
FEARFUL :: han seolhee.

Apr 19th, 2020
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  1. ╭━━━━━━━━━━━ ☘°୭̥
  2. ╰ㅡ➤ erase all memories of me.
  4. ─ username 
  5. ੈ♡˳ @H0NEYGYUU
  7. ─ slot & backup 
  8. ੈ♡˳ karachi + seoul
  10. ─ face claim & backup 
  11. ੈ♡˳ kim chungha + kim doyeon
  15. ╭━━━━━━━━━━━ ☘°୭̥
  16. ╰ㅡ➤i know i can't take it no more
  19. ─ full name 
  20. ੈ♡˳ han seolhee :: 한설희 
  21. ─ what the slots call you
  22. ੈ♡˳ seolhee / seol
  24. ─ age 
  25. ੈ♡˳ 22.
  26. ─ birthday 
  27. ੈ♡˳ 30.10
  29. ─ ethnicity 
  30. ੈ♡˳ korean.
  31. ─ nationality 
  32. ੈ♡˳ south korean.
  34. ─ birthplace 
  35. ੈ♡˳ daegu, south korea.
  36. ─ hometown 
  37. ੈ♡˳ daegu, south korea.
  39. ─ height 
  40. ੈ♡˳ 168 cm.
  41. ─ weight 
  42. ੈ♡˳ 52 kg.
  44. ─ gender 
  45. ੈ♡˳ female.
  46. ─ sexuality 
  47. ੈ♡˳ bisexual, male lean.
  48. ─ blood type 
  49. ੈ♡˳ A+
  53. ╭━━━━━━━━━━━ ☘°୭̥
  54. ╰ㅡ➤ everything turns gray.
  57. ─ personality 
  58. ੈ♡˳ stubborn
  59. ╰─⌲ as many had known, SEOLHEE sticks to her opinions like cement. strong-willed and hard-headed, it’s hard to change her mind when she sets a goal in hand. she is firm and will not be shaken by opposals from others, even if she's wrong. her pride annoys her friends to the max.
  61. ੈ♡˳ straightforward
  62. ╰─⌲ SEOLHEE's way of talking is either the hard way or no way. she's an honest person; yes that is true, but maybe she's too straightforward about it. her words are often sharp and may sound criticising, but most of them are the harsh truth. she rarely ever thinks before she speaks, and doesn't feel guilty if she accidentally hurts someone with her words. though nowadays, she has been trying to keep her thoughts to herself and spoke less to avoid hurting others feelings.
  64. ੈ♡˳ disorganized
  65. ╰─⌲ SEOLHEE is rather messy and disorganized. her apartment would be a literal train wreck if it wasn't for her (constantly nagging) housemate- empty bags of chips scattered on the floor, clothes not even properly folded, having no idea where she placed her things; you name it, she's got all them chaotic behaviour.
  67. ੈ♡˳ determined
  68. ╰─⌲ when SEOLHEE has her eyes on something, she does her very best to get it. it’s rather hard to break her spirits when she’s determined, for she can be very disciplined. when she sets her mind over something, she invests all her focus on it and wouldn't want any distractions.
  70. ੈ♡˳ egotistic
  71. ╰─⌲ prideful and rather arrogant, SEOLHEE tends to gloat every time she achieved something. her ego goes higher than Mount Fuji and really dislikes it when she is proven wrong.
  73. ੈ♡˳ sarcastic
  74. ╰─⌲ SEOLHEE is very sarcastic and dry, her replies often snarky or plain passive-aggressive (you'd be rich if there was one dollar for everytime she says 'your mom'). strangers often take offence on her behaviour, but her friends know that she means well and simply isn't used to being nice.
  76. ੈ♡˳ competitive
  77. ╰─⌲ SEOLHEE grew up with "be the best one out there" stuck to her brain like glue, and she is absolutely fierce when it comes to competing. losing is not welcome in her dictionary, and she absolutely hates losing with a burning passion. if she gets a poor outcome, she'd definitely beat herself up over it and overthink about it.
  80. ─ likes 
  81. ੈ♡˳ skinship
  82. ╰─⌲ especially likes small, cute actions of skinship  like bear hugs and intertwining fingers. is lowkey sad that she's single and gets jealous at couples.
