughs briefly, dimples appearing on her cheeks
  9. >''That's what I told them. But as if that wasn't enough, the poor things actually believe it.''
  10. ''Really?''
  11. >''Yes. Some federal agents came to the school not twelve hours later and cross-examined every single one of them. They all said the same things. Magic, demons, zombies.''
  12. ''What about that guy who blew up the school?''
  13. >''Correction, girl who blew up the school. As far as I know, she wasn't particularly helpful. According to some of the tapes from the, uh, interrogations, she just kept on crying and saying she's sorry, before finally falling asleep.''
  14. ''Interrogation? Isn't that a bit harsh? They can't have been, you know-''
  15. >She sighs and runs her hand through her hair
  16. >''No, but from what I gathered they went way too hard on the girls. Christ, they're only sixteen, seventeen at most. Nobody should have to endure hours of interrogation from two jumped-up cops who live by the 'good cop, bad cop' routine.''
  17. >She shakes her head and purses her lips, briefly looking like she'd stepped in something
  18. >''I mean, that one sweet little girl who works at the animal shelter and wouldn't even harm a fly? They scared her so bad she had to restart her therapy sessions!''
  19. ''Sounds like there's no love lost between you.''
  20. >''Well, I have nothing against the FBI, the police, or anything of the sort. I just wish that whoever was in charge would've sent someone even halfway competent. You don't treat traumatized teenagers the same way you treat murderers and terrorists!''
  21. ''Maybe they thought she was one?''
  22. >She shakes her head again, distaste on her features
  23. >''The poor girl was emotionally destroyed! She was a nervous wreck!''
  24. >You stay silent and sip your coffee, not knowing what to say
  25. >You break the tense silence by clearing your throat
  26. ''Anyway, weren't we talking about lights in the sky or something?''
  27. >''Oh, right! So, right before the explosion, there was a huge flash of light in the sky.''
  28. ''Just sounds like the blast to me.''
  29. >She purses her lips and shrugs
  30. >''That's what I thought at first, but there's been so many similar flashes recently, it really makes me think there's something bigger going on.''
  31. ''What do you mean?''
  32. >''Well, the first one that I've heard about was last year, just before the first term. After that, there was one when the, uh, incident happened. Now, there's been even more of them. And the recent ones are always the same, like a rainbow going into the sky.''
  33. ''Ooh, spooky. This is some X-Files shit, right here.''
  34. >''Come on, I'm serious.''
  35. ''So, aliens or nah?''
  36. >You grin, beginning to wonder if your guest is just a little off in the head
  37. >She sighs and looks at you with disappointed expression
  38. >''I can tell you don't believe me, Anon. But, like it or not, I still believe that there's more here than meets the eye.''
  39. ''Like what?''
  40. >''Like that girl Twilight Sparkle. She's-''
  41. ''What? For real? Is that name-''
  42. >Your question is replaced by your own hysterical giggling
  43. ''Oh, wow. Her parents really have to hate her.''
  44. >''She doesn't have any, as far as I know.''
  45. ''Oh. Sorry.''
  46. >You reply in a small voice, humor instantly gone from the situation
  47. >''Never mind, you couldn't have known. Anyway-''
  48. >She fills a glass of water and sips it, clearly worried
  49. ''I looked into the school she claimed she transferred from, and it doesn't exist. Not only doesn't she have parents, it's like they've never even existed. And if they have, they sure don't want anyone to find them. She has no ID, no citizenship, no nothing.''
  50. ''That's some CSI shit right there, but don't you think she could've just faked her name?''
  51. >She shrugs noncommittally
  52. >''Maybe. That doesn't explain her disappearance, though.''
  53. ''Wait, what?''
  54. >''Right after the Fall Formal, she disappeared completely. The police started a manhunt, but nothing turned up.''
  55. ''Whoa. That's weird. What about her friends?''
  56. >''Funny thing is, they were questioned, but instead of being sad over the loss of a friend, they just kept smiling through the whole ordeal, claiming she had gone back home.''
  57. >You feel a slight chill run down your spine
  58. ''Wow. Uh, that's kind of creepy, actually. So, you think they killed her?''
  59. >''No. They've always been perfectly normal. Or at least, as normal as a group of teenage girls can be.''
  60. ''Really? I thought everyone that went to Canterlot High was kind of, well, weird.''
  61. >She narrows her eyes
  62. >''What do you mean by that?''
  63. ''Well, you know-''
  64. >You scratch your neck, slightly embarrassed
  65. ''Well, it's the little things. The names, for one.''
  66. >''So you're saying everyone who went to my school is some kind of weirdo because their names are a bit odd? Anon's hardly an usual name, is it?''
  67. >She sounds pissed all of a sudden
  68. ''What's with the hostility? I'm not insulting your ex-students, I'm just telling you what I think.''
  69. >She stays quiet, and after a while of uneasy silence you start talking
  70. ''It's the little things, you know? The names, the way they dress, the way they act, all that.''
  71. >She sighs and looks crestfallen for a moment
  72. >''I think I know what you mean. And I'm sorry I snapped at you. It's just, well-
  73. >She rubs her forehead with her palms and looks away for a moment
  74. ''Hmm?''
  75. >''Well, CHS has always had a bit of a bullying problem. Especially with the names.''
  76. ''Bullying problem? Anything you want to talk about?''
  77. >''No, well, yes. I mean, it used to just be the usuals getting sent to my office. Shimmer, Tiara, Spoon, Sent-''
  78. >She is interrupted by your laughter again
  79. ''Spoon? Fucking really? I mean, Twilight was, well, odd, but Spoon is just bad.''
  80. >You notice her annoyed expression and motion for her to continue with a small chuckle
  81. ''Sorry.''
  82. >''Anyway, as I was going to say, it used to just be those kids getting sent to me for bullying, but the previous week was just horrible.''
  83. ''Can't be that bad.''
  84. >''Oh, it was. The past term, everybody was, if not friends, then at least not enemies. Suddenly, everything just changed.''
  85. >She shudders briefly
  86. >''Suddenly, I hand teachers blaring at me left and right about fights, bullying, good kids turning bad, all that. After I was, well, laid off, the paper said Bulk beat two kids into the hospital in the parking lot, fistfights occurring between friends, so on.''
  87. ''Two kids? Guy's gotta be pretty good to pull that off.''
  88. >''Well, Bulk's absolutely huge, and nurse Redheart told me she thinks he's on steroids. But, anyway, these weren't just cat fights. They were full-on beat-downs occurring in my school, outside cafés, in the school gym, at home, absolutely everywhere.''
  89. ''Whoa. Looks like you really kept the place together.''
  90. >''What do you mean?''
  91. ''Well, if this started happening only after you left, they must've respected you a lot.''
  92. >''You think it's connected?''
  93. >You shrug and finish your coffee
  94. ''I guess. I mean, there might've been some tension brewing all the time, but you being fired must've had some effect on the general mood.''
  95. >She shrugs in response, fiddling with her glass
  96. >''I don't know. Maybe the three new girls did something to set everyone on edge, but I'm not going to find out anything if I'm not even employed there.''
  97. ''Which three girls?''
  98. >''Well, I don't remember their names that well, but they definitely were an odd bunch. As in, more than usual.''
  99. >She gives you a brief grin, but soon returns to her worried state
  100. >''I mean, I thought Heartstrings was weird, but these three were something new. Great singers, despite all that.''
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