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Feb 9th, 2014
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  1. DarkPrincess hi ricky__
  2. 2:11:13 PM DarkPrincess welcome to #subredditdrama :D
  3. 2:11:16 PM ricky__ ciao amica
  4. 2:11:46 PM PapaJacky wot
  5. 2:11:56 PM PapaJacky were you guys really arguing about feminism and video games
  6. 2:13:04 PM DarkPrincess yes xD
  7. 2:13:37 PM TitanT Well to be fair he's pretty much fixated on gender stuff so that's pretty typical.
  8. 2:13:46 PM ricky__ why not unban him
  9. 2:13:50 PM ricky__ so we can bully him some more
  10. 2:14:02 PM SemsReading lol
  11. 2:14:31 PM PapaJacky because talking about gender
  12. 2:14:36 PM PapaJacky is like the lowest hanging fruit
  13. 2:14:38 PM ricky__ come in
  14. 2:14:40 PM ricky__ just unban him
  15. 2:14:41 PM PapaJacky everyone's bored of it
  16. 2:14:42 PM ricky__ for a little bit
  17. 2:14:44 PM PapaJacky nothing new comes up
  18. 2:14:49 PM PapaJacky and it's just all really uninteresting
  19. 2:15:01 PM Grzechooo has quit: Quit:
  20. 2:15:01 PM ricky__ yes thats because you're passive about it
  21. 2:15:08 PM ricky__ you need to actively get to him beyond mere disagreement
  22. 2:15:14 PM ricky__ and calling him out on his shit
  23. 2:16:08 PM DarkPrincess thats what I was doing
  24. 2:16:12 PM DarkPrincess critiquing his personality
  25. 2:16:14 PM DarkPrincess and odd behaviors
  26. 2:16:19 PM DarkPrincess wow that really got his goat
  27. 2:16:20 PM DarkPrincess :D
  28. 2:16:40 PM Gimmick Are you guys talking about Hex
  29. 2:16:44 PM DarkPrincess yes
  30. 2:16:46 PM DarkPrincess lol
  31. 2:16:53 PM DarkPrincess hahahaha
  32. 2:16:56 PM DarkPrincess people just know
  33. 2:16:56 PM Gimmick thought so
  34. 2:17:13 PM Gimmick I don't think he's actually banned anymore
  35. 2:17:17 PM Gimmick he just hasn't come back
  36. 2:17:21 PM ricky__ hes not
  37. 2:19:36 PM PapaJacky by the way
  38. 2:19:40 PM PapaJacky is there a logical fallacy
  39. 2:19:54 PM PapaJacky about calling someone a troll even if they're not a troll
  40. 2:20:03 PM ricky__ ad hominem
  41. 2:20:38 PM DarkPrincess <PapaJacky> x3 is like
  42. 2:20:40 PM DarkPrincess * Gimmick (Gimmick@Snoonet-fra.pp8.gdt1hs.IP) has joined
  43. 2:20:42 PM DarkPrincess <SemsReading> good luck with that
  44. 2:20:44 PM DarkPrincess <DarkPrincess> he just isnt having it
  45. 2:20:46 PM DarkPrincess <PapaJacky> the kitten face
  46. 2:20:48 PM DarkPrincess <Keroro> Hi Gimmick
  47. 2:20:50 PM DarkPrincess <PapaJacky> but you're supposed to be embarassed
  48. 2:20:52 PM DarkPrincess <DarkPrincess> its emotional bias with him
  49. 2:20:54 PM DarkPrincess <DarkPrincess> not any kind of like
  50. 2:20:56 PM DarkPrincess <PapaJacky> so it's basically the embarasesed laughing phase
  51. 2:20:58 PM DarkPrincess <PapaJacky> or something of that sort
  52. 2:21:00 PM DarkPrincess <DarkPrincess> reason
  53. 2:21:02 PM Keroro blah
  54. 2:21:04 PM DarkPrincess <TitanT> mew
  55. 2:21:06 PM DarkPrincess * Gimmick is now known as Guest52058
  56. 2:21:07 PM SemsReading careful, you'll get blocked by the spammer
  57. 2:21:08 PM DarkPrincess <PapaJacky> yeah itsl ike a cat
  58. 2:21:10 PM DarkPrincess <PapaJacky> meow x3
  59. 2:21:11 PM Keroro blah
  60. 2:21:12 PM DarkPrincess <DarkPrincess> :D
  61. 2:21:14 PM DarkPrincess <Keroro> Guest52058 get a real nick!
