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Oct 23rd, 2023
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  1. “ I see. …You ’ re talking about the body protection. ”
  2. “ If you suddenly go from a standstill to high speed, there is a risk of pulled or torn muscles. That’s why the powered suits have multiple safety devices created to prevent that from happening. Similar to this low frequency vibration treatment device I’m using, the muscles are constantly having electrical stimuli given to them so that they are always in a state similar to after having performed warm-up exercises. That way the damage from sudden motion can be prevented. ”
  3. In the end, her only choice was to use Move Point to defeat Komaba Ritoku before his attack arrived.
  4. If she didn ’ t end this before his first attack, her life could be in danger.
  5. “Your Hard Taping has no such safety features,”
  6. Musujime informed him while spinning her flashlight in her hand.
  7. Komaba Ritoku ’ s expression did not change.
  8. “That ’ s a defective item that failed Anti- Skill’s tests. It may do quite a bit of damage to your body. Although, it won’t be anywhere near as much as I will. ”
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