
Text Adventure Chapter 72 Log

Aug 23rd, 2014
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  1. [Cannot fill Recombobulator while performing another action!]
  3. >Talk to Mr. Ironsmith
  4. >As you begin to talk to him, Spike takes the liberty of examining the yeti armor with a claws-on approach, Redheart watching with an amused countenance.
  5. “Perhaps not directly, but I would like to pick your brain real quick. I was thinking of doing some enchanting, making an amulet or a ring or something. Are there any metals that would enhance magic on something like that? Or, y'know, conversely anything we should avoid using? I'd hate to make it out of unobtainium and have the thing fizzle or explode or something.”
  6. >The shopkeep regards you carefully.
  7. >”Sometimes I forget that you’re not even from this world, son. Then again, there’s not that many ponies who would know about the smithin’ trade anyways, so go figure. Basically, you want to watch out for the really dull metals like iron, straight steel, tin or bronze, because they just do not conduct magic well at all. There’s a reason you don’t see old wizards in them history books with heavy armor or nothin’.”
  8. “Right, metal and magic don’t mix.”
  9. >”Now, the good metals for somethin’ like that are actually enchanted on their own in most cases, but if ya have to go blank, your best choice would be platinum or gold. Copper works really good too, but it’s rare to find enough pure copper to make a necklace or ring like that. When I say pure, I mean really pure, past the 99 percent mark.”
  10. “Oh, I see. What about the enchanted metals?”
  11. >”There’s Celesteel, Lunimum, and Trotium, to start with. Celesteel is normal steel enchanted with a suncore and used mainly for weapons or positive enchantments, Luminum is Platinum enchanted under the light of a full moon and makes for some powerful enchantments that rely on magic, and the kingpin, Trotium, is adamantite enchanted only by a special brand of goons that’ve kept their secret passed down for generations and what not. If you wanna find that, you’ll have to find the right enchanter, and I don’t know where they would be.”
  12. “How can I find the metals?”
  13. >”Just go find a mining cave down at the ridge near Ponyville, or the Ghastly Ghorge above White-Tail Woods. There’s plenty scattered all over the place.”
  14. “And how much does it usually cost to work with these enchanted metals?”
  15. >Ironsmith chuckles heartily, straightening his beard.
  16. >”If it tells you anything, I don’t deal with it at all. Let the freaks who want the big bucks take that territory, I say. There’s some poor sap that came in here a few years back asking for a Luminum hoofring for his fianceè, tryin’ to raise ten thousand bits. Believe that?”
  17. >That feel when you have that much right now.
  18. >”Just a little ring, not even the gem to go with it! Listen, hairless. That stuff is top-dollar in Equestria, for the richest of the rich. Not even Fancy Pants himself has more than a Luminum monocle.”
  19. “Alright… What about silver?”
  20. >”Silver? Oh, that works with enchantments too, but it doesn’t enhance it. Sort of like the neutral brother of the metals.”
  21. “Do you have any metals that I could buy, possibly?”
  22. >”While I’m not technically supposed to sell resources, I could backdoor it and ring it up out of the register. We’d be working on our honest word.”
  23. “Good enough for me.”
  25. [METALS]
  26. -Iron Ingot (5 bits)
  27. -Tin Extract (5 bits)
  28. -Steel Ingot (20 bits)
  29. -Bronze Ingot (15 bits)
  30. -Copper Ingot (12 bits)
  31. -Silver Ingot (45 bits)
  32. -Gold Ingot (70 bits)
  33. -Platinum Ingot (80 bits)
  34. -Crystalline Extract (“Oh, by the way, crystal can be used for jewelry, but jewelry only. It works the same as silver for enchantments.”) {95 bits}
  35. -Adamantite Ingot (“Don’t have too many of these, but then again, you won’t be buying too many.”) {250 bits}
  37. >”So, what do you need?”