  62. 2:21:16 PM DarkPrincess <Keroro> Or not. That's cool.
  63. 2:21:18 PM DarkPrincess * Guest52058 is now known as Gimmick_
  64. 2:21:19 PM Keroro HA!
  65. 2:21:20 PM DarkPrincess <Gimmick_> wtf
  66. 2:21:23 PM DarkPrincess <Gimmick_> also no
  67. 2:21:23 PM Keroro I rule
  68. 2:21:24 PM DarkPrincess <Keroro> hi
  69. 2:21:26 PM DarkPrincess * ricky__ (tra@Snoonet-i2u.hc5.bfnilr.IP) has joined
  70. 2:21:28 PM DarkPrincess * Gimmick_ is now known as Gimmick
  71. 2:21:29 PM Keroro im interupting you!
  72. 2:21:30 PM DarkPrincess <Gimmick> there we go
  73. 2:21:34 PM DarkPrincess <DarkPrincess> hi ricky__
  74. 2:21:36 PM DarkPrincess ficl
  75. 2:21:38 PM DarkPrincess fuck
  76. 2:21:40 PM Keroro maybe it wont count as spam if I keep doing it
  77. 2:21:40 PM DarkPrincess that fucked up
  78. 2:21:42 PM TitanT why is this happening
  79. 2:21:42 PM DarkPrincess sorry everyone
  80. 2:21:44 PM DarkPrincess :(
  81. 2:21:45 PM TitanT what is going on
  82. 2:21:46 PM DarkPrincess damnit...
  83. 2:21:48 PM DarkPrincess Feb 06 17:20:59 <HexagonSun> I could make an argument for my position
  84. 2:21:49 PM TitanT :(((((
  85. 2:21:50 PM DarkPrincess Feb 06 17:20:59 <DarkPrincess> That you don't have the chops for it
  86. 2:21:52 PM DarkPrincess Feb 06 17:21:03 <DarkPrincess> Do it then.
  87. 2:21:54 PM DarkPrincess Feb 06 17:21:10 <HexagonSun> I don't want to
  88. 2:21:56 PM DarkPrincess thats what I meant to paste
  89. 2:21:58 PM DarkPrincess sorry everyone
  90. 2:21:59 PM PapaJacky she mispasted something
  91. 2:22:00 PM DarkPrincess ._.
  92. 2:22:04 PM PapaJacky which leads me to believe
  93. 2:22:04 PM DarkPrincess :c
  94. 2:22:11 PM ricky__ i wonder if we can get hex to kill himself
  95. 2:22:11 PM PapaJacky she is 1 in 100000 people to actually use the paste board
  96. 2:22:16 PM DarkPrincess im sorry!
  97. 2:22:40 PM Keroro Way to go DP.
  98. 2:22:53 PM SemsReading ricky. no.
  99. 2:22:54 PM BipolarBear0 That's not acceptable, ricky
  100. 2:22:57 PM Techman joined the channel.
  101. 2:24:04 PM DarkPrincess yeah ricky :(
  102. 2:24:10 PM DarkPrincess thats bad :c
  103. 2:24:17 PM ricky__ im just thinking out loud here
  104. 2:24:17 PM PapaJacky don't do it man
  105. 2:24:20 PM PapaJacky you have so much to live for
  106. 2:24:36 PM ricky__ hex brought irc logs to the police
  107. 2:24:41 PM ricky__ he has nothing to live for
  108. 2:24:43 PM ricky__ just saying
  109. 2:24:45 PM SemsReading nonono
  110. 2:24:53 PM SemsReading the police broke into his computer and saw the logs
  111. 2:24:54 PM BrokeCFO Is hex really thay unstable that he would kill himself because internets people were being meanies or just an attention whore/drama queen
  112. 2:24:57 PM BipolarBear0 You have the banhammer right Semebay
  113. 2:25:03 PM SemsReading i do
  114. 2:25:09 PM BipolarBear0 If this were # drama...
