
ya lang_EN.yml

Sep 14th, 2018
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  1. #=====-----=====-----=====-----[#
  2. # Option List:
  3. # <center> : Center The Message on that line
  4. # <np> : Disable prefix on that line
  5. # <title> : send title to player
  6. # <subtitle> : send subtitle to player
  7. # <actionbar> : send actionbar to player
  8. # <sound> : send sound to player
  9. # <console> : send message to console
  10. # use <title>Text<subtitle>text : to send title and subtitle at same time
  11. #
  12. # Use curly bracket { } to use placeholder in Text Line
  13. # Example: {heart} will be replace by defined placeholder
  14. # Don't forget to encode as UTF-8
  15. # Below is pre-made plaeholder , you can make as many as you want XD
  17. custom-placeholder:
  18.   doneline: '&f&m+---------------------------------------------------+'
  19.   errline: '&8&m+---------------------------------------------------+'
  20.   plusline: '&7&m+---------------------------------------------------+'
  21.   done: '&8&l[&f✔&8&l]'
  22.   not: '&8&l[&c✘&8&l]'
  23.   edit: '&8&l[&f✎&8&l]'
  24.   peace:
  25.   heart:
  26.   cloud:
  27.   poison:
  28.   star:
  29.   x:
  30.   x/:
  31.   x\:
  32.   rarrow:
  33.   larrow:
  34.   diamond:
  35.   melody:
  36.   crown:
  37.   plane:
  38.   snowman:
  39.   snow:
  40.   sword:
  41.   health:
  42.   checklist:
  43.   cross:
  44.   copyright: ©
  45.   tm:
  46.   empty: ''
  47. random-placeholder:
  48.   red:
  49.  - "&c"
  50.   - "&4"
  51.   green:
  52.  - "&a"
  53.   - "&2"
  54.   blue:
  55.  - "&b"
  56.   - "&3"
  57.   white:
  58.  - "&f"
  59.   - "&7"
  60.   yellow:
  61.  - "&e"
  62.   - "&6"
  63. messages:
  64.   gui_click:
  65.  - "<sound>CLICK"
  66.   expired_menu:
  67.  - "<sound>BLOCK_PISTON_EXTEND"
  68.   main_menu:
  69.  - "<sound>BLOCK_PISTON_EXTEND"
  70.   selling_menu:
  71.  - "<sound>BLOCK_PISTON_EXTEND"
  72.   sold_menu:
  73.  - "<sound>BLOCK_PISTON_EXTEND"
  74.   sellall_menu:
  75.  - "<sound>BLOCK_PISTON_EXTEND"
  76.   sellall_info_menu:
  77.  - "<sound>BLOCK_PISTON_EXTEND"
  78.   there_expired:
  79.  - "<center>"
  80.   - "<np><center>&c&lExpired {plane}"
  81.   - "<np><center>&e{amount} &7items have expired &r{plane}"
  82.   - "<np><center>&7claim with &e/ya expired"
  83.   - "<sound>ENTITY_VILLAGER_YES"
  84.   there_sold:
  85.  - "<center>"
  86.   - "<np><center>&a&lSold {plane}"
  87.   - "<np><center>&e{sold} &7items have sold &r{plane}"
  88.   - "<np><center>&7claim your money with &e/ya sold"
  89.   - "<sound>ENTITY_VILLAGER_YES"
  90.   success_sale:
  91.  - "<np>{doneline}"
  92.   - "<np>"
  93.   - "<np><center>&b&lSale {plane}"
  94.   - "<np><center>&r{itemname} &r{plane}"
  95.   - "<np><center>&6Expire: &f{expire}"
  96.   - "<np><center>&6Price: &f${price}"
  97.   - "<np>"
  98.   - "<np><center>&fItem added to Auction {done}"
  99.   - "<np>"
  100.   - "<np>{doneline}"
  101.   - "<sound>ENTITY_VILLAGER_YES"
  102.   success_cancelled:
  103.  - "<np>{doneline}"
  104.   - "<np>"
  105.   - "<np><center>&5&lCancelled {plane}"
  106.   - "<np><center>&r{itemname} &r{plane}"
  107.   - "<np>"
  108.   - "<np><center>&fItem added to your inventory {done}"
  109.   - "<np>"
  110.   - "<np>{doneline}"
  111.   - "<sound>ENTITY_VILLAGER_YES"
  112.   success_take_expired:
  113.  - "<np>{doneline}"
  114.   - "<np>"
  115.   - "<np><center>&d&lRetrieved {plane}"
  116.   - "<np><center>&r{itemname} &r{plane}"
  117.   - "<np>"
  118.   - "<np><center>&fItem added to your inventory {done}"
  119.   - "<np>"
  120.   - "<np>{doneline}"
  121.   - "<sound>ENTITY_VILLAGER_YES"
  122.   success_take_sold:
  123.  - "<np>{doneline}"
  124.   - "<np>"
  125.   - "<np><center>&a&lCollected {plane}"
  126.   - "<np><center>&r${total} &r{plane}"
  127.   - "<np>"
  128.   - "<np><center>&fMoney added to your account {done}"
  129.   - "<np>"
  130.   - "<np>{doneline}"
  131.   - "<sound>ENTITY_VILLAGER_YES"
  132.   success_buy:
  133.  - "<np>{doneline}"
  134.   - "<np>"
  135.   - "<np><center>&e&lPurchased {plane}"
  136.   - "<np><center>&r{itemname} &r{plane}"
  137.   - "<np><center>&6Price: &f${price}"
