
Cheer up Anon! We love you!

Aug 14th, 2013
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  1. There comes a time, a time when life weighs you down and you feel the whole world on your shoulders. Family troubles, financial struggles, personal dilemmas... everyone has them, everyone will have them, and everyone will feel sadness when tragedy strikes. Some people have shoulders to lean on when they're not strong, shoulders to cry on when they're emotional. However, some don't. And tonight Anon, that is you.
  3. It's late at night. Summer. The air is crisp and clean. You can feel autumn slowly approaching, but summer is still strong. You have a schedule tomorrow. Perhaps you have work, or a friend to meet. But tonight you are alone, and tonight you are sad.
  5. One of your favorite past-times is watching ponies on the small screen. Why? You'll never know. The closest thing you enjoy to watching ponies is talking about them. From drawfag threads to best pone threads to someone wanting to cum inside Rainbow Dash; you enjoy it. But tonight you aren't enjoying anything.
  7. For some reason you are sad. Other people's woes only add to yours. Why must someone keep reminding you you'll never hold your waifu? Everytime you think of these wonderful little ponies, tears form in your eyes. You hate Earth. You would give anything to be with these ponies. On Equestria. Away from this dark and dying world. You can feel it. Everyone can feel it. The world is dying.
  9. People are cruel to each other for no reason. Wars are started for petty excuses. Most problems could be fixed if everyone wasn't split and decided to work together. There is no harmony. There is no playful chaos. Only an impending shadow of destruction creeping onto humanity.
  11. And your only solace is ponies.
  13. Tonight, you stare blankly at the computer screen. You failed to create a tulpa. You can't lucid dream. Ponies will not frolic in your dreams. Sometimes, when you think of your life in the world, a stray thought about ending it all pops into your mind.
  15. And that's when your closet began glowing.
  17. 1/8
  19. What the? As soon as the thought crossed your mind, your closet began glowing! It shakes, as if there's a machine behind it, roaring a technological roar. You get up from your chair and shakily turn around toward the closet. You're scared. Scared of the boogeyman.
  21. The doorknob is warm to the touch. Not too warm, but warm nonetheless. Something sketchy is going on. You think about running, to never know what lay beyond. But what purpose would that serve? Maybe it is the boogeyman. He'll certainly make the job easier. Your fear dissipates. You aren't scared anymore. Your curiosity gets the better of you and you turn the knob.
  23. A blue blur blinds you and knocks you down. So this is how it ends. As your vision blurs, you feel something smack your cheek. It feels as if a child is poking you with a child's bat. You blink as your vision clears. Heart stopped, breath lost, you stare at the image lying on top of you.
  25. "Anon... I hope I'm not too late," the cyan pony whimpers. That rainbow mane... those blue wings... those beautiful eyes... can it be?
  27. "R-R-Rainbow Dash?" you whisper as you bring a hand up to stroke her mane. Her eyes are tearing up as she nuzzles your hand. Your ultimate wish, the ultimate dream. You wish you could die happy in that very moment.
  29. "Stop that!" a voice screams from ahead. You look behind Rainbow Dash as she turns her head to see a new pony entering your room. Your closet is bright, too bright to see through. As the new pony walks in, you start to make her out. Butter coat... pink mane... Fluttershy?
  31. "Please Anon, don't do this..." Fluttershy whimpers as she approaches you from the side. The inner jokester in you makes a pun about being 'flanked,' but the serious nature of the matter silenced you. Rainbow Dash touches Fluttershy's side with her wing, as if to comfort her.
  33. "Why are you here? How?" you ask, tears shed, somewhat excited to see your dream come true, but pained to see them cry.
  35. "To save you."
  37. 2/8
  39. "To save me? From what?" you ask nervously, wondering why two beautiful technicolor ponies were even bothered to visit you. There were thousands, possibly millions of fans out there. You were just some random person, who's existent was mediocre at best. Not someone to be missed. Someone nobody would ever miss.
  41. "Anon, you know that's not true..." a new voice calls. You see the rest of the group enter your room. First comes Applejack, the one who just spoke. Her hat is tilted to shield her eyes, as if her worries are starting to get to her. Next comes Rarity, who's mane is an utter mess. Pinkie Pie follows, but her mane is straight and her coat is dark and depressing. Finally comes Twilight. Even with those dastardly wings, you can tell it's the one and only. And tears are in her eyes.