  39. -Buy item(s)
  40. -Inspect item(s)
  41. -Back to Menu
  42. -Talk to Mr. Ironsmith
  43. -Exit
  47. >You have selected 2 Adamantite Ingots (500 bits)
  48. >Haggle
  49. >You lean in a little close and mutter your words so Red doesn’t hear you.
  50. “I’m getting these for a few amulets that I’d like to enchant for me and my marefriend, Redheart over here. Is there any chance you can knock off a few bits so it’s a bit easier on my pocket when I do?”
  51. >Mr. Ironsmith sighs, rubbing the bridge of his muzzle in deep thought.
  52. >”I’ll tell you what. I’ll give you the two for 450, but that’s really pushing it, and because you’re a regular at this point.”
  54. >Total: 450 bits (To be paid in gems)
  55. >Do you want to buy these items? Y/N
  59. >Y
  60. [You have received 2 Adamantite Ingots!]
  61. >Bit pouch: (10,164 bits, 2 small gems, 7 medium gems, 2 large gems)
  63. >”There you are, and there I am. T’was a pleasure, hairless.”
  64. “Same. Thanks for doing this by the way.”
  65. >You look back real quick to check on the two, and Redheart’s supervising Spike trying to juggle a few daggers.
  66. >”Alright, anything else you wanted?”
  68. -Buy
  69. -Sell
  70. -Modify
  71. -Talk to Mr. Ironsmith
  72. -Exit
  76. >Exit
  77. “I think that’ll be all for now. Thanks.”
  78. >”No problem, come back anytime.”
  79. >You wave and catch Redheart and Spike’s attention, beckoning them as you head for the door.
  80. >Spike gives an enthusiastic goodbye to the pony he’s never met.
  81. >”Hey, you got a nice shop here, mister! See ya!”
  82. >”Come back when you’re a little older and we’ll work somethin’ out, son!”
  83. >The three of you then return to the outside world, the air getting briskier by the minute.
  84. >Seeing the clock strike 7:30 p.m., Celestia’s sun finally dips below the horizon, the first starts beginning to show.
  85. “Sorry guys, I gotta go do one more thing before we go see our friends, need to head back to Fortuna Potions.”
  86. >Redheart’s head dips down in exhaustion.
  87. >”Alright, fine. Just be quick about it, okay?”
  88. >You take the lead and begin the arduous trek back to the old magic store, deciding that now would be a good time to practice your own a little bit more.
  89. >One way to do that is start levitating some heavier objects.
  90. >Another way is to try filling up this recombobulator, to see what it does.
  91. >How much mana would you like to fill up the Magic Recombobulator with?
  95. [Filled Magic Recombobulator with 118 mana.]
  96. [-118 MP]
  97. Anon: [HP: 125/125][MP: 118/255]
  98. [MRP: 118/500]
  100. >You be careful as you close the mechanism, now about a fifth full with some primordial white-blue magic sifting inside like a liquid.
  101. >Once that’s finished, you stop midstep.
  102. >What are you doing?
  103. >This shit can be saved for tomorrow, you have some friends you need to start spending some time with.
  104. “On second thought… the store can wait. Let’s go meet up with the rest of the group. Red?”
  105. >Redheart is already leading the way down the other direction, so you run a bit to catch up.
  106. >”Glad you changed your mind. They’re probably worried sick about us!”
  107. >”Yeah, I wanna see what adults do for fun anyways!”
  108. >...
  109. “Worried, huh?”
  110. >Redheart led you and Spike to the Cross-Eyed Tavern, in a district you’ve never been to.
  111. >As soon as you come in, you see that your party is the life of the… well, party.
  112. >Cheers and hoots fill the warm, cozy, dimly-lit building with joy and vigor for multiple things.
  113. >Gable and the returned Iron Will are in the center, arm-wrestling each other and not giving an inch, a crowd of ponies thrashing around their foamy drinks and shouting for one or the other.
  114. >Applejack is riding the bull. Not a mechanical bull, a real-ass bull trying to throw her right off, but she holds on like a champion, waving her hat around in style.
