
Southpaw app

Dec 29th, 2021
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  1. Character name: Kabage
  2. Character Age: 23
  3. Byond Key: King Destroyer
  4. Skill/Rank applying for: Southpaw Stance
  5. =================================================================================================================
  6. |This is an RP between me and Craig|
  7. *Craig Sanford takes up his stance, thinking for a moment. Despite Kabage's lack of experience, he immediately guesses his type to be that of a slugger - a boxer who relies more so on power, than technique and footwork. However, the human knew that with ki and the "supernatural", things weren't as easily defined. During his actual career, Craig fought in the manner of a swarmer, sticking close to his foes and applying nonstop pressure. He had abandoned this style for a time, switching to the more cautious style of an out-fighter.
  9. He knew that he would be at a disadvantage by relying on his older style from the start, but he figured that it would be a decent way to train Kabage's defenses. Thus, he nears the Saiyan begins to throw hooks out against him nonstop.*
  11. Kabage nodded.
  13. "So where we were was me returning the punches from you?"
  15. With a simple placement of his fist, he would put it back in the orthodox stance. The Simian would immediately turn to the southpaw stance. His hands were put up to defend himself. Once more Craig would fail to know that with the defense Kabage was having. He would move around before going to throw attacks. He was a counter puncher trying to instead out finesse Craig's style.
  17. He would dash into the wild swings immediately throwing a sharp jab with his right to the abdomen and twisting with his body. He would extend to uppercut Craig with his left which wouldn't be too much to handle. Kabage's left side was not dominant.*
  19. *Craig Sanford || Craig had underestimated Kabage's skill. He thought the Saiyan would rely more on power, but instead, he was far more observant than the human took him for. Moving around and evading his strikes, Kabage jabbed Craig in the abdomen, following up with an uppercut. In his early days, Craig wouldn't have lasted against someone with as much strength as the Saiyan, but… Things were different now.
  21. With the advent of the Eight Gates, Craig's style changed once more. With the increased raw power, strength, and speed the Gate of Opening gave him, he felt more confident in himself, relying more on combos and the power from opening his first Gate. However, unwilling to use it at this point, he instead shifts to a more cautious, calculating style.
  23. He throws a few accurate jabs to see how Kabage moved and reacted. Once he believes he has it down, his third eye begins to track the Saiyan more accurately. Moving a bit closer, he then throws an accurate hook straight towards his face.
  25. Truthfully, it was impressive that the Saiyan had learned so much, in the little time that he and Craig had spent apart. The thought of using the Gates to gain an advantage was still at the back of the human's mind, but it felt unsporting to use in what was supposed to be a practice match.*
  27. *Kabage would continue to watch Craig's movements. He was slower than Kabage, so Kabage had the advantage there. He did not think much about the attacks. Kabage was just moving with the flow as the jabs came quick. A punch to the face would keep Kabage away from the punches that could level Craig.
  29. A slow movement backward as Craig kept the space. Kabage would just avoid getting decked in the face for the time being while Craig continued to dance around. Kabage kept on his toes. His movements seemed slow and they would burst into a quick movement. He was looking at this all with his eyes on the prize. A small movement back as he awaited another jab. Craig could notice that Kabage was subtly moving to the outside of his jabs.
  31. Kabage was setting up for another attack.*
  33. *Craig Sanford || Kabage was surprisingly fast for his size. Craig would've needed the first Gate to gain an advantage in that regard, but then again... He didn't want to resort to that. His hook discouraged his opponent from getting close to him, Craig shifting back and continuing to throw more jabs to maintain distance.
  35. At this point, the Saiyan was merely waiting for his chance... The human was able to catch Kabage moving to the outside of his attacks and setting up for something, but he was just a split-second too late. Like the human said before, he wasn't back to his prime, skill-wise.*
  37. *Kabage would move in close throwing a punch into the side and slamming his ribs. A chuckle as the left hand was the fist that slammed into his side. A movement to the outside while Kabage sat there looking at the male waiting for him to come. Kabage was supposed to be learning but the old man was the student.
  39. "Seems like you finally are getting serious. This is a spar, but don't be so lazy when it comes to teaching me."
  41. The Simian would continue keeping his hands up. He would turn to put Craig on the defensive and try to start planning his next attack. Craig would have to be on the defensive while pushing him back. Jabs over and over would be continuing to push him back.*
  43. *Craig Sanford || All it took was less than a second, a punch slamming into Craig's ribs. This entire exchange felt uncanny to the human. He was used to having more skill than most others, but then, a man who only spent a fraction of the time he had in boxing was able to read him like an open book. "...Just how much time did you spend fighting, before I started to teach you? Besides... I haven't used the Gates yet, and it looks like I don't have a choice anymore."
  45. Kabage shifts to the offensive, just as Craig's first Gate was opened. His raw strength, punching power, and speed would receive a natural increase from this. Even with his greater speed, however, the human footwork wasn't as great as it once was. Whether it was due to age or the lack of skilled combatants pressing him, he wasn't sure. The Saiyan's jabs keep Craig back, the human taking a few. Thankfully, due to the fortitude he had developed over the years, he was able to keep himself in the game.
  47. He, too, needed to plan out his next move. He knew that with his greater speed, Kabage would have less time to react to any attacks made against him. The window available for any counter-attacks would be lessened, too. *
  49. *Kabage was in the best shape and always growing. Kabage did not care about the effect he had on the world. He would sit there bouncing on his feet while looking at the male directly. Kabage would just shrug before stopping his movements. A stop in his movements while going slowly stretching for a moment.
  51. "My skills are great, I learn things quickly or just by viewing them. I would look at you fighting a lot. How do you think I learned wolf stance? I stole it from Yoichi. So, right now, my game is just hitting accurately and fighting better than I could before. Boxing seems interesting so why would I not take it up?"
  53. Kabage would move in trying to knock him down this time with his jabs. An attack would continue flying towards the face over and over.*
  55. *Craig Sanford || So, Craig was dealing with a natural prodigy. It figured. However, the human wasn't discouraged. Using his now-superior speed, he uses a slip to evade Kabage's jabs when they come, the human replying with his own. With his greatly enhanced strength, his basic jabs hurt more than they used to, and with this new advantage?
  57. He begins to attack Kabage with a series of combination strikes, finishing things off with an uppercut towards the Saiyan. If it landed, the force of it would likely be enough that even a man built like -him- could feel it. Craig, for the first time in the match, finally had an advantage.*
  59. *Kabage would be moving back away from the male as he continued to attack wildly. The gates would push him further and Kabage was not prepared for such an advantage. The attacks were all landing with the force knocking Kabage around. He was being beaten and put on the back end, but Craig's skill was shining through. The attacks were moving through his guard while smacking him wildly.
  61. Craig was destroying the guard that was superior to his. His strength was being pushed further and further. Gates were strong and if Kabage was going to have to defend. He would need to move him back away from him. A smile on his face and the passion of fighting were coming to the top. Kabage was enjoying this while trying to keep his face away from the attacks. A rapid uppercut would be sent lifting him from the ground slightly and knocking him back.*
  63. *Craig Sanford's advantage seems to continue, but soon enough, Kabage not only started to recover, but Craig was beginning to feel fatigued, as well. His movements seemed to slow down back to their normal level, although his strength was still where it was, indicating that his First Gate wasn't inactive just yet. If Kabage wanted to win, now would be the chance to strike.*
  65. *Kabage would just move back. He sat there before moving back away from the attack shaking off the last attack.
  67. "God dang, that uppercut hurt. You got me."
  69. Kabage would relax before moving over to Chitako and falling on them. He was now going over in the circle while moving rapidly with her.*
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