
Predator blur speed

Mar 15th, 2024
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  1. In the melee Ramirez’s MP-5 flew through the air and landed at Anna’s feet. Shocked yet stubbornly functional, she moved toward the rifle, as if some rebel instinct still fought to keep her alive. But the alien was operating now at an inhuman pace—it could outdo in action what a man could not even think to do. With dazzling speed it roared uphill toward the girl, its livid skin pulsating with glints of gold from the midday sun. Seeing that Anna was going to land directly in the alien’s path, Schaefer spun about as she dived for the rifle. He lunged, kicking the weapon out of her reach to distract her, at the same time bellowing: “Run! Get to the chopper! Now!”
  3. Then he opened fire at the onrushing monster, bullets flying everywhere, the barrel raking back and forth across the predator as Anna stumbled to her feet and ran for the jungle.
  5. With a speed that all but made it a blur in Schaefer’s eyes the predator attacked, hurling its weapon at the major with a wild triumphal shriek. The razor head of the spear sliced through the wooden stock of the gun, narrowly missing Schaefer’s hand, severing the trigger guard and breech. Sparks flew as metal clashed on metal, steel on starstone.
  8. The Predator (1987 novelization), chapter 15
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