
Messed up

Oct 26th, 2018
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  1. So I feel this individual needs to get called out again just in case you haven't blocked him and/or removed them from your discord/twitter/stream/whatever. Messi_82 is a major anti trans troll. I don't even like using troll because I feel they're very serious about it which is much worse. Here is the message I got just a couple days ago.
  3. "MESSI_82 Today at 4:25 PM
  4. The trans community are trans because of a psychological problem called Gender Dysphoria, which i'm sure you're well aware of!
  5. Their suffering is being used for political gain by ideologues like the Democratic party, for example, who use the cultural Marxist ideology of Identity, and identity politics, to gain more supporters to their cause. Other ideologues and cultists like feminists, social 'scientists', social 'psychologists' and professors of Post Modernism etc have also pushed forward similar ideas with zero scientific evidence to use for their own gain, in the process confusing children and teenagers leaving them unable to properly understand their evolutionary psychological and genetic make up as either male or female!
  6. This is something i will not stand for! It is akin to a holocaust in my view and i will stand against it and advocate until it is defeated! If that causes me to look 'edgy' (lmao), lose all my friends, become blocked from social media, etc, then so be it!
  7. As for looking for attention... i don't tweet, i keep a low profile in places i'm not known, and i barely stream. There goes that assumption!
  9. Anyway, your sad attempt at insulting me, and your discrimination towards me by blocking me on Twitch and Twitter simply because i disagree with your views makes you quite the pathetic individual! A typical indoctrinated discriminatory totalitarian indeed!
  10. Get out of your echo chamber and stop blocking people and maybe you'll see sense!
  12. Good day!"
  14. Again I feel it is necessary to warn many of this persons very damaging and hurtful/harmful view points. This kind of thought process is so backwards I don't know where to begin. Just so much wrong with this post.
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