

Oct 10th, 2014
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  1. Aria ♫ Geotal: Hey, you sure you okay? Probably just me being silly but I always by instinct get suspicious whenever I ask if a woman is doing okay and she gives me a one word reply. I know I'm not exactly the best person for it but
  2. Aria ♫ Geotal: I want to be there for you and you guys how you all are for me
  3. Aria ♫ Geotal: I feel like I don't do enough for the league and their morale
  4. Aria ♫ Dokokashira: That's completely untrue. You've dedicated so much time to it. You've put your heart into making Aria great.
  5. Aria ♫ Dokokashira: And I'm fine, really. XD
  6. Aria ♫ Geotal: Alright good, just gotta have that sidearm at the ready xD
  7. Aria ♫ Dokokashira: I suppose now is a decent time...
  8. Aria ♫ Geotal: Oh?
  9. Aria ♫ Dokokashira: I probably should have told you this before, but... do you know what a MTF is?
  10. Aria ♫ Geotal: No, I don't
  11. Aria ♫ Geotal: I know what one meaning of the acronym is
  12. Aria ♫ Geotal: Probably not the same thing that you're about to tell me now, though
  13. Aria ♫ Dokokashira: What's your meaning?
  14. Aria ♫ Geotal: I'd rather you just tell me what you have to say xD
  15. Aria ♫ Dokokashira: Right...
  16. Aria ♫ Dokokashira: Well, a MTF is a male-to-female transgender. It's someone who is physically male, but they feel uncomfortable as the male gender and prefer to align themselves with females, as they feel their personality matches the female gender more.
  17. Aria ♫ Geotal: Right, that's the one I know.
  18. Aria ♫ Dokokashira: Since you've been referring to me as "girl" and "woman" a lot... I should probably tell you that I'm not physically a girl, though I am one emotionally and mentally.
  19. Aria ♫ Geotal: That's quite a bit to take in all at once, but I understand
  20. Aria ♫ Dokokashira: Does it change anything between us?
  21. Aria ♫ Geotal: Nah.
  22. Aria ♫ Geotal: I just thought you were a girl because that's what I was told, is all
  23. Aria ♫ Dokokashira: All right, that's wonderful.
  24. Aria ♫ Geotal: And this sticks between us, right?
  25. Aria ♫ Dokokashira: I still would like to be referred to as a female, if possible. :)
  26. Aria ♫ Geotal: Yeah, it's possible
  27. Aria ♫ Dokokashira: ^-^
  28. Aria ♫ Dokokashira: I'm sorry for holding this in as long as I did.
  29. Aria ♫ Geotal: Nah, you did it probably just like I would
  30. Aria ♫ Dokokashira: :)
  31. Aria ♫ Geotal: Does anyone else in Aria know this? We just keep it between us, right?
  32. Aria ♫ Geotal: I mean like, me and you
  33. Aria ♫ Dokokashira: Saurus, Calladius, Pear, xhiglocke, and possibly a few other people know.
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