  115. >Berry Punch seems to have dragged Pinkie Pie into the joys of being absolutely fucking hammered, as they’re leaning on each other for support, chugging rum and cherry-flavored liquor, respectively.
  116. >They’re cheering on the boys, getting alcohol all over their fur and bumping heads, a sight to behold.
  117. >Last but not least, Gyro Gear and Wheaties… are nowhere to be found.
  118. >It looks like they’ve left.
  119. >”Oh my, I hope they don’t hurt each other… C’mon, Anon! Let’s get a little loose and join them!”
  120. >You feel yourself be pulled by Redheart and Spike, claw and hoof with each hand as they stride you up to the counter.
  121. >The bartender gives you a sweet smile as Spike goes to join the cheerers for the arm-wrestling match.
  122. >”Hello, haven’t seen you here before, doctor! Congratulations on winning that tournament!”
  123. >Your reputation’s gone all across the Crystal Empire, hasn’t it?
  124. >”What would you and the missus like?”
  125. >Wait, she thinks you and Red are married?
  126. >What do you say, and what would you like to order?
  130. >Inspect Magic Recombobulator Points
  131. [When the MR is filled with mana, it is usable as a sort of bank for MP, able to be deposited for later use as a potion you fill yourself. However, the magic inside this device can be enchanted to have greater potency or special effects when consumed, if you can find a skilled enough enchanter.]
  133. >You look back for a moment to check on Redheart after that.
  134. >She’s beat red all across her cheeks, frozen in horror.
  135. >Damn, she definitely must’ve thought about it if she’s acting like that.
  136. >Wait.. She’s thought about it.
  137. >Suddenly, your collar feels a bit tight, getting a little hot in here.
  138. >”Sir?”
  139. >You look back at the now concerned barmare, trying to get your thoughts organized.
  140. >So many choices.
  141. “Oh… uuh… F-fuzzy navel.”
  142. >Her look changes from worry to stifling laughter.
  143. “I-I mean, uh, Jäger.”
  144. >”Huh?”
  145. “Irish Car Bomb!”
  146. >”What’s an Irish?”
  147. “... S-scotch, please. On the rocks. Fuzzy Navel for her, I mean. And a… shirley temple for my dragon friend here, Spike.”
  148. >They say your spaghetti grew three sizes that day.
  149. >The mare behind the counter giggles as she starts pouring the three drinks.
  150. >”Let me guess, you guys aren’t married?”
  151. >Redheart’s quick to answer.
  152. >”N-no!”
  153. “No..”
  154. >”My mistake, sorry. You guys just look like you’ve been through a lot together, I guess. Here you go!”
  155. [-28 bits]
  156. >A square glass of iced scotch leads itself to your hand, while the navel’s passed to Redheart, and she sips on her straw quietly as she stares at the ground.
  157. >The bartender attends to other customers, so you pick up the temple and pass it over to Spike.
  158. >”Oh hey, thanks! What is it?”
  159. “Try it.”
  160. >You take a chug of your own drink as you watch him.
  161. >He takes a little sip, and the way he savors the taste is a sure sign of new love, immediately taking a much larger drink.
  162. >”Niiiice… I’m gonna get so blazed!”
  163. “Wait, it’s non-alcoho-”
  164. >“WOO! C’MON IRON!”
  165. >He starts whooping for the minotaur as he finally begins to shove Gable’s arm down to the table.
  166. >A resounding thump signifies his victory, and he stands up pumping his fists in the air.
  168. >”Oh yeah?! Best three out of seven, triple the bits!”
  169. >Iron slaps a rather large handful of bits on the already impressive pile, and sits back down to meet Gable’s challenge.
  170. >You watch this display of brewing testosterone for a moment, before seeing a vacant dartboard in the corner.
  171. >You have an opportunity here.
  172. >”Hey Red, want to play some darts?”
  173. >She looks up at you while still slurping her drink, already nearly gone.
  174. >”Oh, that sounds good. We gonna bet?”