  84. ੈ♡˳ driving
  85. ╰─⌲ SEOLHEE has only been driving for a year, but she loves the adrenaline of passing the speed limit on an empty highway at night and the feeling of harsh wind blowing through your hair. likes night drives.
  87. ੈ♡˳ sleeping in
  88. ╰─⌲ SEOLHEE isn't much of a morning person and usually has to drag herself out of bed on weekdays, so when she gets the chance to sleep in, you bet she'll wake up no earlier than 12pm.
  90. ੈ♡˳ free samples
  91. ╰─⌲ call her thick faced but SEOLHEE would never hesitate to ask for free food samples. she likes trying new things but not having to pay for it.
  93. ੈ♡˳ ariana grande
  94. ╰─⌲ SEOLHEE is no professional in singing, but everyone knows how ariana grande is the entire definition of a vocal queen. she is a really big fan and has went to her concert twice.
  96. ੈ♡˳ dark, shaded places
  97. ╰─⌲ SEOLHEE loves dark places as there is not much light (they make her eyes hurt if too intense). her room is always dark, with the curtains drawn close and only fairy lights illuminating the space.
  99. ─ dislikes 
  100. ੈ♡˳ mosquitos
  101. ╰─⌲ the only insect she’s not afraid to bitch slap. gets really annoyed when they fly close to her ears. and one thing, they love biting her palm and foot and god knows how stressed she is when she feels itchy but doesn't know where the bite was.
  103. ੈ♡˳ crowded places
  104. ╰─⌲ SEOLHEE does all she can to avoid huge crowds. she gets dizzy and moody when in crowded places.
  106. ੈ♡˳ people touching her face
  107. ╰─⌲ you can be touchy with her, do skinship and all that but never touch her face. one's fingertip alone contains millions of germs- why would she ever let that filthy thing reach her face?
  109. ੈ♡˳ cold temperature
  110. ╰─⌲ SEOLHEE tends to easily get cold, and her seemingly weak immunity system is no help whatsoever.
  112. ੈ♡˳ sneezing
  113. ╰─⌲ SEOLHEE sneezes like a loud old man and often gets teased about it. so, she hates sneezing and often holds them in if she feels one coming.
  115. ੈ♡˳ sudden, loud noises
  116. ╰─⌲ SEOLHEE gets scared easily and flinches hard at loud, sudden noises such as popping balloons, fireworks, popping confetti and so on.
  118. ─ trivia 
  119. ੈ♡˳ she is part of the school's volleyball team, her position being the setter.
  121. ੈ♡˳ due to her constant competitions, she trains a lot and goes to the gym thrice a week. has a good body figure and loves flaunting it.
  123. ੈ♡˳ has a weak immunity system of some sort, so she tends to fall sick randomly.
  125. ੈ♡˳ she is fluent in mandarin and korean, and has basic speaking skills in english.
  127. ੈ♡˳ she is quite flexible and can do a few gymnastic tricks.
  129. ੈ♡˳ she loves eating and has a big appetite, but she rarely gains much weight since she has a high metabolism and works out often.
  131. ੈ♡˳ she used to read in the dark a lot as a kid and it really fucked up with her eyes. she suffers from astigmatism.
  133. ੈ♡˳ despises wearing glasses since it's thick as fuck, so she wears contact lenses most of the time.
  135. ੈ♡˳ is an atheist.
  137. ੈ♡˳ has a really low alcohol tolerance. gets drunk after three shots of soju and pass out after six to eight. though, she rarely get hangovers.
  139. ─ habits 
  140. ੈ♡˳ nibbling, mainly on her lips and chopsticks.
  141. ੈ♡˳ clapping her hands while laughing, sometimes even throwing her head back.
  142. ੈ♡˳ rolls her eyes. a lot. she was told that it's a bad habit, so she tries to avoid rolling her eyes now.
  144. ─ hobbies 
  145. ੈ♡˳ volleyball.
  146. ੈ♡˳ SEOLHEE doesn't have a hobby in particular, but other than practicing, she enjoys jogging around her neighbourhood which is part of her workout routine. she normally jogs in the evening since she isn't in her best state in the morning.
