
Keep it in your fucking pants Tae

Apr 23rd, 2018
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Adam sat at the kitchen table, his books open in front of him for another study session. He had a delicious bowl of frosted flakes sitting next to him half eaten while his eyes were set down into his textbook. Letting out a sigh, he brushed his hand back through his hair, blindly reaching for his spoon to scoop some cereal into his mouth.-
  2. Tsaaq: Hayley came downstairs as she strolled into the kitchen. "Hey handsome." She greeted. "Do we have anymore cereal? I want some cereal too..." She trailed off as she went to stand on her tippy toes and glanced in the cabinets.
  3. Covet: Tae came inside, walking back to the OCH after taking a walk once she'd gotten home from the Rehab facility today with her mom. She saw that Hayley and Adam were there in the kitchen, which is where she intended to go, except the whole being caught on the stairs thing, made her hesitant of heading that direction as if they didn't hear her come in.
  4. Alexithymiaa: -He looked up from his work to nod to Hayley, gesturing toward the far cabinet. "Probably enough for another couple of bowls or so. But there's also fruit loops in there if you want some of that." He said, hearing the front door open and twisting to see Tae coming in the door. He pursed his lips, turning back to his books and lowering his head.-
  5. Tsaaq: "I'd rather have frosted flakes." Hayley answered as she turned her body to look at Tae. She rose and eyebrow before waving. She turned away and grit her teeth as she grabbed herself a bowl and things. "Did you need anything while I'm up?" She asked.
  6. Covet: Tae put her head down for a second seeing both their reactions and walked towards the kitchen and the both of them. "Hey.. can I run something by you guys?" She asked, standing near the table, "I'll be quick.. I promise."
  7. Alexithymiaa: "I'm okay, thanks." He said to Hayley, setting his hands down on top of his book and looking at Tae again. "Sure, I guess."-
  8. Tsaaq: She nodded as she got her bowl of cereal prepared. Hayley turned fully and sat down at the dining room table. "What's up?" She asked quietly, raising her eyebrows as she waited for Tae to speak.
  9. Covet: "So, I've kind of been thinking about something.. since that Felix guy moved out... And I think maybe it would be better if I move into his room? Or I could move downstairs too, In Thad's old room... that way... I wouldn't be causing as many problems for you guys."
  10. Alexithymiaa: -Adam sat there in silence for a moment, his eyes shifting between Tae and Hayley and back again. "Well... to be fair, a lot of the issues you've caused have nothing to with where your room is..."-
  11. Tsaaq: Hayley opened her mouth to speak then went to take a spoonful of cereal and put it in her mouth. "Yeah... I was gonna say." Hayley whispered before shrugging. "It's whatever. You can move out of my room if you want though. I guess."
  12. Covet: "I...I know... and I'm sorry. I also know that's not enough because I've said that already before." She said reaching up to play with her hair as a nervous gesture. "I like rooming with you, Hayley. I'm just hoping that maybe if I have my own space it will curb Drew and those issues won't happen."
  13. Alexithymiaa: "I'm not really opposing to you doing what makes you happy and what you think will help you must, but I think you need to be honest with yourself here. Nothing is going to change." He dropped his eyes back down to his books, trying to force himself to read.-
  14. Tsaaq: Hayley sighed as she frowned, glancing between the two of them. "It's not the room. It's Drew... If he asks you to have sex in an unconventional place and refuses to stop in the presence of others then..." Hayley trailed off and lowered her head as well.
  15. Covet: "Yeah..." Tae said looking ashamed, "I tried to get him to hurry at least. So that we'd be done before you guys got home." She said but then realized that was just an excuse. "I don't know how to make this right...Should I tell him he's not welcome here anymore?"
  16. Alexithymiaa: "You live here just as much as anyone else." He spoke without lifting his head from his books. "You should do what you want to do." But he was kind of just hoping she would realize that what she should want to do would be the right thing for everyone.-
  17. Tsaaq: She shrugged her shoulders. "We're talking about Drew." Hayley rolled her eyes. "It's fine Tae." She waved her hand, seeming very nonchalant about the whole thing. "Don't worry about it. It's better than what this house used to be like."
  18. Covet: "It's not fine though. If it was, you guys wouldn't be practically avoiding me." She said, "I know it's not fine, so I'll just tell him he shouldn't come over anymore" Tae said quickly. "I'll take care of it, that way it's not making any more problems." So she thought.
  19. Alexithymiaa: "The point shouldnt be that you need to prevent him from coming over in order for him to be respectful of you and your living space. You should be able to ask him to respect the fact that you live with others and that should be the end of that." He let out a huff, finally looking up from his books.-
  20. Tsaaq: Hayley twirled her spoon as she lowered her head awkwardly, cause she didn't want to pick any side bro.
  21. Covet: Tae frowned, "He didn't disrespect me though. The living space and you guys, yes, of course, but not me. I'm just as much to blame as he is.. because I encouraged it." She told Adam. "And again. I'm sorry. I need to get better at telling him no... it's just... hard... sometimes." She said looking away from them.
  22. Alexithymiaa: "That's my point. It shouldnt have to be hard to tell your boyfriend no. And some things should go without saying." He let out a deep sigh, looking back down into his books. "Tae, really. You should do whatever you want to do. I just don't want you to be taken advantage of."-
  23. Tsaaq: She pursed her lips as she rose to her feet. Hayley went to reach for his bowl. "Are you done with this?" Hayley asked quietly as she bit the inside of her cheek.
  24. Covet: "I'm not..." She said unsuredly, " You don't understand Adam..." Tae started, then changed the direction back at herself, "And it's not just his fault, okay. Part of me wanted to do that just as much as he did. I know it's my fault... and I'm sorry. The only way I can make sure it won't happen again is to not allow him over."
  25. Alexithymiaa: "Okay, then I don't understand." He was growing frustrated with the conversation, looking over at Hayley when she reached for his cereal bowl. "Oh... yeah. It's fine, I can clean up before I head upstairs. You don't need to do that."-
  26. Tsaaq: She exhaled through her mouth and tilted her head at Adam. "I'm already doing dishes, it's okay." She said hurriedly, anything to just distract herself from the conversation. "Tae, it's okay." She repeated.
  27. Covet: Tae was biting the inside of her cheek hard, Hearing Hayley she frowned and looked towards the stairs, "Yeah. I'm really sorry guys. I think I'm just going to head to bed for the night. I'll try to talk to Drew, and then I'll figure out what I'm doing in regards to the room. Night..." She said softly and evenly before making her way upstairs.
  28. Alexithymiaa: "Goodnight..." He said in a small voice as Tae disappeared up the stairs. He flipped his books closed, beginning to stack them together. "Riveting."-
  29. Tsaaq: "Abs, cut her some slack. She's young and ridiculous." Hayley said to him quietly as she she glanced over her shoulder while cleaning dishes.
  30. Alexithymiaa: "That doesnt mean Drew needs to dictate how she thinks. It's not right." He climbed to his feet, picking his books up and looking over at her. "And I told Eli I would watch out for her."-
  31. Tsaaq: She shook her head. "You heard her. He isn't dictating how she thinks. They're just both thinking with their crotches." She said with a shrug. "It'll pass. It's not like he's making her do worse. If he was then it'd be a huge problem. Right now it's just... A nuisance?"
  32. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, because that's better." He mumbled, shifting his weight. "I'm going to go get ready for bed. I'll meet you upstairs." He said quickly, turning to make his way to the stairs so he could head up to his room.-
  33. Tsaaq: "It is." She sighed as she shook her head again. "Okay." She whispered, continuing to do dishes so she could go to bed and stuff.
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