
Introductions with CanadAnon

Feb 23rd, 2013
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  1. >Day Chilly in Equestria
  2. >You are Anon
  3. >Canadian
  4. >Not those province bitches
  5. >Territory Master Race
  6. >Wake up
  7. >Shit, shower
  8. >Shave? What is this, Mexico?
  9. >You stroke your beard
  10. >Feels like heavy cable, as it should
  11. >Go and eat breakfast
  12. >Logs. Like a beaver, but more manly
  13. >The ponies had offered you a house, but the brick made you uncomfortable
  14. >You went into Everfree Forest and chopped down a few trees
  15. >Ok so a lot of trees
  16. >There was now a 50ft. long phallic shaped clearing penetrating the forest, your house resting in its bulging tip
  17. >At night you swear you could hear the trees crying
  18. >Feels good
  19. >You really liked chopping down trees
  20. >Had to keep your axes in Ponyville, otherwise you’d cut down a dozen trees every morning
  21. >Back home they had made you stay in the middle of the tundra to avoid you doing just that
  22. >It’s not that bad of an addiction
  23. >Ever since you started eating tree logs, it’s been a lot easier to resist the urge
  24. >Hear a knocking on your door
  25. >Answer it in your plaid boxers
  26. >Fluttershy is holding a snow ball
  27. >”H-hello Anon! Are s-snow b-ball fights your fetish?”
  28. >At this point, she throws the snowball at your chest from point blank range
  29. >It melts on your chest, and the water drips onto the ground
  30. >Before you can respond, you hear a roar
  31. >Fluttershy squeals and hides behind you as you turn to face the trees
  32. >A massive bear steps into the clearing
  33. >Except its fur seems to be…. stars?
  34. Fluttershy, what exactly is this thing?
  35. >”I-it’s an Ursa Major!”
  36. Cool
  37. >”No! N-not cool! They’re i-incredibly d-d-dangerous!”
  38. >The Ursa Major approaches, stepping back on its hind legs and roaring at you
  39. >You thump your chest and roar back
  40. >It pauses for a moment, and then continues to roar at you
  41. >This goes on for a while
  42. >Fluttershy walks off and makes some coffee
  43. >You have some Tim Horton’s sitting in the house
  44. >You have no idea how they made it to another world, but you weren’t complaining
  45. >You needed your fix
  46. >Fluttershy comes out and screams
  47. >You and the bear are wrestling
  48. >”A-Anon! I’ll save you!”
  49. >Fluttershy flies towards you, only to smack into the Ursa Major’s ass and fall to the ground
  50. >You and the bear look at her
  51. I think she’s unconscious
  52. >The bear growls
  53. You’re right, she did have it coming
  54. >The bear grunts inquisitively
  55. Hah! Of course I can understand you. I’m Canadian!
  56. >The bear proceeds to let loose several grunts and growls
  57. Ursul, eh? Not exactly the most creative name, but hey, I won’t hold it against you. I’m Anonymous, but most people just call me Anon!
  58. >More growls
  59. I’d love to come to your cave tonight, thanks!
  60. >You pat Ursul on the back, and it heads back into the forest, shitting what appears to be a pile of dark matter as it leaves
  61. Such a majestic beast
  62. >You look at Fluttershy, who is still lying on the ground
  63. >You see her leg twitch, and juices run into the snow
  64. >”Oh Anon! Take me in your hairy arms!”
  65. >Ew
  66. >You pick her up by her front hooves and take her to her house, leaving her on the front doorstep
  67. >You’d put her inside, but it would be rude to enter her house with permission
  68. >After a moment of nature appreciation, you head towards town
  70. >You make your way through the streets
  71. >You realize you forgot to put on pants and a shirt, but the ponies aren’t alarmed
  72. >You do this a lot
  73. >Lyra whistles at you, but that’s because she’s a pervert
  74. >You stop by the Tim Horton’s and get yourself a coffee
  75. >Fluttershy spilt the one she made
  76. >And it had slipped your mind to make another
  77. >Bear wrestling is very captivating
  78. >You pull out a few bits from your beard rucksack and pay the pony behind the bar
  79. >They still overcharge like a mother fucker
  80. >It was cheaper to buy some and make it yourself, but not by much
  81. >Bastards
  82. >You reach Twilight’s tree
  83. >You resist the urge to chop it down
  84. >Such a magnificent thing
  85. >To be big enough to be hollowed out and lived in?