  148. ─ biggest fear 
  149. ੈ♡˳ disappointing others.
  151. ─ backstory 
  152. ੈ♡˳ since she was a child, SEOLHEE was always told to be at the top, to be the best of the best. because of this, she developped an unhealthy obsession over excelling in everything she does. till this day, SEOLHEE ultimately hates losing. others may see her as arrogant and egotistic, but deep down she is simply scared of letting everyone down for not meeting their expectations.
  156. ╭━━━━━━━━━━━ ☘°୭̥
  157. ╰ㅡ➤ this is love, spread all over my body
  159. ─ love interest & backup 
  160. ੈ♡˳ jeon jeongguk + kim mingyu.
  162. ─ relationship background 
  163. ੈ♡˳ at first, SEOLHEE didn't get along well with JEON JEONGGUK, the star libero of the college's volleyball team- yes, you read that right, the volleyball team. SEOLHEE hated her own teammate JEONGGUK because he stole the spotlight from her. before he transferred, SEOLHEE was the ace of the team, the one who scored the most points and get them to finals, but the when the male came in the picture, he immediately secured the spot for middle back. he was very skilled in the sport; even more than SEOLHEE, and that burned a thousand rage inside her. it didn't help that she was positioned right next to him in every game- he always purposefully steal the ball away from SEOLHEE, leaving her cursing under her breath.
  164. the two only reconciled during the camp when JEONGGUK confronted her about her strong hatred towards him. SEOLHEE being the egotistic woman she is, of course didn't want to admit that she was envious of him but the male definitely already knew the reason behind her hostility. he teased her until she gave in and admitted that he was better than her, only for JEONGGUK to chuckle and confess that he only did it to get her attention because, you guessed it, he has a crush on her.
  165. flustered SEOLHEE rejected the poor guy immediately, thinking it was a dare that he and YUGYEOM betted on. though, JEONGGUK was as persistent and determined as SEOLHEE is and pestered her into becoming his girlfriend every chance he gets, shamelessly flirting with her and pulling cliché moves like trapping the ravenette between a wall or leaning in too close for comfort to see what she was reading.
  167. ─ what do you call him? 
  168. ੈ♡˳ before they were on good terms, SEOLHEE refers to him as a fucktard or other strings of curse words but after getting rid of her distaste in him, she starts calling him gguk, sometimes ggukie.
  170. ─ what does he call you? 
  171. ੈ♡˳ the same applies to JEONGGUK; he used to call her a bitch or douche, but now he calls her SEOL. after they dated, he calls her "love" as a pet name.
  173. ─ his biggest fear?
  174. ੈ♡˳ JEONGGUK is actually claustrophobic and hates being confined in small space (hence why he often participates in outdoor sports). his chest tightens if he finds the room too small and would have trouble breathing properly, sometimes even getting panic attacks.
  177. ╭━━━━━━━━━━━ ☘°୭̥
  178. ╰ㅡ➤ the way i love, the way i love
  180. ─ slot you think you'd be closest to 
  181. ੈ♡˳ probably DELHI. they both share the same bitchy energy and would probably get along by roasting people and spilling tea to each other.
  183. ─ slot you think you'd be less close with 
  184. ੈ♡˳ TOKYO. they both are headstrong and bossy and would probably clash opinions often. SEOLHEE also hates being told what to do, so she'd probably argue with TOKYO a lot about itineraries and such.
  188. ╭━━━━━━━━━━━ ☘°୭̥
  189. ╰ㅡ➤ someone tell me what should i do.
  192. ─ password 
  193. ੈ♡˳ i quote choi san, PURPLE!!
  195. ─ a message for the author 
  196. ੈ♡˳ hi bb, thank you so much for holding the slot open for me, it means a lot omg 🥺🥺 i hope we can get closer through this af and become mutuals, you really seem like a cool person! <3
  198. ─ a message for you 
  199. ੈ♡˳ hey it's gab! i hope you look forward to this new applyfic. i'll try my best not to disappoint !! please stay happy and healthy for me :) love y'all <3
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