

Mar 9th, 2018
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  1. [Starting]
  3. Username: @Unloyal_Svt_Stan
  4. Chosen slot: SWEET CREATURE
  5. Backup slot: DUST IN THE WIND
  6. Face claim: Youngjun - HIGH4
  7. Backup face claim: Hoshi - SEVENTEEN
  9. [General info]
  11. Name: Yang Jihoon
  12. Nicknames: "Hoonie" - Family and closest friend, because it suits his cutesey attitide
  13. Gender: Male
  14. Age: 1998
  15. Birthdate: 11 July
  16. Birthplace: Hong Kong - China
  17. Nationality: Korean
  18. Ethnicity: Korean | Chinese
  19. Height: 178 cm
  20. Weight: 58kg (Halfway between the 2 face claims)
  22. [Personal life]
  24. Family:
  25. | JiYeon | 40 | Mom | 75% close, on the verge of a "mommas boy"
  26. | Li-Wei | 45 | Dad | 80% close, one of those very close father son bonds
  27. | Li-Na | 8 | Sister | 65% Age gap has a large influence, and makes him very protective at times but also makes him the softie he is
  28. name | age | relation | closeness
  29. Friends:
  30. | Kim Baek Hyeon | 19 | 95% closeness, They are often seen as a couple because of how they act together | (not 100% bc they aren't lovers lmao)
  31. | Lee Beom Seok | 20 | 80% closeness, He is mysterious and is often just rolling his eyes at his 2 friends. He likes to have fun. |
  32. | Park Kang-Dae | 23 | 75% closeness, Fatherly figure |
  33. | Soo Jung Hwa | 21 | 60% closeness, A good friend of the guys, but constantly abroad. He sometimes takes them on holidays, too|
  35. Background:His mother went to china on holiday, where she met her future-husband. After a quick marriage, they soon had Jihoon on the way, causing he to stay in china for some time with her husband. When Jihoon became 7, they moved to Korea so that Jiyeon could be with her family. Jihoon spoke fluent Mandarin, and come Cantonese. His family ere slightly ritcher than most working families, but not enough o to be considered one of the riches/elites. He learnt Korean and met Baek Hyeon, who was studying Chinese at the time, so they became friends. In school life, they later found their other friends,with Beom seok being in the earlier years than the other two. Jiyeon soon had Lina, and jihoon felt he had a responsibility towards his sister, and focused majorly on computer science and mathematics, doing wushu on the side as he enjoyed it and it gave him the feel that he could protect. He did everything with music, even if it meant he had to be singing or making the music, or he could not get anything done.
  37. Personality: From young, he used music as a way to get everything done, and as he got older he felt he found more and more things that needed doing, and due to his story, he loved the feeling that he could be a strong figure for his family. At home however, he proved to be soft and friendly, caring very much for others and being very active. He is cheery, and often does things cuteley without noticing. When he isn't doing anything, his mood drops as he feels he is many negative things, like a failure. He likes to spend days out with close friends, and show affection, and can sometimes be a bit clingy
  39. [Life choices]
  42. |Skinship | Movies | Music | Training | Strawberries | Jelly | Coffee | Iced drinks |Milkshakes | C-Dramas | Pastel colours |
  43. Dislikes: Banana | Boredom | Running out of time | Egg Tarts | Spicy food | Heights | Large tasks |
  44. Hobbies: | WUSHU!! | Cleaning | Listening to music and writing lyrics |
  45. Talents: |Photogrphic memory | Can speak Cantonese, Manderin and Korean | Good at sports/martial arts | Human Calculator |
  46. Habits: | Chews inside of cheeks/ bites lip | Thinking out loud | Hugging person nearby when happy or nervous | Cleaning up after others |
  48. [Love life; optional]
  50. Is it other slot? If so, which one?: BAD REPUTATION
  51. Their relationship before dating: Collegues/ Mutuals?
  52. Their relationship after dating: ?? Boyfriends ;)
  54. [BACKUP]
  55. Love interest face claim: Wen Junhui - Seventeen
  56. L.I Backup face claim: Jingting Bai - ACTOR
  57. L.I's age: 21/22?
  58. L.I's facts: He's somewhat greasy (issok tho), but very sly and flirty. Doesn't like to share, making him be very protective. He likes skinship, too. He can be seen as cold hearted at first, but really enjoys cute acts.
  59. How they met: Leave blank if it's other slot
  60. Their relationship before dating: Mutuals?
  61. Their relationship after dating: Close friends? Boyfriends?
  63. [Others]
  65. How's your relationship with the rest of slots?: As a friendly person, he gets along with all, and is trustworthy as he covers for people and does favours for others. He isn't all in their faces, but he isn't shy either.
  67. [Random; optional]
  69. Trivia: | He can say thank you in many languages | He has a pet doggo (FLUFFY DOGGO) | He has traveled to over 10 countries with friends | He is (you may have guessed) gay (and his family know, he dosen't hide it from people)
  70. Anything I missed/suggestions: Sexual preferance: Men
  71. Note to author: Hellooooo <3 The love intrest partconfused me a little, so dm if you don't understand. If the slots for the LI dont fit your plot, feel free to go for the others
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