  138.   - "<np>"
  139.   - "<np><center>&fItem added to your inventory {done}"
  140.   - "<np>"
  141.   - "<np>{doneline}"
  142.   - "<sound>ENTITY_VILLAGER_YES"
  143.   sell_all:
  144.  - "<np>{doneline}"
  145.   - "<np>"
  146.   - "<np><center>&b&lSell All {plane}"
  147.   - "<np><center>&6Total: &f${total}"
  148.   - "<np>"
  149.   - "<np>{doneline}"
  150.   - "<sound>ENTITY_VILLAGER_YES"
  151.   insufficient_money:
  152.  - "<np>{errline}"
  153.   - "<np>"
  154.   - "<center>&cYou need ${money} to do this! {not}"
  155.   - "<np>"
  156.   - "<np>{errline}"
  157.   - "<sound>ENTITY_VILLAGER_NO"
  158.   must_hold:
  159.  - "<np>{errline}"
  160.   - "<np>"
  161.   - "<center>&cPlease hold an item! {not}"
  162.   - "<np>"
  163.   - "<np>{errline}"
  164.   - "<sound>ENTITY_VILLAGER_NO"
  165.   must_number:
  166.  - "<np>{errline}"
  167.   - "<np>"
  168.   - "<center>&cInput must be a number! {not}"
  169.   - "<np>"
  170.   - "<np>{errline}"
  171.   - "<sound>ENTITY_VILLAGER_NO"
  172.   no_permission:
  173.  - "<np>{errline}"
  174.   - "<np>"
  175.   - "<center>&cYou Don't Have Permission &8[&f{perm}&8] &cTo Use This {not}"
  176.   - "<np>"
  177.   - "<np>{errline}"
  178.   - "<sound>ENTITY_VILLAGER_NO"
  179.   exceed_sale:
  180.  - "<np>{errline}"
  181.   - "<np>"
  182.   - "<np><center>&f&lMax Items Reached"
  183.   - "<center>&cYou cannot sell any more items {not}"
  184.   - "<np>"
  185.   - "<np>{errline}"
  186.   - "<sound>ENTITY_VILLAGER_NO"
  187.   exceed_time:
  188.  - "<np>{errline}"
  189.   - "<np>"
  190.   - "<np><center>&f&lExpired time too high/low"
  191.   - "<np><center>&cMinimum: {minimum} second {not}"
  192.  - "<np><center>&cMaximum: {maximum} second {not}"
  193.  - "<np>"
  194.  - "<np>{errline}"
  195.  - "<sound>ENTITY_VILLAGER_NO"
  196.  exceed_price:
  197.  - "<np>{errline}"
  198.  - "<np>"
  199.  - "<np><center>&f&lMax Price Reached"
  200.  - "<center>&cYou cannot sell an item at that price {not}"
  201.  - "<np>"
  202.  - "<np>{errline}"
  203.  - "<sound>ENTITY_VILLAGER_NO"
  204.  exceed_creative:
  205.  - "<np>{errline}"
  206.  - "<np>"
  207.  - "<np><center>&f&lCreative Forbidden"
  208.  - "<center>&cYou cannot sell while in Creative {not}"
  209.  - "<np>"
  210.  - "<np>{errline}"
  211.  - "<sound>ENTITY_VILLAGER_NO"
  212.  exceed_damaged:
  213.  - "<np>{errline}"
  214.  - "<np>"
  215.  - "<np><center>&f&lDamaged Forbidden"
  216.  - "<center>&cYou cannot sell damaged items {not}"
  217.  - "<np>"
  218.  - "<np>{errline}"
  219.  - "<sound>ENTITY_VILLAGER_NO"
  220.  config_reload:
  221.  - "<np>{errline}"
  222.  - "<np>"
  223.  - "<center>&cConfig Reloaded {done}"
  224.  - "<np>"
  225.  - "<np>{errline}"
  226.  - "<sound>ENTITY_VILLAGER_YES"
  228.  help_header:
  229.  - "<np>&8&l[&7&m-----&8&m===&6&m--&8&m===&f&l[ {prefix} &f&l]&8&m===&6&m--&8&m===&7&m-----&8&l]"
  230.  help_message:
  231.  - "<np>&b/ya <hover:&fOpen YourAuction GUI"
  232.  - "<np>&b/ya &fsell &8[&7<&eprice&7>&8] <hover:&fSell Item In Your Hand"
  233.  - "<np>&b/ya &fsell &8[&7<&eprice&7>&8]&8 [&7<&eseconds&7>&8] <hover:&fSell items with specify expired time in second"
  234.  - "<np>&b/ya &fsellall <hover:&fOpen Sell All GUI"
  235.  - "<np>&b/ya &fsold <hover:&fSee items sold"
  236.  - "<np>&b/ya &fselling <hover:&fSee items you are selling"
  237.  - "<np>&b/ya &fexpired <hover:&fSee items that is expired"
  238.  - "<np>&b/ya &creload <hover:&fTo reload the plugin"
  239.  help_decoration:
  240.  - "<title>{nojsonprefix}<subtitle>&7showing help page {page}"
  241.  - "<sound>BLOCK_PISTON_EXTEND"
  242.  help_footer:
  243.  - "<np>&8&l[&7&m-----&8&m===&6&m---&8&m=&f&l[ &eHelp Page {page} / {maxpage} &f&l]&8&m=&6&m---&8&m===&7&m-----&8&l]"
  244.  help_next:
  245.  - "<np><json>&e/ya help &a{nextpage}@CR:/ya help {nextpage}@H:&7Click to go to next page</json> &7- to see next page"
  246.  help_prev:
  247.  - "<np><json>&e/ya help &a{prevpage}@CR:/ya help {prevpage}@H:&7Click to go to prev page</json> &7- to see prev page"
  248.  unknown_command:
  249.  - "<subtitle>&e&lPlease see how to use this command"
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