  115. 2:25:13 PM SemsReading honestly, cfo. i do not know
  116. 2:25:32 PM SemsReading he is a brand of crazy i have never seen before
  117. 2:25:36 PM SemsReading i think anything is possible
  118. 2:25:51 PM SemsReading and ricky, please stop implying hex's best decision is suicide.
  119. 2:25:58 PM PapaJacky internet people are serious now, fab500
  120. 2:25:59 PM Gimmick Dude, ricky_, that's not cool
  121. 2:26:00 PM Gimmick seriously
  122. 2:26:01 PM SemsReading and bear, do not tell me how to mod a channel
  123. 2:26:09 PM DarkPrincess :O!
  124. 2:26:10 PM BipolarBear0 Calm down Semebay
  125. 2:26:14 PM SemsReading i'm calm
  126. 2:26:19 PM BipolarBear0 You don't seem to be calm
  127. 2:26:22 PM SemsReading ?
  128. 2:26:30 PM BipolarBear0 You took my suggestion that you ban ricky as a fairly major offense
  129. 2:26:33 PM SemsReading telling you not to tell me how to mod a channel is not calm?
  130. 2:26:35 PM Gimmick also, why did the police read Hex's IRC logs?
  131. 2:26:35 PM ricky__ he just challenged your authority
  132. 2:26:38 PM BipolarBear0 Which is interesting, given that it was a suggestion
  133. 2:26:38 PM ricky__ u gonna take that?
  134. 2:26:44 PM SemsReading i'm telling you that i know how to mod a channel.
  135. 2:26:55 PM BipolarBear0 Again, I'm not sure how it warranted that reaction
  136. 2:26:57 PM DarkPrincess it implies that sems doesnt know what hes doing
  137. 2:27:00 PM SemsReading ^
  138. 2:27:01 PM ricky__ "you're not competent enough to run your own channel, let show you how to do it"
  139. 2:27:03 PM DarkPrincess it is patronizing
  140. 2:27:04 PM BipolarBear0 You seem to have taken a major slight against my suggestion that you ban ricky
  141. 2:27:10 PM DarkPrincess and insulting to one's intelligence
  142. 2:27:13 PM SemsReading bear. it is handled.
  143. 2:27:21 PM BipolarBear0 A reaction which is wholly against the tone of the overarching conversation
  144. 2:27:22 PM SemsReading you have your own channel to ban people in
  145. 2:27:32 PM SemsReading if you want to patronize me, feel free to do it there
  146. 2:27:37 PM BrokeCFO Lol sems says the girl who is only a hop because of op abuse
  147. 2:27:41 PM BipolarBear0 I don't patronize anyone
  148. 2:27:45 PM snarky has quit: Ping timeout: 121 seconds.
  149. 2:27:46 PM SemsReading :'D
  150. 2:28:01 PM PapaJacky isnt bpb a daemon
  151. 2:28:01 PM SemsReading i only op abused against MF, in my defense
  152. 2:28:04 PM BipolarBear0 I didn't patronize you by suggesting that you perhaps ban someone who wanted to force another person to kill themselves
  153. 2:28:05 PM SemsReading completely justified
  154. 2:28:10 PM SemsReading bpb is an admin
  155. 2:28:14 PM ricky__ BipolarBear0 now you're just libeling
  156. 2:28:15 PM SemsReading or staff, whatever
  157. 2:28:20 PM BipolarBear0 Libeling?
  158. 2:28:23 PM PapaJacky slay that dragon yeah
  159. 2:28:26 PM ricky__ yes new word i just invented
  160. 2:28:28 PM BipolarBear0 [13:22] <ricky__> i wonder if we can get hex to kill himself
  161. 2:28:29 PM BrokeCFO BipolarBear0: you normaly sound patronizing.