  43. "You... you can read my mind?" you ask, wondering why these mares keep shouting at you. You know full well what they're saying, but you have every right to know. Applejack shakes her head.
  45. "No, we can't. But we can hear your heart, and it has called to us," Twilight answers your question, bowing her head in humility. "We are the Elements of Harmony, but never have we seen such a world, or anypony, so broken. Princess Celestia finally allowed us to stretch the boundaries of space and time to visit you, the one in need. And now here we are." She smiles sheepishly, nervous to finally meet you.
  47. "B-but why? Why me? Why me of all people?" you ask, almost yelling. You believe your life to be a waste, and now it's causing these ponies great sadness to the point of crying. Before knowing of their existence, you knew that making a pony cry was one of the most despicable things to do. And now you've done it. You've made even more of a mess of your life.
  49. "Please Anon! Don't be sad..." Pinkie Pie bounces meekly towards you as you stand up, pushing Dash aside. You brush yourself off.
  51. "Please," you plead to them. "Leave. I-I'm not worth the trouble."
  53. "Yes. Yes you are."
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  57. You blink your eyes, not believing who said that. The other five mimic you, surprised that Rarity of all ponies have just approached you. Her hoof lies on your left shoulder she leans her head on your right. You feel your shoulder begin to get damp. A small compulsion causes your hand to pat her comfortingly.
  59. "Anon... ever since we heard your heart sing, I couldn't stop thinking about you. The depression, the darkness, the uncouth brutes who will not let you escape during the day. Each night I couldn't sleep, knowing somewhere you were out there, alone. Anon, all I ever wished for was to be here, just to see you. To let you know you're not alone," Rarity whimpers as she digs into your shoulder. You lean forward and take her into a hug. The fashionita, too worn to fix her mane, has just given the contents of her heart to a stranger. You don't know why, but your chest begins to warm.
  61. "But... why?" you whisper once more. Rarity stays, but Fluttershy takes the mantle.
  63. "Anon, we've heard your heart. It sings to us, even all the way to Equestria. Life may not always be fair, but it has been cruel to you. You give so much to everyone, to these ones you call 'friends.' " She spits the last word, evidently angry. "These friends who use you, abuse you, and hurt you. Think Anon, just once, have they ever been kind to you?" You falter. You can think of a few good people who've treated you well, but they are few and far in between. Everyone you know is... cruel. You see people everyday reach out and act cruelly to another just because they're different. Petty differences. Your fist clenches as the injustice. Being different doesn't warrant cruelty. No one should face that...
  65. "You have to face the truth, like we have," Applejack whispers. She looks up to you and takes off her hat, placing it on her chest. "Anon, be honest. Be honest with yourself. Be honest with us. Is this the life you truly deserve?"
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  69. You falter. Humility demands you decline to answer; saying 'no' outright would make you seem elitist and demanding, thinking you're entitled. But... your heart disagrees. It's not just you. No one deserves a life like, one so mediocre and insignificant. You've been taught to believe all life is sacred, but that belief has been shaken over time.
  71. Your vision blurs as your eyes dampen. You slowly shake your head as Rarity pulls you in deeper. Applejack nods and places her hat back on her head. You feel a hoof on your back.
  73. "Anon," Pinkie whispers from behind you. "Remember when you made that joke last week?" You do recall making a rather lame joke to a friend the other day. It was rather insignificant to you, but for some reason Pinkie had latched onto it. "Anon, you're more than worth it. Life... is cruel, yet you still try to make other poni-people laugh. To be happy. Just like you deserve to be."
  75. You feel tears coming on. You're almost at your breaking point. Rainbow Dash walks back to you as Rarity steps aside. You make eye contact once more, she had wiped her tears but it's clear she's been crying. You admit her fortitude is strong.
  77. "Anon, you know we can't leave you like this..." Rainbow Dash bows her head solemnly. You reach over and pat it, bringing a small smile to her lips.
  79. "Rainbow Dash. You're an incredibly pony, you all are! But I'm just some poor, insignificant, worthless human," you explain to the sad mare. Your life is meaningless, no point in moving forward. You've hit bottom, and there was no going up.
  81. Rainbow Dash bites her lip and snaps her head up, leering at you. "How dare you!" she screams as she tackles you. She pins your arms down with surprising strength. "Anon! We traveled who knows how much to see you! We heard music from your heart! Your story has touched us, and made us cry! I never cry! Anon, friends never leave friends behind! You. Are. My. Friend!" she screams, poking your chest with each word.
