

Apr 20th, 2021
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  1. 516 echo DAY@ EX180
  2. 517 podman search mariadb | less
  3. 518 oc create deploy -h | less
  4. 519 oc create deploy mymariadb
  5. 520 oc projects
  6. 521 oc new-project maria
  7. 522 oc create deploy mymariadb
  8. 523 history
  9. 524 oc get all
  10. 525 oc get pods
  11. 526 oc get pods -A
  12. 527 oc completion -h
  13. 528 source <(oc completion bash)
  14. 529 oc get pods mymariadb-74d5c54bbb-hb7qm
  15. 530 oc get pods mymariadb-74d5c54bbb-hb7qm -o yaml
  16. 531 oc describe pods mymariadb-74d5c54bbb-hb7qm
  17. 532 oc logs mymariadb-74d5c54bbb-hb7qm
  18. 533 oc create deploy mynewnginx --image=bitnami/nginx
  19. 534 oc delete deploy mynewnginx
  20. 535 oc create deploy mynewnginx --image=bitnami/nginx --dry-run=client -o yaml > mynewnginx.yaml
  21. 536 vim mynewnginx.yaml
  22. 537 oc create -f mynewnginx.yaml
  23. 538 oc get all
  24. 539 oc get all --selector app=mynewnginx
  25. 540 oc get all --selector app=mynewnginx --show-labels
  26. 541 oc label pod mynewnginx-67878f488c-tqmbn app=mynewnginx-
  27. 542 oc label pod mynewnginx-67878f488c-tqmbn app-
  28. 543 oc get all
  29. 544 oc get all --show-labels
  30. 545 oc delete pod/mynewnginx-67878f488c-tqmbn
  31. 546 oc get pods -o wide
  32. 547 oc new-app -h | less
  33. 548 oc new-app --docker-image=bitnami/nginx --name=bitginx
  34. 549 oc get all
  35. 550 oc scale deployment bitginx --replicas=3
  36. 551 oc get all --selector app=bitginx
  37. 552 oc get all
  38. 553 oc get all -o wide
  39. 554 oc describe svc bitginx
  40. 555 curl
  41. 556 l
  42. 557 ls
  43. 558 history
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