  175. >The two of you walk over to the setup, and Red cracks her neck, obviously about to whip your ass.
  177. [DARTS]
  178. >”So? How much are we playing for, babe?”
  180. -5
  181. -10
  182. -25
  183. -50 (Locked - Redheart doesn’t have enough money!)
  184. -100 (Locked - Redheart doesn’t have enough money!)
  188. >5 bits selected
  189. >You and Redheart put five coins down on the table.
  190. “Ladies’ first.”
  191. >Redheart simpers, picking up a dart with her mouth as she aims and throws.
  192. >It hits the inner ring, very close to a bullseye.
  193. >”Aw, shoot.”
  194. “With pleasure…”
  195. >You remove your blowdart from the belt of your coat, and stick one of the darts inside.
  196. >”...You’re going to shoot with that thing?”
  197. “Yeah. … What?”
  198. >Redheart abstains from speaking by drinking more of her fuzzy naval, allowing you to take the first shot.
  199. >Used Call shot on center of dartboard! (-66% hit chance, more precise strike)
  200. >You blow through it, firing the dart out towards the board…
  201. >It misses the board entirely.
  202. >In fact, it shoots clear off to the right and rockets right into the face of a rugged black stallion, causing him to flinch and knock his drink all over the floor.
  203. >”... Who did that?! WHO’S THE BASTARD THAT HIT ME WITH A FUCKING DART?!”
  204. >Redheart becomes too stunned to act.
  205. >You don’t have time to do anything, as his eyes lock on your form, and the blowdart in your hand.
  206. >At this point, the background music of the bar had dimmed, and the crowd originally watching the arm wrestle turns toward the raised voice.
  207. >”You’re that doctor that was in the tournament, weren’t you? Where’s the spear, huh? No armor? Good, it’ll make it easier to cave your skull in!”
  208. >He gets out of his chair and approaches you rapidly, a trickle of blood running down his face from where you hit him.
  209. >He’s… quite the large stallion, and he’s pissed.
  210. >A quick look around shows you that the rest of your party is either inhibited or busy.
  211. >What do you do or say?
  215. >This isn’t really the way you wanted to spend time with your friends, but if it has to be this way, then you won’t be so rude as to oblige the bloodseeker.
  216. >But first, you want to try to at least deter him, just to say you tried.
  217. >Used Blessing of Harmony on stallion! [-8 MP]
  218. >The white glow begins to puff around the oncoming assailant, the effect becoming very apparent as his expression softens and his stride slows.
  219. “Look, I’m sorry about that, I’m a lousy shot with this thing. How about I buy you a couple of drinks on me and I’ll even patch you up?”
  220. >The power of your blessing seems to work, letting him back for a moment, until something disrupts it.
  221. >One of his drinking buddies yells to him.
  222. >”Green, he’s doing something to you!”
  223. >The remnants of the white glow around his body are spotted, and his face contorts in forced rage.
  224. >”What did you just do to me, freak? That’s it, I’m wiping my ass with your face!”
  225. >He doesn’t even finish his sentence as he begins to charge!
  226. >You take a step back and ready yourself, pulling up your fists!
  228. [BATTLE START] [ ]
  229. [This is a bar brawl. As requested, physical prowess only!]
  230. Anonymous: [HP: 125/125][MP: X]
  231. Available abilities: Basic Hand to Hand combat, Basic Kick (+10 PA, 3tcd), Tackle (+12 PA, 50% stun chance, 4tcd), Ogre Dance, Parry
  232. ‘Green’: [HP: 170/170]
  234. [BATTLE START] [ ]
  235. [This is a bar brawl. As requested, physical prowess only!]
  236. Anonymous: [HP: 125/125][MP: X]
  237. Available abilities: Basic Hand to Hand combat, Basic Kick (+10 PA, 3tcd), Tackle (+12 PA, 50% stun chance, 4tcd), Ogre Dance, Parry
  238. ‘Green’: [HP: 170/170]
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