  162. 2:28:32 PM DarkPrincess to be fair mf pretty much asks for op abuse
  163. 2:28:33 PM ricky__ >force
  164. 2:28:34 PM SemsReading we are not fighting about this
  165. 2:28:38 PM BipolarBear0 How do I 'normally' sound patronizing?
  166. 2:28:40 PM SemsReading mf definitely asks for op abuse
  167. 2:28:40 PM DarkPrincess BrokeCFO, I cannot disagree
  168. 2:28:41 PM ricky__ you cant force someone to kill themselves thru the internet
  169. 2:28:43 PM BipolarBear0 It's pretty difficult to sound patronizing
  170. 2:28:44 PM SemsReading bear, it's your entire persona
  171. 2:28:47 PM ricky__ you can only convince them or guide them towards it
  172. 2:28:48 PM DarkPrincess hes done the same to me
  173. 2:28:51 PM SemsReading take a few minutes and come back later
  174. 2:28:52 PM ricky__ so yeah stop making things up
  175. 2:28:53 PM PapaJacky I agree bpb sounds patronizing
  176. 2:28:55 PM DarkPrincess sems is absolutely right
  177. 2:29:01 PM DarkPrincess its the smug
  178. 2:29:02 PM BipolarBear0 Unless the subject of it has some sort of lack of awareness for the surrounding situation
  179. 2:29:06 PM DarkPrincess and the talking down
  180. 2:29:07 PM SemsReading gave +b to *!BipolarBear@snoonet/operations/BipolarBear0.
  181. 2:29:08 PM SemsReading kicked BipolarBear0 from the channel: SemsReading.
  182. 2:29:09 PM DarkPrincess its really
  183. 2:29:11 PM ricky__ rofl
  184. 2:29:12 PM DarkPrincess irritating
  185. 2:29:13 PM PapaJacky rekt
  186. 2:29:14 PM ricky__ stupid bitch
  187. 2:29:15 PM DarkPrincess heh
  188. 2:29:18 PM SemsReading he can come back later
  189. 2:29:18 PM Gimmick lol
  190. 2:29:27 PM Gimmick cold, Semebay. Cold.
  191. 2:29:31 PM DarkPrincess I think he farts in a wine glass
  192. 2:29:34 PM SemsReading lol
  193. 2:29:34 PM DarkPrincess and likes to sniff it
  194. 2:29:43 PM PapaJacky he has dreams
  195. 2:29:45 PM PapaJacky and ambitions
  196. 2:29:46 PM SemsReading his personality soured most of the original mod team towards him
  197. 2:29:49 PM PapaJacky pretty typical person of the sort
  198. 2:29:51 PM BrokeCFO Goddamnit sems I spent a whole ten seconds typing a response to bip
  199. 2:29:52 PM PapaJacky that's why he sounds patronizing
  200. 2:29:55 PM SemsReading really sad
  201. 2:29:56 PM SemsReading aww :'|
  202. 2:29:57 PM PapaJacky cuz he feels like he's accomplished more
  203. 2:30:02 PM DarkPrincess that guy has always rubbed me the wrong way
  204. 2:30:21 PM erikster ...
  205. 2:30:22 PM PapaJacky how does someone rub you the right way
  206. 2:30:27 PM ricky__ in your pants
  207. 2:30:42 PM DarkPrincess ^
  208. 2:30:45 PM DarkPrincess :D
  209. 2:30:46 PM celocanth13
  210. 2:30:46 PM AutoFalc0n (celocanth13) Pake1000 comments on Good Guy /r/trees - posted by Dr_Lazerface 3 hours ago - 2,949 upvotes, 1,116 downvotes - 78 comments
  211. 2:31:21 PM SemsReading took -b from *!BipolarBear@snoonet/operations/BipolarBear0.
  212. 2:31:32 PM DarkPrincess :)
  213. 2:31:32 PM BipolarBear0 joined the channel.
  214. 2:31:35 PM DarkPrincess wb
  215. 2:31:46 PM DarkPrincess ;)
  216. 2:32:02 PM BipolarBear0 Who unbanned me?