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  85. That does it. Tears start cascading from your eyes as you bawl. Rainbow slowly releases you and allows you to sit up, crying. Even for a stranger, Rainbow Dash has shown loyalty. Applejack forced you to be honest. Fluttershy reminded you that even you were still capable of kindness. Rarity shared her heart with you as your heart has shared its song with her. Pinkie Pie latched onto your joke, the one your friend laughed at, even in a dark time. These girls were the Elements of Harmony, and had shown you the way.
  87. "T-thank you," you whisper to the girls, finally enlightened. Even if you thought your life was meaningless, you could still do some good. Even if you hated your life, you could ease the pain of another's. You could bring Harmony into this world.
  89. You feel a hoof rest on your knee. A lavender hoof. You bring down your hands and face the last mare. Twilight Sparkle. Element of Magic.
  91. "Anon, I know what you're thinking," she smiles at you knowingly. "Your heart sung to us, from across dimensions and all reason. We don't know how, but only magic can be the cause. Anon, where we're from Friendship is magic. You were in need of friends, so your heart sang to the world. It sang to us. We came for you Anon, we came because we are your friends." Twilight stands on two and hugs you. You can't help but return it, caressing the wings on her back. You cry. You thought the only true friends were technicolor ponies from some cartoon show you liked. You were wrong.
  93. They weren't cartoons. Not anymore. And they... they... they just called you their friend.
  95. "Girls, thank you," you whisper your thanks. You pull back from Twilight as she rejoins her friends. The six ponies, your friends, stand together and face you. For once, you're all smiling. For that moment in time, everyone felt blissful happiness.
  97. But like all happiness in your life, it must come to an end.
  99. "Twilight, it's time..." a voice whispers from the other side.
  101. 6/8
  103. The girls jolt, turning their heads to your open closet. From the bright light steps a tall, white alicorn. Princess Celestia. The girls flinch, their ears drooping and eyes staring at the ground. Princess Celestia has a sad and understanding expression, but stern nonetheless.
  105. "Please princess, just a little longer," Twilight begs as she bows toward the princess. The other five follow suit. You do so out of respect, thanking the princess for allowing them to save your life.
  107. "Rise, my little ponies," Celestia orders. "You too, Anon."
  109. You stand up and smile at her, sad to see your friends go but happy to have met them. You would never have regrets about this encounter.
  111. "Anon, I'm sorry we couldn't meet for long, but the portal is unstable," Celestia explains. "We have minutes before it closes." You nod, understanding the circumstances. The six say their goodbyes, each hugging you in their own, special way. Rarity follows up with a small peck as well, bringing a blush to your face.
  113. The powerful alicorn steps up to you as the last mare leaves through the portal. "Anon, I have heard your heart sing like the rest. I'm sorry, but I know what your wish is. I cannot bring you with me."
  115. You slouch and nod, knowing the world must remain balanced. You start to turn around to allow Celestia to leave, but you feel a warm glow hold your arm and you in place.
  117. "I wasn't finished Anon," Celestia grins. Wait, you know this look. "You know, Twilight doesn't have to be my only student..."
  119. You gasp. "You don't mean..."
  121. "Yes, Anon. I have a task for you. Spread Harmony throughout your dark world. Be loyal, honest, kind, generous, and bring laughter into the world. Anon, your magic is your heart. The one heart in this world that hasn't darkened. Spread your light. Spread the magic of friendship once more. And Anon, when your time is up, when your life comes to a close, remember this." She leans forward to whisper in your ear.
  123. 7/8
  125. "We came across space AND time. Do you hear that?" she turns her head toward the closet. You hear faint sounds of cheers and joy, as if the girls discovered something wonderful. "The girls have just discovered our little surprise. Anon, spread your magic. Spread Harmony. Remember us. When you take your last breath and your vision fades for the last time, remember one thing. Remember your home." Celestia bows to you and walks back to the portal.
  127. You throw up a hand to stop her. "Wait! Where is my home?" You're honestly confused, you hated it here. Princess Celestia turns around and gives a devilish grin.
  129. "Oh Anon. Home is where the heart is!"
  131. The light in your closet disappears, leaving you alone in darkness. You clench your fist over your heart, the heart thumping wildly. You tear up once more, for you finally understand. Earth may be where you were born, but it wasn't your home.
  133. Once your life was over here, after all the good, hope, and prosperity you were to spread, you were going home.
  135. To Equestria.
  137. ~end~
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