  86. >Oh what you would give to chop it down in its prime
  87. >”Uh, Anon? What’s up?”
  88. >You shake your head, and look down to see Spike standing just inside the door
  89. >Right, business
  90. I’m here to see Twilight, Spike. Mind if I come in?
  91. >”Sure thing!”
  92. >You walk past him, and he closes the door and follows you
  93. >He seemed to take a shining to you
  94. >Probably happened after you wrestled that Timberwolf into submission
  95. >Guess he didn’t like them
  96. >You were just confused that the tree was moving
  97. >Twilight looks up from her book as you walk up to her room
  98. >”Oh! Hey Anon! You’re a little late”
  99. Sorry, Twilight. Was just wrestling with my new friend Ursul
  100. >”Ursul? Actually, you know what, don’t tell me. You were going to show me these ‘Igloos’ you had mentioned?”
  101. >You smile
  102. Why yes, yes I was
  104. >10 minutes later
  105. >A massive igloo sits in town square
  106. >It actually surrounds Town Hall and the clearing around it
  107. >It was a pain to make at first, since the snow kept instantly melting in your hands
  108. >Then you found some gloves that could cut off the heat, and you got to work
  109. >Twilight is sputtering
  110. >”H-how did you make this so fast?!”
  111. >You turn and look at her
  112. Well, I’m Canadian!
  113. >”Anon! You’ve said that before, but I tell you, that doesn’t explain things like this! Are Canadians magic beings?”
  114. Of course not! We’re just Canadian. We like the snow
  115. >”But… but that… oh forget it! One of these days you’ll give me an actual explanation
  116. >Before you can respond
  117. >Wait, this line has been said before
  118. >Interruptions ftw
  119. >Anyways
  120. >Fluttershy flies through the entrance, flapping her wings as fast as she can
  121. >The snow at the entrance clogs it, and her juices turn it into ice
  122. >You don’t even.
  124. >You smile for a moment, before looking around
  125. >All the other ponies inside must have left or gone to see the exterior of the igloo
  126. >It’s only you, Twilight and Fluttershy
  127. Hey Twilight, you can teleport, aye?
  128. >She looks from Fluttershy to you, obviously confused, but nods
  129. Teleport outside the igloo
  130. >”Uh, ok, but what about you and Fluttershy?”
  131. Oh don’t worry aboot us, eh.
  132. >Twilight raises an eyebrow, but teleports out anyways
  133. >Fluttershy grins, thinking you told Twilight you wanted privacy
  134. >You walk to one side of the igloo, and beckon to Fluttershy
  135. >She flies at you as fast as she can, but before she can tackle you, you punch out one of the blocks
  136. >And the whole igloo collapses
  138. >You are Twilight
  139. >You weren’t entirely sure why Anon wanted you to leave the igloo, but he had a funny look in his eye, so you left anyways
  140. >A few seconds later, the whole thing collapsed
  141. >Somehow, the snow was over 7ft high
  142. >There wasn’t nearly enough snow for that
  143. >And why were all the blocks turned into powdery snow?
  144. >You ran back to it, desperately digging through the snow to find Fluttershy and Anon
  145. >After a few moments, a hole melted in the snow pile, and Anon stepped out, holding an unconscious Fluttershy
  146. Anon! Are you alright? How did you get out? Why did it collapse? How is the snow so high-
  147. >”I told you Twilight, I’m Canadian! And all igloo’s have a block that keeps it all together, I simply punched it out!”
  148. >The fuck is this guy on
  149. >”Oh, would you mind taking Fluttershy from me? I’ve got to get to dinner; Ursul invited me back to his cave!”
  150. Uh… buh… sure? No, wait, who the heck is Ursul!?
  151. >”Oh just some friendly Ursa Major I met earlier today! Nice guy, we wrestled! Anyways, I’ve gotta go! Thanks for taking care of her!”
  152. >Anon tosses Fluttershy at you and jogs off, still wearing nothing but his plaid boxers
  153. …Fucking CanadAnon
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