  217. 2:32:08 PM SemsReading doesn't matter
  218. 2:32:10 PM snarky joined the channel.
  219. 2:32:13 PM DarkPrincess yup
  220. 2:32:17 PM PapaJacky I unbanned you
  221. 2:32:19 PM PapaJacky for now
  222. 2:32:19 PM DarkPrincess wow I need food
  223. 2:32:20 PM BipolarBear0 I ask because I'd like the ban to be reinstated
  224. 2:32:24 PM DarkPrincess I am spartacus
  225. 2:32:28 PM DarkPrincess oh wow!
  226. 2:32:29 PM BipolarBear0 Another few hours, at least
  227. 2:32:37 PM SemsReading good for you
  228. 2:32:48 PM ChanServ gave channel operator status to snarky.
  229. 2:32:49 PM snarky has quit: Changing host.
  230. 2:32:49 PM snarky joined the channel.
  231. 2:32:49 PM gave channel operator status to snarky.
  232. 2:32:49 PM BipolarBear0 I'm not sure that's the type of response which warrants a "good for you"
  233. 2:32:58 PM DarkPrincess you can part the channel
  234. 2:33:00 PM SemsReading if you want the ban reinstated, then just leave
  235. 2:33:02 PM DarkPrincess its the same thing
  236. 2:33:05 PM DarkPrincess ^
  237. 2:33:05 PM ciaran So, what revenge should Europe take on Switzerland for their insolence?
  238. 2:33:11 PM BipolarBear0 It's really not, a ban does not allow you to reenter
  239. 2:33:12 PM SemsReading if i reinstate the ban because you're being petty, i won't be removing it
  240. 2:33:20 PM BipolarBear0 Go ahead then, reinstate
  241. 2:33:26 PM SemsReading why?
  242. 2:33:28 PM BipolarBear0 I'm not sure how asking to be rebanned is being petty
  243. 2:33:39 PM SemsReading part the channel, dear
  244. 2:33:47 PM BipolarBear0 It doesn't serve the same purpose
  245. 2:33:54 PM BipolarBear0 Forget I said anything, regardless
  246. 2:33:57 PM SemsReading k
  247. 2:33:59 PM DarkPrincess k
  248. 2:34:00 PM PapaJacky yo DarkPrincess
  249. 2:34:01 PM BrokeCFO Sems just do it for fucks sake
  250. 2:34:01 PM Gimmick k
  251. 2:34:03 PM PapaJacky what does CD mean
  252. 2:34:11 PM PapaJacky in the context of not being disks
  253. 2:34:14 PM BipolarBear0 No need to reinstate the ban if you're going to act degradingly to any requests in the conversation
  254. 2:34:32 PM TitanT I wondered that too PapaJacky.
  255. 2:34:38 PM BrokeCFO ^ smug and patronizing
  256. 2:34:38 PM SemsReading ugh
  257. 2:34:41 PM SemsReading if you want it so badly
  258. 2:34:42 PM PapaJacky because reinstating the ban is letting you win, bpb
  259. 2:34:47 PM Gimmick what BrokeCFO said
  260. 2:34:50 PM PapaJacky anyone who wants the last laugh will ask for that
  261. 2:34:52 PM BipolarBear0 It seems that this is the commonly held opinion, PapaJacky
  262. 2:34:53 PM AttackTheMoon has quit: Quit: Leaving.
  263. 2:34:56 PM SemsReading all in favor of banning bear indefinitely say "aye"
  264. 2:35:01 PM PapaJacky it really is
  265. 2:35:08 PM BipolarBear0 But my being banned isn't a "last laugh" against me
  266. 2:35:09 PM PapaJacky it's one of the oldest tactics in the book
  267. 2:35:14 PM PapaJacky no
  268. 2:35:19 PM PapaJacky it's your last laugh
  269. 2:35:19 PM SemsReading shrugs
  270. 2:35:21 PM PapaJacky you get to say
  271. 2:35:24 PM BipolarBear0 I chat regularly in the channel, I wouldn't particularly want to be banned
  272. 2:35:25 PM DarkPrincess why give someone begging for death
  273. 2:35:26 PM BrokeCFO SemsReading: I abstain from voting
  274. 2:35:30 PM SemsReading np
  275. 2:35:31 PM DarkPrincess the sweet release of death
  276. 2:35:34 PM SemsReading lol
  277. 2:35:37 PM DarkPrincess it is better to let them live on in shame
  278. 2:35:38 PM ChanServ gave +b to *!*@snoonet/operations/BipolarBear0.
  279. 2:35:38 PM ChanServ kicked BipolarBear0 from the channel: (stopscopiesme) No reason given.
  280. 2:35:41 PM DarkPrincess and remember their mistake
  281. 2:35:42 PM DarkPrincess x3
  282. 2:35:43 PM T_and_M who knew the best place to find drmaa was in here
  283. 2:35:43 PM SemsReading LOL
  284. 2:35:48 PM TitanT Haha
  285. 2:35:50 PM BrokeCFO is now known as SleepingCFO.
  286. 2:35:54 PM PapaJacky so DarkPrincess what does CD mean
  287. 2:35:57 PM TitanT Yeah it's all very hostile tonight. :o
  288. 2:36:02 PM DarkPrincess compact disk?
  289. 2:36:05 PM DarkPrincess oh
  290. 2:36:05 PM PapaJacky no
  291. 2:36:07 PM DarkPrincess its disc
  292. 2:36:08 PM DarkPrincess rite
  293. 2:36:10 PM DarkPrincess huh?
  294. 2:36:11 PM PapaJacky Feb 06 17:38:08 <DarkPrincess> you post fucking CD hentai
  295. 2:36:12 PM T_and_M certificate of deposit
  296. 2:36:13 PM SleepingCFO Sems was that you?
  297. 2:36:17 PM SemsReading never have i laughed so hard
  298. 2:36:19 PM TitanT You guys are lucky I'm so mellow, otherwise I would be getting all harshed out.
  299. 2:36:20 PM SemsReading no, that was scopies
  300. 2:36:22 PM DarkPrincess oh in that context it means crossdresser
  301. 2:36:24 PM DarkPrincess :)
  302. 2:36:24 PM emr1028 joined the channel.
  303. 2:36:28 PM PapaJacky oh
  304. 2:36:33 PM TitanT Ahhh
  305. 2:36:34 PM PapaJacky why not just say transvestite
  306. 2:36:35 PM DarkPrincess xD
  307. 2:36:38 PM PapaJacky it's less confusing man
  308. 2:36:43 PM DarkPrincess lazy
  309. 2:36:45 PM TitanT Nah
  310. 2:36:51 PM Gimmick This is totally going on r/drama
  311. 2:36:56 PM SemsReading lol
  312. 2:36:57 PM PapaJacky CD hentai sounds hilarious though
  313. 2:36:58 PM TitanT There's a whole lexicon attached to the various kinds of cross dresser.
  314. 2:37:04 PM TitanT It's a bit of a minefield I think.
  315. 2:37:30 PM TitanT I *think* cross dresser is the most accepted general term but I could be wrong so don't take my word for it.
  316. 2:38:28 PM PapaJacky transvestite is the same thing, in terms of meaning
  317. 2:38:38 PM PapaJacky but abbreviating cross dresser just confuses people
  318. 2:38:52 PM PapaJacky because CD hentai sounds like some shit that techies like
  319. 2:39:14 PM TitanT Yeah but as far as I know some kinds of cross dresser don't like being called transvestite?
  320. 2:39:29 PM rAnnouncer r/SubredditDrama: <CrazyRhubarbLady> User ShittyFreestyle told to go fuck himself and downvoted hard after someone claims he lied about his dog dying. After several hours Shitty posts proof to back up his claims. Accusing redditor responds with "lol got my karma later bitch" ( )
  321. 2:39:37 PM TitanT I don't know why, I read about this stuff a bunch a few years back but I found it extremely confusing.
  322. 2:40:10 PM PapaJacky I wouldnt know why
  323. 2:40:16 PM PapaJacky transvestite is latin for cross dresser
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